The 11-step globalist SCHEME to destroy America
The news is stressing Americans out to the max right now. People are starting to freak out. At least 100 million Americans literally believe the news that is posted on networks and websites that advertises pharmaceutical drugs with side effects like suicide, seizures, heart attacks and liver failure (think CNN and Washington Post).
Those same 100 million sheeple still believe the Democratic Party can help them, save them from Trump’s reign of terror… (Continue to full article)
‘Call it fate, call it karma’ — Why the coronavirus is merely ‘the final kick into the abyss’ for the U.S. economy
The man behind the, which was recognized by CNBC as one of the best alternative financial blogs on the internet, has been calling for the implosion of the U.S. empire for years now, and the coronavirus pandemic has him believing that time has finally come… (Continue to full article)
Combat vets lament military changing tobacco policy: ‘Government run amok’
Tobacco has been part of American military culture long before John Wayne led a platoon of recruits with a cigarette dangling from his lips in the 1949 movie “Sands of Iwo Jima.”
Throughout most of the 21st century, “Smoke ‘em if you’ve got ‘em” was a common refrain at Army posts around the world. The Pentagon went so far as to add miniature packs of cigarettes to field rations for troops.
But times change, and so does the Defense Department’s tobacco policys… (Continue to full article)
Nearly 2 million non-citizen Hispanics illegally registered to vote
A large number of non-citizen Hispanics, as many as 2 million, were illegally registered to vote in the U.S., according to a nationwide poll.
The National Hispanic Survey provides additional evidence for use by anti-voter fraud conservatives and bolsters an analysis by professors at Old Dominion University who say non-citizens registered and voted in potentially large numbers… (Continue to full article)
Do Lockdowns Work? Mounting Evidence Says No
The coerced economic “shutdowns”—enforced with fines, arrests, and revoked business licenses—are not the natural outgrowth of a pandemic. They are the result of policy decisions taken by politicians who have suspended constitutional institutions and legal recognition of basic human rights. These politicians have instead imposed a new form of central planning based on an unproven, theoretical set of ideas about police-enforced “social distancing.”… (Continue to full article)
This Sucker’s Going Down: The Destruction of Demand
Demand based on debt, unfulfilled promises and unaffordable habits is burning down. The first-order effect of the lockdown was demand destruction as shelter-in-place orders and business closures restricted consumers’ ability to spend.
The second-order effect will be the permanent destruction of demand because people will realize they’re better off reducing their consumption of high-cost, questionable-value goods and services. Let’s start with the resurgence of savings, the most basic form of security you actually control and the most basic form of hedging against promises of a return to wonderfulness failing to arrive in the real world.
Comically, security you actually control, i.e. savings, are viewed by the status quo as a mortal threat to the economy: how dare you keep some of your own money rather than squander all of it!.. (Continue to full article)
The Legend of Jacque Dupré
At the end of World War I, in the year 1918, Frenchman Jacque Dupré inherited the equivalent of $325,000.00 American dollars. Dupré used his inheritance wisely by converting it all into French, 20 franc gold coins. Each day for the rest of his life Monsieur Dupré spent the total sum of one gold coin to meet his needs food, clothing, shelter, entertainment and medical… (Continue to full article)
Arizona: Muslim Students Threaten to Kill Prof for Suggesting Islam Is Violent
This will teach those Islamophobes that Islam is a religion of peace: a professor is facing death threats for suggesting otherwise. Nicholas Damask, Ph.D., has taught political science at Scottsdale Community College in Arizona for 24 years. But now he is facing a barrage of threats, and his family, including his 9-year-old grandson and 85-year-old parents, is in hiding, while College officials are demanding that he apologize – all for the crime of speaking the truth about the motivating ideology behind the threat of Islamic jihad worldwide… (Continue to full article)
Influenza pandemic fueled rise of Nazi Party
The influenza pandemic that gripped the globe a century ago helped the Nazi Party rise to power in Germany, a new study says.
Right-wing extremists such as the Nazis won a greater share of the votes in parts of Germany that suffered larger numbers of flu deaths during the pandemic that started in 1918… (Continue to full article)

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The Federal Reserve & It’s Ongoing Destruction Of The Bottom 90%
The Federal Reserve seemingly is an ongoing mission to destroy the bottom 90%.
The one lesson that we have clearly learned since the 2008 “Great Financial Crisis,” is that monetary and fiscal policy interventions do not lead to increased levels of economic wealth or prosperity. What these programs have done, is act as a wealth transfer system from the bottom 90% to the top 10%… (Continue to full article)
Finding Homosexual Threads in Lincoln’s Legend
The subject of the 16th president’s sexuality has been debated among scholars for years. They cite his troubled marriage to Mary Todd and his youthful friendship with Joshua Speed, who shared his bed for four years. Now, in a new book, C.A. Tripp also asserts that Lincoln had a homosexual relationship with the captain of his bodyguards, David V. Derickson, who shared his bed whenever Mary Todd was away… (Continue to full article)