Uncle Sam Does NOT Want You

Uncle Sam had nerves of steel, but now his nerves are raw,
Uncle Sam’s been bound and gagged in a coup d’etat,
They charged him and they mugged him, and they kicked him to the curb,
His guards could only shake their heads but could not say a word,
They’d had to take an oath to cancel everything they’d been,
Protecting Uncle Sam was now considered mortal sin,
Lately there are warnings that a war will soon ensue,
If you have been a traitor, Uncle Sam Does Not Want You.

Uncle Sam was slow to pick up on the nightmare news,
And slow to gather names of those so shamefully accused,
Spreading light of liberty’s what Uncle Sam is for,
Keeping light from shining in can start a civil war,
What little light remaining makes it clear to Uncle Sam
The elements of such a war are very close at hand,
The light that filters through the cracks give proof to what is true,
If you are Cancel Culture,  Uncle Sam Does Not Want You

To cheaters and the traitors and to those who spread the news
To all New World Order wokidopes behind this commie coup,
You’re about to feel the wrath of good old Uncle Sam,
If you’re a commie rat then get the hell off of our land,
Uncle Sam’s for everything that you are dead against,
That means life and liberty and that means self defense,
Communism spreads more like this bug from Fu Manchu
Whoever spread this cancer Uncle Sam Does Not Want You.

To people in a coma, who slept through this commie coup,
To those who sipped the kool aid,  Uncle Sam Does Not Want You.
A civil war is brewing, so right now’s the time to choose,

Either you’re for us,  or Uncle Sam Does Not Want You

~ James Reeves
May 10, 2021

One thought on “Uncle Sam Does NOT Want You

  1. veteran

    the constitution gives the people the right to change or abolish the government. it is time to organize.
    the targets should be the globalist’s in government, the media and big corporate.
    there are many changes to be made, and many guilty of treason to be in prison for life.
    it’s not hard to find them as they have made themselves known.
    people, please repent and ask God to guide us.

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