We get what they give us…
There was a power shift in America. It began when the first colonizers landed; it continues today and will continue in perpetuity.
That is how power works.
It is boundless because the pursuit of power is an addiction – insatiable and unquenchable.
It began with the European supercilious attitude that everything was theirs for the taking, just like every other powerful country at that time. These invaders claimed sovereignty of this continent when they stepped ashore, setting the precedent for the next four hundred years. It was not just North America; the world suffered outrageous colonialization at their hands. At one point, the British boasted that the sun never set on their empire.
Other European countries like France, followed suit to increase their empires in North America. It’s a tradition we continue here to this day but with some very special refinements. If the government wants your land, they take it.
Big Brother invented a legal process called Eminent Domain to rationalize appropriating private property.
· Eminent Domain is an exercise of the power of government or quasi-government agencies (such as airport authorities, highway commissions, community development agencies, and utility companies) to take private property for public use.
The End Justifies the Means is a super-rationalization that grants license to commit illegal, immoral, and unethical acts in the name of progress – the acquisition of power.
Lord Acton’s quote offers a glimmer of hope with his qualifier – almost always – indicating the possibility of ethical and moral leaders. We all have our favorite leaders in recent centuries, both good and evil; a few immediately come to mind. However, our rush to judgment must be tempered by the person’s leadership acumen and accomplishments, not their foibles or peccadillos. Yet, these eccentricities are all integral to the person, so how you evaluate them is up to you.
A pivotal historical event assured the shift; more about this later. Everything that followed that epic action confirmed the power shift we endure today. Arresting this shift will require resources America is reluctant to invest in and steps we are unwilling to take unless enormous power is involved. What megalomaniac would willingly relinquish control? Imagine trying to take a steak away from a Rottweiler, that’s an apropos analogy.
But here we are in the Twenty-First Century, and these first twenty-four years don’t bode well for the good guys. I think we’re losing ground.
Can Americans turn things around?
We could make the change – if that’s what we really, really wanted.

There is a chance that pigs will fly, and monkeys may fly out of my – you know, the rest.
But… I am a realist.
It’s an obese possibility (fat chance) that the power shift in America will reverse; I think it will only get worse. That’s the path we’re on…
In 1991, Alvin Toffler published a book titled: “Powershift: Knowledge, Wealth, and Violence at the Edge of the 21st Century.”
“In Powershift, Toffler argues that while headlines focus on shifts of Power globally, equally significant shifts are taking place in the everyday world we all inhabit – the world of supermarkets and hospitals, banks and business offices, television and portable communication devices, politics and personal life. The very nature of Power is changing before our eyes.”
Thirty-two years ago, Toffler stated that information would be the fundamental tool of change and that whoever controlled the information would, by manipulating the information, transform and eventually dominate the world.
Ta Da!!!!!
“What we have here is a failure to communicate…”
I propose we crown Ms. Karine Jean-Pierre Miss-Communication. Please note the intentional double entendre of this crowning – Miss Communication and miscommunication. (That’s called a homophone)
Today, we have access to more information than we could possibly consume in five lifetimes. Yet, we still want more, and more, and more… We believe that knowledge is power, but knowledge without comprehension is useless. We know what’s wrong but consider ourselves powerless to alter the course. We had the ability to change it, but we surrendered that right when we turned our backs on constitutional fair and impartial election processes.
We want information faster because we’re busier and believe we have less time. We think it’s important to stay informed and connected. And, because we’re so busy, we let someone else prioritize and interpret the data for us.
We get what they give us.
“Any fool can know. The point is to understand.” ~ Albert Einstein
Here’s an assignment to prove my assertion.
Go to your favorite news outlet and select any random video, something two or three minutes long.
· Mute the sound – don’t listen – just watch.
· Make notes of your impression. What did you just see?
· Now, rewatch the same video clip with the sound on.
· How different are your impressions from just watching, and now that you listened to what you’re told you just saw.
· Interesting, isn’t it…
We’re unaware that what we see is NOT what they want us to know. The images and tiles are props to establish their point. The narration guides and embellishes your impressions and understanding of the news piece.
We get what they give us and want us to know.
The phrase “A picture is worth a thousand words,” was invented by an advertising executive in 1913. He first wrote this phrase in the advertising trade journal “Printers’ Ink,” promoting the use of images in advertisements that appeared on the sides of streetcars.
So, when someone tells you what you see, you have the complete informational power shift. You may distrust or not comprehend what you see, so you rely on the commentator to explain the actual impact on you. That’s the magic. You believe what you see as interpreted by a talking-head reading a carefully prepared script written by the corporate communications department programming you to think as they think and follow their version of the event.
Since a picture is worth a thousand words, the interpretative embellishment is where the power abides. Well-written stories can convince you that your eyes deceive you and your perceptions of that image are bogus.
Yes, they have that power.
When people see an Image of President Trump, they instantly hate or pity him; few are ambivalent. He’s done nothing to any one of us, but our impressions are biased and entirely swayed by the Media Industrial Complex. They decide what and how to portray the events to support the narrative dictated by their political leanings.
We get what they give us.
How did we get here?
This power shift began in earnest with the assassination of President JF Kennedy. The CIA proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that it could murder a sitting president on TV with an astonished and bewildered world watching and successfully cover it up.
In a matter of hours, the plot was established. In a few days, they defined the dastardly deed. A few days later, the culprit was apprehended and murdered while in police custody – in the police department transfer area.
A credible story was created to support the heinous actions of the assassin. The alleged perpetrator’s movements were mapped. His sniper’s nest was discovered, and the weapon was identified. The investigating agencies uncovered damning evidence, all pointing to this solo slayer.
Every story surrounding this event was carefully crafted to direct the public to facts outlined by the exhausting media-mob coverage, speculation, and subsequent investigations and input by the CIA.
Up to this point in 1963, the CIA and FBI were unblemished and infallible. It was many years later that we began to question their integrity. No one dared to question the premiere investigative agencies in America.
A few independent investigative journalists speculated and refuted the claims of a lone gunman. Forensic and physical evidence challenged the CIA and FBI assertions. The path of the magic bullet defied physics, yet the DoJ maintained its position for over 60 years.
Exposing the weaponization of government agencies and their complicity in multiple nefarious enterprises sheds light on these previous deeds. Thankfully, some media sources report opposing views and interpretations. The truth is somewhere in the middle of this information. That’s the dodge the Media Industrial Complex intends. If you really want the truth, it’s up to you, the reader, to discriminate, differentiate, and decide.
A simple principle attributed to William of Occam (14th century) says if you have competing ideas explaining the same phenomenon or event, you should prefer the simpler one. It’s known as “Occam’s Razor.”
The probability of a single individual having the knowledge and skill to assassinate the president stretches credibility. The executioner would need detailed information not usually available to the public. Then, consider that the presidential parade route was changed at the last minute. Who had access to this, and even if it was publicized in the press, how quickly could the accused assailant adapt his plans?
Thanks to the relentless pursuit of the truth, we learn more facts 60 years later. Now, more people are discovering the truth and comprehending the depth of the corruption within the DoJ, FBI, CIA, NSA, and other alphabetically named agencies.
Toto pulled back the curtain, but we were warned to ignore the man behind it.
Kennedy’s assassination was the test of the conspiracy’s power and ability to manipulate public opinion through the Media Industrial Complex and their governmental partners in the Military Industrial Congressional Complex. This weaponization within the halls of government set the stage for the coup d’état we’re watching unfold. The demonization of the other party is only the beginning of this treacherous plot to subvert the republic.
Over 14 million illegal invaders are in our country through a secured and controlled system of borders. Now Big Brother has a phone application allowing illicit immigrants to schedule an escort through the Point of Entry (PoE) and be treated royally with transportation, lodging, money, and credentials to assume their new life in Merka at our expense.
Beginning in 1787, America became a Constitutional Republic. Our abandonment of the Constitution – makes Merka a plutocracy at the mercy of partisan politicians in the pockets of the wealthy.
Every major event in the past 60 years smacks of Media Industrial Complex complicity. It’s been carefully shepherded by the Military Industrial Congressional Complex and their plutocratic Overlords.
This alliance between our government and private enterprise is the foundation of the power shift in America. It’s apparent when you read and hear the disparities between the Media Industrial Complex and independent news sources. You feel the split in the partisan political parties and discern the mile-wide aisle between the Democrats and Republicans – their battles concern power rather than what’s best for our republic and its citizens.
As Toffler suggested, information is a club, a lever, a tool used to amass influence and sovereignty. It’s a cudgel of protection and persuasion. It’s no longer about betterment but impairment to keep people thinking along party lines no matter the cost.
Remember: The End Justifies the Means, especially when that End is Power!
November 30, 2023
~ The Author ~
Charles R. Dickens was born in 1951, is a veteran of the Vietnam war, for which he volunteered, and the great-great grandson of the noted author, whose name he shares.
He is a fiercely proud American, who still believes this is the greatest country on the planet, with which we’ve lost control and certainly our direction. He grew up in moderate financial surrounding; we’re not rich by any stretch, but didn’t go hungry – his incredibly hard working father saw to that. As most from that era, he learned about life from his father, whose story would take too long to tell, other than to say that, he is also a fiercely proud American; a WWII and Korean war, veteran Marine.
Charlie was educated in the parochial system which, demanded that you actually learn something, and have capability to retain it before you advance. He attended several universities in pursuit of a bachelor’s degree, and chased the goose further to a master’s, and has retained some very definite ideas about education in this country.
In addition, Charlie is a retired blues guitar and vocalist – a musician. This was his therapy career. Nothing brings him as much joy as playing music, and he wishes that he could make a living at it… but alas… life goes on!