From the looks of things ~ We’ll be fighting this fight to our dying days!
If the whole damned system were to collapse today, it might just end up being the best thing that ever happened to this nation. It would force everyone to take a hard look at the reality of the stupid ideology they were so enthralled with, that is, for those who survive America’s fall and the incredibly bloody violence sure to follow.
This would open the door for real Americans to rebuild the country exactly as was originally intended – as a people, a country and a nation that loves family, community, God and freedom and liberty. Any new system from the ashes of this chaos would most assuredly need fail-safe measures designed to squash budding tyrants before they can grow, allowing for nothing other than the powers first enumerated in the original Constitution and the absolute defense and protection of each of our Inalienable God-given Rights, and without any salaries for those who wish to “lead”. Place the real power back in the hands of the real Americans and those with the ability and capabilities to produce and get things done.
And let those grifters and takers tread lightly for fear of their lives and their own freedom, as we refuse to tolerate the deadbeats and criminals, the parasites of society.
What a time to be alive in America. It’s both fascinating and troubling, as we are all playing our parts, in some form or fashion, in one of the most momentous times in all American history. We are being confronted with much the same choice as the early Americans who fought the War for Independence: whether we accept our worsening state and submit to an increasingly tyrannical government or reject it and reclaim our rightful place in the land of our birth as Free Born Men and Women – Free Born Americans. ~ J.O.S.
~ A Hot Civil War Looms in America’s Future ~

Who’s side will you be on?
America’s wannabe tyrants and the enemy-from-within have boldly slithered forth from their holes to prop traitor Joe Biden up as “president”, as they move to eradicate the Bill of Rights and the republic and slap the cold chains of slavery around the necks of everyone in opposition to their Marxist-Maoist agenda, placing America in the midst of the most treacherous and unstable times in our history. And inasmuch as this is known and readily apparent now, the American people are preparing to enter an unprecedented conflict of mammoth proportions, that will be our people’s third major test since America’s founding; and this test will be a real life and death struggle for the very survival of freedom and America’s survival as ‘the land of the free”.
Far too many are content to believe that the transition of power in America will continue to happen peacefully, through honest and free elections, and practically no one seems to see the warning signs of the impending civil war that could blow up like a raging hot inferno on any given day, with the right provocation. No one really expected a civil war in 1860 either, as the election grew near.
At this moment, according to many credible sources, roughly half of all Americans believe a civil war is likely to happen in the not-too-distant future.
However, truthfully, we’re already smack dab in the middle of another civil war, but it appears only the Democrats, radicals and Marxist-Maoists are aggressively waging it for now, in conjunction with the FBI, CIA and mainstream media and other government agencies, even to the point of tolerating the interference of the Chinese Communist Party which was a heavy financial backer of Black Lives Matter between 2014 and 2020. These anti-American agents and foot soldiers are fiercely at war against all of us who love and defend traditional America and Her founding principles, rigging elections, arresting opposition leaders and abrogating the U.S. Constitution.
The Democratic Party Communists have waged a war against the republic with an intensity unseen ever before, since taking the 2020 election through a movement that relied heavily on voter fraud. They have turned American principles and the underpinnings of our republic upside down and weaponized every major federal intelligence and law enforcement agency against their opposition, while shouting “democracy”, a thing their intellect is only sufficient enough to understand as “mob rule” and “by any means necessary”. And they have corrupted our election process to the point that few of us today have much faith in the election process, that still retains all the elements which allowed for the massive election fraud in several swing states in 2020.
Many Republicans recently were jumping with joy over a new Bloomberg Morning Consult poll that revealed Biden trailing former President Donald Trump in Michigan for the first time since tracking began in October, as well as Trump leading in Arizona, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, North Carolina and Georgia. While this may sound like great news for those who support Trump, these states do not currently have working systems for ensuring the real-time security of mail-in-ballots, which is extremely troubling and further illuminates the problem, once one is made aware of the poll by Rasmussen Reports on December 12th 2023 exhibiting that one in five voters who cast mail-in ballots during the 2020 election admit to engaging in voter fraud.
It’s worth noting that a report co-authored in 2005 by former President Jimmy Carter, a Democrat, and former U.S. Secretary of State James A. Baker, III warned:
“Absentee ballots remain the largest source of potential fraud.”
In 2020, it was painfully obvious many fraudulent ballots were counted, since only 0.80% of all absentee and mail-in ballots were rejected in 2020. Based on this and a great mass of data collected in another intense study, the Cook Political Report estimated that of the more than 158 million votes cast for Biden, fourteen million of these ballots were fraudulent, ego illegal; and this was a conservative estimate.
And so, America here in the real time mix of the fiasco that has since unfolded under the Biden regime is being royally beaten, raped and robbed daily, as a result of the deep corruption that courses through the halls of the federal government and many state governments, not just by criminal illegal aliens and drug cartel members but by the criminals and traitors to America who reside in our government’s institutions.
The Party “elites” are in fear now that a good-sized portion of the American people are awakening to the political scam being perpetrated against them, and this has put a fire under them to make as many gains toward their overall agenda of transforming America into a socialist authoritarian state and consolidate enough power in their hands to remain in office after 2024, even if it requires illegal actions and violence.
If we can believe the recent polls, Trump is the presumptive presidential candidate for the GOP at this moment, although the actual votes in the Iowa and New Hampshire primaries may soon tell a different tale. But, from my perspective, making Trump the GOP pick for 2024 is a huge mistake on multiple levels, which I won’t elaborate on, having done so ad nauseam in the past. The people better get behind DeSantis who is more articulate and better versed in the actual Constitution than Trump, after they fix the problems that currently weigh heavy on the election system overall.
There must be one election day. One day to vote and count the votes. One vote per person to be verified by authentic, validated voter rolls and making everyone present an official and valid form of identification, such as a driver’s license and/or a voter registration card.
America needs Her next president to be a true conservative with a conservative Republican super-majority in Congress, in order to undo the incredible damage that Joe Biden and his crime family have done to our country. It needs to be someone strong enough to hold the real potential and drive to be re-elected in 2028.
But all this remains moot in the face of a severely broken and suspect electoral process.
At the moment, things are looking worse than bad and pretty damned dangerous, given the arbitrary and unilateral move by Maine’s Secretary of State, Shenna Bellows, to ban Trump from the ballot under a narrow and ignorant understanding of the 14th Amendment and an erroneous use of the term “insurrection”. She and some appointed judges on Colorado’s Supreme Court both did this, despite Trump never having been charged or found guilty by any court of “insurrection”.
Throwing due process out the window, along with the rule of law, baby and bathwater too, Bellows suggested that our “sacred” democracy would only be preserved if she took it upon herself to reject Trump’s primary petition. She acted as if she was doing the people of Maine a favor by preventing those Trump supporters for casting a vote for him and making them co-conspirators in a grand anti-democratic plot, if not for her “brave intervention”, so read her December 28th 2023 opinion.
I’m not angry that this was done against Trump. I’m angry that this was done at all. If it was done against anyone in the past, it would be wrong, since it was done outside any due process of the law and for purely political reasons, rather than to address any actual crime. If it can be done now without any consequences to the conspirators, it can be done to any future candidate from any party.
The only way to untangle all of this is at the ballot box. The tactics employed by the Biden regime and their Democrat Secretary of State and judiciary allies risk plunging America into a constitutional crisis and a crisis of legitimacy on a scale unseen since the founding. Left unchecked, this presents the coming year to be an unprecedented terrible year in the entire history of our republic.
Just look at what the Democratic Party Communists have done since 2015 in order to subvert the system, and afterwards once Biden took the Oval Office. Ninety-one current charges against Trump are nothing less than a gross move to finish the undoing of his first term, which they plagued with the Steele Dossier, Russiagate and various other duplicitous and traitorous bullshit that culminated in his first impeachment over a proper phone call between Trump and the Ukrainian president. This is a big part of what has so endangered our republic, not because of who suffered at its hands but because it was even able to be conducted in so vile a manner against a sitting U.S. president.
The powers-that-be, whether one believes them to be Obama and Soros or something even more sinister emanating from the World Economic Forum, continue their complete control over who gets “elected” and appointed to America’s Oval office, using the obedient far left arm of the judiciary as a cudgel to crush the rule of law and our Inalienable God-given Rights enumerated, in part, in our Bill of Rights. The Soros selected district attorneys. mayors, judges, secretaries of states, governors and various other complicit and treasonous federal and state bureaucrats are destroying America’s cultural and religious norms and creating a chaotic disintegration of everything it once meant to be “American”, and it is all purposeful with intent and by design.
All of this is being done by the radicals and Marxist-Maoists, who have infiltrated our government systems and institutions, even our military, in order to destroy the American founding and the republic, and it is indicative of the not-so-cold civil war we find ourselves fighting, with all the bloody, murderous violence originating in the ranks of the Democratic Party’s foot soldiers of Black Lives Matter, Antifa, Laraza and our country’s anti-American Muslims.
No one can call this anything other than a civil war, when we see Texas trying to defend its borders from an invasion of largely military-age, single men from many enemy nations and the Biden regime doing everything within its ability to counter Governor Abbott’s efforts and further facilitate the flow of these illegal aliens into the country. What else can one call it, when all America witnesses the Biden regime and his fascist FBI, CIA and DOJ going after members of the opposition in all segments of the U.S. government and Congress too? They are using the law as a weapon, using the full weight of it forcefully and coercively, and although the Biden regime has been “civil” for the time being, we can expect them to resort to bloody violence in the months ahead, should things appear to be going against them, as the 2024 election grows nigh upon us.
It matters not what the American people on the whole actually want. This Biden regime has shown in every instance that it is going to follow the far left, radical communist agenda and damn what the people want, largely because they are able to do so with impunity and without any consequences of any real substance. There isn’t any real opposition to them where it needs to be, not in Congress and not in the mainstream media.
And this has allowed some pretty massive demons to jump in our path, such as Biden’s extremely restrictive policies on fossil fuels and his and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s “Green New Deal” that is a traitorous criminal scheme to redistribute every last red cent Americans have into their own pockets and the pockets of their criminal cohorts in various industries and the pockets of foreign leaders, for which the people get nothing in return other than shit in their hands and a pile of new debt. This is also poised to wreck our electric grid for an eternity, all in the name of their fallacies, false narratives and lies regarding “climate change”; maybe when everything comes tumbling down, even the die-hard commies will come to their senses to realize the errors of their ways. And for the rest of us, we must prepare.
Look around America, and we see deep, wide, clear divisions on any real issue that matters to the very survival of the country and our people, whether we speak to the role of the Federal Reserve Bank, the military, schools, marriage, gender assignment to children, drag queens in public government funded spaces or a litany of other supposedly non-political issues. Everything has been politicized, and the entire nation is crumbling and being dismantled under the weight of one big political scheme, from wind-generators to electric vehicles that aren’t viable or sustainable in any real way – where our tax dollars go down the toilet with one failed New Green industry after the next, much like Solyndra and Orsted, which received billions in subsidies from the U.S. federal government and then failed; they don’t care that this burden falls on the shoulders of the Little American, those who can ill afford it at anytime — but especially in light of the economic troubles we’ve experience since 2008, when corporate America was bailed out for being “too big to fail”. No, just as we saw Trump do, the Biden regime just hits another keystroke to make another few trillion dollars in debt appear, as they destroy, never building anything “back better”, ensuring a future of destruction and leaving the mess to all Americans.
Essentially, they tell us each day that we have to sacrifice our life’s savings and all we have worked to gain and all we love for the good of everybody else, but what they say and what they mean are two different things, inasmuch as they really mean that our sacrifices are for their benefit to keep them in the style they are accustomed to living, for all the “benevolent wisdom” [read “malevolent”] they impart to us, as they push, prod, poke and intimidate us into accepting their delusional, unhinged, death-dealing utopian plans for our futures. Remember — you and I are too stupid to plan for our own lives if you listen real close to what they are actually saying.
Between 2006 and 2014, sixty-seven non-military federal agencies spent a combined $1.4 billion on firearms, ammunition and military-style equipment, and between March and June of 2022 the IRS spent $700,000 on ammunition.
Unless the American people wake up soon and make a hard course correction off this path that leads to certain tyranny, there will come the day when the Democratic Party Communists have acquired enough power, due to the growing number clamoring for more and bigger government to meet all their needs, willing to accept their totalitarian communist ideology, that rather than simply mandate and intimidate and coerce the rest of the people into doing their bidding, they will act through government agents in all the institutions and the military to force them to bend to their will. Even should one try to step outside the system and be self-sustaining and independent, it will be seen and met as an affront to their power structure and a crime against the State. No one will be allowed to escape.
No matter if Biden or Trump or some other Democrat or Republican are elected to the presidency in 2024, a civil war is on the way due to numerous factors and the dynamics defined by the deep divide in the country and the fact that a nation cannot survive an attempt by two vastly different and completely antithetical ideologies to govern to govern it. The Democrats don’t even make a pretense any longer of wanting to work within the parameters of the Constitution, they have succeeded in bastardizing and molding into something foreign and strange to the cause of freedom and liberty. They have stated their intentions to ultimately destroy America’s founding, and this is an untenable proposition and totally unacceptable to American patriots, just as much as the republican form of representational government is unacceptable to the massive numbers of communists and anti-American radicals roaming our streets and creating chaos and wreaking mayhem daily.
Americans who love traditional America from all walks of life are experiencing an extremely real, brazen and dangerous tyranny and an abuse of power that the nation hasn’t seen or experienced since its first days or the era of Lincoln, and the entire U.S. government is currently weaponized against conservatives, Christians and, in general, any and all opponents of the Democratic Party. This is a situation that cannot be allowed to continue, not for those of us who desire true liberty and freedom, and ultimately a peaceful society under a shared vision for America that allows Her to prosper, thrive, breathe and remain free for generations to come, even if it requires us to pick up our rifles and force the communists and radicals into exile or kill them where they stand, beating them to the final solution they already have in store for us in defense of all we love and all we hold most dear.
America is in peril. Preferring peace to war, I hope and pray that we can find our way out of this, but once the tyrants leave us no choice, I intend to fight to my last dying gasp to ensure my children and grandchildren are living in freedom and liberty long after I am gone, even if that means leaving mounds of the dead and rotting corpses of those who would make us slaves spread far and wide across every single last acre of America, this land I love so well.
January 3, 2024

Justin O. Smith ~ Author
~ The Author ~
Justin O. Smith has lived in Tennessee off and on most of his adult life, and graduated from Middle Tennessee State University in 1980, with a B.S. and a double major in International Relations and Cultural Geography – minors in Military Science and English, for what its worth. His real education started from that point on. Smith is a frequent contributor to the family of Kettle Moraine Publications.