A portrait of a young woman having enough of everything
In an essay published in The Washington Times titled “Coddling college campuses and a crippled culture,” Everett Piper accurately chronicles the current state of higher education in America. Tragically, what began on campus now has engulfed the entire society. Identity Politics, Political Correctness, Social Justice Ideology and the use of anything remotely sexual to eliminate men from both public and private life are everywhere and control most aspects of social and individual life.
While radical, in my view the only effective solution is to eliminate the source of what is destroying the nation today. First, both the federal government and the states must join together to eliminate all taxpayer funding for public higher education. Second, the federal government must nationalize the endowments of all colleges and universities and then “redistribute” these nationalized endowments to reduce existing student debt and save the taxpayers from having to pay for the student loan debt created by former President Obama when he nationalized the student loan industry.
Third, and most importantly, traditional academics must take on the responsibility for building and staffing the “new” but traditional universities that have made America what it was prior to the Obama administration take-over.
This is the only way for traditional American higher education rise from the ashes.
Gordon E. Finley, Ph.D. is Professor of Psychology Emeritus at Florida International University in Miami.