The Zombie Pandemic: SHOOT THE DOG!

You wouldn’t shoot a dog in the middle of the night for barking as a potential warning for danger.

Liberals today are convinced they are safe, just as with those who’ve promoted getting vaccinated over where you are healthy and the alleged vaccine has been proven not to protect, rather then create the very Covid-19 they originally feared with the help of the Media, CDC and the Government.

A barking dog now silenced would have signaled the dangers to the side effects or death and for what, a promise from the aforementioned that repeatedly lies to all about wars, the economy, and the alleged insurrection at the Capitol so they will have total freedoms if they get vaccinated and at any cost silence the dog.

How many reversals have those in power done in respect to that?

And then now due to those death’s and side effects after their getting vaccinated that their health is far worse off.

So they now blame the healthy who didn’t fall for those lies. Its also a fact that healthy people don’t spread diseases.

I suppose the CDC after having removed hundreds of thousands of side effects and many thousands of death’s listed from the VAERS reporting system, that the barking dog’s BARK too was just a conspiracy?

If you find this article interesting pass it on, if not? SHOOT THE DOG!

Keith T. Rodgers

REFERENCE: from the Centers from Disease Control???

One thought on “The Zombie Pandemic: SHOOT THE DOG!

  1. veteran

    info for all

    check out stop world

    also check america’s frontline

    very good info for us.

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