What was, may be no longer, unless…

For those of you confused as to why Americans are rising up against authoritarian state governments and don’t understand the unconstitutional lock-down orders, it’s clear that you were never properly educated on how and why our nation exists.

So, let me help you.

Personal liberties and freedom are the absolute, most fundamental cornerstone of our nation; at least they used to be. Men and women literally died for the rights that we now selfishly take for granted; the rights that we have allowed our government to chisel away at, as if they are privileges provided to us by our masters rather than rights guaranteed to us by our Constitution.

They are basic rights too, such as the right to live, speak our minds, question our governments, protect our loved ones, and fight against tyranny, while bearing arms if necessary.

The American idea is being hi-jacked by modern-day red coats.

A vital truth that you must understand is that our Constitution was designed to constrain our government, not we the people. We have allowed that idea to be reversed over the years, and unfortunately, I don’t know if there is ever getting back to what we were meant to be. The government never gives back what it takes from us, and to really grasp the importance of what we are now seeing states do, we must keep this in the front of our minds. Government never gives back rights that it takes from us.

People traveled thousands of miles over vast oceans in wooden boats with no technological advances to escape the ideology that government is the supreme ruler over our lives. They were escaping the very narrative that we are now seeing played out before our eyes; that government knows what’s best for us. Just trust them.

They were escaping tyranny and control. The same tyranny and control that you now see in states run primarily by Democrats.

One of the sentiments that you see through early American history is that the individuals that fought for and founded our nation have always valued freedom over EVERYTHING else. Freedom has always exceeded comfort, safety, security, and even health. During the Revolutionary War, tens of thousands died from health conditions alone, and ironically, pneumonia was among one of the leading killers. It didn’t matter though, because they would rather die in uncomfortable circumstances, free men and women, than to exchange these plights and ailments for their right to live as free men. They knew freedom was more important than anything else.

Now look where we are today…

Some Americans have spent their entire lives turning their American dream into a reality. They’ve worked hard to build a life for themselves and their families. Blood. Sweat. Tears. Now all of it hangs in the brink, not because of a virus, but because government once again is selling you tyranny under the guise that they know what’s best for you. They will protect you. Just put your trust in them. Give them more control over your life.

So if you find yourself questioning these insane people for protesting their state governments, or calling people selfish who would rather be given the right to operate their business, or thinking it’s foolish for people to want to be out patronizing retail stores, remember that people sailed across dangerous oceans and bled out in front of their brothers in arms for their right to do so. This all comes down to one thing; freedom. This includes the freedom to make bad choices, if that’s what you think they are doing. This includes the freedom to stay home if you believe it will keep you safer. It includes the freedom to open your business or keep your business closed. It includes the freedom to open churches or have services in parking lots, and the freedom for people to attend or to not attend without the threat of being arrested or jailed. The right to get a haircut, or to not get a haircut.

As Americans, we should value freedom and personal liberty over everything else because it is who we are, and we should never be willing to exchange them for the facade of comfort and security.

“Freedom is a fragile thing and is never more than one generation away from extinction. It is not ours by inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation, for it comes only once to a people.” ~ President Ronald Reagan