A Twisted Reality in the House

The Enemy inside the gates…
Dual loyalty and anti-Semitism against Jews and supporters of Israel came to national attention recently over remarks made by freshman Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, a refugee from Somalia, who suggested that Jews were more loyal to Israel than they are loyal to the United States, and it is enough to make one laugh to keep from crying, if it were not so serious. Not only is Judaism not the problem in America, not the religion of terrorists seeking to destroy America and subjugate Her, but if anyone’s loyalty to America should be questioned, let’s look at these Muslemas, such as Omar, Representative Rashida Tlaib and Islamic supremacist and activist Linda Sarsour, whose own loyalties regularly appear to lie with Somalia, Iran, al Shabaab, Hamas, Hezbollah, Gaza and the mythical country of “Palestine”; and perhaps not so ironically, all Americans will see that Muslims born here and living here a majority of their lives are not assimilating as well as the “experts” would have us believe.
The remark by Omar that led to the March 7th House resolution against hate, anti-Semitism, anti-Muslim bigotry and white supremacists went as follows: “I want to talk about the political influence in this country that says it’s OK to push for allegiance to a foreign country.” Even many prominent Democrats, such as Rep. Eliot Engel [NY]thought this echoed charges of “dual loyalty” to Israel that have long been used to intimidate Jews from participating in politics, as he offered that such words “have no place in our public discourse and indeed can be very dangerous.”
Tlaib also charged Jews with harboring dual loyalty in January, when she said political supporters of Israel “forgot what country they represent”.
Omar, now 37, has lived in America since age eight, and that makes it all the more interesting that just weeks after her election, on December 20th 2016, Omar was in Mogadishu, Somalia with its president, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, and she went on to also meet with her husband to be, Ahmed Hirsi, and his friend, former Prime Minister Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed, also called “Farmaajo”, who is also a U.S citizen and now Somalia’s new President.
Security Agent Directive 4 in the U.S Code states in part: “Conditions that could easily raise a security concern … include contact, regardless of method, with a foreign family member … professional associate … or a … resident in a citizen of or resident in a foreign country if that contact creates a heightened risk of exploitation, manipulation, pressure, or coercion.”
On March 17th, Representative Rashida Tlaib, an American Palestinian-Muslim, who took her Constitutional Oath on the Koran and wrapped herself in a Palestinian flag after her election as she promised to “impeach the mother ****er” [Pres. Trump], is speaking in Livonia, Michigan, alongside Imam Omar Suleiman, who supports executing homosexuals and hijabs for women to avoid incestuous relationships. She also is tied to many other Islamic supremacists, associates of terrorists and terrorist organizations, such as the Muslim American Society and CAIR, front groups for Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood, and Jaamat-e-Islami and the Islamic Circle of North America.
On March 23rd, Rep. Omar spoke at the Los Angeles CAIR event, the 4th Annual Valley Banquet, where she met with Islamist Hassan Shibly [CAIR of Florida], who actively supports Hamas and Hezbollah. She rubbed shoulders with the director of CAIR – Los Angeles, Hussam Ayloush, who blamed United State’s policy for the Islamic terror attack on San Bernadino.
Like Tlaib, Linda Sarsour is an American Palestinian-Muslim, born in Brooklyn, who is a Jew-hating, Israel-hating apologist for Islamic jihadi terrorists that advocates for the movement to boycott, divest and sanction Israel. She tweeted, in 2012, “Nothing is creepier than Zionism.”
On March 6th, speaking in Arabic, Linda Sarsour ordered her Islamic thugs of CAIR to block Asra Nomani, a journalist and leader in the Muslim Reform Movement, from entering Rep. Ilhan Omar’s office, behind her, Islamist Jinan Shbat and Nihad Awad, executive director of CAIR, as they wished to discuss their anti-Semitic views with Omar in private. So, we now see Islamic thugs controlling the Halls of Congress.
Yasmine Mohammed offered the following translation on March 7th, in a tweet: “Don’t let her be one of the first ones in. Do you all hear me?”
Nomani was a friend of Daniel Pearl, Wall Street Journal reporter, who was abducted and murdered in Pakistan. She was in Pakistan at the time and made sure his story was front and center in the news and his memory honored. Pearl’s brutal beheading and his friendship with Nomani meant nothing to these anti-Semitic Sons of Mohammed, who mistreated her.
Many Republicans and even a few Democrats stated that Omar should have been named in the resolution. Pelosi asserted, “It’s not about her; it’s about these forms of hatred.” Pelosi simply has chosen to ignore Omar’s long pattern of these sort of anti-Semitic statements.
And so, rather than censure Ilhan Omar, a Somalian Muslim, and others in Congress for their anti-Jewish anti-Semitic words and deeds, Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the Democratic Party had to take an entire week to condemn all hate and also “anti-Muslim discrimination and bigotry against minorities.” Talk about a weak resolution and losing focus.
It’s not the Jewish religion and Israel that are engaging in terrorism worldwide and committing one terror act after another in America. It is Islam and Muslims to the largest extent.
Neither did the resolution mention Christianity at a time when a rising tide of hatred is witnessed against Bible-believing Christians, and yet, five entire sections focus on anti-Muslim bigotry and “the reality of anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, racism” and the need “to ensure that the United States will live up to the transcendent principles of tolerance, religious freedom, and equal protection as embodied in the Declaration of Independence and … the Constitution”.
How remarkably disingenuous of the Democrats to presume to tell Americans that we must be tolerant of the intolerant Muslims who reject the very principles named in this miserable farce of a resolution.
These Muslemas, who so benefited from the system they hate, have absorbed the Islamic propaganda they were spoon-fed from childhood. And now fully indoctrinated, they speak like foreign representatives from Muslim nations, always blaming America, Israel and “the Jews” first, before anything else. They call good “evil” and evil “good”, while hating America and Israel for having the strength of conviction and virtue to stand in the face of the absolutely unequivocally proven evil ideology of Islam.
Nothing is made clearer by the examples of Rep. Ilhan Omar, Rep. Rashida Tlaib and activist Linda Sarsour that too many in the Muslim-American community have failed to adopt Western values, while they prove, despite contrary assertions, that it is never a good idea to accept individuals into America whose values and customs are so antithetical to U.S. principles and American culture. And although they would have been better served to have stayed in the Middle East, America still has legislators bound and determined to impose policies of identity politics and multiculturalism, that allow refugee communities to isolate themselves and essentially refuse to assimilate.
Americans will not be surprised, once they witness Omar, Tlaib and Sarsour and their associates continue to form tighter bonds with Islamic supremacist connections and utter more anti-Semitic rhetoric. These Muslemas are unassimilated Islamofascists who have rejected the American way of life and our American traditions, culture and heritage, with the blame, in part, lying at the feet of U.S. policies that defer to the customs of the homelands of refugee communities. And if we continue to allow Muslims to immigrate to the U.S. and ignore their anti-American customs, America will surely see many more Omars and Tlaibs join the ranks of Congress, with their hatred for America’s founding principles and America Herself.
~ The Author ~
Justin O. Smith has lived in Tennessee off and on most of his adult life, and graduated from Middle Tennessee State University in 1980, with a B.S. and a double major in International Relations and Cultural Geography – minors in Military Science and English, for what its worth. His real education started from that point on. Smith worked 8 years for the LaVergne Fire Department – two years as their clean-up boy – and became a working fireman at age 16, working his way through college and subsequently joining the U.S. Army. Since then he primarily have contracted construction and traveled – spending quite a bit of time up and down the Columbia River Gorge, in the Puget Sound on Whidby Island and down around Ft. Lauderdale and South Beach. Justin currently writes a weekly column for The Rutherford Reader in Murfreesboro, TN, which he calls home, in addition to being a frequent contributor to the Federal Observer – and spend as much time as possible with his two beautiful and intelligent daughters and five grandchildren. Justin Love God, Family and Our Majestic and Wonderful America, and am a Son of Liberty.