
Hilda-Mae Thudpucker and Hugo Halfenbarfer
Are you a ‘News Junky‘ waiting for the dirt about the partisan politician on the other side of the aisle, or who’s about to invade Liechtenstein, or if the Chinese Communist Party will order North Korean take-out for their next Party Meeting, or if Hilda-Mae Thudpucker will divorce Hugo Halfenbarfer, the under-secretary for the Poughkeepsie City Librarian Coalition for the Equitable Treatment of Captive Koalas (PCLCETCK)?
Does this sound silly? It’s intended too. Yet no more insipid than the garbage overflowing from the landfill that is the DC Swamp. Most states forbid ‘trash-pickers’, those who rummage through societies refuse, but this seems to be the exclusive source of the Corporate Media Complex (CMC), and if they can’t find any discards, they will invent them to feed the gaslighting, disinformation, malinformation, misinformation, and mendacity machine cranking out their moronic messaging. The CMC thrives on anything unpleasant and unfavorable.
AI tells me: “People tend to gravitate towards bad news because of a psychological phenomenon called ‘negativity bias’, where our brains are naturally wired to pay more attention to negative information than positive information, often stemming from an evolutionary need to be alert to potential threats and dangers; essentially, bad news can signal a need to take action to avoid harm.”
But when I consider the amount of time that’s passed, I’d hope humanity, especially the ‘Merkans, would’ve moved past excuses and realized that we not only control our environment, but so much so, that our arrogance has nearly destroyed it. I’m not just talking about our planet, but mankind’s psyche. This AI statement inferred that we have not evolved in hundreds of thousands of years. It appears that our presumes negative bias is exacerbated and supported by the CMC, and we’re not progressing or better off for it. Nor are we any better for the psycho-babble excuses we craft to rationalize our guilt.
I think that negativity bias is just an excuse. “AI tells me that it’s called ‘schadenfreude’, which refers to the pleasure we experience when witnessing someone else’s misfortune; this can stem from feelings of envy, rivalry, a sense of justice, or simply comparing our own situation to someone else’s perceivedworse one, making us feel better about ourselves by seeing them fail.”
So, I asked AI why? It told me that…
There is also Social Comparison: “When someone we perceive as being “better” than us experiences a setback, it can temporarily boost our self-esteem.”
Or Just World Bias: “We may unconsciously believe the world is fair, so seeing someone who is perceived as deserving of bad luck suffer can reinforce this belief.”
Or Aggression and Rivalry: “In some cases, schadenfreude can be fueled by negative feelings towards someone, like dislike or competition, making their misfortune feel gratifying.”
I happen to agree with AI’s reasons.
Are you addicted to a particular point of view from a preferred news outlet; one of the CMC, the administrations’ preferiti, those anointed by the gubmint to supply their BS Buffet, to spin their every action to fit their narrative, or do you prefer the other side, just because they are the other side?
Unfortunately, your choices are limited in this arena – you have Liberal or Conservative, and a smattering that cater to the Centrist political point of view, and even fewer that offer an unbiased perspective. Is it any wonder that ‘Merkans are confused by the obvious biases in reporting, and identifying the fine line between, gaslighting, disinformation, malinformation, misinformation, and a lie? Maybe that’s your preference, after all, you are still in America, and it’s certainly your right: at least so far.
Did you know that 54% of ‘Merkan’s get their news online; I’m one of them. But I refuse to trust only one source, especially the CMC. I search for a more objective picture by sampling a few European news sources. It allows me a glimpse from the outside looking in – much more objectively than the partisan political pundits and philosophers so prevalent in ‘Merkan Media. A combination of sources provides a compare and contrast opportunity when combined with the horribly biased ‘Merkan political fare.
Every morning of every day, for as long as anyone can recall, ‘Merkans’ belly up to a giant buffet for a steaming heaping-helping of bovine excrement, courtesy of the CMC on screens of every size, numbering 386 million units in ‘Merka, being checked an average of 205 times per day by the average user.
Oh, by the way, there are 341.2 million people in ‘Merka, and over 386 million cellular devices.
No, this is not an error, there are more cellular devices used in ‘Merka, than there are people using them. That tells me we cannot possibly live without these devices; we are addicted to them and the information, regardless of the accuracy, quality, or authenticity of the content; and don’t fool yourself, the pushers in the CMC know it. Additionally, there are 8.58 billion cellular units in use every day, world-wide, and 8.23 billion people on this planet: again, more units than users.
I call them pushers because their content is like a drug. Once you have a taste, you’re hooked. unless you have a very strong constitution – I intended the double entendre. We must be aware that there are no provisions in our Constitution regulating honesty or demanding genteel content; it’s called ‘free speech‘ for a reason.
Why is this important?
Do you realize that similar to ‘free speech‘ above, there is also ‘freedom of the press‘ with no restrictions, and they take every advantage possible with that constitutional right.
So… Do you believe everything you see and hear?
I hate to burst your bubble snowflake, but what you experience is only partially true, so by extension, it’s partially false. What we call the news is a subjective interpretation based on the political perspective of the presenting organization.
SO… Belly up to the buffet, and ‘gobble till you wobble‘. Get your fill of this carefully crafted choice chow, catering to crazed civic curiosity because the CMC has an endless stockpile of this partisan political prattle.
You can find whatever your heart desires on the internet – good, bad, or indifferent. Someone out there in the CMC or on the internet will tell you precisely what you want to hear. It doesn’t need to be true, or honest, or even correct. That’s not important. What is important is that you believe it, and keep coming back for more.
That’s how it works, no matter what you believe, someone will agree with you, and tell you what you want to hear. If you’re familiar with how social media works, you understand that people thrive on ‘LIKES’, meaning that they agree with your post. And. if they don’t, they will roast your ass – verbally and rudely.
This is the primary reason I call it ‘Not-So-Social‘ media.
The original concept, America was a place where ideas could be shared openly, without fear of repercussion or reprisals, but here we are in the land of the Not-So-Social Media trolls, who lurk in the shadows ready to pounce on any unsuspecting neophyte who dares to contradict them, and a media that freely and boldly lies to citizens, taking a partisan political posture.
When you visit any buffet, do you sample new offerings, things that you don’t usually eat, or do you stay with what you know? The majority of people lean toward what they know or recognize, and shy away from anything foreign. It’s precisely the same with the local and national news feeds from the CMC. People look for a source that strokes their particular partisan political appetites.

Attractively Presented and Appetizing Fare
You may be lured to attractively presented and appetizing fare, but that’s usually reserved for the more adventurous consumers. Most of us stick with what we know, but that obviates, precludes the thrill of new discoveries. God forbid you should open your minds to new and different points of view. Careful. you may learn something, or broaden your scope of knowledge, potentially discovering something new to satiate your intellectual hunger, or that could lead you in a new and unexpected direction or understanding.
The CMC intentionally tailors programs for their known viewers, be they Conservative, Republican, or Democrat-Socialist liberals. These are the mainstream offerings. You can find anything that strums your political strings on the massive and all-encompassing internet. If you want it, someone will provide it, even AI (Artificial Intelligence).
Just so it’s crystal clear, here is the First Amendment of the US Constitution:
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
I am obliged to include these observations:
There is a phrase that begins this amendment. “Congress shall make no law.” This is crucial to comprehend these words. Nowhere in this phrase does it say that we are guaranteed free speech or free press – it specifies that Congress shall not enact laws limiting the list included in the paragraph.
Nowhere in this list of five rights does it require or even mention truth, or forbid lying, disinformation, gaslighting, malinformation, or misinformation. This marvelous document supposes that everyone in this country is morally and ethically responsible, and capable of self-control and discernment where the good of the republic is concerned.
AI tells me:
“The U.S. Constitution does not explicitly mention “telling the truth” because the Founding Fathers believed that the best way to combat falsehoods was through open public discourse and debate, protected by the First Amendment, rather than creating a legal mandate to always speak truthfully, which could potentially stifle free speech and critical thinking; in essence, the system relies on individuals and the public to identify, and challenge lies through discussion and scrutiny.”
Our convenient interpretation of these protected items is the license to lie freely and openly. This wraps around, to the original idea behind social media; and we know how that turned out. But then, why did our gubmint censor our right to speech and press? Doesn’t this violate this constitutional amendment?

SEE??? I can do it!
What good are laws if you don’t use them?
Why have over 300,000 laws if you don’t enforce them?
There are a few caveats to this license, but only if the offended individual(s) can prove that the statement caused harm. This is the exclusive province of those who practice law.
I’m in awe of the idea of ‘practicing‘ something. It implies that you don’t quite have it right, and you need to work on it more; that you want to improve, like practicing the piano or guitar.
What are lawyers practicing? How to make more money by manipulating language and twisting statements to their advantage?
In this vein, I wonder when the people we hired to manage this republic will start doing the jobs we contracted them to do, which is to uphold and defend the constitution.
I’ve listened to enough congressional hearings to appreciate the level of corruption and illegal activities of past administrations. It appears to me to be sufficient to put them in prison for life, yet they are allowed to pontificate in public forums, and in the CMC, concerning the fragility of this democracy, and the existential threats posed by the opposing party, when they are the ones creating the threats.
Why isn’t Biden in prison for opening America’s borders when it is a direct violation of the constitutional requirement to defend this nations from all enemies both foreign and domestic?

Lyin’-Ass Mayorkas
Why isn’t Mayorkas in prison for lying to congress? This is the very reason I add – the opposite of progress; their actions are in opposition to what’s best for the republic, and counter to the constitution.
Isn’t it collusion, conspiracy, or maybe even treason, for allowing someone to continue to violate the law, the constitution? By not upholding their oath to support and defend the constitution by prosecuting these offenders, are they not also guilty of collusion, conspiracy, or treason?
When will we hold our elected representatives to the same standards we’re required to meet?
There was a Jack Nicholson movie with Tom Cruise, where Nicholson angerly proclaims: “You can’t handle the truth!“
That’s an interesting premise since the truth, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder: subjective. If truth is not limited by anything but conscience, we are free to lie our Ever-Lovin’ asses off under our interpretation of the 1st Amendment, which extends to the press as well, by the way.
They have no reason to be truthful since their sole purpose is ROSE – ‘Return On Shareholder Equity‘, we call it profit. Their revenue comes from the advertisers they attract by the millions of viewers, as potential customers, who spent over $1 trillion to purchase advertising based on the number of viewers in 2024.
That’s a real incentive to abandon the truth and avail yourself of this subjective interpretation of the constitutional license.
Ask yourself. Is this what the founders and authors of the constitution envisioned?
The real problem that I see, is that you don’t know that the CMC, are lying to you.
You believe them because you see them for what they pretend to be, not for what they really and truly are.
It’s the same with politicians. We believe them because they are supposed to be beyond reproach, when in fact, they are human’s like us. Well, maybe not all of us. A few of us have morals, ethics, and want what’s best for the republic and its citizens. AND. that’s why we, the patriots, want to see offenders punished to the full extent of the law: after all, there are over 300,000 laws; there has to be one that fits their crimes.
As Lavrentiy Beria said: “Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime.“
Well, there they are.
The only way to discover this uncomfortable and undeniable fact is to open your mind to new ideas. I admit that’s even more distressing and frightening than comprehending that we’re regularly lied to by those we trusted, but that’s the choice. Actually, there is another selection on that menu. We can continue riding this gilded turd as it circles the bowl to oblivion, and beyond.

I mean – Let’s keep it Mutual!
‘Self-Deception‘ is the process of convincing oneself that a lie is true or that something is not true, in order to avoid acknowledging the deception. It’s frequently referred to as the Ostrich Syndrome, where we put our heads in the sand to avoid the truth. It’s the coping mechanism where people avoid uncomfortable or negative information or situation by denying it exists.
I need to append this psycho-babble with: I am not a trained psychologist, and I am not attempting to diagnose any malady or mental instability – I am simply pointing out that there are others that experience these issues, so many in fact, that they actually have named these psychoses.
Do you believe everything you see and hear?
If so, I have a toll-bridge over the Atlantic Ocean to England, and several bridges in Brooklyn for sale. And if you act now, I’ll throw-in these magic money-tree seeds.
In conclusion, I don’t care what you think or why, however I want you to be well informed and think critically and intelligently about your opinions and positions. You owe it to yourselves and this republic where we live; and for which we are totally responsible.
This is our home, and we elect the people that manage it. Let’s do it maturely…
Good Day! Do you have a reservation, or shall I see if I can find you a table? How many in your party?
January 30, 2025
~ The Author ~
Charles R. Dickens was born in 1951, is a veteran of the Vietnam war, for which he volunteered, and the great-great grandson of the noted author, whose name he shares.
He is a fiercely proud American, who still believes this is the greatest country on the planet, with which we’ve lost control and certainly our direction. He grew up in moderate financial surrounding; we’re not rich by any stretch, but didn’t go hungry – his incredibly hard working father saw to that. As most from that era, he learned about life from his father, whose story would take too long to tell, other than to say that, he is also a fiercely proud American; a WWII and Korean war, veteran Marine.
Charlie was educated in the parochial system which, demanded that you actually learn something, and have capability to retain it before you advance. He attended several universities in pursuit of a bachelor’s degree, and chased the goose further to a master’s, and has retained some very definite ideas about education in this country.
In addition, Charlie is a retired blues guitar and vocalist – a musician. This was his therapy career. Nothing brings him as much joy as playing music, and he wishes that he could make a living at it… but alas… life goes on!