Mourning for America… continued
Americans currently are in bad humor over the current state of our economy, driven by the fiction of “Bidenomics”, despite being constantly told how rosy and wonderful their finances surely must be now by the Biden regime communists seeking the perpetuation of their power and self-serving agenda. Our distemper arises from an intuition of being herded towards a sort of “happiness” that isn’t really happiness at all, as the Marxist-Maoists run a perpetually confidence game on all America, 24 hours a day and seven days a week at every level and in every nook and cranny of the economy and society, in a manner that may soon have us all mourning for America.
For starters, our capitalist system hasn’t been a true capitalist system since the early 1900s, when President Wilson set it on a path towards socialism and FDR followed in the 1930s by driving us into full blown socialism, further facilitated in the Johnson era. And now, the Traitor-in-Chief Joe Biden is a worse reenactment focused of accelerating and finishing the process by driving us from socialism into full blown Marxist-Maoist communism.
Our current reality is an America that has been hurtling towards a stagflationary catastrophe, since the massive 2008 economic crash, when Barack Obama and Joe Biden and the Federal Reserve provided a seriously flawed oversight that witnessed our national debt nearly double from ten trillion dollars to almost twenty trillion dollars. This was the most egregious abuse of America’s monetary policy ever witnessed by our people, until Joe Biden took the Oval Office.
It’s worth noting, a limited audit of the Fed in 2011 revealed that $16 trillion was created from nothing by the Federal Reserve Bank to prop up the failing crony-capitalist/ fascist economic system. This game has been played time and again, even under Trump, but it continues today virtually uncontrolled and at an egregious rate.
It’s difficult to completely quantify a situation in economics, because there is always the “official government data” and then the REAL data, often placed deep within some government report in extremely small print. But suffice it to say, the U.S. money supply jumped by 40% between 2020 and 2022, largely due to Biden’s stimulus spending and placing the Fed’s printing presses on full-steam-ahead. In this light, it isn’t any wonder that our necessities of living, in nearly every instance, has increased in price by twenty-five percent or more.
Insurance rates for everything one can insure have skyrocketed. Homeowners insurance has increased by 55% since the Biden regime has taken power, while car insurance is up 35% to 45% depending on location. Although many pertinent reasons are given, such as an increase in crime, inflation and a few natural disasters, the overarching reason is that these insurance companies’ debt to assets ratio in their portfolios are imbalanced and have taken a hard hit over the past few years, due to our economic crisis.
Since the three and a quarter years from the March 2020 economic collapse to the present, the national debt leaped exponentially by $8.26 trillion, with the Fed adding nearly $4.5 trillion to its own balance sheets, which essentially monetizes that debt and places it on the backs of the taxpayers.
The real policy error has been the continuation of the stimulus packages and the massive, unconscionable bailouts handed to irresponsible corporations deemed too big to fail. Even worse, this policy is now being utilized to save irresponsible individuals from paying back education loans and save or enrich “green industries” in America, and abroad. Last month, Osted, the Danish wind turbine manufacturer received a billion dollars in tax credits from New Jersey through the state legislature, along with a $200 million federal pass back of taxpayer dollars paid from the Biden “infrastructure bill”; it also deceptively represents itself as a U.S. company, because it has created a subsidiary called “Osted North America”.
Osted is Biden’s Solyndra, which proved to be a boondoggle under Obama.
Typically, it used to be that the wealthy owned debt and the working middle class and poor owed debt. Whenever debt was defaulted on, the creditors were left to either absorb the losses or receive a negotiated settlement from debtors through bankruptcy proceedings. If debt is written off, the wealthy are the losers. But of late, more and more often, we see the well-heeled, politically connected and wealthy business owners, corporations, refusing to absorb such losses, as they seek relief from the U.S. taxpayers by way of their corrupt Congressmen.
If the dead wood of bad debt is just passed back and forth, rather than being allowed to burn, the economy cannot foster new growth, not easily anyway. And nations that refuse to accept the wealth destruction from the bursting credit bubbles in various industries, hiding bad debt behind the artifices of new loans, usually find themselves in even more precarious and dangerous economic situations on down the road, as they Quantitatively ease on down the road to ruin, economic collapse, hyper-inflation or stagflation and a society descending into poverty.
Today, the long-term trend for the earned income of everybody – wages, salaries, profits, interest and bonuses – has definitely been dropping despite pay-raises that are offset by inflation and higher taxes and other factors, as our growth rate for real personal income has slowed from its pre-lockdown peak in February of 2020 to just seventeen percent of its pre-2000 average.
Still, we have Joe Biden and his cronies trying to take credit for their “amazing economic rebound” by way of Bidenomics, as they blow smoke up our ass and take credit for things they did not do and had no part in implementing, unless you want to count the Biden regime’s market manipulation. Biden has zero real control over the Consumer Price Index, which is actually controlled by the Fed and the interest rates placed on the cost of borrowing money, but he has managed to influence it by dumping the U.S. oil reserves on the market in order to keep oil and gas prices lower, thus keeping the CPI lower than it normally would be. This is economic fraud, and it weakens America’s strategic military preparedness, too.
And let’s not forget that millions of existing jobs and job proposals and projects were destroyed by the Covid lockdowns, that were perpetuated in every single Democratic Party stronghold long after President Trump stated they could be lifted, long after the covid pandemic had passed. After Joe took the Oval Office, he continued to attempt to extend the lockdowns and make them a permanent tool of his regime, along with mask and vaccine mandates. Now that all this madness has subsided, for the most part and for now, many of the jobs lost during the covid lockdowns [over 70%] have rebounded and reappeared, no thanks to Joe – those same jobs destroyed by Democrats – and Job-Killer Joe is attempting to take credit for creating jobs that he and his ilk are responsible for destroying.
Manufacturing and production in America are still way down, despite Biden’s recent false assurances they are on the rise. His brag is based on Bidenomics command market and billions of taxpayer dollars pumped into questionable and unstable green technologies, in order to artificially create a “manufacturing boom” through government subsidies to produce products very few Americans want. And when combined with persistent supply chain problems, many items that were once readily available are currently disappearing from the shelves of grocery stores and wholesale and retail outlets for many commodities.
Regardless of his politically motivated dumping of our reserve oil into the markets, Biden has done so much more to ensure that ultimately those prices can only rise, by halting the Keystone Pipeline and other pipelines too, as the Biden regime rigs demand for energy through climate laws which make oil, coal and natural gas much more expensive than wind turbines and solar panels by comparison. His regime has increased the cost of exploring for oil and gas on federal land, while subsidizing and lowering the cost of green energy projects on federal land, basically using taxpayer dollars to expand green technology through edicts and illegitimate and unconstitutional diktats that attempt force us to use green technology, such as Biden’s Executive Order that bans all gasoline-powered vehicles by 2035 – an order that has already somehow moved several auto-manufacturers to move in that direction and compliance.
The Marxist-Maoist True Believers in everything “Green” are at the forefront of this movement centered on a mass redistribution of American wealth, along with the wealth of other major Western nations, and the notion of “make the rich pay their fair share”, even as the likes of Joe’s “climate czar”, John Kerry, jets around the globe as the front man for this vile, disgusting criminal scheme, spewing Marxist propaganda with each breath. They are sociopaths driven by their human lusts and desires more than ideology, but the use the True Believers to enrich Party members and the few “elites” at the expense of the many. And on they march, like religious zealots in search of new converts.
In the meantime, the much-touted success of Bidenomics comes at a great cost to us all, paid for by our tax dollars. It comes at the cost of America’s oil, coal and gas industries and the suspension of energy freedom for all Americans, as it tramples on actual freedoms and liberties too, in the process, just a few steps shy of entering the realm of full blown communism. Joe wouldn’t have the slightest twinge of conscience if he thought he could actually fully seize the means of production and enter America into a total command economy directed by the Democratic Party Communists.
Whatever “recovery” Americans are witnessing in the economy, it’s largely the result of more smoke and mirrors and manipulations, which is why we see the Biden regime and the Democratic Party Communists consistently attempting to inject more massive stimulus spending into the economy by way of infrastructure bills. They use debt spending to mitigate the signs of a larger economic catastrophe just over America’s horizon, but without any stimulus from the Fed, it’s their only option, ultimately a costly option for America.
The new market bubbles are blowing up to enormous proportions in the U.S. student debt and mortgage industries, preparing to be burst, which will send the American economy cascading once more into a catastrophic economic collapse, from which there may be no coming back from in any immediate manner, as our national debt now surpasses $32 trillion and is projected to add nearly $15 trillion more under Biden’s remaining years. Just as the overvaluation of stocks and assets set up the Great Depression of 1929, while they thought the expansion of credit and consumption could go on forever, Americans are once again being positioned to be wiped out in another crash of a credit bubble.
Entering the Tunnel…
Those responsible for America’s current sorry state – the lovers of Marx and Keynesian economics, the grifters, takers and looters, and millions of Millennials and Generation Z who view communism as a viable alternative to capitalism — have much to unlearn, and it seems the only road to a new and better understanding is for them to experience their own Great Depression, one where bailouts won’t appear, simply because the resources won’t be available or affordable.
Enter the real communists of America – the elitist pretenders to the throne and the tyrant wannabes – as they move to take advantage of the situation they long desired to recreate. Just as FDR gave himself extraordinary emergency government powers in the 1930s, Joe Biden and his handlers, or a subsequent Democrat communist dictator wannabe, will give themselves powers that entrench them in the power seat permanently, when the time comes. This is what they dream of seeing – an America in collapse with Her people crying out for more Big Government intervention and willing to accept communism as its savior for some soup and bread and a pittance of the true cost to their freedom and liberty.
Sometimes, the American people get fooled and continue to believe that everything is just fine, despite witnessing the financial framework burning down all around them, simply because the so-called “experts” continue to convince them that an economic recovery is right around the corner.
Hope, pray and work for the best, but be prepared for the worst.
August 1, 2023
Justin O. Smith ~ Author
~ The Author ~
Justin O. Smith has lived in Tennessee off and on most of his adult life, and graduated from Middle Tennessee State University in 1980, with a B.S. and a double major in International Relations and Cultural Geography – minors in Military Science and English, for what its worth. His real education started from that point on. Smith is a frequent contributor to the family of Kettle Moraine Publications.