Category Archives: End of Days

As we continue to witness what is taking place in this nation – I am convinced that we are facing the End of Days.

Perpetual Tyranny: Endless Wars Are the Enemy of Freedom

War is the enemy of freedom!

“Of all the enemies to public liberty war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded because it comprises and develops the germ of every other. War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes… known instruments for bringing the many under the domination of the few.… No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare.” ~ James Madison

James Madison

As long as America’s politicians continue to involve us in wars that bankrupt the nation, jeopardize our servicemen and women, increase the chances of terrorism and blowback domestically, and push the nation that much closer to eventual collapse, “we the people” will find ourselves in a perpetual state of tyranny.

It’s time for the U.S. government to stop policing the globe. Continue reading

Dwyer: White Supremacists and Other Right-Wingers Descend on Ottawa

(Or so the “liberal” “mainstream” media want you to believe)

“Just look at the color of their skin. It’s white, with no hint of black or brown. So, they are the oppressors. The Critical Race Theory has clearly established that. But they have guts to claim that they have a reason to complain? Gimme a break. It’s their stereotypical white fragility. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau saw through them. He saw who they were: racists, fascists, and right-wing insurrectionists who want to spread their hatred of people of color and sent them all back to plantations, while pretending that they are fighting for freedom (a right-wing thing, anyway). Fortunately, Mr. Trudeau had courage to confront those truckers-crackers – so used to their white privilege – and their “Freedom Convoy” with decisive force of his police. Way to go, Mr. Trudeau. Let your police, on foot or on horseback, beat those spoiled brats, round them up, tow and confiscate their trucks, and freeze their bank accounts so they know that there is zero tolerance for racism and hatred in North America. Those white supremacists don’t deserve any empathy. They are the ones who deserve to suffer. Their suffering will teach them a lesson that they should be ashamed of their whiteness and stop showing their racist white faces where there are too many of which, already.”

The above made-up quotation from a fictional but quite realistic “liberal” who portrays himself as an inclusive, tolerant, heart bleeding anti-racist, explains why the “liberal” “mainstream” media – that just a year and half ago so wholeheartedly supported BLM and Antifa’s so-called “peaceful” protests that often turned into rioting, looting, vandalizing, destruction, and hurting innocent people – are not offering the same kind of compassion and support to working-class Canadian peaceful protesters fed up with draconian restrictions that their government imposed on them, ostensibly, in order to contain the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic. Continue reading

Gratchic: Weaponized Inflation

It’s been tough these days to keep all the events in proper perspective. Up close, a work of art has a great deal to share: color transitions, stokes of the brush and texture. However, to really get the meaning of a painting, you need to step back and look….. really look.

It’s, without pun, “getting the big picture.”

We are all suffering COVID fatigue having to deal with over two years of “the two week flattening” and the genocidal Fraudci Franken-shot. Continue reading

Percentage of Women in the Workforce Plummets

But is this really a bad thing, or is it a boost for families?

According to Tami Forman at Fortune, the women’s work participation rate is down to 57%. It has not been this low since 1988. It is especially bad, according to Forman, because many women have now been out of the workforce for two years . Having this large a gap on their résumés a is problem for prospective employers.

Why are women not returning to the workforce? (Continue…)

Let’s Roll Canada Leads the Way

My God, I’m proud of them! Justin Trudeau?… Fidel Castro would be proud of his boy, but his days as dictator are numbered

Americans will always do the right thing — after exhausting all the alternatives. ~ Attributed to Winston Churchill

Is it possible that the struggle for freedom has begun in earnest and in of all places…Canada? Where is the Cradle of Liberty, the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave in this battle? Yes, Americans are waking up, but they had better finish their coffee. Our country is in peril. Continue reading

The Sinking Leader-Ship

Albert Einstein’s quote: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results,” is germane to this discussion because our choice of leaders for the past seventy-five years exposes a pattern.

We elect a leader identical to the previous trainwreck – with few exceptions.

There are a few anomalies like Prez #45 – a great leader but not too personable. Many called him an unsophisticated bully, but he was a great leader who did extraordinary things for this country. Fortunately, he was not a politician, so many hated him. He made his money the old-fashioned way – working and beating the system, unlike many congressional mis-representatives and politicians. Continue reading

Circling Wagons

People circled wagons in the days of the Wild West,
Either hit the ground or take an arrow in the chest,
Today we’re Circling Wagons as we did in yesteryears,
We’re fending off the cybor saints of the apocosphere,
You don’t need to hit the ground or feel the pounding hooves
To know that sheer intolerance is splitting us in two.
To “bring ppl together?” It’s precisely the reverse,
So we are Circling Wagons and things likely will get worse. Continue reading

Garrison: Hell NO Joe Blow

During his debates with President Trump, Dementia Joe told us he would quickly solve the so-called ‘pandemic’ once he got elected. He had a plan. Now that the election was stolen for the Mumbler in Chief, Biden did nothing but punish Americans with destructive lockdowns, harmful slave masks, and endless injections of vaccines that aren’t vaccines at all but rather dangerous and experimental gene therapy jabs. They were under-tested failures all along. Why else would Pfizer put a lock on their test data for over 50 years? Still, vast amounts of money had to raked in by Big Pharma, and Schwab’s ‘great reset’ dictated that people must die, so here we are…
Continue reading

The Frightening Secret of Anthony Fauci’s Survival

Fauci: Phantom of His Own Opera

Anthony Fauci is arguably the most powerful agency employee in government today. Not because of his connections to pharma or network of elite swamp creatures established during his 40+ years of betraying the public trust. His power comes because no matter how crooked his activities, his survival is necessary for a more strategic purpose.

From his sunken eyes and adolescent grin to his sarcasm and arrogance Fauci is the caricature of the qualities Americans most detest.

He has funded deadly research on Beagles, and painful experiments on monkeys.

He’s lied to the public, to Congress, lied about the lies, and even admitted lying is an acceptable strategy, “until the country was ready to hear what I think.” Continue reading

Letter from a Listener

Dear Mr. Bennett,

I look forward to hearing you speak on your program. I felt that yesterday you were hitting upon some important points. This has inspired me to write to you today.

I am a young man, I began college early in the 2010’s. What I saw then was the tail end of sexual liberation on the college campuses. As Dr. E. Michael Jones says, sexual liberation is political control. I spent many years in these colleges, and what I saw during this decade was a descent into madness. Sexual liberation turned into fear of being raped, and so less men attended college, more women, meaning more feminists, more fear of men. It goes without saying that these colleges, the large ones in Manitoba, Canada, have no use for Christian ethics, but seek to uphold secular humanism, the religion of the UN. Continue reading

Beaman: A Problem With Law Making

When a law is crafted, there is no discussion as to its constitutionality. A law is simply debated in it house of origin and then sent to the other house for its consideration and then the two houses reconcile their versions with each other. Finally, if it passes both houses, it is sent to the president for his approval or veto. At no point is there a discussion of its constitutionality and for anyone to challenge it, he must show injury as a result of it, a formidable task, and after its passage. Continue reading