Everybody can see what Joe Biden is doing on the border is outrageous and illegal, and yet, no one is stopping him for a lack of supposed “authority” or just a lack of will and sheer damned laziness. Some are fine with his treason, while others are waiting for a “peaceful transfer of power” through the 2024 election, which I suspect will be anything but “peaceful”.
You and I shouldn’t have to be writing numerous warnings each week on the border crisis, but we do, because a significant portion of our current class of citizens seems to welcome the conquest and their submission to foreigners with little in common with them; the rest keep telling themselves, “It’s okay to wait a little while longer to see if conservatives will win the 2024 election.”
And all the while the nation’s suicide unfolds before our very eyes, as LaRaza cheers the Reconquista of the American Southwest by the brown Hispanics and indigenous Indians of South and Central America and the impoverished drug-addicted, emotionally and psychologically broken dregs of the world fling rivers of sperm and shit across our cities, as they trash three-star hotels after refusing less pleasant accommodations in government tent cities. The torrent of dung and immoral debauchery is shoved in our faces, as cartel drug mules poison our children with fentanyl and Mexican cartel members traffick young girls into America to sell as prostitutes, while others seek to prostitute young American women or simply rape and murder them.
America and Americans can only survive so long as we take pride in what America is and who we are as a people. We must not succumb to the false narrative that somehow America is less and we owe something to these illegal aliens for some real or imagined misdeed of the past done by someone with little relevance in today’s world. These illegal aliens don’t demand anything; if they are allowed to stay at all, it’s by our own good graces and choice, a choice that ultimately is only for the American people to make.
I hope many Americans will be as angry about this ongoing manufactured border crisis as I am. We sit on our thumbs and wait to our own peril. ~ J.O.S.
America’s National Suicide Through the Illegal INVASION
Evil, lawless, reprehensible and disgusting beyond compare. That’s about all one can say when describing the current situation on America’s southern border and the Open Borders policy of Joe Biden, the man on a mission to destroy traditional America through every lawless means he can imagine. And make no mistake on the matter, because every single thing he and DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas have done since taking office has been illegal and in contravention of existing immigration law and national security, all in the name of dismantling America and holding power forever.
Essentially, Biden’s constant refrain that “the immigration system is broken” is a damn lie. It’s only “broken” because he and his useful idiots and apparatchiks, such as DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, are choosing to break it and ignore the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996, signed by President Bill Clinton, a Democrat.
The Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 expanded the number of crimes for which both illegal aliens and actual green-card holders could be deported. And most importantly, it made deportation eligibility retroactive, while also allowing for the deportation of any illegal aliens [undocumented immigrants] apprehended within 100 miles of the U.S. border to be deported without arguing their cases in an immigration court.
So please, tell me again just why exactly is our border not being defended. Tell me why our Border Agents are acting like travel and tour guides for illegal aliens and helping to disperse them to all points in the country, by putting them on buses and planes with tickets purchased by the U.S. taxpayers.
Everyone who enables this anti-American agenda is complicit in the ongoing crime-wave that accompanies it – thousands of crimes each year – the murders – the rapes – the robberies and assaults. Yes. They are complicit in the evil acts committed against U.S. citizens by these illegal aliens, such as recently witnessed, when Lizbeth Medina, a sixteen year old cheerleader, was murdered in her home in Edna, Texas on December 5th by an illegal alien.
The immigration system isn’t broken, but rather transformed for the Biden regime’s ulterior motive of changing the face of America forever by way of allowing millions of people of color from third world shitholes to invade our country, with the certain knowledge that most of them hold onto worldviews completely antithetical to American principles. These invaders will be unlikely to fully assimilate, and Biden and his people understand this, since it’s been the policy of any Democrat for five decades to celebrate and advance multiculturalism and diversity in a manner that subverts traditional America, Her Founding and the republic itself. It’s the Great Replacement – not so much a replacement of White people, although that most certainly is occurring – but, it’s the replacement of conservatives, Christians and independents who value and love American virtues and principles with people who are receptive to the anti-liberty, heavy hand of government and tyranny in the name of having every need met.
Already, we are hearing these illegal aliens demanding services from the Biden regime, such as a free phone, car, house and all the things most of us have to work to acquire. At this very moment, the State of Illinois is giving illegal aliens $9000 in rent assistance every six months; gosh folks, couldn’t some of their own poor, American citizens used that money?
Already, we hear these invaders saying “Ten Joo, Joe Biden” as the nation sees that over 10 million illegal aliens have been caught and released into America since January 2021. Add to that number the 17 million estimated “got-aways” and we now have 27 million illegal aliens joining the 40 million illegal aliens already residing and working here, even tho’ that is against several other existing laws. And you can bet your last bottom dollar, the Democratic Party Communists are chomping at the bit to pass an amnesty for these border-jumping wet-backs.
It’s good to be an illegal alien invader in America these days. Third world illegal aliens stay in three-star hotels, while homeless U.S. Veterans and impoverished American citizens are scrounging for groceries – some bread and soup – and whatever they can afford in these tough days of Bidenomics.
If the U.S. and State treasuries can find enough funding to transport these illegal aliens all across America, house, clothe and feed them, they can damned for sure find the money to deport them immediately. It would have been a damned sight less costly, if they had simply followed Clinton’s 1996 law and deported or force them back across the Rio Grande immediately, from the point of first contact, without anything else needing to be done.
On November 29th 2023, Kari Lake stated:
“It’s up to us to tell the true story of what’s happening on our border here in Arizona across our southern border [and in Texas, New Mexico and California, too]. It can’t go on much longer. There will come a day when I think all Americans recognize that it’s beyond tragic and it will destroy our country. I just hope it’s not too late.”
Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), Sandinista, Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front (FMLN) Marxist rebels and their acolytes and children, murderous Muslims, Chinese spies … they all come, mixed in with fairly good and decent illegal aliens in search of a better economic situation than the poverty of home. But a life of poverty doesn’t qualify them for asylum or automatic entry, and no matter how good or bad they are, something is wrong with them or else they could have come by way of legal methods. Whatever their individual situations, however, ultimately and collectively, they represent a dire and existential threat to America’s national security for any number of sound reasons.
America is receiving the worst of the world’s population as the Third World is emptying their prisons and saying “go to America”. These millions of illegals come from places where nothing works, where the cause of their failure is, at its core, cultural. So they flee from South and Central America, Africa and the Middle East and many other points on the map, seeking a place where its society does work well and life is better; but because they hold tight to the cultural norms they are fleeing – since it’s all they know – wherever they settle in large numbers, e.g. Minnesota, Michigan, New York, California, Tennessee and any other state one cares to mention, crime, dishonest dealing, and the general decline of our society follows. What was once our country is rapidly becoming theirs.
Pedro Gonzalez, associate editor at Chronicles, recently observed:
“A Magazine of American Culture explained in May, that ‘Democrats and progressive activists, based on their own rhetoric over the years, [have subscribed] to [the] replacement theory more than anyone else‘”.
How many times has all America heard Crazy, Demented Joe Biden rant and scream about the dangers of white people and “white supremacy” since taking office? It’s as if he and all his ilk have forgotten it was White People who built America and created a system of governance that led it to become the greatest nation on earth at one point; it still is, if only Biden and Company would properly utilize all the tools they have at their disposal to advance what has been known to work rather than dismantle and destroy every good and decent thing that our Founders set forth as means and mechanisms to enhance and grow liberty.
But, in their drive for their Marxist-Maoist utopian vision for America, to add injury to other injuries and in a maddening development, we find that DHS Secretary Mayorkas has misapplied Biden’s Executive Order 13985 aimed at U.S. citizens in a manner to benefit illegal aliens and facilitate their movement across the southern border in greater numbers. This order was the ‘On Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government’, speaking to American communities, as Biden also continues his efforts to further divide America by race. Even tho’ the EO didn’t make mention of “alien”, “immigrant” or “non-citizen”, Mayorkas, by way of his own twisted, one-worlder logic, created his own loophole through his ‘Considerations Memo‘ to make it apply to illegal aliens who present themselves at the border, in order to use “prosecutorial discretion” and refuse to uphold current, standing immigration law.
Mayorkas and all who work to keep the border wide open suppress or simply abrogate the crucial distinction between how U.S. law applies to Americans and illegal aliens, or simply foreigners in general. The distinction is not hard to see for the honest among us, and more than simple logic and fact (or using Biden and Mayorkas’s definition of equity), it’s present in our law in black and white. In 1889, the Supreme Court held:
“That the government of the United States, through the action of the legislative department, can exclude aliens from its territory is a proposition which we do not think open to controversy. Jurisdiction over its own territory to that extent is an incident of every independent nation. It is part of its independence. If it could not exclude aliens it would be to that extent subject to the control of another power.”
How interesting those words are – how loud and clear they ring in the Patriot’s ears – “… subject to the control of another power.”
According to The Washington Examiner, during the fiscal 2023 year, the Border Patrol arrested more than 170 people on the FBI’s terror watch list after they attempted to enter America illegally from Canada or Mexico.
However one views it, some have posited dark intent behind this flood of illegal aliens, such as Peter Brown, writing on December 13th the following:
“I think it’s a strong possibility that Biden and the Left will activate hostile illegal aliens and domestic rioters to commit acts of violence, murder, and terror across America, to such a tragic degree that Biden will then have an excuse to declare martial law and cancel the November elections. I think that’s their plan. Whether they can carry it out is another matter.”
I think Mr Brown may be onto something. After all, we’ve already witnessed the Democratic Party Communists give their unwavering support to the domestic terrorists in Black Lives Matter and Antifa who burned and looted their way across our nation with impunity and without consequences between 2014 and 2021. His concerns are more than logical and it won’t be surprising to me to see it happen.
In the meantime, just what is to be done? No one, and I do mean no one, seems willing or able to force Biden and his treasonous accomplices to secure the border. No matter how many suits, counter suits and rulings have come down from lower district courts, appellate courts or the U.S. Supreme Court, Biden and his Marxist-Maoist accomplices have simply continued on full-steam ahead to process and rush millions more illegal aliens into the country. By the end of his first term, at this rate, he will add another 7 million.
And, as surreal and logic-defying as it may seem, on November 29th 2023, the Supreme Court ruled SCOTUS: States Can’t Stop Admin from Protecting Dangerous Criminal Aliens (cis.org) that neither it nor the inferior courts can force the Biden administration to enforce standing immigration laws, regardless of how blatantly it refuses to do so. That includes border enforcement. Many of the illegal aliens currently swarming across the border are the “give-ups”, turning themselves in with the safe expectation they will be rapidly released into the country.
Even Republican opposition and their very few allies on the Democrat side of Congress have been unable to get Biden to listen to the voice of reason in order to move him to actually secure the southern border and stop the mad flow of people who have no right whatsoever to be here, and who, in so many cases, no American really wants here. The law, logic, and fact notwithstanding, Biden and Company have plainly determined that immigration laws do not serve their political agenda, and therefore, under the guise of fairness and “equity”, they must be suppressed and abrogated.

Migrant families stand on the Rio Grande River bank on July 9, 2021 as they wait for Border Patrol agents to escort them to a processing center after they illegally crossed from Mexico into Roma, Texas
I continuously ask why the ICE and Border Agents aren’t refusing to obey his illegal orders, but we all know they are basically afraid of losing their jobs. Still, one would think that the patriots in their ranks would at least try to apply the 1996 Clinton law and simply refuse to allow or process them into the country. Yes, one would reasonably think, even expect, that some in the ranks of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Agency would refuse to obey Biden’s unconstitutional orders. Biden might threaten to fire them, but they could get a stay on his order, if they could find the right judge.
But nothing. We hear nothing other than “harsh criticism” that sounds more like grandmotherly admonitions more than anything meaningful enough to move the Biden regime into compliance with U.S. immigration law.
Waiting to act means we allow Biden to bring several million more illegal aliens into the country, and that may not be so terrible a thing, if we elect a president and a super-majority of conservatives to Congress who will act aggressively with the full weight of their authority and the law to start the immediate deportation of all the illegal aliens in America, which number close to 50 million or more by now. No matter what the naysayers suggest, it can be done, if only the majority of Americans will gather up the spine, determination and political will to see it through to its final end. And it must be done, come hell or high water, if we are to have a nation that even remotely resembles what we typically recognize as traditional America.
Should Biden or another Democrat be made president in 2024, everything changes.
In the face of another rogue regime in power and without any institution empowered or willing to stop its agenda, the American patriots will be on their own to act as forcefully as they see fit to stop the destruction of our country by way of illegal immigration and Open Borders. Americans need not accept the criminal actions and treason of the Biden regime or any administration and a policy that facilitates an illegal alien invasion and numerous crime waves, and the very fact that these illegal aliens have been brought here by the criminal methods of “elected officials” is sufficient to justify whatever action necessary for the safety of our homes, our shops, our streets and public places, our community and our country, even if that requires two or three-hundred thousand of us, or more, to arrive armed to the teeth at the border to finally secure it, while two or three million more of us go to D.C. to take the Capitol and hang the Democratic Party Communists from the balcony and the lampposts.
America is still ours if we have the spine to defend and hold Her.
Good Americans everywhere are demanding that our country and our borders be respected and secured and existing immigration law obeyed by those “elected officials”, who supposedly have the duty of enforcing our laws. The Camp of the Saints – the great unwashed Third World hordes – is upon us, and if our majority is now one of sheep, rather than men and women of grit, steel and action, we will see the glory and once upon a time exceptional nature of America extinguished forever. ,
It’s hard not to wonder, when will the shooting start!
December 21, 2023

Justin O. Smith ~ Author
~ The Author ~
Justin O. Smith has lived in Tennessee off and on most of his adult life, and graduated from Middle Tennessee State University in 1980, with a B.S. and a double major in International Relations and Cultural Geography – minors in Military Science and English, for what its worth. His real education started from that point on. Smith is a frequent contributor to the family of Kettle Moraine Publications.
WoW! The best read yet.
I’ve been through some hard times and had to take the wheel and make big decisions long before I was mature enough to do so.
This is the first time in my life I don’t know what to do!
Can’t make a plan or even toss a coin and follow the flip!
So many days going to waste.
Why? If treason against our country is what we have been taught, why isn’t it stopped by any means available?
Why isn’t it being addressed in loud and furious ways in the halls of every lawmaker and lawkeeper with any power to act?
When I answer my own question- I’m back to-I don’t know what to do.