The United States of America: (1776 – 2021)

‘‘So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death . . .’’
The United States of America, as a republic, was a battleground from its inception, ruptured by partisan politicians, consumed by cultist political dogma, whose myopic goals of apotheosis (elevating a person to the rank of god) and control, became all consuming.
The republic and average citizens are casualties in this war. There are no safe spaces or places, and everyone is affected, effected, impacted, injured, and involved by the actions of the cohort of elected representatives whose deeds have destroyed the republic they swore a sacred oath to protect.
The identifiers are misinterpretations, and their political affiliations are even more so.
None of their actions suggest the ‘republic’ or ‘democracy’ as principles or goals, but their names indicate otherwise. They ignore our constitution and its precepts. They bend, manipulate, and warp every opportunity to their advantage. Rather than fixing issues, they use them to create preponderant problems to interject parsimonious puerile partisan political principles while remaining oblivious to the collateral damage they cause.
Actions speak louder than words.
Which Congressional action in the past 60 years says democracy or republic: “a state in which the supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by representatives…”
Remember, America is (was) a Constitutional Republic, “a state where the chief executive and representatives are elected, and the rules are set down in a written constitution.”
The statement above is the text-book definition. What we experience in our elections is not representative of the citizen’s decisions. The partisan political parties have manipulated the constitution – our law – legitimizing election tampering and interference. We have had several elections in the recent past that – illustrate and expose – this fact – and there are several court cases in progress right now to eliminate a presidential contender. It’s not the law, but a ‘liberal’ interpretation using a partisan political perspective, initiated in sympathetic partisan political localities, for partisan political reasons to achieve partisan political ends. Yes…
“The End Justifies the Means!”
America is NOT a democracy!
The Partisan Political Parties involvement in the deplorable events of the past twelve presidents, and their respective parties, have broken this republic irreparably, irreversibly, and proven that partisan-self-interest is more important than country. These are narcissists – individualists, not patriots. Admittedly, there were a few moments we can call wins for the republic, but the remainder were categorical losses, that I attribute to the ‘Partisan Wars.’
The demagogue’s maxim: “The End Justifies the means.”
It applies to everything they want or plan!
The constitutional republic concept is no longer viable. George Washington called America “The Great Experiment.” America has reverted to a kingdom under an elite oligarchy, fronted by an addle-minded marionette whose masters make him dance; and our congress – the opposite of progress, animates, assists, and applauds the spectacle.
All for one (party) – and one (party) for all…
You have no choice – “THEY know what’s best!”
America, like Rome… has fallen, and the American Constitutional Republic is dead. It’s a reprehensible shame that too few citizens comprehend the concept of the constitutional republic or their responsibilities to maintain it and keep it alive. I suppose the real fault lies with those who developed the system of indoctrination – that we loosely call education – intentionally excluding the critical subjects like civics and world history to rob students of perspective and foundational background and opens them to relentless propaganda and programming. I will admit that the subjects may exist in the curriculum, but they have been mercilessly revised by the “Ministry of Truth” reflecting the partisan political party platform.
Albert Einstein said that “…thinking is the goal of education, not simply accumulating facts. In other words, students should learn to think in a rational way using facts they learn from school and books. Education is about thinking, not memorizing… the important thing is not to stop questioning. Critical thinking starts with asking good questions and then sifting through all the answers.”
Sir Isaac Newton’s third law of motion states that “every action has an equal and opposite reaction.” It’s a law in physics that applies equally to other aspects of our lives. Every decision and action has a consequence. Everything we do has an impact, especially doing nothing. It’s often more far-reaching, and injurious than the action or decision itself.
Imagine the impact of Roosevelt’s acting when he learned of Japan’s planned attack on pearl Harbor instead of ignoring it, or our heeding Eisenhower’s warning about the Military Industrial Complex.
Imagine Europe stopping Hitler in 1930 before the Third Reich gained a foothold.
Consider the impact of Chamberlain’s appeasement of Hitler for the 1938 annexation of Czechoslovakia. Was England prepared for the blitzkrieg or were they caught unawares?
Envision an America without the War of Northern Aggression. How did Lincoln actually impact our republic versus the story we’re told.
How much of our history is factual versus the sanitized or modified versions we ‘hear or read?’ Didn’t most of these incidents and occurrences make a trip through the ‘ministry of truth’ before appearing in public, in the media, or in textbooks? We only know what we’re told, unless we dig for the truth. But why should we have to discover it for ourselves?
Where would America be if we caught and stopped the Nationalist American Socialist Party (NASP) tampering with the last election.
Our lives would be far different if the partisan political parties were actually interested in the republic, and not furthering their political partisan platforms and their progress toward preeminence.
These decisions, actions, and their results are hidden from our view to prevent us from taking actions to prevent them or even knowing the truth. That’s not democracy, it’s autocracy: that’s what America has as our government. Our elected representatives don’t represent anything or anyone but their self-serving interests, principally those of their respective party.
Remember: The US border is secure, and the government is doing everything possible to maintain American sovereignty and security. Trust Me… wink, wink…
There was a time, not too long ago, that I believed in my heart, we could save the republic. I thought there was a chance if everyone really wanted to participate, and to change, but indifference and apathy intensified the partisan political party’s power. Too few cared, and fewer listened to the warning: remember Eisenhower’s warning about the Military Industrial Congressional Complex?
Did the citizens of the republic listen?????
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” ~ Edmund Burke
I understand this quote and I have adjusted my resolve to resurrect America… as it was envisioned.
The day is fast approaching when everything that America was, will be gone. Our foundering – our utter failure – creeps nearer every moment of every day. Our ship of state is sinking, congress is drilling holes in the hull to let the water out, and we’re on deck, distracted and mesmerized by our portable alters of information.
Is it too late – should we abandon this sinking ship of state?
That’s for you to decide, but if you decide to stay in your deck chair and watch, you surrender your right to criticize the choices we make to restore this republic.
And if the incumbent administration wins, I will pay a heavy price for my advocacy for change and my temerity for unmasking them.
My military experience taught me a great many things, first and foremost is: “Lead, Follow, or Get the Hell out of the way!”
The Obama Regime, Biden, and this Congress, opened wide, the gates of Hell and loosed the devil’s hoard. Estimates set the number of invaders at over 20 million on our soil. The officers charged with minding the border are too busy playing nursemaid and clerk for Biden’s new NASP voters and our enemy’s insurgent militia. There are too many to count – all the gatekeepers can do is guess. Their boss – Alejandro Mayorkas smirks smugly before congress and lies his ever-luvin’ ass off.
Nothing is done while the Partisan Wars rage on, because to them, “The End Justifies the Means…”
The majority claim asylum – no one validates their assertions; no one checks… anything.
Some of the invaders are seeking the American dream that we’ve seen become a nightmare under our current befuddled and frequently volatile leadership. It’s not just Biden, the entire administration seems lost in delusions of grandeur, chasing their coronations as sovereign, and packing their bank accounts. Everything is fair game in their quest.
“The ends justify the means.” Even to the ruination of our republic.
They are all jockeying for position in the New Merkan Partisan Political Order…
Congress’ rampant uncontrolled spending adds $1 trillion to our deficit every 115 days – and it’s accelerating. The interest payments in 2024 = $951 Billion, in 2025 – they will reach $1.6 Trillion.
There are no limits to their treachery, or their nescience.
Our demise took decades to actualize and realize these destructive changes: but it happened while we watched, passively and disinterestedly, unaware of the impending destruction; blinded by these consummate charlatans, con artists, and cheats; oblivious to the consequences of their every decision and action. We’ll all huddle on deck and sing “Nearer My God To Thee” as the ship of state goes down. (This is the song the remaining passengers and crew sang as the Titanic sank on April 15th, 1912) Maybe we should all learn the words…
The American Circus:
A circus is a large arena enclosed by tiers of seats on all sides and used especially for sports or spectacles, or in ancient times chariot racing and gladiatorial games. In our country, it’s a building where our governing decisions are made. They set the tone for the republic. It’s the public face of congress – the opposite of progress. It’s a theater where elected officials stage delightful theatrical plays, performing and bantering and bloviating their pet porky projects in a public pageant and comedy.
Real deals are struck in private, away from the public’s prying eyes. That’s where the real athletics of governing occurs. The tone, tempo, and temperament of the republic are set behind closed doors, hidden from public view.
Why aren’t we privy to these clandestine conversations, compromises, and contracts?
Because… they are unethical “quid pro quo” barters and deals.
That’s how all governments operate – in secret…
Our government is as transparent as a concrete block wall; and we dutifully believe their lies – every fucking time. I’m not convinced that we deserve a better government, we’ve had hundreds of opportunities to correct it; but we make the same insane choices each time. A few citizens recognize the lunacy – obviously we’re either so stupid that we don’t know any better or we just don’t care about the outcome.
We’re immune to their lies, or too ignorant to know better. “The government you elect is the government you deserve.” ~ Thomas Jefferson
We are front row center to this three-ring circus.

Monkey’s – It is what they have become!
We hired the performers and the ringmaster – It is OUR circus, and they are OUR monkeys!
I call your attention to the present state of our republic as the fruit of these ‘back-room’ deals. Are we at peak performance or hobbled, restricted by these handshake deals that leave the citizens in the dark, ignoring and excluding them all together, or are we better than ever before.
It isn’t done for us… Is it…
Who does congress represent, us or themselves? I think the answer is apparent. Precious little done in the past 70 years benefits the average person as much as the elite – and in that group are those in the administration and the mega rich – the One Percenters.
I’ve watched too many examples of congressional hearings and investigations only to recognize that Will Rogers was right – ‘If pro is the opposite of con, what is the opposite of Congress? (Progress.) That’s the origin of my paraphrase ‘Congress is the opposite of Progress.’
He also said: “Congress is so strange; a man gets up to speak and says nothing, nobody listens, and then everybody disagrees.”
If congress put as much effort into doing what they talk about – there would be nothing left to talk about, and America would be the paradise we all envisioned.

Burn Baby – BURN!
I’ve heard that governing is about compromise, but the definition I find is: “to rule over by right of authority.” That right comes from our Constitution written 1787: “it is the “supreme law of the land” because no law may be passed that contradicts its principles. No person or government is exempt from following it. The Constitution establishes a federal democratic republic form of government.” These elected representatives have taken control of this country by using the constitution against us instead of for us.
Who elected them?
Who pays for them?
If you don’t know these answers, you should be ashamed… And deeply concerned, because we are at the point where they will begin assigning life-time positions in government, just like other third world countries… Just like China, Russia, North Korea, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera… As I write this statement, I’m reminded that there are multiple positions within each administration that are assigned – decreed by the president; like cabinet positions, departmental leadership positions et cetera, all given to loyal partisan politicians to ensure the furtherance of the partisan political platform.
The fix is in… meaning that there is no way for anyone else to win this next election.
The Nationalist American Socialist Party (NASP) machinery is in place ready to stuff ballot boxes, and close opposition polling places early. Biden’s opposition is tied up in court, hamstrung by sympathetic NASP judges, forbidden to speak and campaign. Trump Derangement Syndrome is more powerful that anyone imagined.
Even if Trump wins the popular vote somehow, the electoral college will vote for Biden.
It’s all over campers. America will be the next socialist country, just as Obama wanted.
Government agencies are aligned with the NASP.
Congress hangs by a thread as the balance of power tips left.
Congress will vote to pack the Supreme Court with NASP sympathizers, ending any chance of return to a Constitutional Republic.
It will take another Revolution to set our country back on track – and that’s exactly what the Obama regime expects and is prepared for.
The NASP has rented an army from our enemies to participate – and their payment, should they win – is citizenship and all the rights reserved for us.
The price is the loss of America, everything else is secondary.
“IN!!!!!! Coming!!!!!”
A phrase too familiar to those who’ve experienced the horrors of duty – afforded us by our government for protecting this republic in unfriendly places, while the protests flourish, and condemnations rang from the deck-chair warriors. We were harangued for doing our duty to our republic. To those who returned, Welcome Home, for those who didn’t, I offer my appreciation and regard for your sacrifice, and my prayers of peace for your families. It is our republic to save or discard. Those who served chose to honor it.
“A veteran is someone who, at one point in their life wrote a blank check made payable to “The United States of America,” for an amount up to and including their life.”
World War I was described as the “war to end all wars.” Unfortunately, it didn’t work out that way.
There are currently 108 wars on the list, 4 of which are ongoing. This Partisan War is not among them since our military is not yet directly involve, as far as we know…
April 30, 2024
~ The Author ~
Charles R. Dickens was born in 1951, is a veteran of the Vietnam war, for which he volunteered, and the great-great grandson of the noted author, whose name he shares.
He is a fiercely proud American, who still believes this is the greatest country on the planet, with which we’ve lost control and certainly our direction. He grew up in moderate financial surrounding; we’re not rich by any stretch, but didn’t go hungry – his incredibly hard working father saw to that. As most from that era, he learned about life from his father, whose story would take too long to tell, other than to say that, he is also a fiercely proud American; a WWII and Korean war, veteran Marine.
Charlie was educated in the parochial system which, demanded that you actually learn something, and have capability to retain it before you advance. He attended several universities in pursuit of a bachelor’s degree, and chased the goose further to a master’s, and has retained some very definite ideas about education in this country.
In addition, Charlie is a retired blues guitar and vocalist – a musician. This was his therapy career. Nothing brings him as much joy as playing music, and he wishes that he could make a living at it… but alas… life goes on!