“The further a society drifts from the truth the more it will hate those that speak it.” ~ George Orwell
Several of us suffered the ignominy and revulsion of the political rallies these past few weeks. I was particularly dumbfounded by the free-flowing falsehoods from the Nationalist American Socialist Party (NASP). You may know them as the Democrat Party, but there is nothing democratic about this new political blight on our republic. They have transformed this political party into agents for Karl Marx and everything he envisioned in his communist manifesto and treatises on social re-engineering.
I’ve long maintained that the NASP intends to pervert our republic to communism.
It didn’t happen in a vacuum; Emperor Obama proudly and emphatically proclaimed his intention to fundamentally transform America during his election bid. Either we weren’t listening to what he said, or we mistook his comments as metaphorical, and not literal.
But… here we are facing a socialist revolution and the desecration of our constitutional representative republic.
I was completely and utterly insulted by this incredible mischaracterization and underestimation of my intelligence. Listening to the artful, eloquent deceptions was like being handed a shit sandwich and being told it was pastrami. They don’t even smell the same, and the mustard was missing – but that didn’t prevent their continual deluge of deceit. It was as though the truth wasn’t even in the same city – for either party.
I kept repeating the same line to myself… “How stupid do they think I am?”
The answer smacked me between the eyes, like a lightning bolt of clarity… “You’re watching this, aren’t you…”

Cackling Kamala
Nielsen ratings estimated that 26.2 million people watched Kackling Kamala’s acceptance at the DNC’s final night. 25.4 million watched Treacherous Trump on the final night of the RNC. That’s 51.6 million sheeple enraptured by these pageants of prevarication.
If I’m totally honest, I lean toward the Republican offerings, not because of Trump, but my belief in their proposed direction for our republic, and their adherence to our constitution. It’s also far better than the socialism proposed by the NASP. You see, I am still and will always be an American Patriot. So, backing the party that espouses my beliefs gets my vote.
It’s honestly a choice between the lesser of the evils; and Kackling Kamala is so far left, she’s wrapping around the other side. Further, I have this aversion to socialism and being told what I can and cannot believe, read, and think.
I rationalized my scrutiny and attention to the debacle as necessary to feed my curiosity and for this commentary. It wasn’t a total waste of time. It did confirm my suspicions that our republic is circling the drain… but I’ve known that for some time now.
What struck me the hardest was the ceaseless stream and torrent of lies from every speaker, on every topic, about every opponent the democrats faced. Mind you, the republicans took their share of latitudes with the truth as well, but I was astonished at the ease the NASP speakers maligned their opponents.
I was raised in the Irish Catholic Church. My mother was Irish Catholic, my father converted from Church of Christ to marry her. This is a perplexing subject unless your Catholic, so trust me that this entire subject of religion is deeply personal and not the purpose of this article. I do not intend to unravel the mysteries, or the treachery involved in centuries of religious manipulations and lies that created this morass of faith.
Something tells me that this was never the idea, and certainly not what our Creator intended.
I am not other peoples’ judge of intentions or decisions. I am simply reporting my observations of these events. God is the Ultimate Judge, and I do not presume to act in His stead. What I witnessed was a cavalcade of misrepresentation, misinformation, malinformation, and pure fabrications intended to demean the other party candidates.
Notice, I didn’t fault a specific party, they all took liberties with facts.
Remember the politicians mantra: ‘The ends justify the means.’ This phrase has never had a more arresting impact than in this context. The goal of winning overwrote any pretense of propriety and morality. The most important aspect in this contest is to win – at any cost!
These events, especially the NASP National Convention, should illuminate and clarify their purpose and goal for their intended fundamental transformation of this republic, and its importance to fulfilling that objective.
There are some important basic religious tenets that are the point of this commentary. We call them the Ten Commandments: particularly the commandment regarding bearing false witness – lying. “You shall not bear false witness…“
The idea of witness is based on an ancient principle of attesting to or validating something that happened or falsely charging someone for crime – one of the six things God hates… it defiles a person, according to King Soloman and Jesus.
Deuteronomy 5 in the Bible outlines these mainstays of the Christian religious faiths, and our republic since our Constitution is based on Judeo-Christian Values. It appears that these three words are the basis of most of the angst and consternation in our country of late.

Karl Marx
It’s critical to remember that Karl Marx said, “Religion is the opiate of the masses. Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions.“
Is there any wonder why the NASP is adamant that any faith outside of the Party must be abandoned. You should read what Marx’ had to say, and then consider the parallels to the NASP’s messaging and direction toward Obama’s “Fundamental Change of America.” There can be no question that any ambiguity concerning right and wrong, what’s acceptable politically versus morally, one must follow the political ideology that serves the state rather than that of the individual. In this case, the state assumes the role of god.
“Forewarned, is forearmed…”
I won’t regale you with the entire list of 10 Commandments, perhaps you already know them, or you can find them for yourselves. The critical point for this article is the Command about not bearing false witness – lying…
Depending on whose list you use it is:
# 9 in the general Christian list
# 9 in Exodus 20
# 8 in the Catholic list
# 9 in the Jewish list
So, it would appear that this concept is sufficiently important to occupy a slot in most faith base religions.
The Holy Qur’an, 61:3-4 mentions hypocrisy and lying.
Buddhism has five precepts that govern lying, and four precepts about truthfulness; they call it Right Speech.
There is a long list of religions and every one of the has something to say about untruthfulness and its impacts on the individual, in this life and an in the afterlife if you prescribe to that idea.
Regardless, there are consequences to every action, especially lying.
“A liar begins with making falsehood appear like truth, and ends with making truth itself appear like falsehood”. ~ William Shenstone
“The further a society drifts from the truth the more it will hate those that speak it.” ~ George Orwell
It was as though George Orwell was watching the convention’s pomp and circumstance as it happened. How could Orwell envision this spectacle and so accurately foresee, predict the tone of these events. Yes, the RNC had their moments of hypocrisy too, but the NASP side was almost out of control.
Each presenter would chum the waters for the circling sharks, and the feeding frenzy of falsity ensued with the following presenter. It was all very artfully scripted…
There was a purpose to the entire Hollywood-esque extravaganza.
It was a show for the Merkan Sheeple… pure and simple indoctrination and substantiation of every contrived accusation and allegation made in the past fifteen-odd years of Obama’s NASP.
My supposition is that these Partisan Political Parties, especially the NASP, believe that Merkans are stupid… STOOPID!
Nearly every statement and accusation made by the NASP was predicated on the ignorance of the Merkan public… Yes, they think – actually believe you are that gullible. Afterall, that’s how you’re educated, indoctrinated, programmed.
Here’s just one of the myriad problems with lying to over 50 million people… and counting on their discernment and ability to reason. Most people cannot spell existential much less comprehend the definition as it applies to reality and conjecture – the fine line between literal and figurative.
“You have no earthly idea of the mental capacity or capabilities of the listeners.”
How could the NASP know?
Why would they care?
What if there are a few well intentioned and easily convinced sheeple listening, hanging on the NASP’s every word as if it was gospel… a command, not understanding that it’s all rhetorical.
What if these sheeple took these accusations and allegations literally? They become the foot-soldiers of the cause – NASP patriots who will carry out the dirty jobs of ridding the NASP’s new order of the miscreants, undesirables, degenerates, reprobates, and misfits. Those lacking the vision necessary to embrace the NASP’s vision for the next generation of a reimagined Merka.
History tells us that the first people ‘removed’ from any new socialist society are the intelligencia, intellectuals, teachers, clergy, and any one not deemed valuable to the new socialist order… Yes, people just like me… those of us that point an accusing finger at their misdeeds and dare to expose their treason or – god forbid, have an opinion counter to the party line.
Remember, their ultimate goal is to win at any cost. So, if a few people are killed in the process, it serves the greater-good, and serves as a warning to those who might descent. All that matters is the goal of ‘Fundamental Transformation‘ of our republic from representative to socialist.
The word extremism immediately comes to mind.
Look at the past few weeks and the number of people bent on physically removing Trump from the equation.
An assassination attempt a few weeks ago, perpetrated under the watchful and protective eyes of America’s SS (Secret Service). The more I consider this completely botched incident, it looks like another attempt by the NASP to eliminate their opposition with extreme prejudice. It’s right out of the Socialists playbook. If you can’t beat them, kill them.
What other conclusion can be drawn from the absolute travesty this protective detail allowed. Excuses are abundant and culpability, responsibilities are completely absent. No one has the balls to own it, so our saviors in Congress – the opposite of progress step up to sponsor another eight-month investigation into why this happened.
The only thing these worthless wastes of resources and time prove is that the deep-state in DC is in complete and obfuscatory control of everything that happens.
“Still a man hears wants to hear and disregards the rest…” ~ Paul Simon
Trump and others like him threaten the Deep-State, and necessitate removal. Should this require removal with extreme prejudice, no one will ever know the truth. For them, it’s a matter of self-preservation. So, it is with the NASP and other hyper-partisan political parties.
What happens is DC… dies in DC. No one will ever know the truth. J.F. Kennedy was assassinated by the CIA 60 years ago, and most of that information will never see the light of day – ever. It will remain hidden to protect the guilty, so as not to tarnish the name of the Merkan Gubmint.
The ends justify the means… because winning is all that matters, and the republic be damned!
Nothing else matters… not even the viability of our representative republic as described in our Constitution.
That’s the truth about social reengineering – especially for the NASP and all hyper-partisan political parties.
Morals are an inconvenience, and honesty depends on who defines it, and its relevance to the goal. Remember, the ends justify the means.
This is only the beginning.
Just wait and see how this all develops from here.
“Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedies.” ~ Groucho Marx
August 25, 2024
~ The Author ~
Charles R. Dickens was born in 1951, is a veteran of the Vietnam war, for which he volunteered, and the great-great grandson of the noted author, whose name he shares.
He is a fiercely proud American, who still believes this is the greatest country on the planet, with which we’ve lost control and certainly our direction. He grew up in moderate financial surrounding; we’re not rich by any stretch, but didn’t go hungry – his incredibly hard working father saw to that. As most from that era, he learned about life from his father, whose story would take too long to tell, other than to say that, he is also a fiercely proud American; a WWII and Korean war, veteran Marine.
Charlie was educated in the parochial system which, demanded that you actually learn something, and have capability to retain it before you advance. He attended several universities in pursuit of a bachelor’s degree, and chased the goose further to a master’s, and has retained some very definite ideas about education in this country.
In addition, Charlie is a retired blues guitar and vocalist – a musician. This was his therapy career. Nothing brings him as much joy as playing music, and he wishes that he could make a living at it… but alas… life goes on!