Traitor Joe has left one outrageous, massive mess in the country for President Trump and his team to try to fix and mitigate, in every segment of the federal government’s operations, but especially as it pertains to our border security and thus our national security. We should all be doing everything within our power to make certain Trump is able to succeed, because the future of the nation truly does hang in the balance. And the next four years will largely determine if we will still have a nation that remotely resembles anything we will recognize as America in ten or twenty years down the road.
God help us, if somehow the Democrat communists manage to get on point in their messaging enough to win the 2028 Election by way of a new coalition of minorities, or they actually manage to construct a steal. We must not forget or lose sight of the fact that every single Democrat stronghold is currently doing everything it can to find or construct loopholes to grant illegal aliens “legal status” in order to illegally allow them to vote in our national elections.
Yes, Trump is acting definitively and aggressively along the right path to put a stop to the madness, but he only has four years for such a mammoth undertaking. Removing 30 or 40 million illegal aliens is going to take a damned sight longer than the time it took for them to swim the Rio Grande or hop a Biden Plane to America.
I still see red every time I think too much about what this treasonous rat bastard Biden and his commie minions and apparatchiks have done to America. If ever there were a people deserving of being struck dead where they stand by a partisans bullet or the Hand of God, its these anti-American Democrat communists and their RINO buddies. ~ J.O.S.
Trump’s Mission to Stop the Insane Open Borders Policy
To live and die in America. AaaaHh, now that is the American Dream for all Americans, young and old, as they work and play and strive to see their heart’s desire become their reality, but over the past few decades, and especially during the past four years, illegal immigration and all its detrimental consequences have been allowed to fester and grow and place an undue burden on the nation on the whole, overwhelming community and state services, and serving to kill the American Dream for everyone. Illegal immigration has also been utilized by our so-called “leaders” to implement multiculturalism in an attempt to kill American sovereignty and make us a cosmopolitan nation in the service of the world, rather than the American people. And sovereignty isn’t the only thing to be attacked, as we have seen thousands of our fellow citizens attacked, robbed, raped and murdered by illegal aliens, who the left stream media wish us to believe are simply good, decent, hardworking poor people seeking a better life.
Yes, the illegal aliens definitely are seeking a better life, but they want it to come without any real effort or work on their part and upon the backs of hardworking Americans, as they arrive after crossing our borders illegally, largely bussed and flown into the country by the Biden administration over the past four years. And what do they do? They immediately start making demands: “Give us free housing, Give us better housing, Give us jobs, Give us money, Give us food, Give us – Give us – Give us.”
The demands are incessant and nonstop. These are some of the most poorly educate, unskilled people of the world who are arriving, not to make America Great Again or to put America First, but rather they have come to rape, pillage and take everything they can from what they view as the cash-cow in the free giveaways and welfare benefits from the U.S. government, which they have never been entitled to receive but were granted nevertheless.
Thank God, this is all ending now that President Donald J. Trump has entered the Oval Office and set forth on a mission to stop the insane Open Border Policy Biden employed for the entirety of his regime. The Trump effect was almost immediate after the election, as Mexico moved to reinstate the remain in Mexico policy at President Trump’s urging. Other nations have since taken notice and acted to help stop the flood of illegal aliens headed towards their own nations’ borders and the U.S.

Lakin Hope Riley
Today, January 29th 2025, President Trump signed the Laken Riley Act, which passed Congress with bipartisan support, which gives the Immigration and Customs Enforcement the authority to immediately act to capture and deport all know criminal illegal aliens, especially those guilty of violent crimes. And most importantly, on his first day in office, President Trump signed a broad sweeping Executive Order that declared a national emergency on our borders, closed the borders, ended birthright citizenship [which will soon be tested in the Courts], stopped illegally conceived Biden programs that allowed illegal aliens to remain in the country “legally”, and expedited and fast-tracked the deportation process to remove millions of illegal aliens in the most massive endeavor since President Eisenhower’s Operation Wetback in 1954.
During President Trump’s first week in office, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents supposedly arrested 3500 illegal aliens. That’s a start, but it’s a mere dent in an ocean liner given the incredibly massive number of illegal aliens who were granted free passage into America by the treasonous Biden regime.
Joe Biden and his communist crime syndicate allowed some 27 million [some say closer to 35 million] illegal aliens to enter America over just the past four years alone, which is unconscionable, criminal and traitorous and a vile, evil betrayal of all Americans, traditional America, our American culture – Kristi Noemwhat’s left of it – and the republic itself. It’s easy as hell to open the border spigot and let the illegal alien flood of humanity take its natural course at lightening pace, and the anti-American communists of the Democrat Party understood and planned for this. They all knew that the task of removing between 27 and 40 million illegal aliens would be a virtually unsurmountable task that will take many more years – possibly the next decade or longer – to fully achieve and complete.
ICE, under the new direction of Tom Homan, a former border agent and a fine American patriot, has averaged just over 700 arrests of illegal aliens per day since taking charge, but he is already on the record as demanding more, better and faster results from his agents.
Our new Secretary of Homeland Security, Kristi Noem, is pushing for her people to achieve 10,000 deportations a week. That’s a hefty number but she’s working to whittle down a larger number of illegal aliens, the largest in U.S. history.
However, the hope Democrats are holding is that over the course of the next few months and years, they will be able to sway public opinion by way of the communist media networks to actually see another massive amnesty for all illegal aliens occur, despite having lost the 2025 election, in large part, over this one issue, among a few others, such as energy, climate change and gender and trans idiocy.
Let’s agree that the figure for Illegals is approximately 35 million. That is in addition to the nearly 50 million foreign born legal immigrants who have entered America since 2000. We are becoming a Tower of Babel without a culture and without any true shared values and traditions, which is precisely the end game desired by our enemies-from-within and the RINO statists of the Republican Party and the communists of the Democrat Party, which advocate for the Dream Act during Trump’s first term, an amnesty act Trump found agreeable at the time; he’s hinted that Dreamers will be “happy” over what he does in regard to their situation this time around.
All illegal aliens must be removed by force or the coercion that comes from being unable to work legally at all within America, to be backed by laws that penalize all companies who hire illegal aliens in contravention of such new law. This includes the so-called Dreamers, who benefited by way of their parents’ illegal act; they’ve benefited at the expense of actual American citizens, receiving in-state tuition to attend universities when they weren’t entitled to do so. And so now, they can go back to their parents’ country of origin to work and fight to make that nation a better place, or they can take their new skills and talents to file for green cards and come back to the U.S. legally; but not one illegal alien should be allowed to jump to the front of the line ahead of millions of law-abiding people who have filed the proper papers and paid the fees required to enter the U.S. legally, simply because the proximity of his parent’s homeland made it all too easy to swim the Rio Grande River and jump the southern border.
Those who favor allowing the Dreamers to stay in the country assert that they are already well-educated and well-trained in many fields, and since they received their educations in large part due to America’s benevolence, America will benefit by allowing them to stay. Perhaps, but they were also a disruptive and chaotic factor over the past sixteen years, as they were often in the thick of the protests and riots over illegal immigration, working to subvert traditional America, hand-in-hand and arm-in-arm with the ‘merikkan communists.
No amnesty should be in the making for any illegal alien for any reason, not even the Dreamers, which Trump seems willing to do, just as he was in 2018. He mustn’t make the same mistake as President Ronald Reagan made in 1986. With every act of amnesty, illegal immigration is encouraged exponentially, and it is this reluctance from both parties, historically, to actually enforce standing immigration law that has brought us to the point where America now stands.
“You’re being too harsh”, many have told me in the past. I have news for them. Life is harsh. That’s the reality. It’s harsh for everyone at one point or another, and with that in mind, we as a people don’t need to make life any harder than it already is for actually Americans who fit the legal parameters and guidelines for the term “citizen”, by overloading and overwhelming our schools, hospitals. police departments, transportation centers and essential government services and welfare programs with millions of new people, who hold no particular real love for America, other than in the sense of what She may do for them. For years now, many hospitals have been operating on the verge of bankruptcy, due to laws that force them to treat all who step through their doors in need of immediate care, even the millions of illegal aliens who cannot pay; this is readily observed especially in the sanctuary cities and states.
Aside from this, I have little compassion or understanding for any people who refuse to work and fight to make their own country better and choose to leave everything behind to walk into what they hope is an easier way of living. I cannot imagine letting anyone or any set of circumstances forcing me to abandon the country of my birth, and so I have little respect for these people. They didn’t try to better themselves or their plight in their homeland and they didn’t fight for their country. They bring next to nothing of any real worth to our nation, and no one can really ever expect them to fight for America; in fact, to date, all we’ve seen is riots and protests over being removed from luxury hotels and the crying, screaming and gnashing of teeth over how terrible their reception into America has been.
I simply let them know they are receiving a thousand times more the material help and good will that the immigrants received during the 1800s. Those 19th century immigrants came legally and often without a penny left to their name, only asking for the opportunity to work and live free in America and find their own way as they saw fit. They worked hard, often helping one another, raised families and pursued happiness and their American Dreams, which were different for each as could only be the case when free citizens exert their free will. And their children became a part of the fabric and the patchwork of our culture that continued on to make America such an exceptional country.
We’ve come a long damned way from 1790, when U.S. citizenship was only conferred on “white persons“.
However, the best thing emanating from President Trump’s executive order is his scrutiny and rejection of birthright citizenship, rightfully so. This notion is largely a construct of the far left and a base lie that has been told so often it grew wings and took off as “truth” amongst the less read and ignorant populace of the country. The academics, scholars, lawyers and politicians with an axe to grind against America also advance this lie over and over, but the American people have never really debated this false concept or voted on it; they have simply gone along with being told that it’s in the Constitution – specifically the 14th Amendment, when in fact, it absolutely is not.
Anyone who ever broached the birthright topic and advocated against it over the past two decades found themselves demonized and excoriated by the Democrat Commies and their allies in the media.
The first section of the 14th Amendment states:
“All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and the State wherein they reside.”
The key phrase here being, “subject to the jurisdiction thereof“.
One must understand this amendment arose after the Civil War to address citizenship issues regarding the recently freed black slaves and, in part, the Indian tribes’ status. If one reads the archived debates between the senators of the day, one is left without any doubt on what they intended and what citizenship was actually centered upon.
If they had known the furor that would arise around this issue, they would have entered more detail, within its text, in the manner of their debate arguments.
Senator Jacob Howard, a leading member of the Reconstruction Congress from Michigan, stated:
“This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the Government of the United States, but will include every other class of persons.”
Past legal interpretations, such as United States vs Wong Kim Ark [U.S. Supreme Court, 1898] have regularly and consistently and erroneously confirmed the expansive nature of this clause. The Supreme Court has yet to address if children of illegal aliens can in fact be granted citizenship, simply because their mother stepped across the border to give birth, since these illegals are not fully under the jurisdiction of the U.S. and still citizens of a foreign country owing their allegiance to said country, which is why we see them carrying so many flags from Mexico, Honduras, Venezuela and every other country under the sun as they gather on the river banks to enter America illegally.
Senator Edgar Cown added this following explanation to the debate:
“If a traveler comes from Ethiopia, from Australia, or from Great Britain, he is entitled, to a certain extent, to the protection of the laws. You cannot murder him with impunity. It is murder to kill him, the same as it is to kill another man. You cannot commit assault and batter on him … He has a right to the protection of the laws; but he is not a citizen in the ordinary acceptation of the word.”
There isn’t any standing law or court ruling and a history that supports the notion that babies born to illegal aliens and tourists must be treated as “citizens”, and it’s absurd to believe that America should simply transfer our people’s right to determine who is or isn’t a citizen to the foreigners and advocates of a one world order. And yes, I’m stating, damn for certain, that any foreign illegal alien who illegally crosses our borders, or basically sneaks into America, and has a baby hasn’t given birth to a U.S. citizen. That baby is a citizen of Mexico, Haiti, Afghanistan, Venezuela, Somalia, or whatever hellhole the mother originated.
Anyone who believes that Americans rushed to add the 14th Amendment to the Constitution after our bloody Civil War to ensure the happiness and well-being of illegal aliens and to be certain they were handed U.S. citizenship is delusional and ignorant beyond belief.
But, none of this matters to the enemies-from-within. No matter the tons of drugs passing through a recently discovered sophisticated tunnel under our southern border, the new crime wave, gang activity, terrorists and foreign Chinese agents crossing over our borders, the Democrat Party communists can’t get enough as they cry out for more, more, more of “your criminals, perverts, rapists and murderers“.
Many actual Americans are currently without jobs and homeless, and this has been exacerbated by this flood of foreigners with no allegiance whatsoever to America. If President Trump truly wishes to place America First, he must place a ten-year moratorium on all immigration, whether legal or not, and then keep charging forward as hard as he can, utilizing every tool at his disposal just as he is doing now, until every last single illegal alien has been encouraged to leave under his own steam or forcibly removed. Never again must the American people ever allow any subsequent administration or out-of-control regime to throw our borders wide open and leave our nation so unprotected, as we have experienced over the past four years.
As so aptly put by so many learned men and women before me, without our borders, our language and our culture, we no longer have a nation. With so much damage and so many millions of foreigners to remove, we will be extremely hard-pressed to succeed in this mission, even given President Trump’s new aggressive, pro-America border policies.
And if I could have my way, I’d urge President Trump to charge and prosecute every person who even remotely enabled the Open Border betrayal of America and the mission to fundamentally transform America, for the purpose of imprisoning them for life and forcing the most committed treasonous bastards to stand before their executioners.
January 29, 2025

Justin O. Smith ~ Author
~ The Author ~
Justin O. Smith has lived in Tennessee off and on most of his adult life, and graduated from Middle Tennessee State University in 1980, with a B.S. and a double major in International Relations and Cultural Geography – minors in Military Science and English, for what its worth. His real education started from that point on. Smith is a frequent contributor to the family of Kettle Moraine Publications.