Category Archives: Invasión

“We decry hostility and discrimination towards immigrants as antithetical to the traditions and interests of the country. At the same time, we disagree with those who would label efforts to control immigration as being inherently anti-immigrant. Rather, it is both a right and a responsibility of a democratic society to manage immigration so that it serves the national interest.” ~ Rep. Barbara Jordan – Chair, U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform

Gaddy: Free Immigration Or Invasion

noamnesty_banner_02Publisher’s NOTE: In July of this year (2015) I had occasion to have an email conversation with contributing writer, Mike Gaddy.  I open this column with this offering from Mike. (JB)

I was a section leader for the Minuteman Project in Arizona in 2005 and spent the entire month of April there. At the time I was writing for LRC. I wrote the article in this link and was mildly surprised when Lew refused to print it. This was the beginning of our split and it widened when he also refused to print a piece I did titled “We will Run the Little Bastards back home.” Of course it all went to hell when he refused to print the article I did which was critical of the Oathkeepers and three days later the FBI was sitting in my yard questioning my motives for writing the article.

Anyway, if you think it would be worth it considering the blow-up over Trump feel free to re-publish this one. ~ Mike
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Vet: Illegal Immigrants Receive Better Treatment Than America’s Heroes

veterans2014 was a tough year for many veterans in need of medical care.

Air Force vet Jim Neilson spoke out on “Fox and Friends” about the poor treatment many of America’s heroes receive from the VA and how he believes illegal immigrants coming into the U.S. actually get better care than those who have served the country.

“I’d like to be part of the solution rather than part of the problem,” Neilson said. “And one thing I think they should do with the Veterans Administration is start closing down all the medical centers, except for long-term care for people who are wounded and things.”

“Leave hospitals open on the bases and allow the vets who qualify for the benefits to go to hospitals and doctors anywhere in the country,” he said. Continue reading

Trojan Horse

Read and heed. Ryan, Boehner, and clan are plotting a sneak attack on conservatives to help Obama pass his mass amnesty. – Granny

A lame House border-security bill is designed to be a vehicle for amnesty.

customs_n_bordewrBelieving that they won the recent shutdown fight, President Obama and the Democrats think they have momentum to browbeat the House into passing some version of the Schumer-Rubio amnesty that was approved by the Senate in June.

Representative Paul Ryan has been actively working to help the president achieve his chief goal for the second term. Many conservatives fear that Speaker Boehner and the rest of the House GOP leadership share Ryan’s desire to pass a bill that would legalize the present 11 12 20 30 (or more) million–plus illegal aliens and double future legal immigration. Continue reading

‘Dreamer’ Website Teaches Illegal Immigrants ‘How To Lie Successfully’

dream act_amnestyIf you’re an illegal immigrant worried about being caught, help is only a mouse click away. An article from the radical website will give you a quick lesson on how to lie about your status. It’s all part of the aggressive pro-illegal immigration ‘Dreamer movement’ that is leading the fight for “comprehensive” immigration reform, with a boost from President Barack Obama and many in Congress.

The “Dreamers” are illegal immigrants who were brought into the country by their parents. They’ve become the darlings of the media, garnering both positive press and an executive order by President Obama in 2012, offering them legal status if they met certain requirements and paid a $465 fee. Even that controversial end-run around Congress, however, wasn’t enough for the Dream activists as they pursued an agenda that rejects the idea of borders and deportation entirely. Continue reading

Dwyer: The Disastrous Effects of the 1965 Immigration and Naturalization Act

Stop_Illegal_Immigration_foFew people know the origins of political, economic, and societal dégringolade that is decimating today’s America. Not that all bad that is happening to our country these days can be ascribed to a single event, but among major causes that sent our country into a nosedive, the 1965 Amendments to Immigration and Naturalization Act, also known as 1965 INA, stick out conspicuously.

The 1965 INA established the basic structure of today’s immigration law. According to its advocates, it was intended “only” to end discrimination. What it did actually accomplish was a de facto establishment of sweeping anti-discrimination, that is, discrimination against the majority of Americans, in the pre-1965 sense of this word, by all those, within the U.S. and outside, who were allegedly the subjects of discrimination in America before the 1965 INA was enacted into the law. Continue reading

Slagle: The 1986 Amnesty and the Invasion on the Borders


Editor’s Note: The fourth and final transfer from the archives of the now defunct No Stinking Amnesty website.

John, it’s been a long and bloody battle, and I am afraid the the biggest bunch of cowards, who have ever “served” in Washington DeCeit are about to turn loose the gerbils. The deaths of Kris Eggle, Nicholas Ivie, Brian Terry and so many others has been in vain. (Ed.)

slagle_thmb_02In May of 1986, apprehensions of illegal aliens in Tucson Sector totaled over 8,000 which was up 42 percent from 1985.The records indicated that there were more arrests in the month of May than any period of time logged. Deaths were always a problem in the deserts of southern Arizona which included the vast Tohono Oodam Indian Nation. A newly formed Special Tracking and Rescue Team (STAR) was formed June 25, 1986 with nine volunteers. All agents were trained in first aid, signcutting, tracking skills, rappelling from helicopters, desert survival and extraction of injured people.The unit Commander was Thomas Wacker, Assistant Chief Patrol Agent. I was the official medic for this outstanding team of agents. Yuma, Arizona Sector had their own desert rescue teams in place to contend with the large numbers of illegal aliens entering the country without inspection in 1986. Continue reading

a Letter from a Retired Border Patrol Agent

(Loren Elliott/Reuters)

August 2, 2010 ~ This letter sent to Tennessee Senator Bill Frist, from retired border patrol agent, David J. Stoddard, and it has more common sense than all the bull being spewed from the Senate, with the exception of a few sensible representatives.

Dear Senator Frist:

There is a huge amount of propaganda and myths circulating about illegal aliens, particularly illegal Mexican, Salvadorian, Guatemalan and Honduran aliens. Continue reading

Ashurst: A Border Manifesto

I believe story telling to be an art form, certainly verbal record is the oldest form of recording history and recognized by historians worldwide. There is an old adage among those who love to tell a good tale, “Never let the truth get in the way of a good story.” And yet there are times when the truth is even more fantastic than exaggeration. What I write here is the truth, plain and simple. Continue reading

Do You Take This Immigrant?

An immigration office where people were having their marriages scrutinized.

June 11, 2010 ~ A pop-culture story line – marrying not for love, but for green cards – is the focus of a New York immigration unit. As in the movies, love usually wins.

THE retired mechanic from Michigan looked shell-shocked beside his bride, a classical pianist from Moscow who clutched the printed e-mail exchanges of their Internet romance. Young newlyweds from Long Island, still recovering from their reception for 600 guests the previous weekend, faltered as their lawyer quizzed them on the details of their City Hall ceremony four months before. A Manhattan woman bickered with her Turkish spouse about the kinds of questions they had been warned to expect. Continue reading