The Program – Programmed by the Programmers – Programming…

“Don’t worry, we’ll tell you what you think…”

While my wife and I watched a particularly engaging action movie, she remarked…

I wonder how many people see this as reality. Do you think they know this is just entertainment, or do they think this is real?

Her perspective is spot on and the impetus for this opinion piece.

The episode portrayed Russia in a particularly antagonistic light and America as the Knights in shining armor… as one would expect. The program gave rise to an intriguing conversation about what we see and believe.

The ‘bad guys’ were plotting to take over another country by blaming America for assassinating a high-ranking official. The plot was full of twists and turns. We discussed the programs’ entertainment value and how it set up a nationalistic fervor in people who fail to discern the difference between entertainment and reality; it’s nearly indistinguishable.

Literally, millions of hours of this programming are available from multiple sources with a plethora of content, all ready to indoctrinate, brainwash, and promote an agenda to the unsuspecting viewer. Too few viewers recognize this as entertainment, mistaking the character’s bravado for an appeal to patriotism.

Remember the September 11th, 2001, terrorist attack in America? The military recruiting stations were packed with citizens wanting some ‘payback.’ I called it the “Rambo Syndrome;” patriots wanting to protect our sovereignty.

It’s called programming for a reason.

When you watch your favorite program on your choice of portals (devices), are you aware of what you see? The average person spends over 7 hours per day looking at screens. Since I work from home, my average is easily more than twice that.

Are you skeptical of, or oblivious to, the propaganda and persuasion pouring from your personal Alter of Enlightenment (video screen)? I’ve used this metaphor in the past to refer to the amount of time we spend glued to various communication devices looking for answers, hoping to find enlightenment, permission, or redemption from our problems, and to learn “what’s happenin’ baby;” it’s very much like seeking guidance from the Almighty, or a Guru.

How do you decide or discern fact from fiction in the messages you receive?

Do you even bother to wonder, or like too many Americans, just accept it and go on about your business – feeling enlightened or vindicated?

How do you know if the content is actual, factual, contrived, or an amalgamation and permutation of information, misinformation, and disinformation?

Isn’t it all just advertising? Sadly, we’re so inundated with data that it’s difficult to distinguish fact from fiction.

I treat everything as suspect, unless I know the source and sender; even then, I’m skeptical, even dubious, until I can corroborate the data and substantiate the premise. As a result, my close circle of friends call me a super-cynic.

I constantly remind them that it’s all just advertising… I don’t insist that you buy any advertised product or believe anything that you hear. It’s a very personal, fundamental decision that I won’t make for you. The detritus that passes for news is even more appalling since it contains blatant and obvious partisan political propaganda and bias.

My goal is to make you aware that you are being programmed by everything you see and hear. In all this ballyhoo (a POLITE word for Bulls**t! ~ Editor), there are ulterior motives behind these messages – in all their forms.

First, some statistics: American’s view of the Corporate Media Complex (CMC)…

* 80% of Americans get their news from digital devices

* 50% from social media

* 67% think fake news creates a great deal of confusion

* 26% are confident in their ability to recognize fake news

* 38% accidentally shared fake news

* 78% of conservatives believe the news is biased

* 50% of moderates believe in biased reporting

* 44% of liberals think it’s biased

* 36% think the reporting is just right

Think about these statistics, then consider the other number involved. If 25% don’t trust something, that means that 75% do! If 26% of Americans are confident that they can recognize fake news, 74% are NOT so confident. This is crucial!

I want to remind you that there are no arbiters of truth for the CMC. No one fact-checks these stories. It’s an honor system – it’s up to the individual sources or broadcasters to police their content. The ‘fact-check‘ frequently involves manipulating data points to bias them in support of the partisan political narrative. It’s termed ‘spin’ because ‘lie’ is an ugly negative word.

The important note is that too few people are punished for their involvement in creating or spreading it. These folks have a ‘get out of jail free card’ from their sponsors.

But… I wonder… who fact-checks, the fact-checkers? It’s like asking a toddler, “Who took the cookie?”

Let’s refer to the First Amendment:Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

Abridge means:to reduce or lessen in duration, scope, authority, etc.; diminish; curtail: to shorten by the omission of words without the sacrifice of sense: abridge implies a reduction in compass or scope with retention of essential elements and a relative completeness in the result.”

The First Amendment is their license to lie, a privilege they abuse freely. It also applies liberally to the entertainment industry. Rarely are there any disclaimers on ‘entertainment’ programs informing viewers of the content’s veracity, only to warn them of objectionable content.

I find lying the most reprehensible of all, but then, there is no rating system for violating the Constitution. The arbiter of this document is the United States Supreme Court. They stay quite involved with disputed interpretations of this document between bickering factions on the implied meaning of words, not written but inferred, by loosely interpreting the possible, probable, and assumed intent.

The chief aim of the Constitution was to create a government powerful enough to act on the national level but without so much power to risk or limit fundamental rights. It is a contract between the people and the government as the foundation for our legal system. It was a new approach for a national government by self-ruling citizens – a democratic republic, that George Washington called “The Great Experiment.”

Uncle Sugar granted The Federal Communications Commission broad powers to regulate media content. Uncle Sugar is the epithet for our federal government, from whom all things come, much like a ‘Sugar-Daddy’ in the vernacular.

The rating system is self-policing, and governmental intervention is limited to the loudest voices from the concerned citizen’s comments, criticism, and complaints. They create and enforce the rules as needed to address these concerns.

Remember, free speech, and freedom of the press?

Their comfort with misleading the public sets up a perplexing dichotomy: Why is it commendable for the media to lie but contemptible for individuals?

Aren’t we afforded the same rights in the First Amendment – freedom of speech / freedom of the press?

Then why is it wrong for me to lie to influence someone when it is perfectly legal for the CMC to do precisely the same thing?

If I misrepresent something to influence someone or something, it’s a lie, but when the CMC does it; it’s freedom of the press… Really? I don’t see the difference. Either you have the right, or you don’t. If it can be taken away, rationalized, or elucidated, it’s not a right; it’s a privilege.

I admit, I’m not part of the CMC, but those reporters are individuals performing a function, so perhaps if I claim that I’m a journalist, I can lie my ass off, avoiding all consequences… This double standard and its contradictory application is precisely the problem in our republic and its interpretative multi-tiered rationalization of propriety and morality. It’s administered based on cult affiliation and membership. Cult, in this case, includes ethnicity, national origin, financial solvency, partisan political positions, your station in the republic, and especially… who’s persecuting you.

Americans spend about 13 hours per day on phones and other media being subjected to advertising, that is, propaganda the entire time. Take a moment to think about the impact on the average person who watches over 2 million commercials a year.

In the 1970s, people were exposed to 500 ads per day: today, it’s over 5000.

There are 5.3 trillion ads shown online annually. 31% contain emotional content, and 16% have rational content.

Color plays a crucial role in advertising.

* Red = Passion, aggression, or power

* Blue = Serenity and calmness

* White = Purity

* Yellow = Energy

* Green = Health and environment

The next time you watch any ad, political or otherwise, pay particular attention to the colors used in their commercial and reference the list above… This is impossible when considering radio advertising, but they use background music to the same extent. Pay close attention to the music in any broadcast or movie. It controls your mood, amplifying your attention or piquing your interest. It can be calming or exciting depending greatly on the message.

What are subliminal tools?

Subliminal refers to: employing stimuli insufficiently intense to produce a discrete sensation but often being or designed to be intense enough to influence the mental processes or behavior of the individual; influences or messages affect your mind without you being aware of them.

Please reread that paragraph and try to comprehend what it says… The simple answer is – there is a science to this… We are being programmed!

Remember Biden’s speech from Philadelphia on September 1st, 2022, with the blood-red background, and the two Marines’ standing at attention, flanking him.

What was the subliminal message in that address?

It was anything but friendly… It was intimidating!

What about his recent “State of the Union Address?”

There was a giant American Flag behind him. It’s the symbol of a unified republic.

Was that a friendly, informative presentation of unity and solidarity, or an angry rant?
What was the subliminal message?

As I listened to the presentation, something caught my attention. I heard Biden say… “The threat to democracy must be defended…”

Go to any recording of this peculiar – epic bloviation and listen to the words Biden used… His Freudian slip tells us that his orders are to ‘destroy our democracy.”

There is no such thing as coincidence.

This statement was a Freudian Slip of monumental importance.

According to the official Presidential Palace’ transcript, the line is written as: “But we must be honest the threat remains, and democracy must be defended.”

What he said was: “The Threat to Democracy must be defended…”

Somewhere in his head, within all the disorientation, chaos, and lies, floating in the tapioca pudding that is his brain, abides the truth – the NASP’s goal is to destroy our republic. Regardless of his mental state or its acuity, this is the only program ‘he knows…’ It is the continuation of Obama’s mission to ‘Fundamentally Change America,’ Which is Biden’s sole purpose as president. Biden was installed to continue/complete the Obama – NASP Transformation Process.

The annual State of the Union address is supposed to be about the Republic, not a partisan political platform and party position proclamation.

There was no unity; it was all vitriol.

There is no subliminal messaging buried in this Freudian slip… In his head, this is what Biden understands. This is the program!

Now draw the parallel to the condition of our republic… and all the inane decisions made and being shoved up our assets: Energy independence, open borders, our embarrassing withdrawal from Iraqistan, unsustainable spending, unfathomable mounting debt, proxy wars on four fronts, renewed alliances with China, Iraq, North Korea, Russia, and Hamas against our ally Israel. Who would have even imagined this?

Yet here we are, being told that it’s all under control by a regime with the destruction of the republic as its only goal. Every CMC outlet sings the same scripted song in the same key, with the same passion. “We’re all going to be just fine when NASP and Biden, destroy Trump in the next elections. Look at all Biden’s done in three years, so imagine what he can do with another four…”

You can read the sarcasm into that line if you’d like – the frightening truth behind that line is that the NASP is using it to reassure their cult members.

That’s part of their programming.

If you bleed blue, you believe that mantra.

Are we – the citizens of this republic – in or out of control of the people deciding our direction?

Are we driving the ship of state, or are we simply passengers… being taken for a ride?

We don’t even realize who’s steering this sinking ship of state. It’s all hidden behind a curtain of complexity, convolution, and crap – I mean Bullshit.

We trust the people we hire – those whom we elect – to manage our republic on our behalf. These people are our employees, and now they are telling us what we should think, how to react, and what they ‘want’ us to know, through the CMC. They not only pilot this failing republic, but they also have the temerity to mandate every aspect of our lives. We are only a few small steps from becoming an autocracy.

The CMC has been programming us to accept anything and everything we see or hear on The Alters of Enlightenment as the gospel. Note: The CMC is a dotted-line department of the administration, being used to program the citizens of the republic.

George Orwell wrote about this in his dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four. He called the government “Big Brother.” After revisiting this book, it appears to be the model for the Obama-Biden regime (NASP) – with a few nuances and tweaks to appear above board.

Maybe Orwell was a visionary like George Washington, who warned of “the baneful effect of the spirit of party,” or Dwight D. Eisenhower, who warned us about the “Military Industrial Complex,” (MIC) that he called “The Iron Triangle,” Congress was added later by Lt. General Charles Robertson, in 2011 (MICC). It’s no longer a triangle it’s a box with unequal sides, an irregular quadrilateral – and we’re in it.

What you believe is your choice. You can accept every word from the CMC or decide what and who you believe. It’s a difficult addiction to break; much like heroin, you never really kick the habit – one small taste and you’re back on the horse. That’s the insidious nature of programming. You’re hooked for life.

The NASP wants us ignorant and well-indoctrinated with the truth as they interpret it. It’s the Mantra they pound into every blue-blooded Nationalist American Socialist Party member in every message from every portal. They’re fishing for unsuspecting, unwary, uninformed citizens, open to a catchy line, in attractive programs, that misinform, misdirect, and manage to hit the record button in your minds.

It’s a lie for me… but not for thee. The Constitution protects you, the NASP… and condemns me if I don’t toe the party line. The First Amendment is clear, as is the intent of our Constitution.

Either it applies to everyone equally, or to no one.

They are either rights or privileges; and from where I sit, we’re losing our privileges daily, and quickly indeed.

“The Threat to Democracy must be defended…” ~ Joseph Marionette Biden 2024: US President, 2021 to ?

“If you tell a lie often enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic, and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus, by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” ~ Paul Joseph Goebbels 1941: Propaganda Minister, German Third Reich

March 26, 2024

~ The Author ~
Charles R. Dickens was born in 1951, is a veteran of the Vietnam war, for which he volunteered, and the great-great grandson of the noted author, whose name he shares.

He is a fiercely proud American, who still believes this is the greatest country on the planet, with which we’ve lost control and certainly our direction. He grew up in moderate financial surrounding; we’re not rich by any stretch, but didn’t go hungry – his incredibly hard working father saw to that. As most from that era, he learned about life from his father, whose story would take too long to tell, other than to say that, he is also a fiercely proud American; a WWII and Korean war, veteran Marine.

Charlie was educated in the parochial system which, demanded that you actually learn something, and have capability to retain it before you advance. He attended several universities in pursuit of a bachelor’s degree, and chased the goose further to a master’s, and has retained some very definite ideas about education in this country.

In addition, Charlie is a retired blues guitar and vocalist – a musician. This was his therapy career. Nothing brings him as much joy as playing music, and he wishes that he could make a living at it… but alas… life goes on!

One thought on “The Program – Programmed by the Programmers – Programming…


    I wrote this a while ago but it seems to fit for the moment
    Sir for my part Mr. Webster, We have failed you. In our comfort we have let down our guard and our enemies are amongst us! The union is in terrible shape, still on her feet but just barely, deeply divided , under attack from all sides and through our own foolishness in acts coming from Fear We have Given politicians too much power…. so much power that Liberty herself is in terrible Danger ! We Face trying times and We need to reverse course! Our youth is so spoiled. They don’t know how to fight. They have not been taught what is important. I cannot find our stalwarts anywhere, I am old, am I the last, will I fight this fight alone? If I call Liberty’s Defenders to my side will I find only old men?
    Daniel Webster Daniel Webster
    The Union desperately needs you! But you are gone … The only place that you can be found is in our hearts and I hope to the highest of heavens that you are still there!

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