“There is no nonsense so gross that society will not, at some time, make a doctrine of it and defend it with every weapon of communal stupidity.” ~ Robertson Davies, Canadian novelist/ journalist (1913 – 1995)

Dumb Beotch!
There is no way to explain the insanity that is taking place in America today. There must be some poison in the water or the air that makes people, especially politicians, act in a fashion so bazaar as to defy credulity.
On what planet were green new deals, Medicare for all, free college, $1,000 for every man, woman and child, abortion after birth, free health care for illegal aliens, 70% tax rates and wealth taxes hatched?
How do open borders, which every Democrat seems to approve, help American culture, security, economy, language, or assimilation? Anyone with the slightest intellect knows that the deplorable conditions at the southern border were and are caused by Democrats that have refused to protect and defend American sovereignty. The fact is, every Democrat politician and every voter that voted Democrat have blood on their hands for the massive invasion of America by illegal alien peasants that have brought us nothing but pain, suffering and rising debt.
Even worse than that, how is it that tens of millions of Americans subscribe to these policies and vote for the promoters?
Why is it that those in the media have not forced answers from the presidential candidates promoting these irresponsible policies, on how much all this social lunacy is going to cost?
How do these insane policies square with the Founding Fathers’ blue print for liberty, the Constitution, individual freedom and unalienable rights?
What would the implementation of these demented policies do to our sovereignty, security, economy and standard of living, not to mention our freedom and liberty?
If the answers to the above questions are not abundantly obvious, then the reader is a card-carrying member of the insane. (Democrats)
But the most astounding question of all is why those millions of Americans, that know or should know better, haven’t raised up in unison and quashed, by whatever means, the socialist craziness being uttered by irrational Democrats that have been infected by a mind-numbing social bacterium, or mental disorder, that has no cure? The disease has so far infected the majority of the people who call themselves Americans but are Americans in name only.
The reason behind this massive infection is simple, three to four generations of Progressive socialist brainwashing in all of our public schools, colleges and other government institutions. There is no “education” anymore, just social, environmental and one-world indoctrination, with the three “R’s” thrown in as an after thought. Garbage in – Garbage out! Parents are no help. They aren’t countering the indoctrination. They are just as brainwashed as the previous generation.
In contrast to the apathy and disinterest of those who should know better and won’t lift a finger to save their own damn freedom, we offer the following message to every existing, new, or future politician, Democrats, Republicans and Independents alike:
“We finally get it! For a growing number of us, it is now crystal clear what you are trying to do and have been doing for far too long. You think we are ignorant, stupid, naive and apathetic. Some of us are. But many more have their ‘eyes’ open. It took eighty to one hundreds years of us looking the other way, while you pretty much did whatever you wanted to do. But those days are over. The pendulum swings slowly, but it swings nevertheless and it now swings towards freedom.”
“We are watching and we are learning and we are telling others to watch and learn as well. Your free hand to strip us of our individual rights, our property and our pride and tear down our institutions of freedom and liberty that made America one of the greatest, most prosperous and most generous nations on Earth, is finally over. Oh you may have a few more years yet to chip away at our freedom and our sovereignty, but nothing lasts forever and we are waking up to the dawn of what you have created and what we let happen. We are finally able to see through the clouds you have used to shroud the light of our Sun, as well as our liberty. The proud people of other new-world countries, like Canada, Australia and New Zealand, are waking up to what their governments are and have been doing as well. Their voices are now being heard and added to ours.”
“Sure, you have been successful in buying off a large segment of the American population and they won’t bite the hand that feeds them, but there are those among us, who have pierced the veil of your deceit and are now on a path to return you to the limited powers strictly authorized by our Constitution. Because of our in-attention, you have become corrupt and filled with your own power. Your egos have been blown out of proportion by years upon years of no resistance to your chicanery.”
“Because you see Oh arrogant politician, there are those among us who remember what it was like before our government began to become seriously intrusive into our private lives, our property, our income and ultimately our freedom.”
“There are those among us who have an indelible memory of the principles upon which this great land was founded and have been witness to the irresponsible and unconscionable erosion of those principles.”
“There are those among us that realize our freedom is directly related to the level of our involvement in the process that maintains those freedoms, but have lost our voice in screaming our concerns to the multitudes and the politicians, that have rejected our message.”
“There are those among us that are acutely aware of the inescapable fact that the “Price of Freedom and Liberty is truly Eternal Vigilance”. We give homage and sincere honor to those brave souls that have been wounded or died to maintain that freedom.”
“There are those among us that know we have allowed our government to buy our vote in return for compensation that had no relation to our labors or our investments. For nothing comes without a price and the price has been the loss of pride, dignity, honor, self respect and most important, our individual freedom. We have been seduced, undressed, lined up and given our marching orders without a shot being fired.”
“There are those among us who still remember the sweet smell of individual accomplishment and achievement and the rewards we received for our hard work”.
“There are those among us who still set high moral and ethical standards for ourselves and those around us.”
“There are those among us that have watched in silence for way too many years as you increased your power by creating law, after law and then created bloated bureaucracies to pass even more law, without your oversight, as is your constitutional duty as legislators. You have wrapped the people of America in a tangled web of laws that overlap, contradict and conflict with each other, allowing the vultures of our society, lawyers and the courts, to straighten out the mess you created. But the lawyers and courts don’t straighten out the mess, they make it even more complicated, all the while filling their own bank accounts at the expense of the naive and ignorant.”
“There are those among us that have watched as U. S., and state Supreme Courts and lower level courts, twist and turn our constitution and the law and legislation you pass, into travesties of injustice and betrayal. We have watched as courts uphold laws in order to bolster the power of the legislative and executive branches of government, all the while thumbing their collective noses at the CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED and the Supreme Law of the Land.”
“But we are done watching. We have awakened from our long sleep and we are awakening others. The days of you raising your right hand and swearing on oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States and then do just the opposite, are coming to an end. There is a price for lying, deceit, propaganda and corruption and that price will catch up to you. For the natural law states that eventually, no bad deed goes un-punished.”
“The job of the politician is to uphold the Constitution and preserve individual liberty, upon which they swear upon solemn oath to do. The job of the politician is to protect the American people from all enemies, foreign or domestic, even if the domestic enemy is advocating laws that violate our constitutions, as do most social and environmental laws. The job of the politician is to vigorously defend the individual freedoms, as granted to the American people by their creator and codified into law in our constitution. You have failed miserably in that job.”
“The job of the politician is not to micro-manage every individual’s life to some set of unreasonable standards that were created by some commission staffed with over-educated idiots, or a bureaucrat, or politician that have the arrogance to think they know better how to manage our individual lives than we do. In short, Mr. and Mrs. politician and bureaucrat, you don’t own our land, you don’t pay our taxes or our mortgages, you don’t own our lives and you do not know what is best for us. Mr. or Mrs. politician, live up to your sworn oath and constitutional duties, stay within your constitutional limits, protect us from all enemies foreign and domestic and get out of our individual lives. We don’t need you and we don’t want you. We can take care of our selves and each other. That is what true freedom is all about and that is exactly what we intend to defend. We, “THE CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED” will re-assert our power over the government and stop you cold from morphing this once proud and great land into the mind-numbing mediocrity of European-style socialism.”
The Democrats have purposely, for the sake of power alone, created a “nonsense so gross that ignorant, brainwashed Americans have made a doctrine out of it and are defending that nonsense with every weapon of communal stupidity.”
The condition is reversible, but only if millions of sane, intelligent and knowledgeable Americans will stand up and defend, at whatever cost, the principles that set them free. If Americans are afraid to exert a little effort, get their hands dirty, or spend some of their own money in the defense of freedom, then they are aiding and abetting those that would steal their freedom, just as much as if they opened their doors to robbers and thieves and let them plunder the owner’s privacy, their possessions and their lives. Now that is stupid!
We are standing up and defending freedom. We are getting our hands dirty and we are spending lots of our time and our own money on a massive effort to “Save the USA.” What are you doing?
Conservatives or independents, when are you going to finally “Declare Your Independence” from a tyrannical, abusive government and the socialist Democrat mob?
© 2019 Ron Ewart – All Rights Reserved
~ The Author ~
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property issues and author of his weekly column, “In Defense of Rural America“, is the President of the The National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State and dedicated to restoring, maintaining and defending property rights for urban and rural landowners. Mr. Ewart can be reached for comment at [email protected].
Mr. Ewart has been a continuing contributor to the Kettle Moraine family of publications since May of 2007.