The Death of Liberty
Quite a few of you out there are in some good bit of disagreement with me over President Trump’s overall performance.
I’d like to be able to give him the benefit of the doubt, and I have praised him profusely in the past when his actions were, in fact, in America’s best interests. But, far too often during this, his very first term, he has seen fit to attack conservative principles that built this nation. His latest moves, taken in conjunction with his Big Spending policies, his Big Centralized Government solutions, his assaults on the Bill of Rights and the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement make him an unfit candidate and an unfit President, who has violated his oath to defend America and the American people and the Constitution.
At this point, Trump is just barely better than a Democrat Communist, but it appears we are stuck with him until 2024. And then what?
People had better start looking at the underbelly of this political war and what’s actually transpiring here, or we won’t have a country or our liberties in a matter of years.
Rather than always trying to out-“Socialism” the Democrats, if the GOP wants my vote, they better find a way to successfully articulate the logic and sound reason that exhibits conservative principles tied to Adam Smith economics and capitalism are the BEST choices to implement, in a manner that ensures the nation’s economic prosperity, thereby also ensuring the greatest individual liberty for all.
You keep apologizing for Trump. Me … I won’t vote for a man who has done as much to destroy the nation as Obama did, or any other Democrat could. And in the meantime, I’ll work to elect true conservatives to Congress who can and will hold Trump accountable and in check through 2024, as I prepare with other fine patriots for the worst to come, thanks to Trump, Congress and the Federal Reserve Bank and their Wall Street Criminal Cronies and Lobbyists.
A FINE FRIEND of Mine recently told me:
“BUT not voting for Trump or not voting at all is the same as voting for the communist agenda outright. No the Trump idiocy on many policies, I won’t be a part of voting for a Communist agenda directly or indirectly. That’s just me. “
My point in this message was just that. Voting for Trump is just the same as voting for the communist agenda outright, whether You and others want to acknowledge the fact or not. I can’t help that You haven’t looked deeply enough into the facts to see it. He’s governed just like a Democrat for the past two years.
I intend to try to help true conservatives get elected, in order that they may stop Trump’s globalist and communist moves, i.e. USMCA and now full blown Keynesian and Modern Money Theory economics, that would make Marx and Alinksy grin ear to ear.
Trump will more than likely get re-elected and bring more of his anti-American idiocy to the table, especially since it will be his final term. He will open up and reveal himself to be an even more authoritarian president than before. And if he doesn’t win in November … Oh Well.
From where I’m sitting, many of Trump’s decisions and bills he has signed are even more egregious than what Obama did.
How many times does Trump have to assault the Bill of Rights and our national sovereignty before You and others pull Your heads from Your nether regions and say “No More … ENOUGH”? Are You all so fine and easy with his anti-Second Amendment positions, e.g bumpstock ban, ignoring due process and embracing red flag law, his violations of the 4th Amendment i.e. HR76 & FISA Reauthorization, the USMCA and all the Big Centralized Government and Big Government solutions, i.e. the Child Care and Family Leave Act and now the CARE 1 and 2?
He’s far from a conservative, and, that You and others give him complete loyalty no matter how egregious an act he commits against America, tells me we are done as a nation anyway. Please tell me how fascist economics is great for America and any different from what Stalin, Hitler and others did on a larger scale?
He does whatever he thinks pleases the largest number of Americans in a politically expedient fashion, regardless of consequences, and from what I can see, he is primarily interested in getting re-elected more than governing in a conservative or righteous manner, since that is the underlying theme that always creeps into each news briefing, as he pats himself on the back and tells everyone how great he his and how we’re all going to “win big”. And, inasmuch as so much of what he does isn’t in America’s best interests further tells me that, by and large, we have become a nation of fascists, as nobody seems to understand in full what has just been done to them, under Trump’s “watchful eye”.
He’s given the Democrats their wish list. Just because he has an “R” behind his name doesn’t make him a defender of freedom and liberty, And, if not for that small detail, he could win the Democratic Party nomination himself; the only reason they oppose him now is simply because he doesn’t have a “D” behind his name, but he certainly has returned to his early Democrat roots, just like I said he would in 2015.
For all practical intent and purposes, the Republicans and Democrats have melded into one party, otherwise one would not have seen such a unanimous support for the USMCA and the massive spending bills that followed and now this incredible and dangerous move to use massive amounts –trillions upon trillions of dollars — of “Stimulus”. Do You and others not have a clue as to what will soon be coming? Or do You not care, so long as the money keeps flowing, even though it will surely be worth nothing in short order?
Please, in all Your infinite wisdom, tell me what makes Trump’s agenda at the moment any different from the Democratic Party Communist agenda. And don’t spout back Trump rhetoric. Do it with facts. Trump’s rhetoric doesn’t match the facts on the ground, but You and others seem to have swallowed his propaganda.
His actions and those of the Democrats taken together will move this nation to either submit to a tyrannical future or revolt.
All of this ensures that my children and grandchildren and their children will have a poorer lifestyle and less freedom than You or I had growing up.
As far as I’m concerned, America has far exceeded the point that we should have been revolting or at least rioting in the streets over what has transpired of late, regardless of who the president is. But, You and others just keep on believing Trump is our savior and following the parties, rather than voting for people who can and will deliver both prosperity and LIBERTY & FREEDOM and see where it takes You.
This nation won’t stay free for long, not so long as the sheep keep believing lies and keep looking for Uncle Sam to take care of them, under Republicans and Democrats alike.
Your response tells me there is a great deal You don’t properly understand about economics, true capitalism and government’s role in defending the welfare of the American people and our liberty. And therein lies the problem with the greatest majority of Americans.
You and the rest will need to learn the hard way.
If You properly understood the Constitution and the bicameral nature of our government You would immediately recognize the fallacy and the error in Your assumption. Not voting for Trump doesn’t support anything, and certainly not his or the Democrat’s communist, globalist, statist agenda; voting for liberty minded Congressmen and Senators who, if in a majority, can block any bad agenda or proposed bill from any party’s president does work in a positive manner for all Americans.
From what I have seen in his first term, there isn’t much real benefit to re-electing Trump, other than Biden would be an even Bigger Catastrophe … although at this point, it’s not clear how, other than he would be a mindless puppet for the Deep State to control. And this is why I see the key to America’s future to be control of Congress by true conservatives, who will end the Federal Reserve and move to make enormous and significant changes in the Constitution that returns its Original Intent, minus slavery of course, and adds certain mechanisms that prevent any future despots and Big Government proponents from bastardizing it again and bending it to serve the few at the top instead of all Americans, as has been done since the Civil War.
The problem is primarily that Trump has no real conviction of principles and he tends to be easily swayed by whoever has his ear at any moment, if the idea appeals to him. And due to his many years as a Democrat, he still is extremely inclined to act in favor of many socialist endeavors, just like the Child Care and Family Leave Act, the brainchild of his socialist daughter, Ivanka; and that’s just one more component in the trouble with Trump.
Just as he allowed the majority of Pres. Obama’s communist negotiators from TPP to seal the USMCA deal, he has given Ivanka and her husband — both of them Lefties — far too much sway and influence in his administration.
If You and others are so concerned about a communist agenda, you better get ready. It’s already here and after Trump, it’s only going to get worse.
Here and now, when things are actually playing out is the time to act. Not years after the fact. And that’s what I do each time I see something in government that I know is wrong and takes one more piece of our liberty.
How is voting for a man — Trump — who has already shown a propensity for implementing executive orders and bills that violate the Bill of Rights not voting for the communist globalist agenda? It’s not much different, if You ask me.
You say “They hate him” ….. sure they do ….. the same way Hitler hated Stalin. It still doesn’t make Trump a defender of liberty or the man of the hour to save America.
I warned that this is what we would get from the start in 2015, noting Trump would govern as a fascist economically and regarding the Bill of Rights too. And, if one fully understands fascism, Trump has in fact governed exactly like a fascist from the start of his presidency, despite any right of the spectrum, conservative considerations and acts he threw in as bones to his base.
The one fact that should disturb all of you and many others is that so many of Trump’s current supporters are former Democrats, and that is lending itself to his propensity to act unconstitutionally and authoritatively. Too large a percentage of Americans, socialist-communist Democrats and liberal, statist-globalist Republicans, are now more than willing to accept anything as a solution, if it comes from Trump, no matter that it shreds the Constitution and the Bill of Rights or fully embraces Marxist and Keynesian economics and the Modern Monetary Theory in a fashion guaranteed to make Marx, Keynes and Alinsky smile ear to ear.
When I see a $2.2 trillion “Stimulus” (Stickittous) bill pass with barely half the House in attendance on a voice vote, I know the nation is done. We are seeing the truth reveal itself; we are now essentially under an authoritarian One Party Rule, that it has its own power and masters’ best interests in mind, and none of it coincides or aligns with the Best Interests of All Americans.
The larger problem is that we face an almost insurmountable task of fielding great conservatives who can make the needed changes in time. In fact, we’re more than likely already out of time to avoid the coming cataclysmic civil war or revolution.
You may not see it even remotely as dire as I do, but keep watching. This nation is sitting at the edge of the abyss of its own damnation.
If You and others want to defend America, defend true liberty, not any man, not any party and certainly not any President who has already stepped far outside the bounds of Constitutional governance.
In the meantime, I will keep You All and Your Families and this America We All Love So Well in My Prayers, and while I hope and pray for the best, I remain prepared for the worse.
April 19, 2020
~ The Author ~
Justin O. Smith has lived in Tennessee off and on most of his adult life, and graduated from Middle Tennessee State University in 1980, with a B.S. and a double major in International Relations and Cultural Geography – minors in Military Science and English, for what its worth. His real education started from that point on. Smith is a frequent contributor to the family of Kettle Moraine Publications.