Everybody who pays any least bit attention to our nation’s affairs understands that Los Angeles has been plagued by arson-induced wildfires for a decade or better, more likely since even the 1990s, when “progressive” communists became increasingly active and intent on going even further down the rabbit hole of all things “utopian”. And what we have witnessed most recently through the onset of these five wildfires is the Californian people reaping the dire and deadly consequences of what they have sown.
We see images of people of all ages with tears in their eyes and running down their cheeks, especially the more elderly folks who have decades of memories laying in ashes now, and it remains to be seen if this has rocked the City of Angels enough to prompt a revival of the Faith in any flocks left of numerous denominations of Christianity, or any other faith for that matter. But I suspect many prayers are being offered up to Heaven right this minute, because there isn’t anything quite like an atheist or a backsliding Christian being delivered a “come to Jesus” moment that makes one take a new accounting for one’s life.
I know many fine conservative and Christian Californians who have done all they could all their adult lives to stamp out the stain of the Marxists and Maoists in their state, and one of them emailed me yesterday to let me know the fires were rapidly approaching his home, as he asked me to pray for him and his family. My heart goes out for folks like him.
However, as I consider the challenges of rebuilding this area and the sick, twisted, deviant, immoral hellhole it represents and all the detrimental policies that have emanated from its leaders to even have detrimental effects on the nation as a whole. I am extremely disinclined to care, to give one good damn or to want to send any of my own hard-earned money for relief for the area. It’s a felling typically foreign to me in any case of an American in need, but in this case, it almost seems like it is a disaster that has happened in a foreign country that cares nothing for America, the country it wishes to benefit from without offering any true allegiance to its founding virtues and principles.
Something that tells the story better than anything is one simple fact. In 2022, there were 358 arson-related fires in California that burned approximately 12,000 acres. And with every such act of arson by fire, the chances of many people burning to death is extremely high and very likely, which is why I suffer no pangs of conscience in suggesting these monsters should be charged, tried and publicly hanged, if not shot on the spot by whoever catches them in the act. ~ J.O.S.
Lost Angeles: Hell on Earth Baptism by Fire!

Los Angeles – or Rome. History repeats itself!
The heavens and the earth were consumed in a flesh-searing, blazing inferno in the greater Los Angeles area from Tuesday, January 6th, to the present, as the fires still burn out of control, and the nation watches a story in real time of a city’s death by fire, a historic fire that has not differentiated between the faithful and atheist, rich and poor and anti-American communist and American patriot. All have been humbled by this massive disaster, which many call an Act of God and many more attribute to arson and/ or directed energy weapons and nefarious machinations underway, as ten souls have been taken, to date, with over twenty-seven thousand acres scorched to cinders and over twenty-five thousand structures destroyed.
Forty-million-dollar mansions went up in blazes, along with more modest homes in Pacific Palisades where the average annual salary is approximately $155k, but the average home in the area first hit by fire runs at about four million dollars. Many of the homes that burned in the Highlands suburb were townhouses built forty to fifty-five years ago, that were most affordable for people who had limited income these days, and many of the Pacific Palisades residents have lived there for decades, in a beautiful coastal area but not so rustic as Malibu or Topanga Canyon. Many thousands of pleas went out to firefighters to save cherished sites and the long-held memories of its residents.
The people of Pacific Palisades, Santa Monica, Eaton, Altadena and many other affected areas have been shocked to their very core, as they recount tales of barely escaping in the nick of time before their homes were consumed in flames that were driven by the 40 to 100 mile per hour Santa Ana Winds or speak of abandoning their cars to walk down hillsides as traffic ground to a stop on two lane highways, as white, hot smoke licked at their lungs and nearly smothered them. Those among the living surely must be giving thanks today, to God or some higher power and the universe in general for allowing them to see another day above ground.
The numerous videos of the scene capture the gravity and gives one a real sense of the life and death situation many found themselves facing. One in particular, taken by the homeowner, shows two men and a sweet dog trapped in their home with the raging flames mere yards from it, and although I couldn’t help but wonder why they didn’t evacuate when they could, I also hoped and prayed that somehow they were spared [as of this writing, I still haven’t discovered if they survived].
It is of some note that President Trump predicted this disaster was in the making three months ago, largely due to the lack of water in Los Angeles.
Trump & Joe Rogan PREDICTED California’s Fire Crisis MONTHS AGO!
We may speculate all we want, but the American public will probably never really know what started this searing conflagration that took flesh, trees, beams and rafters alike in its hellish embrace and burnt the city to the ground. However, given the history of wildfires in this area, it wouldn’t be a stretch to suggest this was arson, since numerous cases of arson fires are on the record, and incredibly, even as these new wildfires ravaged the California cities and countryside, cutting humanity low and testing people’s faith, new videos have emerged revealing arsonists setting new fires in the Santa Monica area.
This past Thursday morning, Andrew Huberman, a celebrity podcaster and neuroscientist, filmed arsonists in the act at 320 Pico Blvd in Santa Monica. And now the looting has started too, as those dregs of society have no qualms of committing any reprehensible, despicable act against the good and decent people of society who worked hard all their lives to acquire their possessions – some holding more sentimental value to the owner than any dollar amount could replace.
My position on arsonists? Shoot them on sight when one catches them in the act, pure and simple, problem solved. And then watch just how fast that shit stops.
One should note that the 2021 Palisades fire was set by a homeless man, Ramon Santos Rodriguez, and, Lord knows, the homeless and mentally ill are on the loose all across California, thanks to Gavin Newsom and the radical Democrat Party Communists’ regressive policies. Los Angeles has had an arson problem for over a decade now, with some 75,000 deranged homeless people wandering about with nothing better to do than create chaos wherever and whenever they can. And on January 9th 2025, arson was reported as the cause for the Hollywood Hills fire.
In an excellent essay, ‘On Cats and Other Catastrophes‘, Jenna McCarthy suggested these fires were intentional, “just like Maui was”, even as her husband good-naturedly disagreed with her. In part, on January 9th, she wrote:
“I detailed the similarities; the sudden, swift nature of the events. The inexplicable, selective burning (i.e. the rings of untouched, still green-leaved trees and foliage surrounding piles of ashes were million-dollar homes once stood). The hydrants and reservoirs – you know, those things that exist for expressly this purpose – running out of water. The fact that both places were on track to become “smart cities” in the next few years. Biden’s utter disregard for both disasters while continuing to funnel millions of dollars out of the country. The multiple, simultaneous blazes (with a recent test run on the books, no less, and amid unprecedented high winds) that conveniently diverted and diluted resources. The massive recent fire department cuts and cancelled insurance policies that would ensure rebuilding wasn’t an option. I hated what I knew my words were doing to Sasha in particular, but she needed to know the ugly truth.“
However, in the case of the Palisade fire, an LA County fire chief stated earlier this week that the fire began “as a very small fire in a backyard”, and it was rapidly spread up a ridge by the extreme Santa Ana Winds, as thousands of embers were carried along to ignite fires all across the Palisades.
The LA County Sheriff’s Department just issued a curfew this morning [Jan. 10th] in hopes of keeping survivors safe and preventing any easy path for the looters. The statement, in part, told viewers that all offenders would be arrested, without exception.
To be sure, the manmade drought, due to asinine “climate change science” and new “conservation” policies in California that defy actual scientific, proven techniques to mitigate the frequency, scope and size of wildfires, contributed heavily to the size and ferocity of this current spate of wildfires. California authorities seem to not understand the meaning of the word “conservation” or have any real knowledge of effective forestry techniques known to mankind for over 100 years or more. And decades of mismanagement of LA’s water system – refusing to catch rainwater and keep reservoirs full – left firefighters in the lurch, as fire-hydrants went bone dry in the middle of the worst parts of the fires; it didn’t help that the fire department had its budget cut either.
One cannot dismiss the role the federal agency of the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation has had, too, in leaving large swathes of California dry where water was once readily available. In 2021, 225,000 acres of California farmland were refused irrigation water originating in Oregon, under the Klamath Project, signed into “law” by Traitor Joe.
One dismayed and distraught mother, Rachel Darvish, a Palisades lawyer, was seen confronting Governor Gavin Newsom on Friday to get an explanation for why the hydrants went dry. Unless I miss my bet, Los Angeles and LA County are surely going to get their collective asses sued off, rightfully so, since there isn’t any valid excuse for not having full reservoirs or pumping stations dispersed intermittently across the area to ensure water pressure remains constant, even to hydrants placed at high elevations. Newsom tried to brush her off, saying he was “talking to the president”, but when she pressed to hear the conversation, he admitted he had only been trying to get through to the president’s office, prompting Darvish to ask why the president was not taking his calls.
Echoing what has already been noted by many “experts” and newscasters over the past few days, if one wishes to place blame for these fires, place it on California’s so-called “leaders” and Governor Gavin Newsom who have submitted to environmentalists’ demands to leave forests pristine and undisturbed and restrain homeowners from removing underbrush on their own property. California’s balmy climate, with its wet winters followed by months of dry spells, increases the likelihood of wildfires, and rather than remove dead and diseased trees and undergrowth, wherever it is practical to do so, environmentalist directed regulations have allowed natural fuel to accumulate and create the best conditions for explosive wildfires, making certain that Californians’ lives are placed at risk each year.
Incredibly, in what can only be described as a “Keystone Cop”-type moment, firefighters were seen filling huge purses from the fire-engines water tank to douse a smaller fire near Santa Monica. One can only speculate that they were improperly trained DEI hires who were either too ignorant, too lazy, or both, to hook up an inch and a half or a two and a half inch hose to quickly extinguish it, which in this particular instance would have only taken a few minutes. I speak from my own years spent as a fireman and lieutenant with the LaVergne Fire Department in LaVergne, Tennessee between 1973 and 1980.
Regardless of what actually started these fires, arson, a plot to steal the land, campfires or lightning, the infernos consuming Los Angeles are simply the latest consequence of decades of piss-poor planning and ill-conceived policies.
With that said, I also cannot dismiss completely out-of-hand any notion that some mega-billionaires and government officials didn’t conspire to create this disaster, given what we now know about the death cult Malthusians of the U.S. and the World Economic Forum who seek to depopulate the world to a population of only one-half million, all pushed into “sustainable smart cities”. The pattern of the fires are noteworthy, in the manner in which they are so widely dispersed and seemed to spark everywhere simultaneously.
More troublesome, given permitting regulations in LA that take up to two years, the survivors of these fires won’t be able to easily receive permits to rebuild, should they even want to do so, and building material costs in the area are already taking an exponential jump. And why would they risk rebuilding in the area when insurers now refuse to insure anyone living in these fire-prone areas, not to mention the fact that many of these now vacant building sites will wash down the hills when the next rainstorm hits.
It’s easy to see how these fires benefit the proponents for gentrification of the area in a manner that benefits the uber-wealthy and the proponents of “sustainable development” and a “new world order”, with extreme prejudice. From the river to the sea, California will be structure free [?].
Makes one long for the days when a natural disaster was just that and that alone – an Act of God – days when we didn’t have to consider, much less give credence to, any conspiracy theory that had a ring of plausibility and truth to it. But it appears we left Kansas a long time ago with a click of the collectives’ heels.
But, for the most part, I tend to lean towards the notion that these fires aren’t the work of the CIA or directional energy weapons. They were largely caused by angry, evil ne’er-do-wells and the dregs of Los Angeles’ failed society – people who have never done one damned thing of any socially redeeming value – who acted in so despicable and malevolent fashion, simply because they were bored and they could; they saw it as a fun and easy way to bring harm to people they view as their enemy – the rich, and anyone else who has strived to have more than they do by way of their hard work and putting their intellect and capabilities to their fullest use. It’s a virtually unstoppable means to sabotaging and destroying entire segments of a society.
Yesterday, I wrote the following:
“Los Angeles goes up in flames … ‘Hell on Earth’ as described by some survivors – anyone else thinking ‘This is God’s Judgement.'”
One of my new acquaintances responded:
“Yes but it’s not really my call to make.”

“The Wrath of God”
God commands us to judge one another in order to be able to develop a proper understanding of the differences between good and evil, while also cautioning to not judge any more harshly than you yourself might wish to stand to be judged. So I judge, and I condemn the bulk of California who traffic little children and teenage girls, grown women too, for sex. I judge those who effect one standard of “law” for you and me yet defy that same law on the same day, those liars and thieves who scam their citizens promising them services that never materialize, while they line their pockets and fill their bank accounts with taxpayers’ dollars, bribes and ill-gotten gains, allowing citizens to be put upon and their properties destroyed and any number of deaths each day without nary a blink of an eye – because they are insulated from harm by the isolation and protection afforded them by way of their power, and the abuse of the same.
Cry not for the wooden world that has failed as Los Angeles City glows at night like a fiery furnace, giving the appearance of Hell on Earth, but rather mourn and pray for the dead whose screams surely must have pierced the air, like a choir of unearthly manifestations, in their last ghastly moments of life in the world of man, where the rubble and what remains tells the tale, a lone wall or stone fireplace with some few surviving mementos and family treasures in the ash. As the flames now smolder and dissipate in many areas, searchers are discovering white bleached bones, the remnants of the dead, caught in a prison of flames, and so we pray that a death from smoke inhalation was one last small mercy to them before they took their final breath. And we pray for a people who have just endured God’s baptism by fire, the City of Angel’s baptism by fire.
January 13, 2025

Justin O. Smith ~ Author
~ The Author ~
Justin O. Smith has lived in Tennessee off and on most of his adult life, and graduated from Middle Tennessee State University in 1980, with a B.S. and a double major in International Relations and Cultural Geography – minors in Military Science and English, for what its worth. His real education started from that point on. Smith is a frequent contributor to the family of Kettle Moraine Publications.