Smith: To Erase the Image of God

I’ve totally checked out of the “political scene” without really “checking out”, in that I still care about what happens to this fine country of ours and its people but I no longer worry about the final direction it takes, as I will deal with that in my own good time and way. I’ve just had to stop worrying so much, mainly for my health.

Our American brethren had better stop this mad flirtation the country is having with socialism, the red-headed step-child of communism, if they know what’s good for them. It’s like a child – you give an inch, they take a mile, and no nation can implement “just a little bit of socialism” without it eventually metastasizing into a full-blown totalitarian communist state, as has been witnessed across the span of history. For those who deny this fact, I offer Canada, which just a very few short decades ago was one of the freest nations on earth but now is insanely socialistic/communistic and authoritarian as all hell.

We see it branching out and growing all throughout our own system at all levels of government, threatening every last vestige of American freedom and liberty and our founding virtues and principles, especially as it pertains to Christianity.

Anne Frank

How they miss the danger signs from the Marxist-Maoist ideology and all the harm it promises to deliver is one of the great mystifying questions of the ages.

Since WWII, it seemed that everyone has been so focused on the Holocaust, they fail to understand that Joseph Stalin murdered so many millions more people than Hitler could ever imagine murdering. Elie Wiesel’s ‘Night‘ and ‘The Diary of Anne Frank‘ brought the Holocaust into America’s living rooms, making it a part of their education, where its victims were no longer mere numbers or names on a memorial, but real people with faces, families, dreams, hearts and souls, who were sorely abused and murdered. And Hitler and the Nazis were basically turned into every American’s personal enemy.

How the horrors of communism and 160 million dead in prisons or on some gulag plantation field can be so easily forgotten is terrifying to any sane person in and of itself. The communists not only sought to break the bodies of their targets – their “enemy” – or simply shatter their minds, but they strived to smash their opposition’s – those dissidents – souls, to erase them and absolutely everything about them in regards to their faith, family, nation, will, self-respect, identity. They worked to destroy everything that made a once free individual person a human being. They sought and still seek today, to destroy Western civilization and erase the idea that man is created in the image of God.

I must warn You that I have included some Extremely Graphic and Descriptive “adult only” bits within this piece, but they serve a purpose in the end. However, there’s enough substance to this piece to allow for it to be edited as seen necessary. ~ J.O.S.

To Break a Nation, Break Its Men!

We were warned. For decades we were warned. But America’s people seemed to believe this time would be different. That “socialism” would work this time, despite a century of examples to belie the notion, and some 160 million people murdered by communist dictators from 1917 up to 2024, and counting.

We were warned that far too many people being allowed entry to the country under the 1965 Immigration Act really hated America and Her principles. Many knew that they would never assimilate – that they were lovers of Big Centralized Government, Marx, Hitler, Stalin, Tito, Mao, Pol Pot, Che, Fidel, Maduro, Ortega and a long list of tyrants who promised a better world for all under their communist utopian vision that turned out to be nothing less than hell on earth.

We saw early signs socialism was incompatible with America’s virtues and Founding principles, and yet, the people couldn’t take their eyes away from the shiny things dangled in front of their eyes and the promise of “Free Stuff” at the expense of those who could and did actually produce things, as socialism seemed to take flight after the Great Depression and the advent of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt‘s forever regime, that died only because he did. Too many Americans had grown to love the Leviathan and Big Government, because they had grown weak, dependent and lazy.

We were warned that under the unrestrained advancement of socialist programs in the name of “the greater good for all”, we would see a continued and ever expanding Big Centralized Government interfering in parental rights, as we saw young Elian Gonzalez jerked from his home in Miami in 1999 to be returned to a totalitarian communist regime in Cuba led by the murderous Fidel Castro, at the behest of U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno. And we saw “Human Services” regularly misused against struggling parents who had done no real wrong, up to the 2020s when states and the federal government were actually removing children from the homes of parents who rejected gender dysphoria “therapy” designed to prepare and groom their children for sex changes – when states threatened parents with prison if the refused to allow it or attempted to save their child.

We were warned that Free Speech would be squashed and dissidents silenced, as government colluded with social media sites to censor us and political candidates were investigated, arrested and placed under “gag orders”, along with threats to arrest any and all who “spread misinformation.”

Robert “LaVoy” Finicum

We were warned that “socialism” always devolved into a totalitarian communist state where everyone was suspect and everyone a potential candidate for some sort of prison hell or deadly gulag environment, depending on where one was snatched up in the middle of the night. Hadn’t we seen the start of this as Randy Weaver and his family were targeted unjustifiably in 1992 – when LaVoy Finicum was murdered by the FBI and Oregon State Highway Patrol in 2016? What about all the innocent men and women who were imprisoned on bogus charges after the riot at the Capitol in 2021?

Teachers were caught red-handed over the first two decades of the 21st Century either totally eliminating or distorting and manipulating critical information and historical facts regarding Western civilization and the exceptional nature that had been an integral part of America prior to the Marxist-Maoist revolution that started with President Barack Hussein Obama’s promise to “fundamentally transform America“. Barry Soetoro, the islamofascist who posed as a Christian to become America’s first half-black president, the Manchurian candidate who set in motion America’s final downfall and collapse.

We were warned that the Democrat Party Communists’ “New Green Deal” climate change policies were nothing more than a scam to steal America’s massive resources and wealth for redistribution across the Third World and the ranks of their supporters. We were warned their “global warming” scheme would destroy America’s energy infrastructure and impoverish the population, placing their sustainable development scheme on a fast track aligned with the idea that people “would own nothing and be happy”, pushed into Government Housing and off their privately owned lands – as private ownership of anything became nonexistent.

We were warned that non-citizens were being given preferential treatment over American citizens, and even being allowed to vote.

We were warned that the Democrat Party Communists intended to disarm us, in order to make it easier to eradicate the republic and the rule of law and set up their new [old] Communist Constituent Assembly, while mass surveillance across America had become the norm, since the 9/11/2001 attacks, making it easier to track and illegally disarm U.S. citizens.

We were warned time and again, and we sat quietly by as our rights were slowly eroded and eradicated, while we sat on our collective asses and watched in silence, oh yes, to peek up our heads above the protest lines from time to time to chirp out a weak plea to the-powers-that-be to stop their oppressive anti-liberty policies, always to no avail and always to see them become more harsh than the day before.

Oh how the anguished cries from the prescient few pealed out through the night air, that a Great Replacement, a Globalist/Marxist-Maoist Great Reset, and the attack to end the traditional family and the Christian conservative traditional American way of life was under way.

Czarina Kamala the Snake

The end of America came with the stolen election of 2024 and the rise of the Amerikkan Communist Party under Czarina Kamala Harris, who would go on to suspend free elections and consolidate and secure power for her apparatchiks in a manner that ensured it would be damned near impossible to remove them any time soon. The final shoe drop came by way of the confiscation of all firearms across the country, although some did manage to spirit away like ghosts in the night with their weapons into the wilderness areas, to live out their lives as pariahs and outlaws and rebels; and for the most part, it all happened with very little protest – no roars from lions of liberty, only the mewings of a people already conquered and enslaved.

Far too many of those who pounded out the words “the only way the Feds take my guns is from my cold dead hands“, just as hard as they could on their keyboard, meekly got in line when ordered to do so and quietly handed them over without nary a peep. Some did cuss and fuss but just the same handed them over without a fight. And the only shots that did get fired were from the Communists who actually murdered a few conservatives who called them a few choice names during the confiscations.

They would come to wish that they had paid greater attention to the words Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn wrote in the “Gulag Archipelago‘:

“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrest, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand? After all, you knew ahead of time that those bluecaps were out at night for no good purpose. And you could be sure ahead of time that you’d be cracking the skull of a cutthroat.”

Trump was captured and hung from a rail off the side of the Capitol Building. His family members were also captured and either murdered outright or imprisoned and tortured. Melania was reduced to being a sex-slave assigned to Merrick Garland.

And everyone aligned with the communists was granted privilege above and beyond what our law protected as rights for all, in the name of “diversity, equity and inclusion” which was synonymous with “all who aren’t white or standing to defend individual liberty”.

By 2077, Americans were waking every day in a new world where their every move was surveilled a thousand times more so than in 2024, and everything was upside down, good called evil, and a newspeak way of seizing the everyday news narrative was successfully keeping the masses as unbelievably ignorant as could be, while the ranks of the Government’s useful idiots included better than eighty percent of the population. Gone was the knowledge of our ancestors and the founding principles, except in the farthest reaches of the country’s hinterlands, where even there one’s safety wasn’t assured.

And God help the one’s who would get caught in the weekly dragnets carried out by the New Bolsheviks.

They call him Jack. Jack Hoare is his Christian name. He’s a direct descendant of Mad Mike Hoare, an extraordinary mercenary of world renown.

He grew up viewing the current government as a foreign, occupation government, and his primary job was to kill these rat bastards in defense of America or die in the process, to punish them and the country’s traitor – and all who had warmed their hands at the invaders’ hearth – with extreme prejudice, planting them in the ground and sending them straight to hell.

Jack is a soldier in the Resistance that has been fighting against this tyranny since its birth, when the whole system went to shit and the people were scared and rioting as food and medical supplies grew scarce. He was born twenty-two years after the Great Change in 2025, learning about the principles of freedom and individual liberty from his father and many of his associates – already middle aged although still capable – who fought in those very first days to stop America’s descent into the hell that came to be, unsuccessfully so due to the lack of spine in most of the womanized effeminate American “men”, ages 18 to 32.

Ironically, Jack’s father was fond of often quoting Vladimir Lenin, one of the men behind the Bolshevik Communist Revolution of 1917, as he wondered aloud over what was to come: “We old men may not live to see the battles of the upcoming revolution”.

To always be followed by Patrick Henry’s words: “I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death“.

Jack awakened in a prison cell, not knowing where he was, after being concussed and knocked unconscious during a firefight on Short Mountain. So many days had passed, it was impossible to tell how many days he had been held, since there aren’t any windows, no lights, no hints to the time of day it might be or how much time has passed you by. It’s a dark hole, and it makes you wonder if anyone even realizes you’re still alive.

And in between every waking, semi-lucid moment there was the constant torture, so horrible, that one’s vocal cords remained raw from screaming in pain.

The guards opened the door some hours later to toss in a lump of crusty bread and a bottle of water, along with Joe, a guy Jack knew some years back. He hadn’t seen him since their days together at Notre Dame Guild when Jack was trying to keep a low profile. Joe had been in all the same protests and many of the same underground meetings he’d attended, as an enthusiastic anti-communist, all American dissident, as Jack knew so many others still to be. Jack hadn’t really been friends with him, since he always had a feeling that Joe wasn’t what he seemed to be, something was off; he didn’t really like him. And growing up in a country where the communists had control over every government agency and institution, the armed services, the police and the newspapers definitely demanded that Jack be extra careful lest his membership in the 7th Special Forces Resistance Group be discovered. So much had changed from the times described by his father that it boggled one’s mind to understand so many people could allow themselves to be so misguided and made to readily accept their conquest, and being reduced to serfs of the Government.

Still, it was a welcome change to have company, any company, even bad company. They talked for hours, even finding it in them to joke about their dire situation and recent misfortunes. Both reminisced on how they were captured and how the Democratic People’s Security had repeatedly tortured them, showing the deep scars from cigarette burns and a doctor’s scalpel inexpertly used, bringing back a flood of other memories for Jack, including the time one especially evil DPS agent hooked a car battery to his man parts. But Jack hadn’t told the rat bastards anything, and he proudly told Joe as much, with pride in his voice.

Joe had disappeared months before Jack was taken from a battle gone bad for his team. He’d been fighting alongside other partisans in the mountains near Levasy, sabotaging supply convoys and ambushing patrols, when they were ambushed themselves by a Homeland Security kill team after someone turned traitor and ratted them out to the DPS. They’d killed plenty of the damned commie rat bastards, but the Amerikkan Communists could afford to lose men whose lives mean nothing to them, after they had steadily drafted a few million illegal aliens into their service from the first days they came to power.

Raising his filthy tee-shirt, Joe showed Jack the scar on his abdomen, where the bullet barely missed turning his liver into cat food. And after spending weeks in a high security area that was a poor excuse for a hospital, they had transferred him to this prison. He’d been tortured, too. But everyone got tortured; it was part of one’s daily life if one fell into the hands of the DPS or Homeland Security.

Starved for any news from the outside, Jack welcomed the conversation, hoping to learn how the Resistance was faring. But before long, the conversation went to the familiar and stories about one’s childhood and growing up in a largely rural farm and ranch area in Southeast Colorado – about the time your Dad beat your ass good for not getting up in time for the horse’s morning feeding – the time you got sick on your Dad’s whiskey – and kindly old Ace Wintermeyer who had a huge personal library he placed in Jack’s care as a very young boy – the girl who you almost married.

Jack Hoare

The guard Jack named “Trog“, for his remarkable resemblance to a Neanderthal man – probably due to his own beatings when he had been a prisoner in this very same facility – came and ordered both men from the cell, leading them down an aging dark corridor that had a strong odor of rotting flesh, blood and rust and a dankness reminiscent of the swamplands of St Mary’s, Georgia. They emerged into a lit auditorium, where the light from the few low-watt bulbs blinded them, because they’ve been kept in the dark for so long. Scores of others were already there, and Jack even recognized a few from his community, greeting them without any of the guards objecting, as they shook hands and slapped one another on already sore backs.

A DPS apparatchik limped his way to the makeshift podium that had already seen its best days. He was a slightly built, weak-looking man with the puffy face of an alcoholic, dressed in the soulless grey uniform of the day, which hung from his frame like a San Franciso homeless person’s badly pitched tent. As he spoke in a manner void of any confidence, the prisoners largely ignored him, so he gave up and basically mumbled his way through the already well known communist political propaganda tripe they had all heard for their entire lives – put away the oppression of the past, racism, white privilege, white supremacy, one’s desire for private property and individual liberty, join the fight to save democracy and equity for all and the workers’ struggle for liberation, and on and on he droned.

Some of the prisoners rolled their eyes and smiled in mocking fashion. A few of the more daring, who wore their battered and tortured bodies like a badge of courage, let out contemptuous snorts in response to the small man’s more obnoxious words. And when the guards seem nonplussed by this, the jokes and the heckling started as the men ridiculed the little rat bastard commie. Laughter cut across the room, a welcome sound many had not heard in months, maybe years for a few, unless it was the laughter of the sadists who took delight in their torture.

The little Rat Bastard commie apparatchik smiled, coldly and completely without humor – a smile that didn’t make an effort to reach his dark, malevolent eyes.

He gave a prearranged signal, and Joe punched Jack as hard as he could right in the solar plexus. Jack had been hit hard before, but just not so unexpectedly. The wind rushed from his lungs, and as he doubled over, gasping for air, a club cracked across his spine sending him to the ground, as Joe kicked him in his ribs and face.

Several others are also seen being handed a good beating, from some of the other prisoners, thrashing about on the ground and howling with pain and anger, some pleading and crying in despair. The guards didn’t care unless the targeted prisoners tried to fight back, which resulted in a good clubbing from a guard or a pistol butt to the head.

By the time the little rat bastard called an end to “the fun“, there was blood everywhere, and Jack had a tooth knocked out and a broken rib.

Trog shoved and kicked and half-dragged Jack all the way back to his cell, but the hell didn’t end there. One of the traitors that was beating other prisoners, a prisoner himself, entered the cell still wet with blood. He ordered Jack to sleep, as he explained that he must sleep flat on his back with his hands folded across his chest, adding that any failure to hold this position will end in a beating.

Several times throughout the night, after dropping into a fitful sleep, Jack was snapped awake by a hard club across his shins, because he had moved ever so slightly. And when he was finally awakened to start his day, he didn’t feel as if he had slept at all.

He gagged as he slowly sucked down his breakfast, a thin, barely warm gruel in a battered tin bowl, with clumps of hair to be picked out. But it had become a matter of survival, the need to survive until he could exact his revenge on every rat bastard who had ever lifted a hand in the service of the Communist Constituent Assembly and the Amerikkan Communist Party.

After he had washed his tin bowl and mopped his cell as ordered, they took him away to be interrogated again. And then he came to understand, as he heard all the small details of his conversation with Joe spit back at him by the torturer. Nothing else was new, as Jack was burned, shocked, beat and cut in rotation at a whim, other than the new questions he was asked, which had nothing to do with gathering intelligence. Instead, his torturer had a keen interest in his family, his friends and the manner in which he was raised, demanding to know everything, and beating Jack each time he suspected Jack had lied.

The night came and went. At least Jack thought it was night. His whole existence was now one long, dark, deadly night so painful he doubted he would survive for much longer. The beatings continued and at times Jack would vomit his gruel, which won him a fist to the side of his head and orders to eat it from the floor. The man in charge this morning slammed Jack’s face into the puddle of vomit on the floor, and shouted “Eat it“. But still Jack resisted, used to the pain by now but refusing to be so humiliated, until one guard bent his arm in an unusual manner that sent fire shooting through every nerve ending, as the torturer repeated the demand.

The process repeated until Jack did in fact eat his own vomit, which left him hot with humiliation and rage and murder in his heart and mind.

His everyday life became a living hell where time was unknowable and simply no longer existed. His days were one string of beatings, interrogations and tortures after another, that were conducted without rhyme or reason and any intention to gather information, which Jack didn’t really have anyway since he’d been a prisoner long enough to make his intelligence info old news for them. They were torturing him simply because they could.

Jack got to where he didn’t really sleep most nights, not any deep restful sleep anyway. He’d lie there in silence in corpse position, not daring to move for fear of the pain that would follow from the ever more creative sadistic minds of his guards. He soon discovered that his food bowl was also now his chamber pot, which they refused to let him wash. And each time he vomited or shit himself during a beating, he was made to eat it. Every time he was made to eat it; and whenever the torture was in groups, it wasn’t his own shit he was made to eat. Each prisoner got his “fair share” – and the torturers called it “equity“.

Quite regularly, the interrogator/torturer had taken to asking if any of the guards had ever shown him any small kindness – a bit of extra food, or maybe just allowing him to actually clean his tin bowl after using it to hold his urine, or not beating him too hard when he “broke the rules”. Jack denied any such favorable treatment at first, asserting that they were all equally very brutal and cruel and treated him worse than a savage animal.

Are you quite certain” the torturer always asked – “Not even the smallest mercy has been shown? You must tell me if so. I do not think I believe You.”

And the torture would pick up where it left off again.

One day, after this same scenario had played itself out for the tenth or twelfth time, Jack finally quietly spoke Joe’s name. “Joe” he said. “Joe beat me five days ago when I tried to clean my tin bowl, but he held back and didn’t hit me too hard, not like usual.”

Music to his ears, Jack heard his torturer reply, “Thank You for being honest” in his best fatherly tone, and the beatings stopped for the day.

Shortly afterwards, Jack heard Joe’s screams coming from a cell down the hall.

In the days ahead, the interrogator’s interviews took a strange new twist and turn. He asked Jack about petty crimes he may have committed, tiny meaningless childhood infractions, how he felt about them and what effect they had on the people around him:

Why did you steal your best friend’s bike? How did it make you feel when you didn’t share your Hershey’s candy bar with your little brother and he cried? Did you feel good about that? Wasn’t it cruel of you to stop writing to your best girlfriend after you left for Notre Dame? How do you think she felt? Why are you so selfish? What made you behave in so terrible a manner? Do you really believe you are a good and decent man?

And with every new question came a new flurry and combination of clubbings, fists, burns, cuts, kicks, cigarette burns and icepick piercings.

Jesus, What happened to America?

For those who held tightly to the One True Faith, it became a contest to separate them from that faith and make them deny Jesus Christ as the One True Savior for all mankind:

Why do you sleep in church and take God’s name in vain through the week? You said you highly respected Pastor Cash, so why do you have a different woman in your bed every week, whoring and fornicating and ignoring God’s Word? Why do you skip services for weeks at a time? You say you are pious, a True believer – this God you claim to love and know, would he look kindly on your behavior? Do you not fear Him? Maybe you really don’t believe in Him after all? Perhaps you’ve been lying – don’t deny it – lying to me and yourself; can you admit this? Why are you lying? What are you really afraid of? Surely it is not this God — already your words and actions have said you do not really believe in Him.”

The next day, Jack was told one of his only real friends in the prison had killed himself during the night by chewing through his wrists. Jack noted the news made him happy, because now his friend was truly free, and “may God bless him“. The punches rained down, and one guard kept punching Jack’s mouth until his teeth became loose, as he took out his pliers and started pulling Jack’s teeth, one by one, causing Jack to pass out several times, as his last few thoughts captured in that moment were that he didn’t need teeth to gulp down that awful gruel, or shit, whatever the case may be.

It couldn’t get any worse could it“, came to Jack’s mind the next morning, but he was soon to learn how wrong he was, when his tormentor entered his cell and handed him an affidavit, full of the most vile, horrendous lies about him, his family and his friends that he couldn’t have ever imagined on his own. They wanted him to admit his good friend, Ace Wintermeyer would organize orgies at the church you both attended, while also stating his parents were enthusiastic participants – that they whored out his baby sister to Pastor cash and made him engage in homosexual acts with his brother for the amusement of all. His tormentor added that this would be sent to his parents and also published in his hometown’s newspaper, but that he had to sign it first, in order to see justice done, as he slyly asked Jack, “Don’t you want the world to know the truth about what was done to you”.

His tormentor droned on, like the steady buzzing of a horsefly in his ear.

You sign. It’s the truth isn’t it? It must be true. You told me these very things. Would your parents do those things, tho’? Maybe – Nothing is too depraved for reactionaries and enemies of the people and the holy vision of Father Marx and Father Mao. You explained numerous times that you only betrayed our great movement because of their abuse. Our vision is the only sane way to run society, so you must have been made insane by your repressed memories and all the terrible things your parents did.”

Jack shook his head and refused, prompting his tormentor to sadly shake his head and continue:

Please don’t tell me you were lying to me about your parents. What a low, ignoble, reprehensible animal you are, devoid of all honor.”

The beatings that day very nearly brought him to the brink of death, or so he thought.

Three days later, a particularly ugly tormentor laughed as he described how Jack’s mother had cried as she read the affidavit and his father had disowned him, while his brother swore to kill him, which resulted in the DPS putting him against the outside wall and shooting him as an enemy of the people. “See” the tormentor said, “you have no family now, only us, it’s only us, now – now and forever“, as he attached electrical leads to Jacks man parts once more.

Jack prayed for death and release that night, or that God would help him find a way of escape from this prison that had become his hell.

But only more torture followed, as he was led into a sacrilegious mockery of a church where a phallus stood in place of the crucifix and a tub of putrid urine was the baptismal font. He was forced to kiss the phallus before they plunged him into the tub for his “baptism“, holding him under so long he was sure he was going to drown, brought up only to be pushed back down over and over again, until the guards finally cheered over his rebirth in mock joy, proclaiming him to be Mary Magdalene.

Some of the other prisoners receive the same horrendous treatment and are “reborn” as biblical characters, such as Joseph, the Virgin Mary, Luke, John, and baby Jesus, in a manner that can only be described as Satanic, while Jack stood silent and numb from the humiliation he felt and his pent-up rage he wished to vent on his enemies. And then they were all forced to perform a mock nativity play – John was forced to sodomize Jack and baby Jesus was ordered to suck his penis, and this went on for hours, as the guards used them for amusement.

That night, the Neanderthal torturer gave Jack congratulations for being one of his best “students”, explaining he had done extremely well and graduated from the first stage of the program. The very thought repulsed Jack, but something unnatural happened to as Jack cursed himself for being traitorous as a warm feeling of pride inexplicably fluttered through his mind.

He was told he was being handed a special task – that there was an extremely evil and dangerous counterrevolutionary reactionary in the prison who was a menace to society and an enemy of the Communist Constituent Assembly and the people and in need of being reformed and re-educated. That he must be liberated from all the old ideas that have imprisoned his mind, that tie him to erroneous and obsolete ideas of faith and country, and that they wanted Jack to be the one to liberate him.

Neanderthal told Jack to approach the prisoner and win his trust, by telling him about his own life. He was to ask questions and learn all he could about the prisoner in question and learn everything about him that he could coax forth.

Jack told Neanderthal that he understood. He understood all too well, and he didn’t need to have it all laid out to know what would happen next.

Excellent“, Neanderthal exclaimed. He continued to explain that this was an outstanding contribution to the cause of the holy Father Marx and Father Mao, and how it was necessary. He admonished Jack to be strict in order to be effective, so the prisoner’s reformation would go quickly and he wouldn’t backslide and have to repeat the program, as he assured Jack that it was the only way.

You remember, Joe, don’t you?“, asked Neanderthal. “When you met him nine months ago, he’d just completed his fourth round of treatment, and now, he’s halfway through his fifth. We have high hopes for him, as we do for you. You understand what I am telling you? That you must be very strict? Very vigilant? Outstanding. So, it is time for you to start your work.”

Jack swore under his breath and nearly bit his tongue in half. He quietly thought to himself that he would kill this thing posing as a “man” one day, and soon – if it was the last thing he did.


This is a work of fiction based on fact. All of the policies described have either already been implemented or are being proposed as future legislation by the Democrat Party Communists and their Islamo-fascist and Republican-In-Name-Only allies.

The numerous methods and tactics employed in the abuse and torture described within this piece is an actual compilation of numerous testimonies from survivors of Marxist-Maoist communist prisons and so-called “psychiatric hospitals” that were gathered over past decades – testimonies from the notorious Lubyanka Prison and the Serbsky Center in Moscow, North Korea’s massive network of prisons for dissidents, the Pitesti Prison in Romania, Mao‘s “Re-Education” Camps known as Laogai, those who survived in North Vietnamese bamboo cells barely wide enough for a full grown man to assume a fetal position to sleep, or sleep sitting up. This work details a variety of torture and brainwashing techniques, that have been part and parcel of the communist juggernaut and utilized by many other communist countries all across Eastern Europe, Southeast Asia, and South America and areas in its proximity, e.g. Cuba, making normal people shudder when they view the full horror of what has been done in the name of this evil ideology that is supposed to bring “peace” and “democracy“, “equality” and “prosperity” to all mankind.

A good portion of what is described herein has been taken from North Korea’s “kwalliso” methods. Extrajudicial executions, rape, forced abortions, prison without trial, torture, starvation rations that force prisoners to eat insects and rats are the rule rather than the exception, as exposed in March 2023 by way of former prisoners testimony in a report compiled by Korea Future, an NGO human rights watchdog.

North Korea’s penal system is not designed to detain or rehabilitate anyone sentenced by its courts in safe and humane facilities. They make no attempt to stop recidivism or improve public safety. Its sole purpose is to identify and isolate anyone in its society whose behavior conflicts with upholding the singular authority of the Supreme Leader, Kim Jong Un.

Stalin supposedly once noted that “one man’s death is a tragedy, a million deaths are a statistic“. Raw numbers do not fully or properly express the raw horror of what has been done in the name of “redistribution of the wealth”, placing the engine of production into the people’s hands and making all men “equal” by refusing to allow any man or woman to excel or rise above others, a contradiction witnessed in that the leaders of “the Party” are placed above all as demi-gods. Statistics leave the mind unblemished and the heart unmoved.

September 26, 2024

Justin O. Smith ~ Author

~ The Author ~
Justin O. Smith has lived in Tennessee off and on most of his adult life, and graduated from Middle Tennessee State University in 1980, with a B.S. and a double major in International Relations and Cultural Geography – minors in Military Science and English, for what its worth. His real education started from that point on. Smith is a frequent contributor to the family of Kettle Moraine Publications.

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