Dickens: What the “F” Over – (WTFO)

A Reprise


Once more, with feeling…

I’ve used this title a couple of times in the past, that’s the reason for the subtitle ‘reprise.’

It means, I want to revisit this topic again. The sub-subtitle comes from my hours and hours in rehearsals, both musical and theatrical, when the director comments…

That was OK, but this time, with feeling…

I’ve lost count of the times the acronym – WTFO – has come to mind in the past several months. It pops-up about every sixty seconds as I read or watch the news. I don’t consider myself a news-junky, my aim is simply to stay informed; a task requiring more effort, more often. I don’t take too much at face value and certainly nothing I here from the Corporate Media Complex (CMC). I read several sources, then draw my own conclusions. Yes… I accept the possibility of being wrong… I’m not omniscient.

There is another acronym I use frequently, and that I’ve used as a title as well; YGBSM, ‘You’ve Got to BE Shitting Me…’ That one popped into my mind as I was editing this piece.

I find that the news articles stimulate ideas for my writings, and god knows there’s no limit to the corporate media’s crazy, How can anyone keep track of the lunacy in this republic, and how can so many people remain unphased by the CMCs’ torrent of pretense.

Are they asleep, or are they sheeple?

Our loss of moral direction is a direct consequence of choices we make based on what we believe and how we’re programed to think. You must realize that everything – yes everything – we consume from the CMC is programming us to adopt, accept the regimes’ propositions – that’s what they expect us to think. They expect us to believe it because that’s what they say. They are the experts bringing us information groomed to fit their narrative, their message. We don’t know any better; that’s how we’re programmed.

Think about the previous statement. We are programmed to accept what we hear from the CMC, which is mostly rationalization or justification of poor regime decisions. The program not only tells us what to think, but how to think. We’re being taught that ‘the ends justify the means’ for the regime; why shouldn’t that work for us, too?

Our constitution and declaration of independence tell us that we are the government and the government is us, so we can do as the government does. The regime lies to protect bad choices, why shouldn’t we? The regime lies freely, why shouldn’t we? The regime forces us into rising dept situations, why not follow their example and borrow more to keep up with the inflation that they – we – created?

Their messaging counts on our limited short-term-memory and our reliance on the ‘news-cycle’ and their refresh tactics to maintain a fresh-flow of bullshit that support and sells their message.

The more often you hear or see the same message, exposes the importance of that message. If you see it a couple of times, it’s a low importance, but if you see or hear it several times an hour for days… this is monumentally significant to the cause, whatever that cause is.

How often is this election in the news?

How often do you hear about the next pending Trump legal action?

Be aware of what you hear and see… The number of times it occurs defines – exposes – the importance of the underlying message.

It requires only moderate mental recall faculties and a watchful eye, to catch the flicker of gaslighting, to recognize that constitutional adherents and proponents are overshadowed by the Lunatic Left. Most people are attracted to the loudest voice, with the perfect face, perfect delivery, in a memorable setting, and with all the passion a huckster can muster to sell their ‘news’.

Repetition is the key to programming – it’s called indoctrination… Just like students in a classroom. The more often they see it, or hear it, the easier it is to remember.

This is how you train your dog! Repetition and praise… except in the political sense, praise is replaced with shame – for not following the other partisan political party sheeple.

Using the “F” word is supported by the First Amendment, but its use is frowned upon by mannerly and genteel folk. The slang connotation of this word is perceived as vile and distasteful by nearly everyone except linguistic idealists, and constitutionalists like me.

It’s like the word conservative and its colloquial linkage to religion. The root word ‘conserve’ is a simple nod to preserving things as they are. Conservatives are traditionalists – meaning that they liked the old ways, because they work. Not that they reject new ideas; they prefer to consider all the angles of new ideas before launching into them. They favor the ‘look before you leap’ approach to change.

The word ‘conservative’ is inextricably linked to Christianity for some reason, much like the Orthodox is linked to Judaism, or Fundamental is to Islam – these descriptors all mean basically the same thing; it’s the linkage created by the CMCs repetitious programming.

I reserve the “F Bomb” for special occasions that require radical and profound emphasis. I am careful not to offend, unless that is my calculated intention, but more often than not, I’ll find a more appropriate expression or expletive – WTFO works quite nicely, is far less offensive, and is a generally accepted transitional expletive or reply that may raise an eyebrow or two, but rarely elicits a horrific gasp like the “F Bomb.”

F BOMB” is an interesting description. It infers that its use is explosive, in more ways than one, and that there is presumptive damage by using it…

The origins of WTFO are unclear although it is believed to be primarily military slang, used when something doesn’t make sense, to express surprise, shock, dismay, confusion, or express a strong reaction to a situation. WTFO is an acronym for “What The ‘F’ Over,” in keeping with military radio communications protocol, the end of the message is terminated with the word ‘over’ indicating the end of the thought, and that a response is expected. ‘Out’ terminates the conversation, altogether…

Please note, WTFO does not have sexual connotations, but there is still time… some creative genius will undoubtedly develop one.

Jack Smith breathes life into The Trump election interference trail – again?


This cretin, Smith has a serious hard-on for Trump. He is the personification of Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS). Asking him to relent would be like getting steak bone from a Rottweiler – not likely. Smith’s bucking the Supreme Court’s decision on Presidential Immunity, by finding partisan pals in New York State biased-judicial system – a bastion of the Nationalist American Socialist Party (NASP) and Trump’s business-base of operations for his entire life. This prejudicial turn exposes New York States migration from constitutional values to the NASP’s preferred style of liberal justice… They decide what’s acceptable based on partisan political postures and protocols.

The culmination of a few weeks news and the shocking, no, frightening abandonment of law, ethics, and morality should cause every good citizen to exclaim… “WTFO!”

How can people lie so extravagantly, effortlessly, and eloquently?

I’m not challenging anyone’s commitment to this republic or why you’re not outraged by current events. Perhaps, that’s what you believe should happen, and you support the lefts’ attempts to “Fundamentally Change” America into to socialist autocracy.

This is where the concept of democracy – or government by the people, and mistakenly understood to be majority rule, enters the conversation. Democracy is – government by the people either directly or through elected representatives, which happens to by our style of administration – representative. Since we have a constitution, we are a representative constitutional republic. It is NOTmajority rule,’ the majority votes to select representation. The modern implication of democracy is ‘Mob Rule.’

I understand this adaptive form of bureaucracy is the strength of our republic, but allowing these politicians to govern us by employing subterfuge and deception to effect change is wrong on any level. It strikes me that there is an implied responsibility in our constitution, that we choose to ignore, actually abuse, to further personal agendas, using free speech as the club and dodge. Recall that the ends justify the means, so moral ambiguity or compromised ethics are rendered impotent and paralyzed. Lying is now rationalized as protected speech. Where’s the implied responsibility. Our founders expected the elected representatives to be people of honor, not self-serving narcissists and charlatans.

It’s your prerogative and your right to choose, but those of us that want to follow the foundational precepts of the constitution have a voice as well. What gives the Left or Right, license to lie about the intentions and desires of the opposing faction? It’s critical to understand that politics is about power; the power to force your will on others using any means available. The political ends justify the means, even if those means are immoral, unethical, or extra-illegal – stretching the law to its breaking point; just to have you way because that’s what you want?

What about the rest of us?

We’ve lost our ability to compromise in favor of absolutism. This absolute stance presumes that there is only one correct path as defined by the administrations ends justifying their means, and that any other options is therefor flawed. It immediately obviates and negates any possible better solution. This is very short-sighted and self-serving, and the obvious position of partisan political parties. It is authoritarian.

The quickest path to victory or to make any point is through violence; that seems to be a universally accepted maxim. If you can’t get your way, have a tantrum; its worked for toddlers and protesters for years; it use is escalating and being condoned by the NASP. Remember the post-election riots in 2016? The NASP excused them as ‘mostly peaceful’, but they cost billions of dollars in property damages? This was part of the design to destroy the Trump presidency from the very beginning and set the stage for multiple impeachments, and the January 6th Insurrection Charges. Nearly every accusation in that farce was a lie. The facts were exposed in the thousands of hours of video and hundreds of documents released, all pointing to the misrepresentation of the facts.

It quickly weakens the resolve of the parent, guardian, or citizen, and elicits retaliation. Protestors use this tactic with amazing success, often losing the point of the protest in the fervor of the violence they want, which make me wonder about the point of most recent demonstrations altogether.

What’s the point – the complaint or the violence… obviously, it’s the violence.

Please ponder this next question… How do thousands of people coordinate these ‘rallies’ and all arrive at appointed locations ready to protest without funding? How do many of them travel hundreds of miles to the protest venue, without funding? Most of the protesters are unemployed or college students – who pays for their travel, and accommodations?

Do you wonder about this?

I do…

Do these protesters actually believe that calling for genocide is a fitting objection and solution to genocide? The Palestinian supporters protest the genocide of their people by advocating the mass extermination of the Jewish people. Can you see the conflict in this moronic assertion and proposal?




All indications are that chaos reigns in Merka. The old ways are no longer appropriate, and the new way favors victimhood, divided loyalties, and self, above all else.

Patriotism is a treasonous epithet, and love of country makes you a nationalist.

Being conservative makes you a terrorist.

Concern for your child’s education makes you a ‘Domestic Terrorist’ and advocating for 2nd amendment rights makes you a gun-crazed anarchist.

The common thread in all of this; these words and phrases have been redefined, coopted to mean something very different than their original intent.

Think about it… Why would anyone want to change your understanding of a simple word like patriotism?

Didn’t patriotism create this republic. People were tired of British rule and oppression. It cause the American War for Independence.

Why is belief in God or god or any faith cause for condemnation or ridicule? Doesn’t our constitution prohibit religious persecution, allow for religious freedom, prohibit state sponsored religions, and advocate the separation of church and state?

The reason… POWER!

By redefining our language, our lexicon, administration can take control of our hearts and minds. Each regime defines acceptable and unacceptable based on their ideology, then make us afraid of the other party because they don’t believe or act as the should, based on these new terminology and standard. The solution is to understand our established constitution and evaluate these new norms against those already written in that document.

Oh… by the way… That’s the purpose of the United States Supreme Court.

Too few dare to stand against the onslaught of lies that brake our loyal backs, and trampling our resolve in this muddy hypocrisy of partisan politics. No one fights the political derision, so the Lefts’ contempt spreads like the Wuhan Plague.

No mask can save us, no respirator can keep us breathing in the foul air of hypocrisy, and no vaccine can stop the spread.

It’s too late.

Cicero said: Within the character of the citizen, lies the welfare of the nation.”

Is what I see in America’s citizenry indicative of our direction?

Was Cicero, right?

Will an examination of our collective character as a republic foretell our future or do I see what I’m looking to find? Am I looking for the fall of our republic to justify my disillusionment with all things politically partisan, or is this some real next level treason?

If what I see aired by the Corporate Media Complex (CMC) is an equitable and reasonable representation of reality, we are screwed as a society.

Are you certain that socialism is the answer, or should we continue what Alexis De Tocqueville and George Washington called “The Great Experiment” – our Representative Constitutional Republic – is it worth another shot?

Ben Franklin described democracy – our great experiment – “as two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.”

Leftists the Socialist Guerrillas exploit the weakness in the republic’s armor – free speech. They attack us through our children – a play from the Marxist handbook… divide and conquer. Turn the children against their parents, like Hitler did in the early 1930s.

They corrupt the spirit of the law with lies, twisting the letter of the law, using Olympic-level legal gymnastics, in politically aligned jurisdictions and partisan-appointed judges. They interfere in elections at every level; they even add geographically disenfranchised masses (illegal aliens) as would be voters to ensure their success. This is another abrogation of our constitutional principle that only citizens may vote. And oh, by the way… there are legal presidents that circumvent that constitutional law, too.

Why do some NASP states refuse to cleanup voter rolls, insist that photo ID is racist, and insist on mail-in-balloting in favor of in-person voting, with a photo ID?

What are they hiding?

With the myriad of caveats and exclusions for federal elections, there’s no way to lose, even when the law states otherwise. Their ends justify their means.

That’s the beauty of owning the government – you can do as you please and no one dares to object – even if they you, they are summarily eliminated solving the problem and sending a stern message to would be dissenters. How, incredibly efficient and emphatically unequivocal, and truly unfortunate that other areas or socialism don’t work as advertised.

Remember this as you consider our transformation to the Nationalist American Socialist Party’s new ideology…

Stalin killed an estimated 60 million people in pursuit of his fundamental transformation of Russia to Communism. Nine million were mass murders, the remainder was victims of the aftermath, but it was all justified as collateral damage from the transformation.

What’s in store for the New America…

This republic is not perfect, but there are provisions to improve it, if that’s the will of the people, not the direction of partisan political parties.

September 26, 2024

~ The Author ~
Charles R. Dickens was born in 1951, is a veteran of the Vietnam war, for which he volunteered, and the great-great grandson of the noted author, whose name he shares.

He is a fiercely proud American, who still believes this is the greatest country on the planet, with which we’ve lost control and certainly our direction. He grew up in moderate financial surrounding; we’re not rich by any stretch, but didn’t go hungry – his incredibly hard working father saw to that. As most from that era, he learned about life from his father, whose story would take too long to tell, other than to say that, he is also a fiercely proud American; a WWII and Korean war, veteran Marine.

Charlie was educated in the parochial system which, demanded that you actually learn something, and have capability to retain it before you advance. He attended several universities in pursuit of a bachelor’s degree, and chased the goose further to a master’s, and has retained some very definite ideas about education in this country.

In addition, Charlie is a retired blues guitar and vocalist – a musician. This was his therapy career. Nothing brings him as much joy as playing music, and he wishes that he could make a living at it… but alas… life goes on!

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