Publisher’s NOTE: In July of this year (2015) I had occasion to have an email conversation with contributing writer, Mike Gaddy. I open this column with this offering from Mike. (JB)
I was a section leader for the Minuteman Project in Arizona in 2005 and spent the entire month of April there. At the time I was writing for LRC. I wrote the article in this link and was mildly surprised when Lew refused to print it. This was the beginning of our split and it widened when he also refused to print a piece I did titled “We will Run the Little Bastards back home.” Of course it all went to hell when he refused to print the article I did which was critical of the Oathkeepers and three days later the FBI was sitting in my yard questioning my motives for writing the article.
Anyway, if you think it would be worth it considering the blow-up over Trump feel free to re-publish this one. ~ Mike
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