…and the beat goes on!
Supreme Court Overrules California Judge; Grants Asylum Restrictions At Southern Border
#SCOTUS grants stay of both July 24 and September 9 injunctions against Trump administration rule barring asylum from those who didn’t first apply in a “third country.” (SOTOMAYOR, J., dissenting)
No more brown beans for lunch today… (Continue to full article)
More Americans Questioning Official 9/11 Story As New Evidence Contradicts Official Narrative
Evidence continues to mount that the official narrative itself is the irrational narrative of September 11, and it becomes ever more clear that the media remains committed to preventing legitimate questions about that day…… (Continue to full article)
Gun Sales Surge After Democrats Demand Buybacks & Confiscation
August gun sales were up 15% thanks to Democrats’ totalitarian demands for mandatory buybacks. Those who bought guns were Americans seeking self-protection and with deep concerns that President Donald Trump is on board with gun control… (Continue to full article)
The Bill Of Rights Turns 230, And What Do We Have To Show For It? Nothing Good
“We the people” have been terrorized, traumatized, and tricked into a semi-permanent state of compliance by a government that cares nothing for our lives or our liberties…… (Continue to full article)
Loophole Used by 9/11 Hijackers Still Open with 6 Million Visa Overstays in U.S.
There are at least six million illegal aliens who arrived in the United States the same way seven of the 9/11 Islamic terrorist hijackers came to the country: by overstaying a visa. All 19 terrorists from 9/11 who murdered nearly 3,000 Americans and injured more than 6,000 others in 2001 arrived in the U.S. legally, with 16 obtaining tourist visas and three others obtaining business and student visas.
In total, seven of the 19 terrorists overstayed their visas at some point either before the 9/11 attacks or at the time of the attacks and were supposed to be deported, but never were… (Continue to full article)
Biden’s ‘corpse is already rotting,’ warns Democrat
Joe Biden has already taken political hits about his age. After all, he’s been in the Senate since there were segregationists there… (Continue to full article)
Purdue Pharma tentatively settles thousands of opioid cases
Purdue Pharma and its owners, members of the Sackler family, have tentatively reached the first comprehensive settlement with lawyers representing thousands of municipal governments, tribes and… (Continue to full article)
Taxing America To Death: 545 Responsible For This Mess
One hundred senators, 435 congressmen, one president, and nine (Unelected) Supreme Court justices – 545 human beings out of 238 million (325.7 presently)- are directly, legally, morally and individually responsible for the domestic problems that plague this country… (Continue to full article)
Push back against gun banning
A prudent American would want to take pro-active steps to safeguard their personal well-being. Flood the market with gun and bullets purchases. Buy from independent retailers. Follow the legal regulations, not because they are law, but because the establishment is eager to criminalize any citizen for exercising their Second Amendment rights. Overload the system and support your local gun dealers and domestic manufacturers… (Continue to full article)

…and now it’s back!..
It’s Lightbulb Liberation Day
The Department of Energy is putting down its guns and withdrawing troops in the war on the incandescent bulb that began in 2007. It’s pretty late in the day; the last factory to make them in the U.S. shut down in 2010. It’s hard to find them in a store, in which case: thank goodness for Amazon!
Still, the damage can be reversed. Our houses can again be warm and beautiful, and legally. You can turn on the lights in the morning and not have your eyes lacerated by blindingly fake electric “light.” As the Wall Street Journal summed up the current moment: “If you like old-fashioned incandescent light bulbs, you can keep buying them.”… (Continue to full article)