Another great loss…

After 11 years at Le Bonheur, it was time to say goodbye. Although my heart is broken, LB gave me the opportunity to do what I love. I will forever be thankful to LB for the memories, my co-workers, and patients that have touched my life in so many ways. I have been truly blessed. After tons of research, talking with other frontline workers, I made the decision to STAND. Stand for freedom. Medical freedom. Freedom to make my own choices and to fight for our Constitutional Rights as an American!

And for my daddy who fought so bravely for this Country! I promise Daddy …it was not for nothing!! Thank you to all those who are standing across TN and around the world! God Has you all! Remember …Freedom is never free! It comes with a price. Love to all. ~

Jenny Lane Weeks
October 28, 2021

One thought on “Another great loss…

  1. Heidi Hickson

    I am so sorry so many of our front line employees that were front line Heroes a year ago are going through this. if I were a front line employee I would walk out with them in Solidarity of their beliefs. Remember what they are doing to these employees today, they will do to you tomorrow.

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