Smith ~ EXPOSED: Democrats Destroy America Under the Color of Law

Wa. Wal, wal – I am about fed UP with all of this!

I never thought I’d be singing President Trump’s praises, after what we all witnessed him do during his first term, with his numerous violations of our Inalienable God-given Rights, especially when we review the Lockdowns and the first time in American history where the U.S. federal government suspended our liberties in their entirety. This was so contrary to everything I stand for that I really didn’t care if he was re-elected or not, except that his election was in fact a necessity to act as a foil to the nation’s Woke communists and Transgendered fascists.

This doesn’t mean that all is forgiven, not by a long shot, but it is to suggest that President Trump is on a fast-track to Redemption by way of the scores of promises to the American people he made during the 2024 campaign. And man is he ever cutting a Fat Anti-American Democrat Commie Hog in the ass on the way to the political slaughterhouse and looking to lay these communists low and defeated and far removed from the reins of power.

The speed with which the Trump administration and Trump’s key people have acted are indicative of the high, exceptional level of planning that went into the Trump Machine and the current operation we witness underway to effect a necessary change that restores the republic to a large degree and our individual liberties along with it. It’s an incredible thing to see and an incredible and amazing time to be alive in America, joining in the fight so that we all will remain free for the remainder of our lives and in order that all future generations may never again fear for their freedom, liberty and lives.

With that said, I still don’t trust that at some point Trump won’t make another unforced error and do something that violates the Bill of Rights, unless he went back to Constitution School over the last four years and has come to understand the early error of his ways. For several past years, he had a natural proclivity and inclination to violate our Inalienable God-given Rights, but hopefully this is something he has fully and properly found his way to leave behind and correct. So far, so good.

And Elon Musk was spot on correct to call for the impeachment of judges who regularly place their agenda and personal politics ahead of the actual law, the Constitution and the American people. On February 8th, Musk tweeted at 2:11 am:

“A corrupt judge protecting corruption. He needs to be impeached NOW.” ~ J.O.S.

“Aba-Daba-Daba” said the Monkey to the Chimps

President Trump has signed more executive orders in the first ten days of his administration than any other U.S. president signed in their first one hundred days that are eradicating the terrible, arbitrary, and tyrannical “Woke” ideology from within the federal government, in order to protect and defend the actual rights, freedoms and liberties for all; but more than this, he has created the Department of Government Efficiency under his ardent, stalwart and steadfast friend and supporter, billionaire Elon Musk, who has recently taken a buzz-saw to several federal agencies and thrown the Democrats into a hysterical, chaotic temper-tantrum. And now, the enemies from within are predictably once more resorting to lawfare and obstructionism and outright acts of insubordination.

There isn’t anything illegal or unconstitutional to a systems audit, which is precisely the endeavor Musk is pursuing in regard to the U.S. Treasury and USAID and every other federal agency in our government. This is what President Trump charged Elon to do: To find and eliminate the fraud, waste and abuse from these agencies.

And damn if Elon Musk and his nineteen year-old genius assistance didn’t uncover a viper’s nest of anti-American bad actors and agents of our destruction working at multiple levels within the government, working day and night to undermine America domestically and giving aid and comfort to Her enemies abroad. Musk and his team have already found billions of dollars that have spent in a manner diametrically opposed the America’s interests by people, such as Samantha Power, former Director of USAID, who operated the agency like a branch of the CIA, to fund the Houthi, Hamas, Al Qaeda and Hezbollah Islamic terrorists, from Yemen and Gaza and on to Syria and Lebanon, even funding the Taliban in Afghanistan.

Daniel Greenfield, a well-known author, revealed in his article from February 9th 2025, that USAID sent a total of $18 billion to Islamic terror states across the globe over just the past two years.

From the White House itself, as reported on February 3rd 2025…

Here are only a few examples of the WASTE and ABUSE:

* $1.5 million to “advance diversity equity and inclusion in Serbia’s workplaces and business communities”

* $70,000 for production of a “DEI musical” in Ireland

* $2.5 million for electric vehicles for Vietnam

* $47,000 for a “transgender opera” in Colombia

* $32,000 for a “transgender comic book” in Peru

* $2 million for sex changes and “LGBT activism” in Guatemala

* $6 million to fund tourism in Egypt

* Hundreds of thousands of dollars for a non-profit linked to designated terrorist organizations — even AFTER an inspector general launched an investigation

* Millions — which was involved in research at the Wuhan lab

* “Hundreds of thousands of meals that went to al Qaeda-affiliated fighters in Syria” Funding to print “personalized” contraceptives birth control devices in developing countries

* Funding to print “personalized” contraceptives birth control devices in developing countries

Hundreds of millions of dollars to fund “irrigation canals, farming equipment, and even fertilizer used to support the unprecedented poppy cultivation and heroin production in Afghanistan,” benefiting the Taliban”

Incredibly, as part of this ongoing investigation, we now find that through the work of Catherine Herridge, world renown journalist, that the USAID provided college tuition for Anwar Awlaki, who would become one of Al Qaeda’s top terrorists. Awlaki had falsely claimed to be born in Yemen, in order to secure the financial support, but he was actually born in Las Cruces, New Mexico. He eventually developed close ties to the 9/11 Islamic terrorists. And yet, many in the Democrat Party and the Leftstream media still protest that there isn’t any fraud or waste at USAID.

And this is all just the tip of the iceberg and in just one agency, which Secretary of State Marco Rubio has all but disbanded, firing nearly 10,000 USAID employees in preparation to fold its charter into the U.S. State Department. One should also note that the new Director of the CIA, John Ratcliffe has offered his entire workforce a “deferred resignation” and an opportunity to take a bailout package through September as part of Trump’s plan to set the CIA back on the mission of protecting and defending America from Her enemies abroad rather than acting illegally against Americans here at home.

Thanks to the DOGE shakeup and the recent peak into the Treasury data files and the Congressional Budget Office and its 2024 report, ‘Expired and Expiring Authorizations for Fiscal Year 2024’, Americans now find that Congress itself has consistently been appropriating money without authorization for years. In 2024 alone, $516 billion was appropriated without any authorizations whatsoever, for over 1200 item lines, by way of the House and Senate authorizing committee and appropriations subcommittee. And the legal authority for some of these payments ended some forty years ago.

On the morning of February 10th 2025, Elon Musk just reported that FEMA sent $59 million just last week to luxury hotels in New York City to house illegal alien invaders. Sheer madness perpetrated by fat-assed, anti-American commie bureaucrat holdovers from the Obama and Biden regimes.

But the Democrat Party Communists and their criminal cohorts sitting on the bench in the U.S. Federal District Courts, such as Carl Nichols [DC District], Paul Engelmayer [New York District] and Colleen Kollar-Kotelly [DC District], somehow believe it is wrong for President Trump to try to stop these federal employees and agencies that act more like a criminal syndicate and gang members much more so than servants of the people in any honorable pursuit of executing their duties. The activist commie judges are butting up against President Trump’s authority under Article II to protect and defend the U.S. Constitution and America Herself.

These “judges” – these political apparatchiks and servants of the Marxist-Maoist Democrat Party Communists – have even gone to the incredible and repugnant lengths to ban Secretary of Treasury Scott Bessent from inspecting the Treasury’s financial records and payout data. Over $100 billion has already been discovered to have been paid out to recipients without any Social Security number, temporary identification number or any verification whatsoever in one single year, with over half of it readily admitted being fraud by Treasury officials. And yet, Judge Engelmayer believes he was right to arbitrarily block Treasury officials from their own data, without warning or allowing for a defense to be presented or even hearing from the Trump administration.

Alexander Hamilton

In the ‘Federalist Papers’ #78, Alexander Hamilton stated that the Judiciary would be the weakest of the three branches of government, but the exact opposite has occurred, and it has become inordinately powerful to the detriment of America, as we regularly witness federal judges and Supreme Court justices inserting their own personal political biases and prejudices into U.S. code rather than actually upholding the letter of the Constitution. We now see unaccountable judges making policy for all America, and at this moment, making policy against the will of the American people and the mandate that was handed to President Donald J. Trump.

Our enemies from within, the likes of Representative Jamie Raskin, Representative Maxine Waters and Senator Chuck Schumer want to point at the independent nature of USAID and other agencies, such as the Department of Education, as it’s been stated that agencies created by Congress cannot be abolished except by Congress. Many also point to the Impoundment Control Act of 1974 as they claim President Trump cannot take his recent actions without Congressional approval, because all monies appropriated by Congress must be delivered to the intended purpose.

And so, are we to be forced to stand by and watch as criminal enterprises continue with their business as usual, because a 60-vote threshold in Congress to break any filibuster will be impossible to reach, given the anti-American nature of the current body of Democrats in Congress? Is this to suggest that the President’s hands are tied when U.S. funds are being sent to our enemies abroad and also to people and groups within America who are working to destroy our republic? No reasonable and sane individual can possibly state such an absurdity with any authority or valid and righteous support.

Our enemies-from-within point and say “Look how much good [the various agencies] are doing“. Yes – well – Look at how much evil they are doing under the guidance of communist infiltrators and all the destruction they have wrought upon American society by way of their deceptions and vile Machiavellian agendas aimed at bringing America to her knees.

Only people with malevolent, criminal intent would be reacting in the manner of the Democrats within Congress and the Judiciary. Any other person, especially one who loves America, would welcome the end of corruption and illegal financial transfers of American wealth to criminals and terrorists within U.S. federal government agencies.

What would normally be seen as the U.S. President exercising a righteous execution of the Constitution and the laws of the land and an independent audit through the efforts of Elon Musk has been turned into a so-called “Constitutional crisis”, when in fact, it is not. One should note that the independent auditors of the Government Accountability Office itself are independent auditors. President Trump is on sound constitutional and legal ground, and that should ultimately be the finding in the Supreme Court if it goes that far.

On Monday, February 3rd 2025, President Donald Trump rightfully asserted that he doesn’t need Congress in any capacity in order to legally abolish USAID altogether, as he responded to Jeff Zeleny’s [CNN] question regarding his authority to make major changes to USAID, stating:

“Not when it comes to fraud. if there’s fraud, these people are lunatics. We just want to do the right thing. It’s something that should have been done a long time ago.”

And we still haven’t addressed the multiple-millions paid to Politico, NYTs, WaPo and numerous other commie rags from the public taxpayer monies of USAID to squash stories unfavorable to the Democrat Party and work against the conservative agenda in America. Samantha Power used the USAID as one massive slush-fund for Democrat Party Communists’ pet projects in America and across the globe.

President Trump and his administration are up against many important massive tasks that must be met and completed in order to stop the out-of-control Democrat party and RINO – “Deep State” if you will bear with this assignation – “opposition” – these traitors to America and the republic, and so, properly understanding this juncture of history and all it portends for America, President Trump is fighting back, tooth and nail, with everything he can bring to this war, in order to mount his own unsurmountable attack against them, overwhelming them and their parallel systems currently operating in the computer grids that are integral to the U.S. national security, on multiple fronts.

Push comes to shove on this showdown, President Trump must take a page from history, and much like President Andrew Jackson, he should continue with his operations to remove anti-American communists, radicals and nihilists from the government offices and shut down all agencies that serve little to no real function beneficial to all Americans. He must replace them with tried-and-true men and women loyal to the virtues and principles of freedom and liberty, and he must tell these judges who stand in contravention to our Founding — to paraphrase President Jackson, “You have made your ruling, now enforce it”. Or he could use my more forceful words and politely tell them to “stick your ruling up your ass“.

No U.S. agency, no federal employee, no Congressman or Senator gets to wrap themselves in the U.S. flag and hide behind a U.S. code they have obviously violated and continue to steal from the American taxpayer and the U.S. Treasury with impunity and continue to use their illegally obtained monies to finance America’s enemies both foreign and domestic and the destruction of America.

At least President Trump is off to one hell of a great start this time around; but I won’t feel good about any of his “wins”, until I witness a few thousand of the upper echelon of the Democrat Party Communist traitors – those who put this country and their political opponents through pure hell for the past eight years – charged, prosecuted and either imprisoned for life or executed on the lawn of the U.S. Capitol Building for all to see.

This doesn’t end with Trump…

Truthfully, at this late stage in the game, there really remains no peaceful solutions for America. She was founded on one set of principles, that find no compromise or tolerance for the death-dealing notions of communism. Ultimately, there cannot and must not be any further “compromise” and surrender to the ideas of Marx and Mao, because the Democrat Party Communists have no principles and in fact seek to destroy traditional America in favor of an ideology that’s totally antithetical to our founding.

America will never truly be free so long as communists, Muslims and the nihilistic radicals of our country are tolerated and raised to high offices within all three branches of government, where they serve as disruptors and destructive and chaotic elements from within and an overwhelming force to implement tyranny against hapless Americans, much in the manner of Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Susan Rice, Hillary Clinton. Adam Schiff, Jamie Raskin, Nancy Pelosi, Jerry Nadler, Maxine Waters, Ilhan Omar, Hakeem Jeffries and so many other traitors to America.

Monkey’s – It is what they have become!

For several years now, I have asserted that America is on a trajectory towards a hot, violent, full-blown civil war. Given what we have all witnessed in just these first short three weeks of the Trump administration, I believe we are still on this track more now than ever.

Short of a full-blown revival of Western and Christian principles in America, however we may bring it to come to pass, at some point in the not too distant future – at any point between now and 2035 perhaps – we will find ourselves forced into a corner where we either push these Marxist-Maoist rat bastards into the seas, motivate them to leave America under their own steam, or kill them where they stand, stacking their dead carcasses ten feet deep and ten feet high all about us for as far as the eye can see in all directions.

In the meantime, here’s to hopin’ and prayin’ President Trump and ICE Director Tom Homan are able to get enough funding and manpower to successfully deport the bulk of 35 million illegal alien invaders within the next four years to prevent them from becoming an occupying force for the Democrat Communists. But more than that, here are my prayers that some great, outstanding conservative and Christian men and women are raising a new bumper crop of conservative, bright and intelligent children able to think for themselves and reason and act in ways that will ensure they are always able to remain and live free.

February 12, 2025

Justin O. Smith ~ Author

~ The Author ~
Justin O. Smith has lived in Tennessee off and on most of his adult life, and graduated from Middle Tennessee State University in 1980, with a B.S. and a double major in International Relations and Cultural Geography – minors in Military Science and English, for what its worth. His real education started from that point on. Smith is a frequent contributor to the family of Kettle Moraine Publications.

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