For generations, America produced innovators, inventors, and independent thinkers—people who challenged authority, built industries, and made this country the most powerful force in the world. But today? The average high school graduate can barely read at an eighth-grade level, lacks basic financial literacy, and has no clue how their own government works. This wasn’t an accident. It was designed.
Through a series of calculated decisions – removing civics, gutting traditional academics, replacing knowledge with indoctrination – they have deliberately dumbed us down. And the most infuriating part? We paid for our own destruction through taxpayer-funded education, massive teachers’ unions, and globalist influence over curriculum.
This is the blueprint of how they did it – and how we break the cycle.
So who controls what our kids learn? Who produces the “curriculum” that schools must follow or lose funding? If you think school boards or local communities control what’s in your children’s textbooks, think again. A handful of powerful corporations – many tied to globalist foundations – control the educational publishing industry, setting the national curriculum through entities like the College Board and the National Education Association. The Rockefeller and Carnegie foundations, which pushed for a compliant workforce over free thinkers, helped create this centralized education model over a century ago.
They didn’t want a nation of entrepreneurs and independent landowners. They wanted obedient employees and tax-paying drones. So they rewrote education to serve them, not us.
What changed? Civics disappeared. Students stopped learning about the constitutional republic, individual rights, and state sovereignty. Math and reading levels collapsed. We went from complex problem-solving in elementary school to a system where “new math” leaves even parents confused. Classrooms became propaganda hubs. History was rewritten to paint America as irredeemable, morality became subjective, and radical social theories replaced critical thinking.
These changes weren’t about improving education. They were about erasing self-reliance and replacing it with dependence.
The teachers union has played the largest role in the destruction of the education they are pledged to provide. One of the most untouchable institutions in America is the teachers union — a corrupt machine
that doesn’t care about students but exists solely to preserve power. Public school teachers are nearly impossible to fire, thanks to tenure. Bad teachers don’t get fired, they get reassigned.
hy is this tolerated? Because the unions are not about education. They are about politics and control. They funnel billions into political campaigns, overwhelmingly supporting leftist agendas that keep big government in control of education. The worse the system performs, the more money they demand – and they always get it.
Here is the solution: Break the monopoly. End federal involvement in education. The Department of Education needs to be abolished. Expand school choice so tax dollars follow students, not failing institutions. Allow states and parents to control what their children learn – not unelected bureaucrats.
We have an IQ Crisis. America is being dumbed down on purpose. Reading comprehension and math skills in America have plummeted over the last 50 years. Don’t believe it? Pick up a third-grade textbook from the 1800s – you’ll find more complex writing than what’s in most college courses today.
The numbers don’t lie: 54% of adults in the U.S. read below a sixth-grade level. The average IQ is declining for the first time in modern history. Only 19% of high school students are proficient in history – because real history is no longer taught.
A nation that cannot read, cannot do math, and does not know its own history cannot govern itself. And that’s exactly the point.
If people are dumbed down, they are easier to manipulate. They don’t know their rights, so they don’t know when they’re being violated. They don’t understand money, so they stay in financial slavery. They don’t understand their own history, so they don’t recognize tyranny when it comes knocking.
And then there is the “Tech Trap.” Stealing our children’s minds one screen at a time.
There was a time, not too long ago, when kids played outside, learned practical skills, and engaged in real social interactions. But today, screens dominate children’s lives. Big Tech and the education system have teamed up to trap our children in digital dependency.
Children are given tablets in school before they can even write in cursive (which incidentally they no longer teach cursive). Homework is online. Social interaction happens through screens, not face-to-face. Every moment of their lives is filled with algorithm-driven manipulation designed to distract, addict, and weaken them.
Here are the results of what the American Education System has produced: Shortened attention spans—most kids today struggle to focus on anything longer than a TikTok video. Emotional instability – social media has driven skyrocketing rates of anxiety, depression, and suicide among teens. Lack of real-world skills – a generation that can navigate an iPhone flawlessly but can’t change a tire, balance a budget, or hold a meaningful conversation.
It’s no accident. A generation raised on technology instead of reality is easier to distract, manipulate, and control.
To solve this issue parents must take control. Limit screen time. Your child’s development depends on it. Ditch social media. The algorithms are working against them, not for them. Demand tech-free education. Kids need books, paper, and real-world interaction – not digital pacifiers.
The hijacking of our children in schools is a planned part of the overthrow of America. Destroy the family and you destroy the backbone of society. Everything discussed so far – education collapse, Big Tech manipulation, IQ destruction – has one core goal: the destruction of the American family.
A strong, independent, faith-driven family is the single greatest threat to totalitarian control. That’s why the system has worked tirelessly to: Undermine parental authority – schools keep secrets from parents, even on life-altering topics like gender transitions. Break traditional values – faith, discipline, and strong family ties are mocked, while chaos and rebellion are encouraged. Replace parents with the state – they want the government raising your children, not you.
We have lost the family, thus, we have lost our country. Taking back our children will help us take back our country. This didn’t happen overnight, and it won’t be reversed overnight. But it can and must be reversed.
Here’s how. First, take education back. If you can homeschool, do it. If not, demand real curriculum transparency. Second, stop funding failure. Pull your tax dollars from failing public schools. Support school choice. Third, break free from digital slavery. Limit screens, cut off social media, and get kids outside and engaged in the real world. And fourth, strengthen the family. Faith, discipline, and tradition are our greatest weapons against tyranny.
They stole our children’s minds. We’re taking them back.
The fight for America’s future starts in the classroom, in the home, in the conversations we have every single day. And make no mistake – we will win.
Written by Maureen Steele forClash Daily ~ March 227, 2025