“Freedom is a light for which many men have died in darkness” ~ author unknown, engraved on the side of the Tomb of the Unknown Revolutionary War Soldier
Our federal government and its institutions currently rest in the hands of anti-American communists and radicals, intent on destroying traditional America and transforming Her into something unrecognizable, foreign and vile, where U.S. citizens are no longer free to do anything other than obey. It’s a government that has been waging war against its citizens since day one, as it ruins America’s energy infrastructure and economy and destroys any semblance of border security, acting illegally every step of the way as if the Biden regime doesn’t have to abide by the will of the people.
But just where is the will of the American people? Why have they tolerated this miasmatic bullshit for so long, with so little outcry or outrage? They could take a lesson or two from the Irish it seems.
For all practical intents and purposes, the ruling class [Deep State] won the battle some few years ago, after 9/11 and then America’s massive economic collapse of 2008, when companies were deemed “too big to fail” and George Bush paved the way for Obama’s hard push left by saying that “we have to temporarily abandon free market principles to save the free market system”. And Obama never looked back as he expanded the National Security Agency’s power and set the stage for traitor Joe Biden’s weaponization of every federal agency against conservatives, Christians, MAGA folks or basically just anyone at all who opposes his anti-American, anti-God, anti-Liberty agenda.
No one in their right mind, or at least no freedom-loving American patriot, would ever abandon the principles of liberty and freedom in a delusional, misguided fit of misunderstanding to save liberty and freedom, for any other idiot out there. Only a moron or someone complicit in the plan to transform America into a total and complete authoritarian socialist state would ever do such a thing.
For his part, under President Trump, the NSA continued spying at will and collecting massive amounts of call data on Americans. He was also instrumental in the expansion of FISA702, and he attempted to give added breadth to the NSA’s spy programs as he also tried to make them permanent.
This doesn’t mean they’ve won the war. Not yet. It simply exhibits there isn’t any moderation in those who would be our masters and their apparatchiks spread throughout our institutions. They are hellbent on total, final victory by bringing all America to its knees and breaking traditional America into a thousand pieces, and even tho’ their current power is vast and massive, so much do they fear losing, they press harder to bring all Americans to submit to their demands and policies, no matter how suicidal some of them may be.
If America falls to its knees, it should fall in prayer to God to provide our salvation from these Marxist-Maoist monsters who have infiltrated and infested our country.
It should go without saying, but so many Americans are so incredibly stupid, I’ll say it anyway: Our present regime has departed from and severely contravenes the letter and the spirit of the American Constitution. It is purely lawless and without care or conscience regarding the plight of the American people.
Joe Biden has used America’s seeming comfort with government tyranny to dismantle the Bill of Rights and build a police state. Early in the first year of his power grab, Traitor Joe revealed his National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism to counter the rise in so-called “domestic terrorism” – a phrase Biden uses regularly to describe anyone critical of his regime and government tyranny, especially those MAGA members and the thousands of parents who stood up against school board attempts to indoctrinate their children with Critical Race Theory and the gender nonsense of the LGBTQ Movement and sexual deviants in general. Biden attempted to add and arm thousands of IRS agents, but had to settle instead for adding thousands of anti-law enforcement, anti-American, anti-white prosecutors funded by George Soros and other law enforcement officials to the Department of Justice and the Department of Homeland Security.
While the hundreds of thousands [millions?] of Marxists and Maoists raise all manner of hell in the streets of America, vandalizing, looting and wreaking general havoc against all society, alongside the thousands of Hamas and pro-Hamas “protestors” – don’t look, no “domestic terrorists” here – a vast segment of America seems oblivious to our trajectory towards something outrageously and incredibly terrible and evil. It’s not like the warning signs haven’t appeared with one huge ongoing crime wave since traitor Joe Biden took charge, with his illegal mandates, ever-higher taxes and failed supply chains due to his policies, exacerbated by ever-deteriorating services and infrastructure; he has pushed the people to buy cars they don’t want, that are inefficient and unaffordable in the name of climate change, as his war on oil/carbon fuels has caused energy costs to skyrocket, while his regime has weakened and undermined the U.S. military and sets national education “standards” that have our schools churning out uneducated, undisciplined, ignorant thugs, who get saddled with six figures worth of debt if they somehow manage to gain entrance to a university.

Merrick Garland
And all the while, those sympathizers and apparatchiks of the Democratic Party Communists and the Biden regime, those useful Idiots and non-player characters, constitute easy to recruit cadres who happily believe and espouse any doctrine that gives them the slightest bit of real or perceived power and carte blanche from the regime to treat all opposition as second class citizens and untouchables. If you are so disposed to violate the rights of some innocent conservative or Christian American, it’s not a problem, go right ahead; you see, the Attorney General of the United States, Merrick Garland, does it every day.
Everything they do is meant to enrich themselves on the taxpayers’ dime, no matter how much they tell us they care for us and “it’s for your own good”. They locked us down for years, as they regularly went out to dinner with friends and family or to their favorite bar for drinks, or their favorite hair salon – shoving it in our faces. They declared war on drugs and then go get high themselves, as they make certain that their children never face any consequences for something that would send your child to jail, much in the way of Hunter Biden who will never see the inside of a prison cell for being a habitual drug addict in the possession of a firearm. While they give fine lip service to corruption, bribery and “crooked financiers”, they are the first ones to accept every bribe that comes their way, which is why Joe Biden is compromised and an agent of China. And, in the meantime, they cry about climate change from their twelve-thousand square foot beachfront homes and laugh uproariously as they command us to lower our carbon footprints and don’t fly.
The woke Critical Race Theory, reverse racism, climate change, covid and every other hyper aggressive bit of mass delusion and insanity are not ideologies of belief for our ruling elite and the Deep State movers and shakers. They are just more circuses focused on dazing the American people, creating chaos and distracting us from their ongoing and never-ending power grabs. It’s hard for the average person to concentrate on the primary issues of the day, when their daughters are getting knocked out on the soccer fields by 200 pound, sports-bra-wearing transexual freaks or their grade school children are being read sexually explicit books by drag queens who give twerking lessons.
Everything is worse under the Biden regime, whether we speak of the largest crime wave our country has ever seen, rampant anti-white racism, unconstitutional biomedical tyranny imposed by fiat and allowed to do harm to real female athletes under Title IX, unaffordable housing, pornography deliberately stocked in grade school libraries, the worst inflation since the 1970s, our wide open borders, the Biden regime’s relocation of illegal aliens into America’s flyover country or years of pretrial detention for walking into our nation’s Capitol with the Capitol Police’s blessings.
This is how America ends, and they know it; they desire it. With 106 million Americans currently out of work, the Biden regime absolutely knows that an awful lot of Americans, in real terms, are getting poorer and struggling more, but Biden and his cronies care not, as they feather their beds and bank accounts with millions of ill-gotten gains. They are thriving and growing fatter and wealthier off grift, subsidy and regulation run riot, and nothing fazes them or moves them from their self-interest, not even the likely [inevitable] implosion of Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid. So let the bread and circuses keep flowing.
Conservatives must awaken to the truth very soon, if they wish to have a country left. The only solution to the Marxist-Maoist communist ideology currently gripping our country in a death-grip is not the reform of our system or more amendments to the Constitution. The solution lies in the total and complete eradication of this ideology and its supporters from America proper. With the eradication of socialism and communism, the American people will see all these manufactured crises disappear into thin air, and we will be able to perhaps, one day in the not too distant future, restore some semblance of morality and normalcy to American society once again.
A few months back, before he passed away in May, a friend of mine, Tony “Bombdog” Horseman, a Vietnam Veteran from Cookeville, Tennessee, made note:
“In 1776 we had to clean house. The House is filthy again.”
However, despite what they say, Americans don’t really seem to want to be truly free. They just want free stuff, no matter who’s president, and even Trump showed a willingness to obey their wishes and move the country further towards full blown socialism with his advocacy and signing of his daughter’s Child Care and Family Leave Act – just another unsustainable socialist welfare program – and his massive stimulus expenditures which contributed to the current high inflation. In several respects, there isn’t a hair’s difference between Trump and Biden, especially once one considers Trump’s willingness to lock America down and Biden’s attempt to continue the lockdowns and mask and vaccine mandates.
Until the American people stop seeing government as the end-all-be-all and ultimate solution to their problems, it will continue to be expanded by every successive president and America’s problems will only grow too, exacerbated by the cost of so much government. The country is bankrupting itself through the greed of Her own people and those they elect to government office, who too often view the U.S. Treasury as their own personal piggy bank, there for the financial support of their own “special interests” and “special interest groups”.
We have most likely passed the point of no return, well on our way to seeing a final economic collapse of our system. If it isn’t yet an unsalvageable situation, it’s so damned close it isn’t even funny, with $33 trillion dollars in national debt and an annual $1 trillion interest payment that’s rapidly headed towards being $2 trillion soon. THIS IS UNSUSTAINABLE!.
Keep holding your hands out and begging for government solutions that could just as easily be handled by personal responsibility in one’s everyday life and through private entities [cooperatives], and you will soon see every last vestige of your individual liberty eradicated in one fell swoop, leaving you and yours reduced to “equality” under the lowest common denominator in poverty and forced to bow, scrape and beg at the altar of the Super-State – the Leviathan – begging for privileges since rights will no longer be recognized.
Etienne de La Boetie understood the incongruities and conflicts that existed between the rights of men and the power of the state sovereigns in the 16th century, and he noted:

Etienne de La Boetie
“Poor, wretched, and stupid peoples, nations determined on your own misfortune and blind to your own good! You let yourselves be deprived before your own eyes of the best part of your revenues; your fields are plundered, your homes robbed, your family heirlooms taken away. You live in such as way that you cannot claim a single thing as your own; and it would seem that you consider yourselves lucky to be loaned your property, your families, and your very lives.
Tyrants would distribute largess, a bushel of wheat, a gallon of wine, and a sesterce: and then everybody would shamelessly cry, ‘Long live the King!’ The fools did not realize that they were merely recovering a portion of their own property, and that their ruler could not have given them what they were recovering without having first taken it from them.”
The 16th century rulers were just like what we find today in the ranks of the World Economic Forum, the United Nations and the ranks of those adherents of the Great Reset, who would shove us into fifteen-minute cities, have us walk or bike everywhere and “own nothing and be happy”, as they set about implementing the greatest theft of wealth in all the history of mankind.
The free born Americans with a clear vision of what is transpiring across our country are continuing on with their lives, refusing to comply with anything or anyone who thinks they can off-handedly and arbitrarily trample on our freedom, liberty and inalienable God-give rights. We full well understand that freedom and liberty are taken, not granted.
In theory, one could simply remove their consent to be governed by these Marxist-Maoist, but reality has shown that they intend to leave no one alone, even those living self-sufficient lives off-grid in the manner of survivalists or the Amish. They seek total control over everyone, every resource, every single blade of grass and drop of water. [Thank you, Abe Lincoln for paving the way for future tyrants].
The attacks on our freedom, liberty, peace and prosperity, even the fundamental Right to Life itself, from the halls of our own Federal Government and many state governments too, far exceed those that drove our nation’s Founders to declare independence from King George and England 247 years ago. More than ample enough reason exists for a massive civil upheaval and revolution against the illegitimate powers-that-be who rule by illegal diktats and arbitrary unconstitutional Executive Order.
I am continuously left in wonder over what is holding America’s patriots back from burning this current bastardized version of the Constitution and this sytem to the ground and starting anew. How much they must love their tyranny; are they to wait ’til these Marxist-Maoist Communists have such a stranglehold on power that the fight becomes nearly unsurmountable and the cost of lives exponentially higher by the hundreds of thousands?
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, – That whenever any form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its power in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.“
The Democratic Party Communists and the Biden regime have turned American society into a living hell, a hell, that in part, comes at the direction and hands of our own people. The blame can be broadly placed, since it has taken many millions of complicit traitors to America, those amerikkans who hate traditional America and Her supporters with a burning hatred as hot as the sun’s surface, and this hell has manifested itself due to the weakness, cowardice, irresponsibility, indifference, dependence, envy and hatred and the need of the collective hordes of useful Idiots and pathetic fools who reside in the country, dissatisfied with their lives. In their ongoing, revolving journey into self-pity, they have abandoned their individuality and voluntarily consented to be ruled, controlled, abused, impoverished, slaughtered and even murdered.
No government has ever brought anyone their freedom and liberty, and no government could ever do so. It only exists through force and coercion, for the most part, even tho’ we give great credence to the notion it is really by our consent. It may start out with the people’s consent, but it always ends in tyranny, the antithesis of freedom. For freedom and liberty to thrive, government itself must be eliminated, or at least reduced so drastically in size as to hold it harmless against its citizens, but still left charged and able to defend the nation against foreign enemies and existential threats to the country.
I prefer to live a hard, independent and free life, no matter how comfortable or uncomfortable it might be, rather than relinquish all my liberty to be kept by the State at a level of comfort or discomfort to be determined by bureaucrats and thieving, self-serving despots and tyrants, justifying their tyranny under the guise of “for the greater good” and “the general wellbeing of the people”.
Yes – little by little – and now at breakneck speed, the red, radical Democratic Party Communists have always intended to destroy our Republic, since at least 1913, and they are on an all or nothing all-out effort to complete its destruction, using tactics they sweetly refer to as “transformation”. Evil comes like a thief in the night, and it has overcome America at this juncture in time.
We must pray for America and God’s help, as we fight back with everything we’ve got, peacefully if possible and to the death if necessary; failure is no option.
Fire with fire – by Ballot or Bullet – at this point, I care not which; I aim to keep this America I love so well free. I owe it to my Children and Their Children’s Children and many generations beyond.
It’s a sad thing to see, that so many of America’s people have bought the Communist ideology, and they are so intent on leaving its mark on America, they do not care that the mark is a scar. And as such, we must crush their cultural Marxist-Maoist revolution before it crushes our Republic and America out of existence forever.
I need no master to tell me how to live my everyday life.
Tyrannos interficere.
December 1, 2023

Justin O. Smith ~ Author
~ The Author ~
Justin O. Smith has lived in Tennessee off and on most of his adult life, and graduated from Middle Tennessee State University in 1980, with a B.S. and a double major in International Relations and Cultural Geography – minors in Military Science and English, for what its worth. His real education started from that point on. Smith is a frequent contributor to the family of Kettle Moraine Publications.
Pingback: Smith: Americans Have Reason Enough to Revolt ~ Time to Clean America’s House Again | NC Renegades
For the present, it is of prime importance that the people become aware and resist the move to convene a convention of states. In the current atmosphere of lawlessness and deceit we could lose the very basis of our law. That the Constitution is largely being ignored by Congress and the Administration, changes nothing. The Constitution is still the law and it can be used to prosecute the traitors that currently manipulate the law and government, however, without that basis of law restoring America to a nation of Law becomes doubly difficult.
To quote Patrick Henry when he first got wind of the Constitutional Convention to be held in Philadelphia that tossed out the Articles of Confederation,” I smell a Rat.” That argument was not resolved until the cessation of the War of Southern Independence.
All Americans must become aware of the vital importance of preserving the Constitution in its current form. As imperfect as it might be to some, it is still the Law of the Land.
Deuteronomy 28…
What can be done when both parties are filled with traitors or grifters who pretend to oppose one another while they all grow rich on treason and the grift?
Who doesn’t know the names of at least twenty men and women, in politics, fake news, “education” etc., who’s demise would make America a much better place.
Who doesn’t know the name of the group that’s behind it all?
Yet who is willing to just up and venture out with their Henry Youth .22 or even a ball peen hammer to set things right.
There’s a reason why the so_called January 6 “insurrection” wasn’t one at all: no organization, no leader, no plan, no weapons, and no one on point.
So what’s the solution?
To date, the ball peen hammer is looking good, but wouldn’t you need about ten percent of the population to move at once?
It is with no hesitation I point out, that WW1 for the US, started with the Zimmermann telegram, telling that Germany would back Mexico for “lost” territory, if Mexico backed Germany against the US entrance into the war. Mexico is doing things right now that call for war against it. as well as the things communists in the US govt. are doing against it’s own people. The answer will be some spark, some failure, some atrocity that can’t be ignored, and that will spread faster than anyone can believe. Since telegrams are no longer used, I suggest a text or video, or some such. Instant communications will lead to sudden non-communications, and when people are hungry and cold enough, we’ll see IT.
Pingback: Americans Have Reason Enough to Revolt ~ Time to Clean America’s House Again — The Federal Observer | Vermont Folk Troth
Spot on.
gopers really arent any better than dimrats. gopers and their media frenz have been too busy carrying water for the ukeville soviets now the izzy communists. and (((izzy/ukes))) keep the US (and the west) aborting with open borders. end foreign aid, for starters. all. of. it. and as george washington said, no entangling alliances. and as ike said, starve the MICC.
and evict dual citizens, from senate, congress, executive branch, public life, and the US.