May 17, 2024: The Continued INVASION of America… The Insanity Will NOT End ~ and Joey is Playing the game…

U.S. House Panel Debates Voting by Noncitizens, Which Is Already Illegal

U.S. House Republicans are promoting a bill to curb voting by noncitizens. Though noncitizens can vote in some local elections, it is already illegal for noncitizens to vote in federal elections.

Republicans on the U.S. House Administration Committee argued at a Thursday hearing that there is a need for legislative action to bar noncitizens from voting in federal elections — even though voting by noncitizens in federal elections is extremely rare and already illegal.

“American elections are for American citizens and we intend to keep it that way,” the chair of the committee, Rep. Bryan Steil of Wisconsin, said in his opening remarks.

House Democrats said Republicans were laying the groundwork to instill mistrust in voting ahead of the November elections… (Continue to full article)

China’s growing threat to U.S. national security in the crosshairs of Congress

House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Oversight, Investigations, and Accountability held a hearing on the explosion in the number of Chinese nationals entering the U.S. via the southern border since President Joe Biden took office.

Unfortunately, under the Biden administration, border patrol agents have been instructed that when processing Chinese nationals, they should conduct short, basic interviews that include only generic background questions instead of in-depth interviews.

The influx of illegal immigrants from one of the U.S. greatest rivals has raised national security concerns. In fact, as The Center Square previously reported, FBI Director Christopher Wray last month told attendees at an American Bar Association’s Committee on Law and National Security that China was the “defining threat of our generation.”… (Continue to full article)

Migrants Breach Fortified Border Barrier, March Through Texas Neighborhood

A group of nearly 100 migrants, including some young children, was observed marching away from the Rio Grande after breaching border barriers near the heart of downtown Eagle Pass, Texas. The migrants strolled through the city streets and were observed by residents who notified authorities of the breach.

One resident captured several photos of the large migrant group strolling through her neighborhood on Tuesday just as the Border Patrol arrived to make the arrest. The group managed to breach concertina wire installed along the Rio Grande by state authorities deployed to fortify the border under Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s Operation Lone Star.

A Customs and Border Protection source, not authorized to speak to the media, says many in the group will likely be released to pursue asylum claims within the United States… (Continue to full article)

Biden Border Crisis Could Increase Number of Illegal Ballots Cast in 2024 — up to 2.7 Million

Do non-citizens vote in U.S. elections?

The answer, of course, is yes, they do.

A recent academic study based on surveys done for the Cooperative Congressional Election Studies showed evidence that non-citizens are voting in our elections in meaningful numbers. As many as 27 percent of non-citizens surveyed were registered to vote, and as many as 13 percent of them actually cast ballot… (Continue to full article)

Hey, Amigo, when joo get een to the US Vote for Biden

The endgame of the Biden border crisis is to disenfranchise American citizens by diluting their votes

So you would have to say in all honesty, that the Biden border crisis is a manufactured crisis. It’s not accidental or coincidental. It was done on purpose.

The question has been put forward–can this be considered election interference? Probably it can, but do you think that bothers the Democrats? If you do you are prone to delusion. Today’s Democrats lack any moral scruples whatever. Anything, no matter how raunchy or outright crooked, that will put their people in office is totally acceptable and is encouraged… (Continue to full article)

Full List of Democrats Who Voted Against Deporting Migrants Who Attack Cops
majority of House Democrats voted against a bill put forth by GOP lawmakers that would require federal law enforcement to detain migrants who have entered the U.S. illegally and face charges for assaulting police officers.

The bill, which is titled the “Detain and Deport Illegal Aliens Who Assault Cops Act,” was first introduced by New Jersey Representative Jeff Van Drew and backed by several other Republicans. It is among a series of legislation that the House GOP has vowed to bring to the chamber’s floor in the coming days in honor of National Police Week. Republicans said in a release on Wednesday that the bills “highlight our continued support for America’s law enforcement offices.

And as ALWAYS – it is ALL a Fookin’ JOKE!!! (Continue to full article)

Chinee Joe Buy Deng

Biden plans executive order to shut down border once crossings reach 4,000 per day…
…despite saying he needs Congress to act!

President Biden is planning executive action that would allow him to shut down the US-Mexico border once the number of migrant crossings reaches 4,000 per day, a source close to the White House told The Post Wednesday.

The order would match a provision in the bipartisan border bill that failed to pass the Senate in February , which gave the president authority to expel migrants when border crossings reached the same daily average.

“Just give me the power. I’ve asked from the very day I got into office,” he said. “Give me the Border Patrol, give me the people, the judges — give me the people who can stop this and make it work right.”

However, the president has changed his tune… (Continue to full article)

          Voter Registration – WHERE – at thee Border???

DC Hosted Voting Registration Training for Illegal Immigrants
Washington, D.C. , hosted an online training camp last month to help illegal immigrants sign up to vote in city elections.

Making good on new legislation granting illegal immigrants voting rights, even for those who have lived in the district for just 30 days, the city joined a handful of others in opening the vote to undocumented migrants.

The training PowerPoint , provided to legal watchdog Judicial Watch under a Freedom of Information Act request, said that some form of government identification was required to register.

The migrants will not be allowed to vote in federal elections, just city contests, according to the newly approved law….. (Continue to full article)

Biden Admin Releases New Deportation Rule That… does NOTHING
After waiting for the poll-watching Biden administration to announce a crackdown on illegal immigration, an immigration watchdog says what came instead was a meaningless P.R. stunt.

“It is more of an attempt on the part of the Biden administration, ahead of the election, to try to convince the American public that they’re trying to do something about asylum abuse.”

…and it’s ALL BULLSHIT!!! (Continue to full article)

Biden administration preparing to hand out 10K migrant ID cards in several US cities

The Biden administration hopes to dispense thousands of ID cards to migrants in the coming weeks as part of an effort to update the documentation that US government agencies provide illegal border-crossers.

The Biden administration hopes to dispense thousands of ID cards to migrants in the coming weeks as part of an effort to update the documentation that US government agencies provide illegal border-crossers

The program aims to “modernize documentation provided to some noncitizens,” according to ICE, which notes that the cards are only intended for use by Department of Homeland Security agencies — such as ICE, Customs and Border Protection and Citizenship and Immigration Services.

Nearly 8 million migrants have crossed the southern border into the US since President Biden took office, including more than 189,000 individuals in March… (Continue to full article)

                           GO HOME! Hasta la Bye-Bye!

Ex-DHS chief calls for reinstating ‘Remain in Mexico’ policy
Former Trump administration acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf said President Joe Biden should reinstate the “Remain in Mexico” policy and use other measures to turn back migrants at the border, calling the current situation a crisis that has gone unaddressed for too long.

He also recommended invoking presidential authority under Section 212(f) to expel migrants due to an “emergency” at the border.

The comments came as more than a dozen Democratic members of Congress sent a letter urging Biden to secure the U.S.-Mexico border amid ongoing large numbers of migrant crossings.

Nearly every day since September, hundreds of migrants from China, Colombia and other countries have wiggled through openings in the border wall with Mexico and walked dirt trails to surrender to U.S. agents and seek asylum. Some days, more than 1,000 arrive in the boulder-strewn mountains near San Diego alone… (Continue to full article)

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