Dickens: The Real Threat ~ Existential Threat?

Words Are The Real Threat!

“Words are seeds that do more than blow around.
They land in our hearts and not the ground.
Be careful what you plant and careful what you say.
You might have to eat what you planted one day.” ~ Anon

There is an existential threat in Merka. It’s not a person, it’s more insidious and dangerous. It’s a simple four-letter descriptor called ‘word’ – a unit of language used to express ideas and information.

“There are some ideas so wrong that only a very intelligent person could believe in them.” ~ George Orwell

It’s curious that I’m in sync with the political Right. The Corporate Media Complex (CMC) – the Left – is feeding their viewers some disquieting propaganda.

I had an inkling that the hateful rhetoric from the Left might cause or even encourage the violent actions like the assassination attempts on Mr. Trump. It only takes a couple of crazies to embrace this hate-speech and act. In their twisted and deluded minds, they are patriots who carry out the orders from their Leftist masters.

I find it difficult to believe that we fought a war for independence only to subjugate ourselves to another political overlord.

Orwell is right, “some ideas are so wrong that only a very intelligent person would believe them.”

People like college professors and their naïve and trusting students.

A marvelous example are the nation-wide antisemitic protests against Israels retaliation for Hamas’ attacks, and who calls for the extermination of Israel. The purpose of the Hamas attack is to remove Israel from the region – genocide. How is the eradication of Israel different from the Genocide of Palestine?

Genocide is the extermination of a national, racial, political, or cultural group. Don’t Israel and Palestine fit this description?


* China does it.

* Russia does it.

* America did it.

Almost every country on this rock has engaged in genocide at some point.

What makes Merka the arbiter of truth and justice? Maybe it was the Superman Comics that coined the phrase “Truth, Justice, and the American Way”, that reinforced our self-importance.

Maybe it was our battlefield success that gave us a sense of supremacy.

And maybe we are just too big for our britches.

Why are we involved in this conflict, or any conflict for that matter?

Why are the college ‘Karens’ protesting this conflict?

What are these children learning from their socialist professors? Where are their parents???

Possibly it’s the allure of Socialism, and what it promises, yet always fails to deliver. It never works, but these students stopped reading half-way through history’s lessons. They adopt what they are told in class; in the thrall of these NASP professors.

Listening to the CMC’s speculations for the past several months, I’m reminded that most of the people watching these mainstream media outlets are not considered perceptive and free-thinking people; they’re treated as directionless sheeple – that’s how they are trained. They are indoctrinated to follow, not to lead… So, when they hear “Threat to Democracy,” or “He’s Hitler,” or “Must be stopped at all costs,” and “Must never be allowed near the Oval Office Again,” they interpret these words and phrases as a call to action. It’s even fortified by the talking heads at the CMC that someone must do something.

Emperor Obama said that “disinformation is a threat to our democracy.” He was telling us, warning us that it will be the tool used to “fundamentally change” America. We weren’t paying attention, because that’s exactly what the Obama Reich used to begin the next-to-the-last phase of the transmogrification of our republic – to change America into a different form, something hideous or grotesque.

When I reflect on my past, I scarcely recognize this country; especially the past ten-years. All I see is Disinformation, Malinformation, Misinformation, and lies that rationalize it, justify it, excuse it.

It’s all about gaining power and control using ANY means available – ‘that end justifies the means.’

Everything we say and do has consequences. There is no denying this even if it’s uncomfortable and often painful to admit. It’s not until you embrace this concept that your approach to life changes, and you appreciate the power of speech, especially free speech.

It took me many years to truly fathom the value of the spoken and written word. Even now, I am watchful of my tone and word-choice. Every slip creates its own morass… just ask my wife. An off-handed remark creates days of controversy and frequently, hurt feelings. Returning to our normal loving lives often takes some serious work.

Patty and I have been together for forty-years; imagine how angry, impassioned, and indignant comments from national celebrities impact their viewers, who don’t know these presenters intimately. If my wife takes umbrage at an inadvertent comment, imagine the inherent impetus from carefully crafted comments intended to misguide and incite animus. These stars and media talking-heads have captive audiences, most of whom don’t know what existential or rhetoric mean. They think free speech is a college-chant at a protest, or that allows them to wear tee-shirts emblazoned with abusive language.

Read the American Declaration of Independence. Those are some incredibly compelling words. They created a nation based on its stated and implied ideals.

There is immense power in a well written paragraph and especially in a well delivered speech. Consider the power of Churchill’s address at the opening of WWII. It inspired and encouraged an entire country to pull together to fight for its freedom.

Consider the power and passion Hitler used during his public addresses. He convinced Germany to make him Chancellor and the Supreme Leader. Germany followed him into a World War – a true World War. Only fourteen countries abstained, yet many of their citizens fought for neighboring countries against the German Reich.

If something is existential, it has to do with human existence. If you wrestle with big questions involving the meaning of life, you may be having an existential crisis. Existential can also relate to existence in a more concrete way.”

It follows that an existential threat endangers our lives, our very existence – inferring that if this threat is not neutralized, it will kill us… basically, we will cease to exist. That’s precisely what the NASP tells their cultists, and anyone who’ll listen… hoping to snag a few undecided voters.

I fail to understand how the election of any partisan political party will cause the end of the American Constitutional Republic. Can the election of Harris or Trump or Kennedy or any other politician cause that much immediate and abiding harm to our republic. Surely, it’s what that person represents politically, not simply that person. Yet, that is what a large percentage of Merkans’ believe. If Trump is elected, this republic will cease to exist. Isn’t that what we’re being told; what the CMC implies with their rhetoric and pointed disinformation, malinformation, misinformation, and outright lies.

The Nationalist American Socialist Party (NASP) has distilled their entire ideology into one of hate for the sake of political power. They will do whatever it takes to complete Obama’s fundamental transformation of America – that is… to make America a third world country – a socialist country – The NASP Reich.

Just so you know – Nazi Germany was originally called the Nationalist Socialist German Workers Party… I saw the parallels in Americans transmogrification to Socialism, so I contrived the NASP.

The similarities are frightening and sobering.

How many times have you heard these hateful accusations from the CMC in the past several years? It seems that everything emanating from the opposition is an existential threat. That means that every point of contention endangers our existence. They would have you believe that anything they disagree with challenges our lives.

But do they?

OR… are they intentional exaggerations and misinterpretations to rationalize and support their power-grab.

If I make an overt – pointed threat against an elected official, I would be arrested, even if I simply suggest harmful actions against that person – especially the president. But the CMC and the NASP can hurl these insults and accusations at the other party; this is accepted as political electioneering and protected ‘free speech.’

Is it any wonder people are confused about the directions on their moral compass, if they have one. It’s impossible to discern right from wrong with the compass needle spinning, or are these sheeple simply awaiting instructions?

Riddle me this… How can a political party accuse an opponent of being a threat to democracy, or to this republic, or our way of life, and not be taken to task for the actions they cause?

It’s obvious that political posture and position, especially when the incumbent is of the reigning parties partisan persuasion, can bark innuendos at an opponent and avoid any, and all responsibility for their accusations and comments.

Are these not the exact allegations alleging Trump’s January 6th insurrection? His words, and the evidence were edited to create the appearance of a crime. How are the caustic accusations and comments from network talking heads any different, especially considering two assassination attempts. Are the recent CMC edited video clips and sound bites not the same as those of the January 6th media circus and show trial?


It’s called ‘freedom of expression’ in our constitution. That’s how!

It’s interpreted as ‘free speech’, and it allows you to say whatever you want without fear of retribution or repercussion; sort of… There are some very fine lines that define the latitude afforded this constitutional right. The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) defined a few here [link]. There is too much to transcribe; I suggest you read it for yourself.

But engaging SCOTUS or any other legal avenue requires months and sometimes years of waiting, by the time it reaches that level, the damage will be done, and any recourse will be rendered moot. As Caesar said… The die is cast…”

“The evil was not in bread and circuses, per se, but in the willingness of the people to sell their rights as free men for full bellies and the excitement of the games which would serve to distract them from the other human hungers which bread and circuses can never appease.” ~ Marcus Tullius Cicero

My Conclusion:

…Faith and vision for what can be, unburdened by what has been. ~ Komrad Kamala Harris

                                 Cackling Kamala Harris

When I heard this quote, I thought it to be another visit to Kamala’s word-salad-bar, but when I consider her mission and what she intends with this seemingly moronic statement, I began to see past the pretense of her cackling, to expose the NASPs’ true direction.

Faith and Vision for what can be…” is the warning that after the election, this republic will be a true socialist state – transformed from a constitutional republic to the UN’s New World Order Socialist vision, the completion of Obama’s Fundamental Transformation of America.

Unburdened by what has been.” This tells me that America will cease to exist as we know it and the old ways will be no more. The NASP plans a total takeover of this republic. Everything she says is designed to get her into the presidency, so she can effectively and fundamentally change this country.

The NASP has some wicked-smart people running things, writing the moronic sounding comments that Harris parrots. She is professionally coached and prepared for each engagement. She is protected from impromptu engagements and appearance where she could divulge the truth. She’s not bright enough to think on her feet; that’s why she was selected as the NASP’s candidate, and hidden in the basement, per se. She checks all the boxes, and meets the DIE and WOKE criterion. She is the perfect puppet for the closing act.

Biden set the stage; Harris will close the show!

The ‘Show’ is Obama’s Fundamental Transformation of America – Ending our Constitutional Republic, and introducing the United Nations New World Order – Socialism under their expert management and control.

Trump poses more than an extreme threat to this cabal; he threatens to expose their treachery, so his elimination is crucial to the NASP’s success. Trump is the NASP’s Existential Threat.

The NASP will take our guns. They cannot afford an armed private militia of patriots. Military recruiting is down 45%, and 85% of Americans’ have no faith in the US Military.

The NASP have proven that it can weaponize the government against any threat from the citizenry – that was proven with the January 6th arrests, imprisonment, and their use of manipulated evidence to that end.

They demonstrate near total control of the CMC and other ‘fringe’ media outlets. Anything that surfaces from an unapproved source – leaks and whistle-blowers – is promptly disavowed and frozen in committee or buried in red-tape, never to be seen again.

Concerned parents and devout Christians are domestic terrorists, and watched by the DoJ. Every communication of any type is monitored under the ‘Patriot Act’, scrutinized for possible seditious activities and catalogued for future use.

Order and Method:

Hate is an extremely powerful motivator as is fear. They can make a reasonable person act in unusual ways, even move them to violence. If you paint a bullseye on Trump, as Biden suggests, Trump becomes the enemy of the goal “…Faith and vision for what can be, unburdened by what has been.

Faith and vision for what can be…” the NASP and the New World Order…

unburdened by what has been…” our constitution.

I have nothing to prove my theory, only my interpretation of facts as I chose to see them. Whether I’m right or wrong remains to be seen; but you see how easily I used the same NASP tactic to construe and portray a statement for my use and to my ends; to prove a theory.

I took Kackling Kamala’s own words and used them against her.

I don’t pretend to be as smart as her handlers, or those running the NASP, but you see how easily I used this one statement to expose the cabal – as I wanted them to be seen. Because…

“Truth, like beauty, is in the eyes of the beholder.” ~ Michelle Sagara

And this ladies and gentlemen, illustrates the power of words.

“A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.” ~ Marcus Tullius Cicero

How did Cicero know?

Because he was there when Rome fell…

Are we sitting ringside like Cicero?

September 25, 2024

~ The Author ~
Charles R. Dickens was born in 1951, is a veteran of the Vietnam war, for which he volunteered, and the great-great grandson of the noted author, whose name he shares.

He is a fiercely proud American, who still believes this is the greatest country on the planet, with which we’ve lost control and certainly our direction. He grew up in moderate financial surrounding; we’re not rich by any stretch, but didn’t go hungry – his incredibly hard working father saw to that. As most from that era, he learned about life from his father, whose story would take too long to tell, other than to say that, he is also a fiercely proud American; a WWII and Korean war, veteran Marine.

Charlie was educated in the parochial system which, demanded that you actually learn something, and have capability to retain it before you advance. He attended several universities in pursuit of a bachelor’s degree, and chased the goose further to a master’s, and has retained some very definite ideas about education in this country.

In addition, Charlie is a retired blues guitar and vocalist – a musician. This was his therapy career. Nothing brings him as much joy as playing music, and he wishes that he could make a living at it… but alas… life goes on!

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