I’ve been seeing a lot of internet posts and hearing a lot of talk about white people paying black people reparations for slavery, and how the “Rebel” flag is racist. First of all, I’ve never owned a slave, nor has any living relative of mine, nor has anyone I know or any member of their families. Second of all, you’ve never picked one single tuft of cotton, nor, probably, has any member of your family or anybody you know. So take those “reparations” and shove ‘em. Third, that flag stands for freedom, not racism nor slavery, and to treat it as such is to defame the characters of all the men who fought for Her, black and white alike.

H.K. Edgerton
When the War of Northern Aggression broke out, there were, according to the 1860 census, 250,787 free blacks in the south, many of whom stood up to be counted among the Defenders of the Confederacy. If you need proof of that, I refer you to Mr. H.K. Edgerton… Yes, many more were still in captivity, but slavery in the south was becoming financially impractical and would have soon died out. The problem is, some of you blame it all on the white man. Uninformed ignorance or stupidity?
Well, considering that human bondage was started thousands of years ago (as early as 869, especially between Muslim traders and west African kingdoms that traded African prisoners as slaves, was practiced by the great civilizations of Rome and Greece, and still exists today in many parts of the world, I’d have to call it uninformed ignorance unless you’ve read a book or two that tell the truth, or have otherwise been informed of the truth; in that case, you’re just stupid. And now, many of you blame the white man for slavery, and call the symbols of our Southern Heritage symbols of hate, racism, and slavery. Again, are you simply ignorant of the truth, or are you stupid?
Just as many of you think that Abraham Lincoln “freed the slaves” or even “ended slavery” because he was against slavery, and thought that blacks should be equal to whites. Wrong! “Honest” Abe was not only a liar, but he didn’t free one single slave, he damned sure didn’t end slavery, and to top it off, was a white supremacist. As far as “who” freed the slaves and ended slavery in the United States, it was Congress, with the ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment. Here’s a few facts for you:
Fact #1
The first battle of the War was the Battle of Fort Sumter, Charleston Harbor, South Carolina, fought April 12-13, 1861, after President Lincoln made an attempt to resupply an reinforce the Federal forces that were garrisoned there.
Fact #2
On January 11, 1864, a resolution for a constitutional amendment abolishing slavery was submitted to the Congress of the United States.
This Means that President Lincoln and the Federal Government didn’t even start the legal process to abolish slavery until two years, eight months, and twenty-nine days after the first shot of the war.
Fact #3
The Thirteenth Amendment was passed by the United States Senate on April 8, 1864, and was passed by the House of Representatives on January 31, 1865. It was signed by President Abraham Lincoln on February 1, 1865, but it was not ratified until December 6, 1865.
This means that it took the Congress of the United States one year and twenty days to pass the Thirteenth Amendment; three years, nine months, and nineteen days after the first shot of the war was fired.
Fact #4
On April 14, 1865, Lincoln was shot in the back of the head in Ford’s Theater in Washington, D.C. at 10:15 p.m. He died of his wound at 7:22 a.m. the next morning, April 15, 1865.
Fact #5
The government of the Confederate States of America was dissolved on May 5, 1865, and the war officially ended June 2, 1865, 48 days after Lincoln was killed.
Fact #6
In the Border States of Kentucky and Delaware, approximately 40,000 slaves were not freed until the Thirteenth Amendment was ratified on December 6, 1865.
This means that there were slaves in Northern states not only during the war, but for six months and four days after it ended; ten months and six days after Congress passed the Thirteenth Amendment… They kept them as long as they legally could.
So you see, Lincoln didn’t free any slaves. As for Lincoln being a liar and a white supremacist… In his own words:
Lincoln on Slavery
Excerpts from Abraham Lincoln’s First Inaugural Address, March 4, 1861
Paragraph 4 – “I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so.”
Paragraph 9 – (Here quoting the Constitution of the United States, Article 4, Section 2, Clause 3) “No person held to service or labor in one State, under the laws thereof, escaping into another, shall in consequence of any law or regulation therein be discharged from such service or labor, but shall be delivered up on claim of the party to whom such service or labor may be due.”
Paragraph 32, lines 3 and 4 – “I understand a proposed amendment to the Constitution [the Corwin Amendment] – which amendment, however, I have not seen – has passed Congress, to the effect that the Federal Government shall never interfere with the domestic institutions of the States, including that of persons held to service. To avoid misconstruction of what I have said, I depart from my purpose not to speak of particular amendments so far as to say that, holding such a provision to now be implied constitutional law, I have no objection to its being made express and irrevocable.”
Excerpt from Abraham Lincoln’s letter to Horace Greeley, August 22, 1862
Paragraph 3, line 7 – “If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that.”
Lincoln on Equality
Excerpt from Abraham Lincoln’s fourth debate with Stephen Douglas, September 18, 1858
Paragraph 1, lines 3 and 4 – “I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races, that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race.”
Now if you still believe what they told you about Lincoln and the War being over slavery in school; you qualify as stupid, because you have been informed. And if you still want to protest the Cross of Saint Andrew as being a symbol of slavery, instead why don’t you attack the flags of the countries that still practice slavery? Is it because of uninformed ignorance or plain old stupidity?
Let the following from the 2016 Global Slavery Index inform you (shown by rank, country, and estimated number in modern slavery):
1: India – 18,354,700 slaves
2: China – 3,388,400 slaves
3: Pakistan – 2,134,900 slaves
4: Bangladesh – 1,531,300 slaves
5: Uzbekistan – 1,236,600 slaves
6: North Korea – 1,100,000 slaves
7: Russia – 1,048,500 slaves
8: Nigeria – 875,500 slaves
9: Democratic Republic of the Congo – 873,100 slaves
10: Indonesia – 736,100 slaves
11: Egypt – 572,900 slaves
12: Myanmar – 515,100 slaves
13: Iran – 495,300 slaves
14: Turkey – 480,300 slaves
15: Sudan – 454,700 slaves
16: Thailand – 425,500 slaves
17: Ethiopia – 411,600 slaves
18: Iraq – 403,800 slaves
19: Philippines – 401,000 slaves
20: Mexico – 376,800 slaves
21: Afghanistan – 367,600 slaves
22: Tanzania – 341,400 slaves
23: Colombia – 308,200 slaves
24: Yemen – 303,200 slaves
25: Japan – 290,200 slaves
26: Syria – 257,300 slaves
27: Cambodia – 256,800 slaves
28: South Africa – 248,700 slaves
29: Algeria – 248,300 slaves
30: Uganda – 244,400 slaves
31: Nepal – 234,600 slaves
32: Morocco – 219,700 slaves
33: Ukraine – 210,400 slaves
34: South Korea – 204,900 slaves
35: Peru – 200,500 slaves
36: Venezuela – 198,800 slaves
37: Kenya – 188,800 slaves
38: Poland – 181,100 slaves
39: Argentina – 175,500 slaves
40: Madagascar – 163,400 slaves
41: Brazil – 161,100 slaves
42: Angola – 159,700 slaves
43: Cameroon – 146,100 slaves
44: Mozambique – 145,600 slaves
45: Ivory Coast – 144,900 slaves
46: South Sudan – 139,400 slaves
47: Vietnam – 139,300 slaves
48: Guatemala – 138,100 slaves
49: Italy – 129,600 slaves
50: Malaysia – 128,800 slaves
51: Niger – 127,000 slaves
52: Somalia – 121,900 slaves
53: Malawi – 116,100 slaves
54: Burkina Faso – 115,600 slaves
55: Mali – 110,200 slaves
56: Zambia – 109,300 slaves
57: Haiti – 106,600 slaves
58: Dominican Republic – 104,800 slaves
59: Ghana – 103,300 slaves
60: Zimbabwe – 99,600 slaves
61: Saudi Arabia – 92,100 slaves
62: Chad – 89,600 slaves
63: Tunisia – 85,000 slaves
64: Kazakhstan – 81,600 slaves
65: Guinea – 80,500 slaves
66: Romania – 80,200 slaves
67: Senegal – 78,700 slaves
68: Rwanda – 74,100 slaves
69: Burundi – 71,400 slaves
70: Libya – 70,900 slaves
71: Ecuador – 65,300 slaves
72: United States – 57,700 slaves
73: Central African Republic – 55,400 slaves
74: Tajikistan – 54,100 slaves
75: Taiwan – 53,600 slaves
76: Papua New Guinea – 47,200 slaves
77: Bolivia – 46,900 slaves
78: Togo – 46,600 slaves
79: Sri Lanka – 45,900 slaves
80: Azerbaijan – 45,000 slaves
81: Belarus – 44,600 slaves
82: Greece – 44,200 slaves
83: Sierra Leone – 43,500 slaves
84: Mauritania – 43,000 slaves
85: Jordan – 42,900 slaves
86: Czech Republic – 42,600 slaves
87: Cuba – 37,800 slaves
88: United Arab Emirates – 37,000 slaves
89: Eritrea – 35,300 slaves
90: Benin – 32,100 slaves
91: Qatar – 30,300 slaves
92: Republic of the Congo – 29,500 slaves
93: Hong Kong, SAR China – 29,500 slaves
94: Bulgaria – 29,000 slaves
95: Liberia – 28,700 slaves
96: Lebanon – 28,700 slaves
97: Serbia – 28,700 slaves
98: Chile – 27,700 slaves
99: Kyrgyzstan – 27,700 slaves
100: Paraguay – 26,800 slaves
101: Nicaragua – 24,600 slaves
102: Honduras – 23,800 slaves
103: Hungary – 22,500 slaves
104: Georgia – 20,900 slaves
105: Laos – 20,000 slaves
106: Costa Rica – 19,400 slaves
107: Kuwait – 18,200 slaves
108: El Salvador – 18,100 slaves
109: Bosnia and Herzegovina – 17,800 slaves
110: Netherlands – 17,500 slaves
111: Gambia – 17,500 slaves
112: Croatia – 17,100 slaves
113: Namibia – 16,600 slaves
114: Panama – 15,900 slaves
115: Turkmenistan – 15,800 slaves
116: Germany – 14,500 slaves
117: Lesotho – 14,400 slaves
118: Armenia – 14,100 slaves
119: Macedonia – 13,300 slaves
120: Oman – 13,200 slaves
121: Portugal – 12,800 slaves
122: Slovakia – 12,400 slaves
123: France – 12,000 slaves
124: Lithuania – 11,800 slaves
125: Botswana – 11,800 slaves
126: United Kingdom – 11,700 slaves
127: Israel – 11,600 slaves
128: Guinea-Bissau – 11,400 slaves
129: Moldova – 10,400 slaves
130: Singapore – 9,200 slaves
131: Mongolia – 8,700 slaves
132: Swaziland – 8,700 slaves
133: Albania – 8,600 slaves
134: Spain – 8,400 slaves
135: Latvia – 8,000 slaves
136: Uruguay – 7,800 slaves
137: Finland – 6,700 slaves
138: Canada – 6,500 slaves
139: Bahrain – 6,400 slaves
140: Trinidad and Tobago – 6,200 slaves
141: Jamaica – 5,800 slaves
142: Kosovo – 5,400 slaves
143: Estonia – 5,300 slaves
144: Gabon – 5,100 slaves
145: Guyana – 4,800 slaves
146: Slovenia – 4,700 slaves
147: Cyprus – 4,700 slaves
148: Djibouti – 4,600 slaves
149: Australia – 4,300 slaves
150: Timor-Leste – 3,500 slaves
151: Brunei – 3,400 slaves
152: Montenegro – 2,500 slaves
153: Equatorial Guinea – 2,500 slaves
154: Suriname – 2,500 slaves
155: Cape Verde – 2,400 slaves
156: Mauritius – 2,100 slaves
157: Belgium – 2,000 slaves
158: Sweden – 1,800 slaves
159: Austria – 1,500 slaves
160: Switzerland – 1,500 slaves
161: Denmark – 1,000 slaves
162: Norway – 900 slaves
163: Ireland – 800 slaves
164: New Zealand – 800 slaves
165: Barbados – 600 slaves
166: Iceland – 400 slaves
167: Luxembourg – 100 slaves
That’s 45,839,600 people, give or take a few hundred, in slavery, worldwide in the year 2016.
So now, are you going to start raising Hell about actually stopping modern slavery instead of whining about something that happened over 150 years ago? Show me.
Now that you’ve been informed, if you still don’t believe it, you’re just ignorant. You’ve seen the facts about the War and the Thirteenth Amendment. You’ve read, in Lincoln’s own words, how he felt about blacks, and had no Constitutional Right to invade the South. He pretty much blatantly admitted to being a liar and a white supremacist, and his later action against the Southern States again proves him a liar.
You want to fight against racism and slavery? Do it somewhere where it ain’t been done already; right up there’s 167 places for you to try out, AMERICA being one of them. Not “the southern states.” The UNITED STATES. So is Israel…
Leave us of the Southland, and our memorials and symbols, out of it; we don’t belong there. Down here, we love each other, for the most part. And if you’re one of those “Southerners” that sees our battle flag that way, educate yourself; you’re an idiot.
As for racism, I can’t speak about the mid-west or west, I’ve never been there, but up north, well, I’ve been there, and generally speaking (especially in New York City), y’all are some of the most racist people I’ve ever seen. Not only do the blacks and whites not get along, the different ethnicities can’t, either! For example, Italians despise the Irish, and vice-versa. Different Hispanic nationalities hate each other. Same way with the blacks. It’s ridiculous. But no matter what other part of the country you’re from, make damned sure your own house is in order before you come down here messin’ with ours.
July 30, 2017
K. Lance Spivey
Deo Vindice
~ the Author ~
The author was born in September of 1967, the son of a Quaker preacher, and a twelfth generation North Carolinian who grew up in Perquimans County, North Carolina. He is Adjutant of the Sons of Confederate Veterans Captain Winfield Scott Lineberry Camp #92 in Asheboro, Randolph County, North Carolina, and a direct descendant of at least two Confederate soldiers; Private Franklin Spivey (1844-1916) who served in Company D of the 20th North Carolina Infantry Regiment, and Private James Scott (1825-1926) who served in Company E of the 44th North Carolina Infantry Regiment.