America has entered some of the darkest and most dangerous times most of us have ever witnessed within our own lifetimes. Warnings are cried out from our people, those sane patriots among us, but everything seems to be broken, as we are led by monsters intent on destroying anything worth holding and guarding tightly, especially the freedoms and liberties of our people.
I am in the autumn of my life, at almost 67 years of age, and I have seen this big, wide and wonderful country of ours from one mountain range to another and sea to shining sea. From my earliest years, I have born witness to a nation whose people were so much more free than they are today, where racism was actually becoming less of “a thing” and we lived in a period where our people really wanted to help one another, to live and let live and enjoy life as it came. It was a time when our society still had a good bit of its moral backbone in place, and our people still recognized right from wrong and good from evil.
Like many young men of my time, I grew up a bit wild and untamed, driving too fast at midnight down an old country road under the moon and stars, sometimes in a raging thunderstorm that filled me with a sense of calm. And on the occasional weekend, we’d drink through the night and into the wee hours of the morning, sometimes staying up all night to see the rising sun, as we spoke of our hopes and dreams and the plans we were making for our futures, laughing at the old adage that urged us to “Live fast, die young and leave a good-looking corpse”. Yes, we all thought we were five-hundred pounds and bullet proof, but we haven’t been able to escape the ravages of time and old age, and too often our own government and its ever-quick hand to constrain and suppress our liberties, even when our actions harm nobody and even if it means they kill one of us in the process.
Some would say that I broke “the law”. Yes, I did; but I accepted the consequences and tried to do better in regards to obeying what I knew to be righteous and reasonable law. Still, I always disobeyed arbitrary victimless “crimes” like going over 55 mph on the interstate, when the limit previously was 70 mph — which the federal government did in order to hide the government’s own malfeasance and incompetence in regard to the U.S. energy policy, that led to miles long lines at gas stations and gas rationing; and what do we see today but more of the same, as the Biden regime has severely depleted the national oil reserve and put our nation’s security and military readiness in danger. I also always fought arbitrary and unconstitutional seat belt “laws” and the mandatory emissions checks that have solely been used to control people and fill local coffers with fines.
Today’s battles are so much more important, so extremely serious and nothing to be taken lightly or set aside for another day.
Just how sad is it that we live in a country where a person can work hard all their life and fully pay for their home, only to have the government step in and take it from them if they get too far behind in paying unconstitutional “property taxes”? This in a nation that was supposedly founded on property rights.
My time on the open road between the shoddy poor towns like Warren, Arkansas and extremely wealthy areas like Aspen, Colorado, from Seattle to New York and on to South Miami and back to the wilds of Springfield, Colorado and Levasy, West Virginia, fueled the fires of my youth to treasure every experience and every good and decent American I met along the way, and it instilled an obsession for freedom and liberty within me that I knew I would defend to the death, abandoning all fear along the way. This is what fueled my hopes and dreams as a young man, some which were realized and others dashed and divided like a million shooting stars on a dark summer’s night, too often due to some unfortunate series of events driven by some nonsensical or unnecessary government action or unhinged people raging against America, much like we see today, except less with less intense hatred for America as we see currently exhibited.
I’m tired of where we’ve been as a nation and a country for the past three decades — a nation that squashes the hopes and dreams of its youth by making them fearful and ever longing for a Nanny State to care for them from cradle to grave and keep them “safe” at the expense of everybody’s freedom and liberty, where everyone has been so cowed that a large majority of Americans initially saw nothing wrong with the Covid lockdowns and the destruction of our economy and the trampling of individual liberty; a nation that places all America under constant surveillance by way of the Patriot Act and the FISA Reauthorization Act, whose institutions now see conservatives, Christians and MAGA Trump supporters as “right wing extremists” and “domestic terrorists”.
I’m tired of a government that refuses to enforce long established, righteous law as it enables sanctuary cities for Illegal Aliens, legalizes drugs, bans firearms, codifies racial hiring preferences, censors free speech in collusion with Big Tech and tolerates and facilitates this current invasion of millions of Illegal Aliens at our Southern Border. I’m tired of its messed-up policies regarding our economy, energy, “democracy”, “climate change” and its propaganda push for the fundamental transformation of America.

Biden – the Artful Dodger
I’m damn, sick and tired of a government — this Biden tyranny — that operates under a Marxist-Maoist societal model of communism, as it implements mechanisms that facilitate the central control of the means of production [what production we have left], the expansion of the welfare state and equality of outcomes, that penalize hardworking Americans across the country. Tired I am, of being told what car I can drive, what stove, dishwasher or other appliance, even lightbulb, I can buy — tired of being driven, corralled and pushed to line up for the government milk, bread, bologna, cheese and peanut butter, or the World Economic Forum’s new Bug Paste and the centralized bank digital currency, as they try everything under the sun to push for more control over every single aspect of our lives. They even have the outrageous, gross and despicable hubris to suggest that or children are not our own, as they now try to turn an entire generation into one big demographic of freaks and immoral, deviant Frankenstein creations unsure of their sex or who they are as people.
And as I witness the continuing flood of millions of Illegal Aliens coming across our Southern Border, I am left wondering why this one miserable Open Border Policy of Biden’s hasn’t resulted in a mass uprising of American patriots, especially those who recognize this as treason against America. No matter that Biden now says he’ll build the wall as a matter of political expediency, because should he win re-election, he will go right back to business as usual and throw open the floodgates, continuing to inflict great harm to America. Yes, there is plenty that should disgust and anger any sane, normal American who loves his country.
Living free doesn’t mean living in a nihilistic, evil, immoral manner that in almost every instance brings harm to others around you, but rather it means doing whatever you wish so long as it harms no one. And there was once a day when our federal and every state government worked to help all Americans live the best lives possible and to achieve some great level of prosperity and happiness; but today, the only freedom the federal government and this Biden regime pursue is their own freedom to act in a nihilistic manner concerning every good and decent thing that ever helped to build America, to grow and preserve their own power, often going to incredibly evil lengths to do so.
The U.S. Government was chartered to defend and protect the American people’s freedom and liberty, but as it exists today, it is working day and night to eradicate both and make every single man, woman and child a serf subject to the whims and the beckon and call and diktats of the despots in power.
As they peer through the Red, White and Blue, most Americans would note that they’ve never really had a big bite out of the Big Apple, but in all instances it comes down to the fact that they’ve lived under a highly regulated, extremely fascistic economic system for over 100 years, and it’s only a problem if one isn’t even able to buy the necessities of life. Give people real freedom and liberty in all avenues of life and economic prosperity follows, so too the necessities of life and more.
The queers and communists of Uptown New York and San Francisco and their sister cities are drowning in one another’s piss and shit, while junkies are drifting far away in total bliss somewhere in the stratosphere, far away from here and beyond any thoughts of Trump or Biden or the dimensions of “white supremacy”. Their cries go unheard by all, except for Satan and the Grim Reaper, as those who were such advocates of atheism the AntiChrist cry out in their final moments to God. And all across the inner-cities of America the cries for help ring out from those unable to pay their electric bills, their gas and grocery bills but still finding a way to buy their weekly case of Pabst Blue Ribbon beer, rolling snake eyes and coming up empty because they abandoned God and their Inalienable God-Given Rights for the false hope and promises of the Marxist-Maoist State religion, that worships man in his most unnatural state of being and uses the power of the State to impose it upon all the people.
“Up against the wall, you MAGA Muthafukas, or I’ll blow you away”, says Joe the Unifier, as Hillary Clinton’s jackboots force the rest into “Re-Education Camps”.
Most Americans of any age have long lost their innocence and any illusions about the U.S. government, as it now stands an organization that threatens its own people and our existence on the whole. These Democratic Party Communists and RINOs are creating an increasingly dangerous and deadly future for us all, and only the most ignorant or anesthetized Americans refuse to see or acknowledge. Any intelligent person can only conclude that the Biden regime is hell-bent on destroying America.
America Herself is still worth revering and defending. It is Her government and a massive segment of Her people which are worth our disgust, worth castigating and reviling, even fighting to the point of destroying both. And as more patriotic Americans arrive at this same conclusion, they are concerned as never before and anxious for the future of freedom in this country we love so well.
From my earliest childhood years I made an experiment of my life to be free in spirit, as I read and grew in my knowledge and awareness of my world around me. And even then, I could sense the nuances and the shades of the government’s prison house closing around me, as if to monitor my every movement, my every breath, until today when I have come to hate what America has become — a place that breaks and destroys Her people on the rocks along the shores of the tumultuous sea of politics in the name of power and for the sake of the monstrous soul-searing, soul-sucking Leviathan.
I hear the birds on the autumn breeze, flying south for the winter. And now I have war on my mind. Not the war in Ukraine or the war in Israel, but the one that must be fought against any regime resembling the Biden regime in the slightest, a war against the Leviathan, this freedom-killing beast that brings death to all it touches. This Beast must die so that the country America used to be might live again, so Americans can live in freedom and liberty once more, no matter how far we must go in this effort and no matter what it takes.
I am alone and it’s a quarter to midnight. I’ve spent my life trying hard to avoid trouble, but the troubles just keep coming my way through no fault of my own. And now, I’ve got war on my mind and I feel the need to ride under a moonlit night.
Wake up, Americans, or you’re all through, as you simply continue to sit in the corner with your minds tied to your asses. Those who continue to allow the status quo and do nothing are nothing less than the bonafide members of the apathetic, lazy and ignorant segment of American society and Cowards Anonymous.
My eyes already touch the sunny hill, going far ahead of the road I have begun. I hear the cries of “Freedom” from my countrymen. I am grasped by the soft constant urging of Liberty and its light shining off in the distance and something inside me changes and hardens my resolve to ensure that my children and grandchildren will live free or I will die in the trying with the wind in my face.
October 9, 2023

Justin O. Smith ~ Author
~ The Author ~
Justin O. Smith has lived in Tennessee off and on most of his adult life, and graduated from Middle Tennessee State University in 1980, with a B.S. and a double major in International Relations and Cultural Geography – minors in Military Science and English, for what its worth. His real education started from that point on. Smith is a frequent contributor to the family of Kettle Moraine Publications.
We should have been concentrating on our own country and not all the Ds/cabal programs to further their existence in Ukraine, Israel etc… all along.