New York Mandates Infanticide
Abortion is nothing less than the murder of Unborn Children, Babies, and on the anniversary of Roe v Wade, January 22nd 1973, the Empire State of New York passed its abominable Baby Murder Act, the “Reproductive Health Act”, that attempts to give legitimacy to this abominable, heinous and horrific practice, by calling abortion a “fundamental right”. This act stands in direct contravention of the virtues and principles, that built America, often referenced as a “shining City on the Hill”, and there are consequences for these actions, which are unacceptable under any set of circumstances. We must protect the lives of the Unborn Children.
New York was already doing a fine job of slaughtering the innocent Unborn, under its “archaic” abortion law, as described by the secular Leftist media, as it aborted twice the number of babies as the national average – one baby aborted for every two that were born with more black babies murdered in the womb than brought to birth. Only a blood lust could demand such a heinous law be expanded.

Norma McCorvey
Shortly after passage, Sarah Ragie Weddington, an attorney who represented Norma “Jane Roe” McCorvey in the original case, excitedly exclaimed, “To see New York pass a bill so that right is protected is just a dream come true.”
Curiously and ironically, one never hears the Leftstream media mention that Norma McCorvey became Pro-Life in 1995 and dedicated her life to opposing Roe v Wade.
In celebration of their demonic act and their hate for life, that allows a baby to be murdered the very day up to its birth, a full nine months, Governor Andrew Cuomo and his fellow Democrats lit the One World Trade Center in a bright neon pink light, as they delighted and cheered along with their mainstream media tools.
Must I state the obvious. Taking the lives of a babies right up until the day they could be delivered alive IS NOTHING TO CELEBRATE. IT IS PURE EVIL.
Charlie Daniels tweeted: “The NY legislature has created a new Auschwitz dedicated to the execution of a whole segment of defenseless citizens. Satan is smiling.”
As Lifesite noted: “Declaring abortion a ‘fundamental right’ opens the door to invalidating ‘any limits on abortion’ and ‘mandating’ that everyone take part in the culture of death … and [having] the effect of ‘authorizing infanticide’ …”.
Bishop Edward Scharfenberger of the Albany Diocese observed that the law appears to be a step toward criminalizing anyone who does not subscribe to the Democratic Party’s Anti-Life platform. How will this illegitimate “law” affect Pro-Life nurses and doctors and health facilities and maternity services? The Good Bishop offered: “If abortion is deemed a fundamental right … I shudder to think of the consequences this law will wreak … Will being pro-life one day be a hate-crime in the State of New York?“
Although all abortions are wrong, I and many other Americans would offer this caveat. Young women surviving rape and mothers with young children at home and truly endangered by their pregnancy can be forgiven, for choosing this path. I would hope and pray that in the former case, a woman might be strong enough to want her baby, or at least let the baby live and place it for adoption.
The moral bankruptcy of New York’s new law is fully exposed in the last phrase of this sentence: “An abortion may be performed by a licensed … practitioner within 24 weeks from the commencement of pregnancy, or there is an absence of fetal viability, or at any time when necessary to protect the patient’s life or health.”
Does this mean that any woman can now have an abortion if the day before delivery of a her baby she feels that she can’t handle the stress of raising a child?
In New York, it was already the law that doctors and nurse practitioners could abort babies through nine months to save a mother’s life. “Health” has been added to this act only to ensure that women have a greater access to abortion, should they desire one for any reason. Based on political jargon, the Reproductive Health Act has nothing to do with “reproductive health” and it fundamentally devalues the life of any Unborn Child.
It’s the child’s mere existence, not the pregnancy, that poses the alleged health risk. The pregnancy can be concluded by delivering the baby alive, rather than murdering him or her. One should be able to see the glaring sophistry in the argument for abortion.
Lifesite expands the discussion with this explanation: “The bill is also part of a broader trend of left-wing states codifying a ‘right’ to abortion in anticipation of a future Supreme Court ruling that could reverse Roe, restoring states’ ability to ban abortion themselves and automatically banning it in the handful of states with pre-Roe bans still on the books.”
If You’ve never heard any former abortionists speak on the topic, the baby is injected with a poison directly into his little skull or body, and his developed nervous system allows him to feel and suffer through an agonizing and painful death. After writhing and suffering in agony, sometimes it is discovered at the next day ultrasound that the baby hasn’t died and he is injected again. He’s soon delivered dead by the woman who has no claim to the word “mother”.
RELATED: Are We Eating Our Children?
Abortion has never been about “reproductive health”, rights or freedom. It is about self-centered feminist women who want to walk away “clean” from an unwanted pregnancy just as some worthless men can physically walk away. However, the women are the ones left to deal with the physical and mental trauma of miscarriage and abortion, and even though many women think abortion is crucial to their cause, they and their children are the ones most hurt by atrociously immoral bills, like New York’s.
America must not allow loosely constructed laws that contain “health” undefined to deceptively use a multitude of reasons, like mental and emotional stability, age and family situation as factors in any abortion. If such is now the case, a depressed woman who loses her job and her boyfriend or husband at nine months pregnant can now easily get an abortion in New York, if she so desires. No problem. This cannot stand.
The One World Trade Center should have been lit up Blood Red.
~ The Author ~
Justin O. Smith has lived in Tennessee off and on most of his adult life, and graduated from Middle Tennessee State University in 1980, with a B.S. and a double major in International Relations and Cultural Geography – minors in Military Science and English, for what its worth. His real education started from that point on. Smith worked 8 years for the LaVergne Fire Department – two years as their clean-up boy – and became a working fireman at age 16, working his way through college and subsequently joining the U.S. Army. Since then he primarily have contracted construction and traveled – spending quite a bit of time up and down the Columbia River Gorge, in the Puget Sound on Whidby Island and down around Ft. Lauderdale and South Beach. Justin currently writes a weekly column for The Rutherford Reader in Murfreesboro, TN, which he calls home, in addition to being a frequent contributor to the Federal Observer – and spend as much time as possible with his two beautiful and intelligent daughters and five grandchildren. Justin Love God, Family and Our Majestic and Wonderful America, and am a Son of Liberty.
Every woman who murders her baby by abortion will go to hell .. In the fires of judgement .. She will receive no eternal life .. And will burn in hell with satan ..
Abortion has got to stop ..