BEWARE – The Power of Suggestion

Mother, mother
Everybody thinks we’re wrong
Oh, but who are they to judge us?

On July 13, 2024, there was an attempted assassination of Presidential Candidate Donald J Trump at a rally in Pennsylvania. The details are unimportant. The attempted assassination is, as are the events and rhetoric leading to it. The shooter killed one, and injured two others, but failed to assassinate the past president and candidate for the 2025 seat. The would-be assassin was silenced by the Secret Service – ‘Merka‘s SS.

I have no inside knowledge about the young man that made the attempt. Nor do I know his motives or rationale. I can only surmise that he acted according to his programming.

At twenty-years-old, and a product of the state indoctrination camps that we loosely call schools, what else would I expect. He was apparently an excellent student in math and science, and well indoctrinated and programmed in the NASP’s doctrine.

The motivation for his actions are being investigated, and from this point forward, the investigation will only provide circumstantial and anecdotal evidence – all hear-say, and release data the follows Mother’s and the Corporate Media Complex’s narratives as directed by their master’s at the National American Socialist Party (NASP) aka, the Democrat party.

Silencing the shooter by the SS ensures that all evidence can be arranged to convict him as the sole actor in this assassination attempt and assigning him total culpability; much like Lee Harvey Oswald who was silenced before he could testify.

Since Mother controls the agencies investigating this attempt, we can’t rely on an unbiased and thorough probe, it will be as cursory and incompetent as others they’ve done; I seriously doubt anything will come of it. What we hear will be carefully crafted and curated to shift any possible collusion or blame from the guilty, and probably be called a Republican orchestrated hoax.

An attempted assassination is a typical Nazi ploy, where they shoot one of their own to prove that they are incorruptible and blameless. Remember ~ Trump is Hitler…

How adequate was the review of all of the other investigations of the past several years? Remember, these agencies are now under Mother‘s complete control… Mother‘s DoJ well-orchestrated lawfare persecution and prosecution of Trump for the past three years is proof that anticipating an accurate and unbiased report is, highly unlikely, and frankly, implausible.

I expect any information to suffer excruciating censorship, and exhaustive interpretive manipulation by the reigning party. It will take some time to reach any conclusions, or place blame, and certainly not happen before the November elections. Anything released will be heavily redacted to protect Mother or anyone that could possibly be involved.

Undoubtedly, the shooter acted alone as a misguided racially motivated white male suffering from a bad home, failed relationship, and who was viciously stalked by malicious trolls and demeaned in social media.

Their ends justify the means… (Sorry, I had to include this line.)

We recently discovered some of the facts about JFKs assassination, and that was 60 years ago. Imagine how long this could take…

Interestingly, the immediate culprit seems to be the Secret Service (SS) who are also being implicated for allowing this to happen, inferring negligence on their part… What really happened will be a combination of all of the evidence gathered, that we may never see, but hopefully presented – unvarnished – to the public for our review and interpretations. However, I must warn everyone to beware of Mother‘s Power of Suggestion, since the information will be reinterpreted by Her agencies, and the CMC.

All of this kerfuffle obfuscates the real indiscretion, and the responsibility of the instigators and coconspirators; Mother, Congress – the opposite of progress, and the CMC Talking-Heads, or anyone that continuously regurgitates Mother‘s hateful and malicious diatribe against everyone that dared to contradict or oppose Her.

Remember that parents that attend school board meetings or insist that things change to provide a meaningful education are ‘Domestic Terrorists!

Fundamental Catholics are sleeper-cells in terrorist organizations and must be watched.

Over the next few days, we can expect everyone in ‘Merka to weigh-in on this travesty, but only a few will approach this honestly or assign responsibility where I believe it belongs.

No, I’m not an expert, but I do have an opinion that the responsibility lies with those who glibly spew vitriolic hate-speech and bullshit to rally their cultists and acolytes to action against their chosen existential threat du jure.

This all began in 2015 with the presidential campaign combat, the nominations, and the ensuing implications and innuendos from the combatants. This contest set the stage for escalating conflicts of epic proportions, where nothing was too outrageous and no lie beyond belief. Every action and assertion was rationalized as necessary to accomplish each side’s goals – The Presidency of ‘Merka.


The outlandish accusations and manufactured evidence of the 2015 contest – all of which was “substantiated by competent authorities” – filled thousands of hours on the airwaves and volumes and pages of the various politically aligned CMC outlets.

The ‘Merkan people were the unwitting audience for this debacle of mendacity and slander.

Today, we see the results of this misuse of information and the power of persuasion, and the inconceivable damage it’s done to this republic.

America is broken: That’s their legacy… that’s what NASP have done.

Do you remember the game “Simon Says” when you were a child?

Do you remember the rules?

You could only act when the instructions were prefaced with the words “Simon Says…

Substitute the phrase “Simon Says” with the words “Mother Says”

We’re so well programmed, that “Mother Says” is implied. We hear every word from the CMC as a command prefaced with “Mother Says.” Especially since Her every statement infers that our country is in peril, or our democracy is in jeopardy. ‘So and so‘ poses an ‘existential threat‘ and we must act to prevent it to protect ourselves and way of life.

“Our very existence is at risk.” ~ That’s what existential means…

Whether you realize it or not, that is exactly what Mother means when you hear the word existential. It’s the CMC’s and Congress’ favorite new command.

Consider this the next time you hear “Existential.”

* That’s the implication.

* That’s the inference.

* It’s imperative.

“Mother Says…”

I don’t wish to sound supportive of this poor NASP drone – the one that attempted to murder Mr. Trump, but what else would you expect from a well programmed cultist?


It’s Artificial Intelligence – AI Programming – gone wrong.

There were no safeguards, no way to stop the drone from fulfilling it’s programmed function. There were no “Three Laws” in the programming…

Asimov’s three laws of robotics

1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.

2. A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders conflict with the First Law.

3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

These three laws are judged to be logically perfect – for a robot. What they fail to inculcate or recognize is instilled hatred. The robot – machine must have emotions to comprehend hatred.

This recent assassin was not programmed to discount that emotion, in fact it is a primary tenet of the NASP doctrine.

The NASP Dogma – “Hate everything counter to the NASP doctrine.”

Don’t worry, we’ll tell you what to think…

What was your response to this event?

Did you recoil in surprise or disgust?

Did you rush to pray for the murdered, injured, or the presidential candidate?

Did you rush to your “Not so social media” account to see what happened and the cumulative reaction?

Did you wonder how to react?

Beware the Power of Suggestion

The Libs of TicTok” are lamenting that the shooter missed… They called this maniac, this murderer, a hero…

NASP leaning “Congressional Members” called for this candidate’s “removal” from this contest by any means necessary because he’s an existential threat to our way of life… He’s Hitler…

“The current president of ‘Merka” suggested that your sights should be on this candidate, basically calling for the assassination of his opponent.

Every aspect and action of the past several years demonstrates Mother‘s intention to maintain power at all costs. – AT ALL COSTS!

This is their message to the country.

This is what and who they really are.

It’s a New ‘Merka!

One controlled by the mob with the loudest voice – the bully pulpit.

Are you aware of why other countries recoil from the ‘Merkan doctrine – from what we pretend to be?

We’re recognized by almost every other country as duplicitous and to be distrusted.

It’s because of our attitude: Do As I Say, Not As I Do…

We demand that everyone lives up to the ‘Merkan ideal, except us, of course.

We espouse freedom, but limit it, and apportion it, based on adherence to partisan political ideology and antithetical ethics and morals.

We expect open and transparent dialog from our partners, yet hide behind interpretative perspectives and the meaning of the word ‘is.’

We expect fairness and equality from everyone else, but not ourselves.

We advocate free speech, but censor those with whom we disagree.

We demand free and open elections in every country, but Mother doesn’t want too much confusion in our elections, so She limits the possible choices to the TWO primary parties.

We hide behind our First Amendment’s right to Free Speech, spewing hatred toward a political candidate, deriding the entire Semitic segment of our population, yet demand equal treatment for those who murder peaceful farmers.

We allow protests and riots that favor genocide against an ally, and battle to legally murder children up to the minute of birth.

We support a maligned religious group in China, but wage war on each other with political smear campaigns and attack ads in public forums, but our leadership openly indicts a political candidate of being an existential threat to our way of life.

We want peace in the world, but fight political opponents with our legal system, to bankrupt, and discredit them in public in order to advertise him as a convicted felon in political ads.

Mother programs the citizens to hate each other, to distrust each other, to spy on each other, and to silently comply with Her directives.

This is what the world sees as ‘Merka.

You can’t see it because you’re too close to the situation.

We just do as we’re told.

We follow Mother’s directives… “Mother Says…

You may disagree, you may agree, you may not even care. But in my opinion, that’s how we got here, and that’s why we’re so effed up.

I hope you have your own explanation or theory. It shows that you’re thinking… and that’s the whole idea…

For the Amalgamated Heavy

Unabashedly – I am,




~ The Author ~
Charles R. Dickens was born in 1951, is a veteran of the Vietnam war, for which he volunteered, and the great-great grandson of the noted author, whose name he shares.

He is a fiercely proud American, who still believes this is the greatest country on the planet, with which we’ve lost control and certainly our direction. He grew up in moderate financial surrounding; we’re not rich by any stretch, but didn’t go hungry – his incredibly hard working father saw to that. As most from that era, he learned about life from his father, whose story would take too long to tell, other than to say that, he is also a fiercely proud American; a WWII and Korean war, veteran Marine.

Charlie was educated in the parochial system which, demanded that you actually learn something, and have capability to retain it before you advance. He attended several universities in pursuit of a bachelor’s degree, and chased the goose further to a master’s, and has retained some very definite ideas about education in this country.

In addition, Charlie is a retired blues guitar and vocalist – a musician. This was his therapy career. Nothing brings him as much joy as playing music, and he wishes that he could make a living at it… but alas… life goes on!

That’s Charlie… a proud, opinionated, and passionate American.

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