Smith: There’s No Such Thing as “Hate Speech”; There’s Only Free Speech in America

It would be beyond fantastic and amazing, if everyone in America could get along whether they have political differences or not, but unfortunately there have been a multitude of people in our country who have strived to divide and conquer by way of coalitions of minorities in all areas of all issues, and E Pluribus Unum be damned. It’s simply not our reality in modern day United States, and it looks like it’s going to remain this way for quite some time.

While one may believe they have many excellent reasons – or actually have great reasons – to dislike a certain segment of society, whether it’s because they are racist against blacks, whites, hispanics or asians or support gender dysphoria “therapy” and sex change operations, advocate for the fact there are only two sexes, want Open Borders or support common sense Constitutional Border Security, whichever side of any issue a person may fall on or whichever side of the political aisle his worldview rests, everyone in this nation has the absolute right to freely express their views and their opinions and facts without any obstruction or impediment from any governmental agency or entity, regardless of whom it offends or how distasteful it sounds to many people, so long as one is not harming anyone else or violating anyone else’s rights in so doing.

In other words, everyone is free to yell obscenities and racial slurs, as distasteful as they are, during any truly peaceful protest, where the protestors aren’t encroaching and trespassing on private property, occupying said property and/or obstructing individuals’ path to their destination because they have been targeted as “the other” – the Jew, the MAGA Guy, the white supremacist, the New Black Panther.

painting: ‘Free Speech’ by Norman Rockwell

With that said, just like it states in Ecclesiastes, there is a season and a time for all things, including violence in one’s own self-defense. As such, the violence we see emanating from the far left radicals isn’t in the defense of anything. It is subversive, nihilistic and aimed at destroying America’s republic, for which I have long been on record in favor of one day soon driving these anti-American rat bastards into the oceans or killing them where they stand should they refuse to leave America of their own accord with a little motivation from America’s patriots. The former is violence intent on destruction and conquest with the latter being a determined defense of ourselves – those who love America – our families and our country – one is vile and evil while the other is a righteous cause no sane freedom loving American may deny.

Because Hate Speech Isn’t A Thing

For my money, I freely admit to hating Laraza, the New Black Panthers, Black Lives Matter, the Council on Islamic American Relations, Hamas, Muslims in general, Democrats, communists, socialists, fascists and all the other anti-American radicals currently living and running about the country raging and rioting and attempting to destroy Her. My hate evolved out of reason and logic and with good reason, from the fact that these folks seek to impose tyranny upon all and use government to rape America of Her wealth and gain privilege over all other people simply from association and submission to those who have arrived to destroy Christianity, Western civilization and this America I love so well — no racist here, only a man who hates those who would destroy individual liberty in exchange for serfdom to the State and/ or their own racist agenda as outlined in recent years in the Critical Race Theory.

But, for their own part, those who hate America and Her allies believe they are right in their hatred, although it comes from a place that is based upon an erroneous, evil worldview regarding life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. They hate those who believe in hard work and self-reliance and independence, because we refuse to simply bend over and kiss their collective asses and let them take whatever their black little envious heart’s desire. Any opposition to their communistic worldview and insane lunatic vision for the future is enough to send them raging through the cities committing all manner of violence and arson.

However, there exists people on both sides of the political aisle today who would silence what they deem to be “hate speech”, something which is a construct of the far left, the nation’s communists, that is intent on silencing critics and exerting control over political speech, especially aimed at political opponents for any reason that evokes their displeasure.

Criticism, shouting obscenities and using racial slurs isn’t fine and well and good at all. I’m not advocating for any of this; but it is one’s right. Even with this however, no matter how any one group views another, existing laws demand no one group should discriminate against another. In other words, if you are a pro-Hamas Muslim with a business in, say, New York City, it is against U.S. federal law [1964 Civil Rights Act] for you to discriminate against a Jewish person, just as it is against the law for any white person to discriminate against a black person.

It would be better for the country on the whole, if all the various races would set aside race as any determinate factor for how they conduct their daily live, but a growing inclination to self-segregate and stick with one’s race in modern day America has led to the abrogation of the once glorified notion of E Pluribus Unum. And if it wasn’t doing so much damage to the fabric of American society on the whole, I’d be all for it, since under our First Amendment we have the right to assemble, which also implies freedom of association and a right to not be forced to have dealings with those we would otherwise avoid.

But our country’s communist, globalist proponents of a “new world order” demand conformity in their divisiveness and multiculturalist mish-mash of destruction that refuses to demand newcomers to America give their true allegiance to America or even make the slightest attempt to assimilate into our culture and traditional American way of life. Everything is a purposeful assault upon our systems, our institutions, our Christian traditions, our family norms and every other thing that was once considered righteous and true within our country.

We see millions of first and second generation Americans, children of legal immigrants, and millions more illegal alien invaders, in the country cursing Her very existence. They hate our white Founders and white ancestors who fought to make America free from the tyrannical British Monarchy. They hate our culture and America Herself. They hate white people in general, even the little white children, to the point that we have even heard them call for the murder of white babies, in the manner of King Samir Shabazz, former head of the New Black Panther Party in Philadelphia.

In a 2009 National Geographic documentary, Shabazz shouted into the camera:

I hate white people. All of them. Every last iota of a cracker, I hate it. We didn’t come out here to play today. There’s too much serious business going on in the black community to be out here sliding through South Street with white, dirty, cracker white bitches on our arms, and we call ourselves black men. … What the hell is wrong with you black man? You at a doomsday with a white girl on your damn arm. We keep begging white people for freedom! No wonder we not free! Your enemy cannot make you free, fool! You want freedom? You going to have to kill some crackers! You going to have to kill some of their babies!

And there is Malik Zulu Shabazz, the former national chairman for the New Black Panther Party, who addressed a large crowd gathered in front of the B’nai B’rith International Headquarters in D.C. on April 20th 2002, screaming into the microphone:

Kill every goddamn Zionist in Israel! Goddamn little babies, goddamn old ladies! Blow up Zionist supermarkets!

The aforementioned two examples go beyond the pale of hate speech, as both men attempted to motivate their followers to actually murder little white babies, little Jewish babies, proving themselves no better than the Hamas terrorists who actually did murder babies in Israel on October 7th 2023.

As for Laraza, the name literally translates to English as “The Race”. Laraza is essentially the Latino version of the KKK but just minus the hoods, especially once one delves into their past activities all throughout the American Southwest aligned also with the Reconquista Movement focused on taking back the entire Southwest for Mexico. Well hell … ol’ traitor Joe sure helped them out in that respect a damned good bit with his Open Borders policy.

In ‘An Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the [Muslim] Brotherhood in North America’, an islamofascist manifesto written in 1991 by the Muslim Brotherhood, they call for the destruction of Western civilization in America by way of infiltration and sabotage, in order that “Islam and Allah is made victorious over all other religions” – to wage jihad [holy war] against America until She submits. Are you beginning to see the pattern yet?

And so, I say it’s alright to hate them right back.

photo: That’s me (Ju8stin Smith) in the black shirt on July 14th 2010 in front of the Murfreesboro, TN Courthouse, centered between the two sides in our fight to stop a 52,000 square feet mosque expansion and trying to enlighten the young lady in front of me, as well as all the others, as to the reasons I knew it should be stopped. Middle Tennessee State University’s communist professors had coerced and manipulated all these young college students to come out and stand with the Muslims, when three-quarters of them didn’t even understand the true issue at hand. (credit, Christopher Berkey / AP)

They all want the perks and benefits of living in America, and yet they run about flaunting their false pride as they tout the wonders of the shit hole countries they fled to come live in America, screaming out in any protest on any given day, “I’m Mexican-American” – “I’m Asian-American” – “I’m Hispanic-American” and on it goes, rather than simply proclaim “I am an American” and acting like they have some little bit of true allegiance to America and some true love for Her and all She has given them by way of new opportunity.

I look at it from the perspective that I need not tolerate the intolerant. And if a person or a group – any person, any group of people – hate me for what I represent by way of the culture I come from or the color of my skin or the nation and country I love, then I am justified in hating them right back, especially if they intend and seek to do harm to me and mine.

Just as I love fiercely, intensely and passionately, so too do I hate in similar fashion, as is my God-given right. No one has the right or the authority to tell any of us what to think or who we must love [tolerate] or who we must not hate.

No apologies should ever be made for hating something, because certain people, activities and ideologies have full-well earned any and all hatred directed towards them. The phrase “hate-speech” is the “progressive” [read “regressive“] Democrat Party Marxist-Maoist Communists’ catch-phrase assault on the Truth, when the Truth exposes one of their nefarious allies or agendas. And I do hate with a passion, often these days, just as I love with a passion, as is my God-given right to think and believe and feel about issues, about anything, as I may choose. It is a part of all human psyche to hate and to love, as well as to experience anger and joy. No thought police will ever prevent me from speaking my mind by way of their own hypocritical use of the term “hate-speech”.

Our enemies-from-within are too smart by half for their own good and to the detriment of the country. They are smart in the manner of the village idiot. We can point out the obvious – point to the penis bouncing in the wind from between the thighs of a “TransWoman” wearing a leather thong during a “Gay Pride” parade – to call them out for the man they are, and these idiots will claim that all they saw was our finger.

The amerikkan communists and Muslims can mock and defile Christian sanctuaries, the Virgin Mary and Jesus, and up until the last few years nobody would fight back against their vile and evil subversive and destructive acts, done in the name of “freedom of speech” and “freedom of expression”, because they allowed themselves to be paralyzed and made fearful that they would be called names, like bigot, xenophobe and racist. I never cared, because if defending Christianity and God makes me all of those names, I will wear them proudly without fear and damn those who dare use them against me. These nihilistic “revolutionary” communists, those Black Lives Matter, Antifa and Code Pink members can call our soldiers “baby-killers” and “murderers”, fly the Mexican flag, the Al Qaeda flag or any other nation’s flag and even soil, trample, rip and tear and burn our American flag and next to nothing happens, but if any single patriot attempts to defile one of their flags, say the “gay pride flag” or the fake-ass “palestinian flag”, all manner of Hell breaks loose.

photo: A Black Lives Matter protester burns an American flag outside the Mark O. Hatfield United States Courthouse on Monday, July 20th 2020, in Portland, Oregon. Several hundred demonstrators gathered at the courthouse where federal officers deployed teargas and other crowd control munitions. (AP Photo/Noah Berger)

Our many conflicts in America today are ideological and between two antithetical worldviews where race and sex are used by the communists as divisive tools to hasten our nation’s fall. Our enemies-from-within are not “American” at all, not in any real sense of that hallowed, sacrosanct name and must be treated as such.

If we can condone communism, fascism and islamofascism within the U.S. in the name of “freedom of speech”, as if our Constitution is some sort of suicide pact, in the name of understanding and pluralism, why did we fight Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin? Why did we organize the Bay of Pigs Invasion in Cuba? Why did we go to Korea and Vietnam? Why does the U.S. send soldiers, such as Seal Team Six, to kill and die in wars declared against the enemies of freedom, democracy and of civilization in Afghanistan? Are these principles valid in certain cases only, with certain nations only? Aren’t all tyrannical ideologies unacceptable to any nation whose people purport to be free and sovereign individuals? I’ve had more than enough of this Democrat Party Marxist-Maoist duplicity, ambiguity and hypocrisy. I am a free born American, a free individual, and I refuse to be made to live in any manner that violates my liberty; I reject the authoritarian and totalitarian State, no matter the form it takes.

photo: That’s me in the blue shirt on June 26th 2010, being interviewed by WSMV TV. A group of protesters gather out of camera sight to my left, outside one of nine Kroger grocery stores that banned The Rutherford Reader from its racks for publishing my commentary that was critical of Islam in the April 8th-14th 2010 issue. (credit, Pete Doughtie/ owner-editor)

The Democrat Party Marxist-Maoists, RINO statist globalists and the Muslims of America would exterminate the right of dissent within our Republic, if given an opening and the opportunity. They would see America’s true patriots punished and our warnings of things to come made criminal, especially if we hurt some poor pro-Hamas Muslim’s feelings in the process; they would see us prosecuted for praying in abortion clinics, just as they did to 75 year old Paulette Harlowe in Washington State, and make it criminal to pray in public or criticize Islam, just as has already been done in much of Europe. They would silence America’s children, hand them to the enemy and abandon them to the minority that swaggers and blackmails as it re-established heresy and burns free minds at the stake. They would build a government ruled by the loudest, most despicable and vile mobs a ton of bricks short of anything remotely resembling a true representative republic … nothing close to a government that protects all our inalienable God-given rights … a deceit … a lie.

Upon their death, I full well suspect that all the Democrat Party Marxist-Maoist Communists will plunge headlong into Hell due to too numerous un-repented sins, especially those associated with their intellectual and domestic terrorism. They presume to hold the Truth in a dogmatic manner, and if you do not conform and fall in line to think as they do, you are portrayed as something loathsome, as all the curses are heaped down on one, that name you an idiot, a racist, a white supremacist and an enemy of the state, an outcast as it were. And the immediate problem patriots face is how to undo the damage done to the minds of two generations, going on three, that have been poisoned by Hollywood, public school “educators” [read “propagandists”] and pseudo-intellects who disseminate the most obtuse, idiotic illiberal notions and incredible anti-American fascist tenets spawned by the Far Left. Anti-Americanism originates with the Democrat Party, and now they are engaging in an even more despicable sin, as they foster Islam and Sharia law in America, much as Justice Elena Kagan did when she was the Dean of the Harvard Law School, and supporting Hamas domestic terrorists in America.

What kind of freedom would allow us to be invaded or muzzled or prevented from thinking, speaking or rebelling? What kind of freedom would allow Americans to live in fear of being prosecuted and convicted as criminals for the fiction of “hate speech”? What kind of freedom seeks to censor my thoughts and feelings, to decide whom I must love and whom I must hate [?] — so that if I profess my hatred for America and my fellow Americans I am touted as a hero and given a golden pass to Heaven and if I profess my hatred for those anti-American Communists and Muslims and others previously mentioned I go to Hell. A non-existent freedom … a mockery … a farce.

Like love, hate belongs to human nature – to Life – and cannot be forbidden by some article of some penal code. It can be judged adverse or condemned, but only on a moral basis. I have the right to love whom I want, and I also have the right to hate whom I want. Let’s start with those who hate me. Yes, I hate Barack Hussein Obama, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris. Susan Rice, John Brennan, James Comey, Samantha Powers, Valerie Jarrett, James Boasberg, Mahmoud Khalil and all their ilk cut from the same anti-American cloth. I hate those like Osama bin Laden and Zawahiri and the suicide bombers who murdered my countrymen; I do hate those sch as Michael Moore, Ward Churchill, George Soros, Hillary Clinton and their accomplices and the domestic traitors, such as Dalia Mogahed, Huma Abedin and Hunter Biden, who sell us to the enemy. I hate them as much as I hate the Ayatollah Khomeini, Putin, Xi, and Maduro. I hate them as I always have hated any murderer of Freedom and Individual Liberty. It is my sacrosanct right – my sacrosanct duty.

There is no common ground to be found between those true Americans who love our country and the Democrat Party Communists.

It’s alright to hate them right back with every ounce of will, determination and strength you can muster and every fiber of your being. They’ve earned it. They deserve the hatred of every good and decent American.

I have no love for them. I have absolutely no tolerance for them. I cannot and will not ever tolerate them.

And there isn’t any such thing as “hate speech” in America. We only have free speech here and a right to exert that free speech each and every day, every waking moment and all day long.

Trump was elected to make great changes across the federal government and place our system back in alignment with the Constitution as much as it is possible to do with this bastardized version and the Communists running rough shod and free throughout the institutions. He was also elected to bring back some semblance of law and order, and as his administration’s righteous, hardline enforcement gets underway, I knew we had not seen the last days of violence from the Far Left and the minions and apparatchiks of the Democrat Communist Party.

Anyone who thought Trump’s election would eradicate the need for a good cleansing of our homeland and a full blown civil war were simply deluding themselves and exercising an extraordinary level of hope for something that will not be – “peace in our time”. As we see the current spate of Marxist-Maoist violence associated with the pro-Hamas movement and the deranged Tesla Terrorists, nothing is more obvious to me than the fact that America is closer to total civil upheaval and civil war – armed violent and bloody conflict – than any other time over the past 150 years.

Eventually we are going to see the crazy communist foot soldiers of the Democrat Party killing people. And at that point, all bets are off and the games will really begin.

It’s Alright to Hate Them Right Back…

March 24, 2025

Justin O. Smith ~ Author

~ The Author ~
Justin O. Smith has lived in Tennessee off and on most of his adult life, and graduated from Middle Tennessee State University in 1980, with a B.S. and a double major in International Relations and Cultural Geography – minors in Military Science and English, for what its worth. His real education started from that point on. Smith is a frequent contributor to the family of Kettle Moraine Publications.

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