Smith: It’s Time to Impeach These Commie Rat Bastard Judges or Just Hang ‘Em High!

Nothing in the Constitution has given them [the federal judges] a right to decide for the Executive, more than to the Executive to decide for them. . . . The opinion which gives to the judges the right to decide what laws are constitutional and what not, not only for themselves, in their own sphere of action, but for the Legislature and Executive also in their spheres, would make the Judiciary a despotic branch.” ~ Thomas Jefferson’s letter to Abigail Adams, September 11th 1804

The U.S. Judiciary and our court system at every level has undergone a metamorphosis throughout the last six decades that has it resembling something one is more likely to find in a Third World Banana Republic or the old Soviet Union rather than in America, a country where Justice was once thought to be blind and our courts actually used to work to protect America and Her people instead of protecting Her enemies as we witness today. I am sickened to the depths of a country outhouse’s manure pit to know that there are thousands of men just like Judge James Boasberg who are all too willing to betray their oath to the Constitution [flawed and damaged at it already is] and America as if it is of no more consequence than their morning dump on the toilet.

The American people could make this change pretty damned quick, if they would only start exacting a real, meaningful, hard consequence from these rat bastards. And should they remain incalcitrant from doing the right thing for America, they should be made to suffer severe consequences, first by way of exhausting all legal means and finally dangling at the end of a rope handled by the rightfully angry American patriots who have long grown tired of witnessing their country taken apart little by little and piece by piece, while their own friends and family members are made to suffer by way of these traitors’ anti-American actions and Machiavellian mechanisms.

America is currently facing another spate of unconstitutional lawfare by the unhinged, lunatic communists of the country, and one in particular, federal district judge James Boasberg who was appointed to the Superior Court of D.C. by the globalist Republican-In-Name-Only President George W. Bush and then lifted to the U.S. District Court of D.C. by President Obama, has seen fit to engage in the same judicial activism we regularly witness from the far left communists within the U.S. Judicial System, by acting as “the man who would be king” and making an attempt to usurp President Donald J. Trump’s lawful and constitutional duties to keep America safe and secure, after he deported more than 250 criminal illegal aliens by plane to El Salvador on March 15th 2025, of which 238 were members of the violent Venezuelan Tren de Aragua gang. Boasberg’s hubris knows no limits, as was evidenced by his demand for the plane to return to the U.S. in mid-flight and over international waters, where he holds no jurisdiction, despite President Trump’s clearly legal authority to implement such action under the Alien Enemies Act of 1798 and other clauses of the U.S. Constitution, and it is this sort of illiberal, tyrannical overreach that demands an immediate remedy aimed at halting judges and justices from acting as if they are rulers over all branches of government and all America and against the express wishes of the American people.

Boasberg, a Democrat activist judge of the lower district court, has absolutely no authority whatsoever to prevent a sitting U.S. president from carrying out his constitutional duty under the law, especially when the very thing Boasberg is attempting to achieve stands in direct contravention to that law, the constitution and the interests of the nation and the American people. In essence, somehow this lunatic activist judge, who was raised by Democrat parents and heavily indoctrinated by leftist politics and a Columbia University “education”, believes it is in his purview to defend the criminal illegal alien invaders who have committed thousands of robberies, assaults, rapes and murders of Americans and force a sitting president to allow them to remain in the country, essentially setting policy for the Trump administration as if he were president.

That is purely insane simply on the face of it!

Part of Boasberg’s justification hinges on the fact that 50 U.S.C. Section 22 of the Alien Enemies Act allows illegal aliens being targeted under its authority a grace period to get their affairs in order and self-deport, but the disingenuous and flawed nature of “judge” Boasberg’s temporary restraining order is revealed in the rest of the AEA that says they must not be engaged in any “actual hostility” or crime against the public safety and America’s society, which certainly was not the case with this first batch of criminal illegal aliens who were rightfully and legally booted from America’s shores.

Separation of powers is the real issue here and under no set of circumstances one can imagine does a lesser district court judge have any authority to usurp and circumvent the President of the United States of America when he is legitimately implementing U.S. law and carrying out his constitutional duty to defend and protect America. Separation of powers is at the heart of our system, as one might note after reading the works of John Locke, Charles Montesquieu, The Federalist Papers and more. And the illiberal, autocratic actions taken by this “judge” Boasberg is a disgrace and a blatant act to once more subvert our republic, much as he did as the main FISA Court judge when he allowed the false Steele Dossier to be entered into evidence, knowing it was false, in order to give credence to the Democrat Party “Russia Hoax”.

And everything we are witnessing from this autocratic judge, and those like him in the ranks of 679 others, is completely contrary to anything remotely resembling the “democratic process” or the true and lawful mechanisms of our republic. It evokes images for a future dystopian society where freedom and liberty no longer exist and the American people are ruled by the decrees of tyrants and despots.

Chief Justice John Roberts could have curbed this and put a stop to it a few weeks ago, before it ever got off the ground and out of hand, but instead he did the exact opposite and gave it his imprimatur, basically rubber-stamping his approval. His outright offhanded rejection of the suggestion of impeachment coming from the elected branches was way out of bounds and revealed his own leftist inclinations and biases. He could still actually do something to end this, rather than lecturing elected representatives and pontificating on a matter not before him; if he is going to expound on the manner for which Americans should or should not bring judges under control and in line with the Constitution, he should do so in a format where he can be questioned and challenged.

Unfortunately, even though the Founders of America sought to create a Judiciary that would be weaker than the Executive and the Legislative branches of our government as stated in numerous writings like Federalist #78, expansion of the power of judicial review for over two hundred years has arguably made it the strongest of the three. Today, the Court and its communist champions try to force every ruling to be seen as the final word on any and all matters, no matter how flawed or erroneous the ruling of the day may be, when as in all things the final word remains in the hands of the American people themselves by way of the Ninth and Tenth Amendments and referendums.

The American people have forgotten that the Court cannot make law. It’s only real and constitutionally mandated job is to peacefully settle domestic disputes peacefully in the courtroom rather than allowing elements to take their fight to the streets, and the Court and its judges and officers are also charged to protect, defend and enforce the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, while applying the laws adopted by Congress equally regardless of race, creed or color and without ethnic, partisan or any other prejudice.

RELATED: Trump sounds off after ‘‘Highly Conflicted‘ Obama-nominated judge assigned Signal chat lawsuit: ‘Disgraceful!

Boasberg and even the Big Boss, Chief Justice John Roberts, and many other past judges and justices as well as many present-day members of the Judiciary have failed miserably on each and every single point in this regard. This has become all too commonplace within the U.S. Judiciary and its officers, largely because they are fallible and too often corrupt men with their own designs and agenda for the path America should take, and they let their own political agenda cloud their ability to remain impartial on all matters that come before their courts.

Even when the Court’s rulings may fall in the favor of items on the Conservatives’ wish list, it still doesn’t make the Court’s overreach and newfound power right in any manner to which these rulings must be given the weight of “law” without any vote in Congress or a referendum for the people to decide. And yet, each and every time of late, this is precisely what follows and rulings on a multitude of issues are forced on all Americans as “standing U.S. law” and “set law”, even when their ruling goes against the express wishes and demands of the majority of Americans.

Does anyone remember how Chief Justice John Roberts jumped through linguistic hoops and mangled the English language to determine that Obamacare was in fact a “tax” despite being clearly worded in the initial proposed bill as a “penalty”? This is the sort of judicial malfeasance and traitorous bullshit that has been taking place on a regular basis for decades now, especially as the Democrat Party moved far away from the Constitution and became aligned with the Marxist-Maoist Communist Party and still empowered to make appointments to the Court whenever it held the majority and the White House.

In a letter to Thomas Cooper on November 29th 1802, Thomas Jefferson suggested:

… if we can prevent the government from wasting the labours of the people, under the pretence of taking care of them, they must become happy.”

Now we see the materialization of another misguided lawsuit, J.G.G. v Trump, against the Trump administration led by the American Civil Liberties Union and Democracy Forward, far left organizations. Incredibly, they have named President Trump, U.S. Attorney General Pam Bondi, Director of Homeland Security Kristi Noem, Deputy Director of ICE Madison Sheahan and Secretary of State Marco Rubio as defendants. The fact that this lawsuit has been allowed to expand from the initial five plaintiffs to a class action that includes all illegal alien invaders facing deportation under the AEA tells one all they need to know. Although this lawsuit will surely fail in the long run, it represents just one more monkey wrench – one of many yet to come – that the Democrat Party communists and their minions plan to use to slow any movement within the Trump administration towards any meaningful successes in any segment of government on every policy issue.

On March 20th 1788, Robert Yates, an Anti-Federalist writing under the pseudonym of “Brutus”, was wary of the manner in which the new U.S. court system was being imagined and the mechanisms of power being placed in its hands. As he noted at that time in ‘Brutus 15’:

….. the judges under this Constitution will control the legislature, for the Supreme Court are authorized in the last resort, to determine what is the extent of the powers of the Congress; they are to give the Constitution an explanation, and there is no power above them to set aside their judgment. The framers of this Constitution appear to have followed that of the British, in rendering the judges independent, by granting them their offices during good behavior, without following the constitution of England, in instituting a tribunal in which their errors may be corrected; and without adverting to this, that the judicial under this system have a power which is above the legislative, and which indeed transcends any power before given to a judicial by any free government under heaven.

I do not object to the judges holding their commissions during good behavior. I suppose it a proper provision provided they were made properly responsible. But I say, this system has followed the English government in this, while it has departed from almost every other principle of their jurisprudence, under the idea of rendering the judges independent – which, in the British constitution, means no more than that they hold their places during good behavior, and have fixed salaries – they have made the judges independent, in the fullest sense of the word. There is no power above them to control any of their decisions. There is no authority that can remove them, and they cannot be controlled by the laws of the legislature. In short, they are independent of the people, of the legislature, and of every power under heaven. Men placed in this situation will generally soon feel themselves independent of heaven itself. …..

To one degree or another, someone must have listened to Brutus, because under Article III Section 1 Americans can clearly see that a judge’s tenure in office is based on his or her “good behavior” which surely must also infer and imply an adherence to the Constitution itself and the oath any judge makes to serve, protect and defend the Constitution.

Article III Section 1 of The Constitution:

The judicial Power of the United States, shall be vested in one supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The Judges, both of the supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold their Offices during good Behaviour, and shall, at stated Times, receive for their Services, a Compensation, which shall not be diminished during their Continuance in Office.”

Inasmuch as this is so, President Donald J. Trump was one hundred percent correct to state that Judge James Boasberg should be impeached, whether or not it’s likely to ever actually occur. Still, the call is right and should be heard by the American people, if only to prepare for the day when it is a tenable solution and Republicans have the votes to accomplish the same. The House absolutely has the simple majority to win an impeachment vote, but it’s the Senate that convicts and removes, and there a two thirds majority vote is necessary. And so, for now, the Trump administration is left to slog out the fight in the courtroom and before public opinion.

Here is the post that President Trump made on Truth Social on March 18th, calling for Boasberg’s impeachment:

This Radical Left Lunatic of a Judge, a troublemaker and agitator who was sadly appointed by Barack Hussein Obama, was not elected President – He didn’t WIN the popular VOTE (by a lot!), he didn’t WIN ALL SEVEN SWING STATES, he didn’t WIN 2,750 to 525 Counties, HE DIDN’T WIN ANYTHING! I WON FOR MANY REASONS, IN AN OVERWHELMING MANDATE, BUT FIGHTING ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION MAY HAVE BEEN THE NUMBER ONE REASON FOR THIS HISTORIC VICTORY. I’m just doing what the VOTERS wanted me to do. This judge, like many of the Crooked Judges’ I am forced to appear before, should be IMPEACHED!!! WE DON’T WANT VICIOUS, VIOLENT, AND DEMENTED CRIMINALS, MANY OF THEM DERANGED MURDERERS, IN OUR COUNTRY. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!

Time to HANG the Judge

But in the meantime, keep in mind that the Judiciary Act of 1802 – signed by President Thomas Jefferson – was used to eliminate sixteen circuit court judgeships established by the previous Adam’s administration, while it also restructured the federal courts due to concerns over partisanship. much as we witness today. The old judges lost their positions, and still the Republic stood solid. Republicans should grow a pair of balls and start taking advantage of the tools at hand to rid our Judiciary of these vermin when they when the majority in 2026, if they can.

Against all logic and reason, the Democrat Party communists are intent on attacking windmills, defending the indefensible and attacking and subverting the republic at every opportunity. They have become so mentally unstable that they are willing to allow great harm and destruction to come to America rather than working with Trump and Republicans in areas where there policies truly are the best for all Americans, including the removal of criminal illegal alien terrorist invaders.

RELATED: “Don’t worry, it’ll be in writing”:  Judge in Charge of Lawsuit Over Trump Cabinet Signal Group Chat Appears to Reference Dispute About Restraining Order in Deportation Case

Do not be silent. Condemn these anti-American Democrat Party communist rat bastards at every opportunity. Work to cripple their ability to do any more harm to our republic and obliterate them from the halls of power all across America. Fight their efforts – those ongoing destructive methods – unfolding now even as I write these words, in order that those efforts are held ineffectual and impotent. They are doing lasting harm to our system in ways we may never fully recover from in the years ahead, but no matter. We are left to fight to survive as free people regardless the trajectory some few traitors take the nation, and as such, even if it means tearing this current corrupt judiciary to the ground, we must eradiate them from every institution of our government and ultimately destroy them, in order to destroy the still growing tyranny and lay it in its grave, so that we may live free.

James Boasberg is an unhinged, out of control rogue judge who must be dropped low and cut down to size in some form or fashion soon, and his extralegal, illegitimate demand for classified information pertaining to President Trump’s deportation operation in conjunction with the Alien Enemies Act of 1798 is absurd and the height of arrogance and self-importance from a delusional fool attempting to grab and wield great power. These are matters never to be given a green light by district judges, and yet, somehow here we are, due to the fact that the Democrat Party communists are willing to do any and everything, legal and illegal, in order to “win” and seize and hold raw power, and may the Constitution and right and wrong be damned.

March 27, 2025

Justin O. Smith ~ Author

~ The Author ~
Justin O. Smith has lived in Tennessee off and on most of his adult life, and graduated from Middle Tennessee State University in 1980, with a B.S. and a double major in International Relations and Cultural Geography – minors in Military Science and English, for what its worth. His real education started from that point on. Smith is a frequent contributor to the family of Kettle Moraine Publications.

One thought on “Smith: It’s Time to Impeach These Commie Rat Bastard Judges or Just Hang ‘Em High!

  1. Trotsky's Pickaxe

    Commie RAT POS internal Quisling traitors have dreams of flying the hammer & sickle after their Long March.

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