Separate Ways

It is so unbearable to watch the evening news,
Who the hell do these “reporters” think they’re lying to?
People who are lied to will not trust a word you say,
We’re sick of being lied to, so we’re going Separate Ways.

Going Separate Ways convulsed our nation once before,
We’ve not been this divided since before the Civil War,
Whispers of secession followed years of disarray,
Lately there are whispers, we are going Separate Ways.

There was a time not long ago when we could get along,
But now it seems the days of compromise are all but gone,
Silicommie Valley people censor what we say,
Either we go commie or we go our Separate Ways.

A sense of disillusionment is hanging in the air,
Except for people on the dole or those who do not care,
Rigging an election’s yet another commie play,
If we’re going commie then we’re going Separate Ways.

Some of us feel so betrayed, we’re nearly paralyzed,
The commie woke put up the choking smoke that burns the eyes,
Our eyes were burning long before that “Insurrection Day,”
They fenced the Halls of Congress off, we’re going Separate Ways.

The hammer and the sickle do not go with stars and stripes,
Chain link fences ’round DC suggest the time is ripe
To divide and rule us fools and confiscate our pay,
They’re taking us for suckers and we’re going Separate Ways.

Half the nation still believes that Trump had been a gift,
He taught us how to man the ship of state that was adrift,
The ship of state is taking on a sea of debt today,
There’s no abidin’ Biden, we are going Separate Ways.

Many people think that covid 19 was a ruse,
Fear of death can make one less discerning of the truth,
People who are frightened are more likely to obey,
This commie ‘bomination’s got us going Separate Ways.

It’s tyranny or freedom, it’s as clear as black and white,
The end to what has come undone will not come overnight,
It took them years to engineer that sad election day,
That WAS election fraud, and we are going Separate Ways.

With multicultural integration, we could along,
But 1619 teaches if you’re white, then you are wrong,
Critical Race Theory’s what they’re teaching kids today,
If we’re a racist nation, then we’re going Separate Ways.

If identity politics is really where we stand,
We will be divided tribes across a barren land,
The sooner that we make it clear, “THIS IS THE USA!”
The sooner we’ll undo this coup and go our Separate Ways.

How to divorce yourself from the abhorrent leftist hate?
Pack up a U-Haul truck and move off to a reddish state,
Find a smaller city where police are paid to stay,
Post a sign: “No commies, we have gone our Separate Way.”

Tell your TV anchors, “It is US your running down.
Either run the truth or we will run you out of town!
Gratuitous destruction you’re promoting every day
Is going to stop right now or we will go our Separate Ways.”

The age of four Pinocchios have been unhappy days,
We’re sick of being lied to, and we’re going Separate Ways.

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