Smith: The Day of the Assassin

“Isn’t it the moment of most profound doubt that gives birth to new certainties? Perhaps hopelessness is the very soil that nourishes human hope; perhaps one could never find sense in life without first experiencing absurdity.” ~ Václav Havel, staunch anti-communist and former President of Czechoslovakia

We are truly living in troubling, dangerous times, that none of us would ever have wished for our people or our country, none of us who love America I should say. This is exactly what the Democrat Party Communists have hoped and called to happen time and again, as they now cry out in feigned shock and cry their crocodile tears over the near miss on Donald Trump’s life by an assassin’s bullet.

In public, Joe Biden and his Marxist-Maoist comrades may say this political violence is terrible and “unacceptable” all day long and every day, but in reality, this attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump is the manifestation of their wildest hopes and dreams. And in private, they all are sad that Thomas Matthew Crooks missed his mark, as go on to smile, joke and clap one another on the back, assuring one another that “We’ll get him next time.”

You know that I’m not wild over the prospect of a Trump return to the Oval Office, but I do have to respect the man for the courage he showed while under fire and the fact that he never took his salary as president and the fact that he truly does love America, even if he did get so much wrong during his first term as president.

This is an historic moment. The sound of the assassin’s bullets popping through the air just changed the course of American history and more than likely ensured the re-election of Trump, as we all watched Trump raise his clenched fist shouting out to the crowd, “fight, fight, fight“.

Two Inches Changed the Course of American History

An assassin’s bullet came within a mere two inches of snuffing the light, the humorous glint and the life from former President Donald Trump’s eyes on Saturday evening [July 13th 2024] at Bethel Park, Pennsylvania, and but by the grace of God, we would be having a very different conversation today and burying another noted American leader, and Joe Biden’s political opposition and nemesis. But just minutes into his address, Trump’s turn of the head to look at a large video screen just as the first shot rang out at 6:11 P.M., clipping his ear, was the split-second move that saved his life.

Trump showed himself to be no coward, pushing back on the Secret Service agents trying to shield him, bringing his face out of the protective ring of bodies to look out over the crowd of his supporters and urge them to “Fight, Fight, Fight“, as he raised his fist and shook it in defiance of those who sought to end him.

And the crowd cheered back, “USA, USA, USA“, as some in the crowd hurled curses and gave the finger to the panning cameras, almost as if they were sending a message to America’s radicals and all whom they believe stand against them and their favored man for the presidency.

Unfortunately, one innocent man lost his life, and two others were injured, as the bullets flew indiscriminately. Pray for his soul and for his family, and pray for this America we love so well.

This is a terrible thing to see in America on any day, but I fear it portends of worse days yet to come for our country.

The day of the assassin, with all of its cultural undercurrents, has re-emerged to shock most ordinary God-fearing Americans to their very core, as we all worry and pray and work for a good future for ourselves, our families and our country. And although we’ve seen this play out many times, since 1835 and the attempt on President Andrew Jackson, this horrible event represents one of the worst, even if it failed, because of the deep, wide split and polarized politics of the American people along ideological lines and the numerous assaults on our republic by the Biden regime and the Democrat Party Communists.

Some of us, much like myself, have had the unfortunate distinction of witnessing three successful assassinations and four unsuccessful assassination attempts – via the wonders of technology and real time news media – against our most noted and loved American leaders, from John F. Kennedy, brother Robert Kennedy, and Martin Luther King, Jr. to George Wallace, Ronald Reagan, Gerald Ford and now Donald J. Trump.

Now, it’s absurd and nearly comical to hear Biden decry political violence, when he and every other Democrat were missing in action as Black Lives Matter and Antifa were maiming and killing Americans and looting and burning entire sections of every major city in America between 2014 and 2020. Approximately two hours after the attempt on Trump’s life, Biden had the gall to state:

“The idea that there’s political violence, or violence in America like this is just unheard of. It’s just not appropriate. I mean, everybody, everybody must condemn it.”

No cogent, logical, conservative freedom-loving American believes this crock of commie shit and Biden’s public crocodile tears. I dare say that he and every other major Democrat Party apparatchik in the country were crying only over the fact that the shooter, Thomas Matthew Crooks, missed his target, and the only thing that left them smiling that evening was the thought that “we’ll get him next time”, whether Crooks was one of theirs or not.

As noted by Senator J.D. Vance (R-Ohio), in the immediate aftermath of the assassination attempt:

“The central premise of the Biden campaign is that President Donald Trump is an authoritarian fascist who must be stopped at all costs. That rhetoric led directly to President Trump’s attempted assassination.”

Crooks’ motivation is unclear at this writing since he was a registered Republican who had also donated money to a progressive organization focused on expanding the ranks of the Democrat Party voter base, but it will come as no surprise to me if he is found to have links to some Marxist-Maoist or Antifa groups, when all is said and done.

Trump is “Hitler”, he’s a “threat to democracy” and Biden has a bullseye on him. We’ve heard the vile, vitriolic rhetoric, the amerikkan communists’ truth, screamed from every roof top and media outlet since 2016 and the Obama administration’s attempt to neutralize Trump by way of a counter-intelligence operation, most foul, that pulled out every stop and violated every U.S. law imaginable. It’s not surprising at all to see their words and actions finally culminate in murder most foul.

Trump refused to allow the assassin’s act to define him or make him quiver in fear, even tho’ I’m certain fear had Trump’s adrenaline pumping off the charts. His courage under fire was the kind of courage that transitions well into the most important job in the world, and it has certainly instilled more confidence than ever in Trump’s ability to bravely lead the United States again, and in many respects, his survival has boosted the morale of America, carrying forward a message of “strength over weakness”.

Now we are faced with the absurdities surrounding the assassin and how it was even possible that the nearby rooftop of a factory – approximately 430 feet or 142 yards away – with a direct line of sight to Trump’s podium, could be left to the assassin for the taking – that Secret Service agents weren’t actually posted atop it to prevent just such a murderous episode. The incompetence is shocking to see, especially when one learns civilians saw the shooter crawling up the roof and reported him, approximately five minutes before he opened fire, which sent law enforcement on the ground spinning off in a tizzy of confusion, like something out of the Keystone Cops. And after the shooter was finally killed by a Counter Strike sniper, a couple of the DEI Secret Service agents couldn’t even properly holster their pistols once Donald Trump was taken safely from the killing zone, fumbling with their weapons like some kid just learning to handle a firearm.

One female Secret Service agent is heard on the videotape saying, “What are we doing … what are we doing from here?”

If not for the youthfulness and relative inexperience of the shooter, a former member of his high school rifle team, one might almost reasonably reach the conclusion that this sniper’s perch was left accessible on purpose by bad actors somewhere within the security detail and the advance reconnaissance team. Never in my life or my own short military service have I ever heard or known of any trained snipers ever leaving rooftops uncovered and unobserved if they were in counter operations, and this is essentially an operational clusterfuck that will make into the history books as a textbook case of exactly how not to run a counter sniper mission.

Thomas Matthew Crooks

Why did it take eight sniper rounds, before the CS agents fired to take him down? Supposedly, according to Jesse Waters at Fox News, one CS agent had the sniper sighted before the sniper fired, and still he didn’t react to neutralize him; there wasn’t any reason not to engage him and kill him on the spot.

This was a massive security breach and an incredible level of negligence and gross incompetence, unless it was a plan and a betrayal in action, designed to see Trump planted in the ground.

                                     Lyin’-Ass Mayorkas

It’s almost as if the Praetorian guards were ordered to stand down, especially once one considers that Trump’s request for a larger security detail was denied by Alejandro Mayorkas’ Department of Homeland Security. But then again, looking at the recent yassi-fying and DIEversifying of the Secret Service it’s just damned hard to know what really happened, especially after Trump’s detail being larded down with fat females who fumbled with their firearms after all was calm. Maybe there isn’t any conspiracy but only one more crisis of competency and the collapse of our formerly complex, highly skilled and competent security systems, not that the two are mutually exclusive.

In the meantime, the FBI is investigating the assassination attempt. Yes, the same FBI that spied on Trump, tried to subvert his presidency with the fake Steele Dossier, perpetrated the Russia hoax and raided his home – this FBI says it will get to the bottom of this. No one should bother waiting for the truth to be forthcoming, not from the FBI or the Secret Service, whose director, Kimberly Cheatle, is a former head of security for PepsiCo and a DEI hire.

They couldn’t destroy him with dirty political tricks and “Russia, Russia, Russia”, two impeachments that failed and all the lawfare they have leveled against him; and so now, in a panic over his climbing poll numbers and the very real sense Donald J. Trump will become the next President of the United States, they are resorting to assassination.

Don’t you know, there are thousands of Democrats on Capitol Hill in need of having their diapers changed. Metaphorically speaking, they’ve already taken numerous shots at Trump, but if the assassination attempt and the security failure at Bethel Park ever traces back to them in any manner, they missed, and there will be hell to pay. If you try to kill the king, you better make damned sure you succeed.

Today, Donald Trump is calling for Americans to stand united, as he suggests we are all a part of this big family we call America, but in so doing, he’s pushing an unrealistic pipe-dream, given what the Democrat Party and its followers have become. He seems not to understand there can be no “uniting” with Marxist-Maoists intent on ending the republic and traditional America. These people represent America’s mortal enemies, and they are trying to kill him and this nation.

What he’s thinking is anyone’s guess, but it is wrong-headed.

Anyone who thinks there will be a peaceful transition of power in 2025, if Trump wins November’s election, should have had that illusion shattered yesterday when eight rounds from a rifle whizzed past Trump and brought death and harm to patriotic Americans in the crowd. But for a couple of inches, we could be talking about the start of the next Civil War, if Trump’s head had exploded in a pink mist, and as angry as the Democrat Party Communists may be over their agenda being stymied by conservatives and independents unwilling to live under authoritarianism and the Leviathan, there are probably just as many freedom-loving Americans who are even more angry – maybe even angry enough to start treating the Democrats, the high profile regime types, in kind and giving them a taste of their own medicine.

The days ahead are filled with a high level of uncertainty, and if this terrible event has shown us anything, it’s that anything can happen on any given day to change the nation’s course for the better or the worse in the blink of an eye. For many, there is an ever present feeling that this assassination attempt has set us against the tyrants of the nation and the final path that will lead us to either freedom or destruction.

Whatever happens, it is still my firm belief that there are no more compromises to be made with so many who are not Americans at heart or in convictions, and there isn’t any peaceful solution to resolve the major issues of the day over which we do battle.

To continue to tolerate the enemy-from-within is to tolerate one’s own loss of liberty and eventual demise at their own hands, to tolerate national suicide.

July 14, 2024

Justin O. Smith ~ Author

~ The Author ~
Justin O. Smith has lived in Tennessee off and on most of his adult life, and graduated from Middle Tennessee State University in 1980, with a B.S. and a double major in International Relations and Cultural Geography – minors in Military Science and English, for what its worth. His real education started from that point on. Smith is a frequent contributor to the family of Kettle Moraine Publications.

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