Smith: Come Get What You Deserve… or take it in your ass!

For once, I find myself in full agreement with Mike.

Some have said “you need to grow thicker skin” and “stop being so over-sensitive” or “quit whining”, and to them I say, no, “you and others need to find some manners and learn how to have a decent and respectful discussion on the merit of fact”.

This may hold no interest to anyone, who may see it as an internal squabble on one website, but this is what I find on every damned website I enter these days – if not directed at me, directed at someone else who only spoke the truth, most usually a truth that some budding young tyrant didn’t want to hear.

There are far too many keyboard cowards that frequent TBP, who regularly hurl insults, curses and slurs at myself and others for no other reason than we showed up to post and article or comment on another article – simply because they don’t want to hear the facts surrounding an issue as presented. Most of them, those that hide under the nomenclature of “anonymous” wouldn’t say the things they say to me and others online if they were standing face to face with me or any other real man of substance.

I’ll discuss any topic on the merit of the facts, but I take a dim view of people who start off every conversation with an ad hominem attack, just for the hell of it and just because they can. People like this have something significantly wrong with their mental state and seem to believe this makes them look “big” or “superior” to whomever they have targeted on any given day.

With America facing so many real problems and numerous crises, you waste your time attacking me, a man who is seeking only to save the country, when you too could and should be doing more. I can’t be too certain, but I believe part of the trouble lies in the fact that many of the anonymous posters are foreign transplants to America, or people raised by anti-American communists and other radicals who simply hate America and anyone standing up for Her trying to defend Her and our freedoms, liberties and inalienable God-given rights.

Yes … everyone has the freedom to say whatever they wish, no matter how vile, evil or offensive but such speech comes with its own peculiar set of circumstances. Just because you have the “right” doesn’t mean you should exercise it if you are targeting others in a malevolent and malicious manner. Your rights end where mine begin, and I need not tolerate such mess from anyone.

As God is my witness, I am confounded to know how any of these rat bastard anonymous fucks have made it into adulthood without receiving multiple contusions and broken bones, or worse, without being planted in an early grave. When I was growing up as a young boy, I saw many a man hurt badly by another man for saying something not nearly so vile as what some on here spew daily; if you didn’t mind your manners in my hometown, you’d better be prepared for a fight that might just be bare-knuckles, but could and often did evolve into blades or pistols being brandished and used.

Some of Y’all would be going to the cemetery in a coffin, if you had insulted some Good Ol’ Boys around Rutherford County, like Rex Ivy, Irvin Harrell, or Doyle Reynolds – or John Todd, who pumped six bullets into DeWitt Robinson, killing him dead, after he shot Todd five times in the back – or Terry Carter, who nearly cut a man’s head off one night, outside the Rock Castle Bar & Grill over an insult.

I don’t really know any of you, but you sure in the hell don’t know me.

However you wish to take this, I’ve always lived my life sort of like John Bernard Books aka John Wayne, and aligned with the words he uttered in ‘The Shootist’ [1976]:

I won’t be wronged. I won’t be insulted. I won’t be laid a hand on. I don’t do these things to other people, and I require the same from them.”

For any and all who are feeling like tempting fate, if you want to curse me, stroll on by my house at 2948 Cotton Mill Dr, Murfreesboro, TN and find out for yourself. It will be your last time. No brag. Just fact.

Good-bye you keyboard cowards.

September 23, 2024

Justin O. Smith ~ Author

~ The Author ~
Justin O. Smith has lived in Tennessee off and on most of his adult life, and graduated from Middle Tennessee State University in 1980, with a B.S. and a double major in International Relations and Cultural Geography – minors in Military Science and English, for what its worth. His real education started from that point on. Smith is a frequent contributor to the family of Kettle Moraine Publications.

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