Dickens: Merka’s New Curse Words… Oh, the Humanity!!!!!

WARNING: this post contains language that you may find offensive – (Especially if you’re liberal!)

I want to introduce some new curse words from the Merkan Left’s lexicon. The CMC and Congress, the opposite of progress, use these words glibly in conversation to agitate their constituent base and inform the Right-Wingnuts of the connotation change from acceptable to repugnant.

Newly Added…


– subject to the obligation to report, explain, or justify something; responsible; answerable.


– the state of being accountable, liable, or answerable.


– the effect, result, or outcome of something occurring earlier: an act or instance of following something as an effect, result, or outcome: the conclusion reached by a line of reasoning; inference: importance or significance.


– to spring, arise, or proceed due to actions, circumstances, premises, etc.

o the outcome.

The liberal community across Merka are losing its minds about this vile, horrendous, and disgusting word-porn. Somehow, redefining a simple word fits their programs better than honesty, but isn’t that part of the program – Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt (FUD).

How dare the citizens of these United States of America demand that their elected representatives, and people we hire to manage this republic, prove they are doing what we contracted them to do.

The audacity, the unmitigated gall expecting these elected representatives to report to us. To make this worse, we expect them to act responsibly and to be accountable for how they spend the money we give them to run the republic. Just imagine asking the management of Merka to be prudent with OUR money. (Sorry, I used a bad word)

The Arrogance!!!!

The Brazen Impertinence!!!!

Who do the citizens think they are????????

My god. they act like they own this country.

Is this another convenient misinterpretation or misrepresentation of the US Constitution; or do these elected officials believe they own the country, or is this, too, a misconception? They only manage the country for us. They are ‘supposed to’ act on our behalf, and although they do have some latitude, it appears that the gardener thinks he owns the estate.

This is the fallacy the partisan political policy platforms promote in their liberal bullshit mills, sponsored by the Nationalist American Socialist Party (NASP) and propagated through the Corporate Media Complex (CMC).

Our problem with this alliance is our lack of trust in its competence and ability to manage it correctly according to the Constitution. They were not hired to transform this republic into the NASP utopia they covet. The partisan politicians usurped control to supplant democracy with Merkan Socialism. OR is this Merkan Marxism?

Welcome to the Nationalist American Socialist Party – NASP.

– The Party of the “F” bomb. and Obstructionism.

– Anything they don’t like is racist and supports Russian interests.

I apologize profusely for frequently using the despicable words ‘accountable, accountability, consequences, and results’ in this piece. I’ll be more judicious, but adapting our language and changing the meaning of words to fit a narrative creates some confusing issues. You don’t know it’s unacceptable until you’re scolded by those you offend.

This entire kerfuffle is a response to Merka’s awakening after years of Marxist indoctrination. What else would you expect from a social philosophy that doesn’t work and hasn’t worked anywhere it’s been tried and failed.

OK, it works in totalitarian and autocratic regimes, but thank the maker, we’re not there yet. Still, there is a partisan political party that firmly believes, under their expert guidance and management, that American Marxism can replace the antiquated concepts of democracy and capitalism. They are convinced that citizens are too stupid to manage their country, so professional Marxists will step in and do it for them. Remember, we’re ‘ill-informed’ because that’s the NASP education/indoctrination system’s design.

The education of all children, from the moment that they can get along without a mother’s care, shall be in state institutions.” ~ Karl Marx (1818-1883) Architect of the NASP

The ideology in play is not the point, but the fact that these ideologies are permutations is. It’s not so much the ideology itself as the disorientation they intentionally create. But that, too, is part of the plan.

AI tells me, ‘According to orthodox Marxist theory, overthrowing capitalism by a socialist revolution in contemporary society is inevitable. While the inevitability of an eventual socialist revolution is a controversial debate among many different Marxist schools of thought, all Marxists believe socialism is necessary.’


AI tells me that under socialism, the means of production are owned or controlled by the state for the benefit of all, an arrangement compatible with democracy and a peaceful transition from capitalism. Marxism justifies and predicts the emergence of a stateless and classless society without private property. That vague socialist society, however, would be preceded by the violent seizure of the state and the means of production by the proletariat, who would rule in an interim dictatorship. It sounds like the chicken and the egg – which comes first.

It is apparent that one precedes the other, or at least they are integral parts of the NASP’s goal to transform this constitutional republic into something other than a Democracy.

I added the definition above since there is some discussion in Merka, especially among the Leftists, about the actual social and political doctrine they fancy. I see this as a serious issue in the ranks. How can you march toward a goal when the goal is ill-defined or a matter of contention? Leftists enjoy hating what the Right or Independent want but are incapable of defining who they are or want to be. If control is the singular intention, there are at least a thousand paths to take, each with disparate consequences, none of which they consider. The single focus is power, but what will they do with it if they reach that pinnacle? (sorry, there’s another bad word)

                   Les and Bea – where is Anne?

The definition of woman is a prime example. How can you protect what you cannot define? Their latest insult is calling them ‘inseminated persons,’ but the father is a ‘spouse or parent’, not the ‘inseminator’? Maybe it’s reminiscent of ‘Terminator.’ What exactly are they trying to do?

The Right has a better-defined purpose, but it is certainly not perfect. It wants what’s best for the republic and has an action plan to attain that goal. It seems to be on track so far, which inflames the Left, whose secondary mission is retribution and preventing any progress for its sworn enemies. Is it real, or are they just platitudes and hollow consolations to reinforce their election platform? I remain guardedly optimistic.

It’s difficult to predict the direction of what remains of the Democrat Party, whether it’s Marxism or Socialism; one thing’s for sure: it’s not a representative republic. You only need to look to the loudest voices in the NASP for indications and examples and their anti-everything approach to Republican administrative decisions for clues. The chorus of scorched cats, they call Congressional delegates, illustrate this assertion and their bent toward impeding progress. The NASP seems to be a partisan political party in chaos, but a loose cannon is extremely dangerous. [Link]

Untangling the fiscal disaster from the past few decades, especially those woven during the four-year Biden-Harris debacle, will take years. I cannot, in good faith, lay this all at the NASP’s feet. Others in past administrations compounded the problem, and each had ample opportunity to fix it, yet none did until #47 took the reins. The preceding administrations paid lip service to fiscal accountability (sorry, there it is again) with cursory attempts to “investigate and mitigate” the problem. Precious few outside the “Deep-State” knew of the corruption, and those who did would never dare to kill this sacred cow.

Maybe ‘Reigns‘ is more appropriate in the sentence above. This is the most significant point of contention between the partisan political parties. Make no mistake; the Republicans are equally accountable. (Sorry, there it is again.)

Each party points accusingly at the other but blocks any attempt to fix anything they propose. This is what passes for political leadership. The only solutions seem to come from majority control of Congress, the opposite of progress; yet even a congressional majority is a fleeting illusion since party solidarity is tenuous, appearing self-serving and biased. Where is their concern about what’s best for the republic? Oh, that’s right – Congress, the opposite of progress, and its bureaucracy is the republic.

A principal tool in criminal investigation is to ‘Follow the Money.’ It exposes all those involved, and the steps taken to defraud the victims – us. DOGE – the Department of Government Efficiency publishes a list of ‘proposed’ spending cuts and anomalous discoveries. [Link] The operative word in this department’s charter is discovery. DOGE uncovers the anomalies, but the Executive and Legislative branches must take the necessary steps to mitigate the problems.

                        Uh – isn’t that the same thing?

Frighteningly, if only part of this is genuine, Merka’s in some deep Kimchi.

Come to think of it; I prefer Discovering Onerous Government Excess. DOGE.

– Onerous – ‘burdensome, oppressive, or troublesome; causing hardship.’

– Here’s their ‘X’ account [Link]

Something tells me that the best is yet to come, but public executions are a bit too much to hope for, however public [excoriation] and ridicule are undoubtedly appropriate. Public pillory is a proven and time-honored punishment; several places on the DC mall would be fitting to resurrect this means of humiliation and derision. But then, the Capitol Building is most appropriate. Everyone in Congress, the opposite of progress, would see these offenders as they entered, providing visual reminders for the republic.

I’ve posed this question several times before, but I think it’s worth revisiting that well.

There are 430 congressional members reported. Their net worth ranges from $1.03 million to $549.44 million, with a mean value of $275.24 million on a Congressional salary of $174,000 annually. Nancy Pelosi’s net worth doubled between 2013 – $120 million to $256.83 million in 2023, a 700% increase. I have no data indicating any questionable trading, but looking at this from the surface, there are some questions to answer. Nancy P is not alone in the magnifying glass. Others on both sides of the aisle have made a killing both financially and literally.

I could easily take this commentary down the rabbit hole of ethics and morals, but I’ll refrain. Yet laws govern this behavior, and since Congress, the opposite of progress, perceives itself as above the law, it does not apply… but they most assuredly should be held to these universal standards, just like the rest of us.

Being a super-cynic, I wonder why the NASP’s elected officials are so vocal about DOGE, vehemently opposing it.

Are they afraid of what may be found or that they may be found out?

If there’s nothing to hide, wouldn’t they want some vindication to allay questions?

Why are the NASP circling the wagons, like the old-west pioneers did during an Indian attack? What do they fear, and does their obvious anxiety expose their complicity? I think it draws more attention than providing potential and plausible protection.

Me thinks thou dost protest too much.” essentially means “you seem to be trying too hard to convince us you’re not guilty.” This line is adapted from Shakespeare’s play Hamlet, where Queen Gertrude says, “The lady doth protest too much, methinks,” to express doubt about a character’s sincerity.

This isn’t rocket surgery: Look at the financial books.

This is precisely what DOGE does: it uses sophisticated AI algorithms and programs to detect unusual transactions. This is a positive power and proper use for powerful computer systems like AI, but like the power of our Constitution, it can be corrupted by nefarious actors whose only goal is to control. Look how greed corrupted our republic and what’s been done. Now imagine the power AI will have when it’s perverted for unscrupulous purposes like taking control of the republic. I predict that it will.

Many claim that we’ll keep a watchful eye open for the signs, just like we did on our financial systems, right? We were kept at arms-length, in the dark. The truth was obscured by the people we trusted to manage this republic. We didn’t see it coming. And look at how hard they are fighting to preserve their stranglehold on their criminal activities. Our annual budget for 2025 is $7.0 trillion, and our revenue is $5.2 trillion.

That’s a deficit of $1.9 trillion – added to the $36 trillion we already have – $39 trillion deficit minimum by the end of this year. This does not factor in the interest paid on this debt.

I’m concerned about what else is discovered and who is involved. These discoveries are unsettling for the average person and nothing new for those watching this country’s demise. It’s unimaginable for the average person dealing with personal financial issues to comprehend a $36 trillion deficit. It is untenable. We deal with hundreds of dollars; millions are unfathomable, and a trillion is so far from reality that it boggles the mind. We’re listening to the DOGE team talk about tens of millions and billions as if these are as common as the ten and twenty-dollar bills.

This is all great on the surface; the citizens deserve to know this information, but how does this affect our esteem for the government we learned to trust, and the country many of us fought to preserve? I understand that it was our elected representatives and the bureaucrats they appointed who created this problem, but how can we honestly trust any politician again?

Once burned, twice shy.

                                                     Monkey’s – It is what they have become!

We believed them the last time, and look what that bought us. In two years, we’ll face the mid-term elections for Congress, the opposite of progress; how will we react, and who will believe?

A lot can happen in two years, and the pre-election bacchanal will be very interesting; indeed, too bad most Merkans will have forgotten the events of 2025 and DOGE’s impact. We can’t even remember the bullshit from the 2020 and 2024 election cycles. All the lies and deceit, and how our elected representatives in Congress, the opposite of progress, misdirected and misinterpreted the Constitution to bring us to the brink of collapse.

After all, it’s about accountability – consequences – and results.

(I’m done swearing for now)

Let’s all hope we can remember this for the next few years and hopefully even longer.


March 19, 2025

~ The Author ~
Charles R. Dickens was born in 1951, is a veteran of the Vietnam war, for which he volunteered, and the great-great grandson of the noted author, whose name he shares.

He is a fiercely proud American, who still believes this is the greatest country on the planet, with which we’ve lost control and certainly our direction. He grew up in moderate financial surrounding; we’re not rich by any stretch, but didn’t go hungry – his incredibly hard working father saw to that. As most from that era, he learned about life from his father, whose story would take too long to tell, other than to say that, he is also a fiercely proud American; a WWII and Korean war, veteran Marine.

Charlie was educated in the parochial system which, demanded that you actually learn something, and have capability to retain it before you advance. He attended several universities in pursuit of a bachelor’s degree, and chased the goose further to a master’s, and has retained some very definite ideas about education in this country.

In addition, Charlie is a retired blues guitar and vocalist – a musician. This was his therapy career. Nothing brings him as much joy as playing music, and he wishes that he could make a living at it… but alas… life goes on!

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