I began to think about the future of our children in America, after I considered our economic situation, $36 trillion in debt and counting, and all the forces that are currently arrayed against them and the parents of our country. And after reading an article by Paul Craig Roberts, I expanded on his thoughts and found my way to write the following article.
In part, Roberts writes:
“Men have lost their role. They are no longer the provider. The wife might have, thanks to gender preferences in university admissions, employment, and promotion, the better job bringing in more income. Studies conclude that boys suffer depression from loss of a role. Reportedly, the suicide rate of boys and young men has been rising.
What the feminists have established is a new form of male deference to women. Males must stand aside and give up their role to women.
Feminist were not content to only destroy men. They destroyed women also. The idea of a chaste woman was objectionable because it held women to a higher standard than men.”
Helen Gurley Brown, editor-in-chief of Cosmopolitan magazine, used the magazine to encourage women to be harlots. In the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s Cosmopolitan was a fixture in the waiting rooms of doctors and dentists. I often wondered what my mother and grandmothers would have thought of a woman’s magazine, the cover of which heralded articles titled “How to be unfaithful to your husband without being caught,” “how to find a sex partner when on vacation without your boy friend,” “how to manage multiple sex partners.”
Today young women support themselves with their porn sites. Women brag on social media about having had 150 sexual partners, sparking rivals to vow attaining higher levels of wantonness. Female school teachers get themselves pregnant by their under age students. Mothers have 12-year old daughters on birth control pills. School children are sexualized at an early age to get them ready for the legalization of pedophiles, now euphemized as ‘minor attracted persons’.” ~ J.O.S.
Smith: Teach Your Children Well!
It’s hard for any parent or caring American patriot not to wonder and worry for the future of those children who will be born this year to the generations typically referred to as “Millennials” and “Generation X” [born between 1981 and 2012, because we all recognize the nation is being attacked from within and abroad, through numerous treasonous and subversive acts and the theft of American wealth. The next few generations will face struggles for food, water, and general necessities of life in ways unseen in many long decades, perhaps centuries, and parents with common sense must prepare them to survive the coming storm.
This isn’t an article laying out the dismal situation of our economy and the massive harm that the Democrat Party Communists have done to the nation overall by way of their Marxist-Maoist policies and multiculturalism and diversity over the past century, since the awake reader already understands these things to be true. It’s basically a plea to prepare and teach the next generation well to fight for their freedom and liberty against those from the current generation who are so intent on stealing and redistributing America’s wealth and destroying the republic in favor of a totalitarian socialist state, in order to avoid a future where they are forced to live in squalor as serfs to the State without any rights recognized to be sacrosanct.
Normally, parents don’t need to be told that they should instill in their children a fire to remain free, but many today certainly do, because too many themselves seem all too willing to give up their rights and individual liberty in exchange for an all-controlling Super-State and security. Not only are they – our country’s Leftists and even some Christians who profess to be conservatives – teaching their children to almost always expect and look towards Big Government for answers and solutions to their everyday problems, they are teaching them moral relativism, “whataboutisms” and untold numbers of fallacies, that run contrary to our Western and Christian virtues and principles, to suggest there are times it’s “okay” to relinquish “just a little bit of liberty” in exchange for security. Too many American parents no longer have the same strong independent streak that coursed through the hearts of their ancestors or the fires of freedom and liberty burning in their own.
Teach America’s boys and girls that there isn’t one thing wrong with making good use of minerals and other resources put here on Earth in order to make life better in general for all society – that it can be done in a responsible manner that preserves the Earth in fine fashion, without causing the gloom and doom scenario the Marxist-Maoist commies advance of mass pollution, climate change and a dying planet. The real science suggests otherwise, and America’s water and air is some of the cleanest in the world, thanks to modern technology.
Our children must be able to detect the lies.
Teach them that there isn’t any such thing as “homosexual marriage” and marriage is a sacred bond between one biological male and one biological woman, for several well-founded reasons, including procreation and having a family and love, as well as protecting assets and any estate for the children a loving man and woman may receive, as a gift from God and made in His image. In this same vein of thought, teach your children that there are only two sexes – male and female, not 127 genders or other such nonsense as men can become women and women can become men. And explain to them the importance of telling you, whenever some pedophile groomer calling itself a “teacher” tries to convince them otherwise and indoctrinate them into the world of queers, deviants and perverts.
It is simply a natural matter for normal heterosexual parents to encourage young boys to “be a man” and young girls to “be a lady”; however, too often these days parents must do battle against opposing influences on the television, social media sites and even in public schools that tell them they need not be what nature and God intended. And then it is a matter of how much they respect their parents’ teachings and the longings of their own heart and reality itself that tells them they really are a boy or a girl; gender theory tries to extinguish reality and our children’s natural state, and it’s our job as parents to defend them at all costs.
Teach your children our founding Western and Christian principles, even if you might not be Christian. One need not be Christian to be able to see and understand Christianity contains a fine moral code that works hand-in-hand with our Constitution and serves to help in our daily struggles to rise above our own troubles and to remain free using true and righteous means, especially in regard to owning our own homes and the self-defense of our home, our bodies and lives and the lives of our loved ones. Our Constitution simply doesn’t work properly, when a moral society is absent.
There isn’t anything wrong with a young boy embracing his masculinity and a young girl accepting her feminine nature. Young boys must learn everything it means to be a man for all seasons, understanding his traditional role as protector of the family, while young girls must learn everything that comes with being a mature woman, nurturing the family and protecting it in their own special manner. This isn’t to say that all boys and girls should be encouraged or pushed to get married and have families, but only to say they must understand the responsibilities that come with marriage and raising a family and readied for those responsibilities should they choose this path.
By this same token, it’s a poor excuse of a man who can’t cook a decent dinner or darn socks, just as it’s a poor excuse of a woman who can’t drive a nail or change a flat tire. It doesn’t make you a homo, if you’re a man who can cook, or a bull-dyke lesbian, if you happen to be a young lady who can wire a house – things typically reserved for the sex opposite to your own; it makes you knowledgeable, effective and capable in ways many of your counterparts aren’t. Anything any boy or girl can learn to do for themselves simply serves to encourage and build an independent streak and a skill set that ensures they can survive when others won’t.
Raise both young boys and girls with a good knowledge of farming and animal husbandry, so they can grow and raise their own food, should the times ever place them in that situation. And teach them both how to hunt and trap.
Young boys must be raised to be gentlemen, to reject the evil of pornography and treat young girls with respect and decency. Young girls must be raised to be young ladies, to reject pornography and treat young boys with respect and decency. This is one of the most important things parents can do, in our country’s struggle to preserve the traditional family, and it is of the utmost importance if we wish to stop the decline of America’s civilization and culture and prevent another generation from reaching their age of majority as whoremongers and whores, debauching and despoiling themselves on the altar of the Democrat Party Communists’ so-called “sexual revolution”, where some 70 million Unborn Children have been murdered.
America’s boys and girls must be taught to give respect, while they also demand respect in return. This means teaching them that any violation of their bodies and their Inalienable God-given Rights is an intolerable act, to be answered appropriately, according to the demands of the situation. They must learn that some people will respond to “please stop, don’t do that” while also being cognizant to the fact that there are some ignorant thugs in the world who understand nothing less than a fist in the jaw, getting knocked on their ass, an axe-handle or baseball bat upside their head or a bullet in their head. And while every situation doesn’t demand a fight, they shouldn’t go through life being wronged, insulted or abused and laid a hand upon when they have been innocent and harmless themselves.
Most boys and girls are born with an innate interest in those things that are generally associated with one sex or the other. Boys are born with an interest in fighting and competing just as girls take to dolls and wanting to help Mom in the kitchen, but neither is born knowing how to play any particular sport or to hold and use a firearm. We school one another from one generation to the next in they ways of manhood and womanhood, and there are times that a skill isn’t necessarily confined to one sex over the other.
I have two grown and successful daughters today. Starting about the age of eight, I taught both how to defend themselves using the best strikes of boxing and karate, as well as key jujitsu moves – to use a blade and to become proficient with firearms. I also taught them the importance of situational awareness and “reading a room”. And I always made them mind their manners and conduct themselves in a ladylike manner while in public. Today, both are fine ladies with extremely sweet dispositions, who also just happen to be able to take care of themselves quite well in a dangerous situation.
Take heart and fight back against the century old subversions and treasons committed against American culture and traditions by Her enemies-from-within and the Communists’ ongoing withering assaults against everything good and decent in America. Muster all the courage you can and fight back ferociously to preserve freedom and liberty for America’s children and their children’s children.
As the late, famed C.S. Lewis, Christian apologist and renown author, once noted:
“Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point.”
Teach your children well, if you truly love them. Teach them to work hard and achieve a high level of education and knowledge, not just in one discipline but in several that will increase their skills and capabilities and ensure their success, as they pursue their rights to life, liberty, property and the pursuit of happiness and all those rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights. But most of all, teach them to properly and fully understand the sacrosanct nature of those rights and to guard and protect them jealously and fiercely; teach them to recognize illegitimate “law”, and teach them to question authority when they recognize it to be out of line and out-of-control. And teach them that in some instances, it’s perfectly acceptable to resort to violence against any government, whenever it threatens their freedom and liberty and all other avenues have been exhausted.
This one is optional, but it’s what I was taught by my own father, a decorated Combat Infantryman and Veteran of WWII, Korea and Vietnam. From the earliest days of my ability to understand the spoken word, he taught me, “Better dead than red” and that it was better to die bravely and a free man than on one’s knees begging for mercy – but that it was even better to survive the battle to fight another day and send your enemies to their deaths and a quick ride to Hell.
Tyranni ad inferos mitte Americae.
January 7, 2025

Justin O. Smith ~ Author
~ The Author ~
Justin O. Smith has lived in Tennessee off and on most of his adult life, and graduated from Middle Tennessee State University in 1980, with a B.S. and a double major in International Relations and Cultural Geography – minors in Military Science and English, for what its worth. His real education started from that point on. Smith is a frequent contributor to the family of Kettle Moraine Publications.