Older men, such as myself, surely must sit in amazement and incredulous dismay at the direction the “Women’s Liberation” movement has taken America, since the 1970s, as it is currently and regularly stated in many sectors of society, that men’s energy and sexuality must be “harnessed and directed”, while at the same time men and their masculinity are attacked, as something “toxic”. Women in all settings, especially the nuclear family, used to be the harnessing factor, but now, it seems they spew a hatred of men better than anything of socially redeeming worth.
It is important to recall that this movement emanated from the Communist Manifesto and the teachings of Marx and Engels, and it was aimed primarily at accelerating the destruction of the nuclear family.
And when one looks at the results, one finds it has succeeded better than could be imagined, as today, America sees large populations of angry young men, void of social mores, without any direction for their lives and largely unemployed or a perpetual student; they are men-boys without any interest in babies, who have grown up shiftless and violent.
Far too many of America’s young women exhibit the same ailments and social ills, as the young men, while even worse, they are neglectful of the children they have borne, they are unkempt and in many instances, they exhibit few of the finer feminine qualities and bear little resemblance to women. We can call them “female”, but as for “women” that remains questionable, for they are far from the strong women of yesteryear that helped strong men build an Exceptional and strong America.
Those embittered young men who are involuntarily celibate, “incels”, say that this condition is forced on them, because women simply will not have sex with them. Yet, they do nothing extra to help themselves appeal to any woman at all. Women, on the other hand, heap on an extra amount of abuse and do nothing to help them change, ridiculing them instead.
Women blame the “patriarchy” for their hostile attitudes to modern men, and yet women work, own property, vote, hold public office, drive, have credit in their own name, go to college, have sex whenever they want and they even murder their own babies at will, and they have done all of this for a very long time. So, I don’t know exactly what the patriarchy is doing to hold them back, but they’ve been pretty inept to this point.
Deny it all you wish, but this vicious cycle is a direct result of the immoral policies long advocated by the Democratic Party, in the name of “the people”, “freedom” and “the Constitution”, when the exact reverse was the only truth. It’s always been about power and control, and it’s a firm truth that the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world, which is the reason Democrats say “it takes a village to raise a child” and advocate the lie that the State’s interest in the children of their domain supersedes the parents’ rights.
Currently, women similar to women of yesteryear, all the good and decent conservative Christian women of America today, are the natural caretakers of our children, and as such, they also double as the societal gatekeepers. Throughout history, women wielded more power than many admit, through their families and the social circles of the world.

Christmas Homecoming by Norman Rockwell
When I was a young boy and we would attend family reunions or holiday gatherings, I recall the interactions between my numerous aunts and uncles, the great aunts and uncles especially, as the men were sent outside to drink their beer and spit their tobacco, with the hilarious rolling of the eyes from the women and their warnings to stay away from the kids and watch their mouths. These same rough and tough strong willed men would wash up and behave themselves at the table, when dinner was served, lest the wrath of the Aunts come down upon them like a ton of bricks, and then they rose on Monday and went to work, because they had families depending on them. However, today’s Aunts are right beside the men, drunk as skunks or high as a kite on meth or heroin or whatever the day’s drug of choice might be and encouraging this bad behavior to their children, on the record and fully displayed for all the world to see.
If a man wanted to be accepted in society and have any sort of decent home life, he stayed out of trouble, worked a steady job, stayed clean and took care of business in general, with most even attending a church of one denomination or another, never drinking, or at least drinking too much, and staying away from women who drank too much. Even being in the companionship of a divorced woman was frowned upon at one time, although I do agree this was probably taking things too far, for any time, since sometimes some people just shouldn’t be together; and, these were the men most sought after by women, in years gone by.
Women were more sophisticated, refined and decorous in those days, They were more kind and loving and took care of themselves and their families. One wouldn’t find any of them leaving their children alone, while they spent the entire night at a club, and their houses weren’t such messes that even a self-respecting badger or bear wouldn’t live there. And unlike so many of the women today, they didn’t treat their vaginas like a hostage situation was underway and the only way in or out was through a financial transaction of goods or hard cash, quite similar to the oldest profession.
We humans are supposed to be far above the animal world. We are supposedly better than the animals who mate and then go on their way without another thought other than surviving another day, yet more often we see our young acting not much better than the animal kingdom. Too many single parents are trying to raise children, on both sides of the genders, and it makes for a difficult situation and so often a less than desirable and suitable situation for any child, that brings suffering to all.
From and economic viewpoint, I don’t see us ever returning to a time where women didn’t work outside of the home, and not many would really want that, although I know many conservative women who actually prefer devoting all their energies to their families needs and obtaining them through the best of their abilities. However, with technology making life so much easier and no one having to spend a whole day doing laundry and such things, and with food easily accessed at the local grocery store, one would think it leaves much more time for men and women alike to attend the churches and synagogues and to get closer to those Judeo-Christian principles of Our Founding, to get better acquainted with the Western virtues of Our Founding and to counter the trends of immoral secularism aimed at destroying the foundation of our families, society and culture.
It’s all about personal freedom and choices.
Our youth are choosing to turn their backs on God and America’s Founding principles, because they have succumbed to the pretty Marxist lies and propaganda that glorify every vile and evil thing imaginable under the sun. They prefer the glitz and the supposed glamour that comes with the immoral lifestyles that are so prevalent today, the lifestyles that bring nothing but misery, sorrow and a hard death, with one’s conscience and soul blackened nearly beyond redemption. They will soon learn a hard lesson, and we can only pray and work towards the end that leads them back along the path of God’s Righteousness and a life well lived, with having lived it reward enough, the sweet kind and loving memories taking Us home to better days, and children held close as the treasure they are.
July 20, 2019
~ The Author ~
Justin O. Smith has lived in Tennessee off and on most of his adult life, and graduated from Middle Tennessee State University in 1980, with a B.S. and a double major in International Relations and Cultural Geography – minors in Military Science and English, for what its worth. His real education started from that point on. Smith is a frequent contributor to the family of Kettle Moraine Publications.