I would never have been as conscious of racial differences growing up if so much hadn’t always been made of it all. I was taught at home to worry not about the color of anyone’s skin and simply take them according to how they treated me and whether or not they were trustworthy, honorable persons of integrity, in essence, judge them “by the content of their character”.
But it’s a whole new world out there today, with blacks and hispanics and every other race that might have a grudge against White America recently empowered and emboldened by the Biden regime’s own race-baiting stance and it’s own self-loathing and expressed hatred for White People, especially White Christians in America.
I could give two hoots in hell about a man’s color, and I sure as hell can’t help that I was born white as Casper the Ghost, but I’ll be damned and go down taking a body count, before I let myself or any of my white family members be murdered simply for the “crime” of being white.
It’s worth noting, as You know, that my son-in-law is half-white and my youngest granddaughter is a quarter-black, something that shouldn’t be an issue in these modern and enlightened days when we had all stepped so far away from the racial angst and hatred of yesteryear. And yet, Obama and Biden haven’t been able to resist using race as a political tool to grow the power base of the Democratic Party Communists, a play straight out of Marx and Engles handbook, Das Kapital, handing us 15 solid years of more divisive race-based propaganda that have led to the most civil strife we’ve seen in the country since the 1960s.
Most White Americans could care less about the race of a person, but they better open their eyes and be prepared to defend themselves specifically due to the fact that they are White. White folks of modern day America may not be racist anymore, but America has grown a new crop of full blown, violent anti-American racists, men and women of color, who aren’t making any bones about wanting to see all White people murdered and wiped from the face of the earth.
You might not be a racist, but if You’re White these days, the black and brown racists have You in their gun sights. This is part and parcel with the Democratic Party Communists’ agenda to use these racists as the useful idiots of their street army, as we have seen time and again through Black Lives Matter, and it’s nothing more than a ruse with real and deadly consequences to add to the nation’s chaos and ultimately drive all America into the ground and the arms of a waiting socialist dictator. ~ J.O.S.
Anti-White Propaganda ~ Shrewd, Subversive and Strategic
“Make no mistake about it: we intend to keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females too, until the social construct known as ‘the white race’ is destroyed—not ‘deconstructed’ but destroyed.” ~ Excerpt from ‘Abolish the White Race‘ by Noel Ignatiev
There’s a deeply strange, insidious, enthusiastic push as of late, led by those monied forces that have so wrested control of entertainment and popular culture to deeply instill a paralyzing guilt and shame and loathing in those of European background. We’re now told we’re virtually responsible for all of the world’s ills, the lion’s share of historical transgressions and instances of injustice and oppression and abuse. That the best summary of our ancestors is they were slavers and abusers and men that supposedly gloried in genocidal fantasies.
Young white children especially now have such sentiments drilled into their head on a daily basis, in public schools and universities by individuals they’ve been taught to trust as they watch T.V. or movies, even now in many cases at home by their own parents who have been similarly conditioned for many years now to the extent that many of these are incapable of even conceiving of their ethnic background or heritage without feeling anger, disgust, disdain or revulsion. All of this, broadly speaking, is a lie, an immensely draining lie.
Afterall, our understanding of who we are as human beings is, in large part, justly determined by where we’ve come from, our parents, grandparents, great-grandparents and ancestors stretching back centuries and millennia – their culture, their words and beliefs, their actions – and to misunderstand them is to misunderstand yourself; and, to misunderstand yourself is to misunderstand reality and your very existence, to have a faulty map as you navigate through life.
Telling a young child that he springs from an evil root might justly be viewed as a powerful form of child abuse, but this isn’t the only reason it is so sick, wrong and unhealthy. It is all of the aforementioned because it is a Lie.
To give credit where credit is due to the opposing argument, it is true historically that we’ve enjoyed massively inordinate amounts of power, as a group that amounts to approximately ten percent of the world’s population. Up until very recently, we were masters, in one way or another, of a majority of “the civilized world”, and, in fact, one small subset alone, the ancient Germanic family of Celts, Goths, Franks, Frisians, Lombards, the Norse, Anglo-Saxons – largely a singular people in a genetic sense — held immense sway over Italy, Spain, France, Germany, Ireland, Scotland, Britain and the Netherlands, stretching all the way into Russia, which itself is named after the Norse “Rus”, and virtually everywhere in between.
And with this great power, fairly enough, comes great responsibility and tremendously historical power opens the door to tremendous retrospective scrutiny.
Were mistakes made? Absolutely.
Human beings make mistakes. This unavoidable, but I think the operative question should rather be this:
If the places had been switched and it had been another people wielding this immense power, perhaps one of the non-white groups currently being taught to be so angry and resentful in this age, would they have done better in these regards? Would they have been more just, magnanimous, noble or even-handed?
Using both past and present as our guide, I hope you’ll give some sincere, objective, dispassionate thought to these questions.
It’s fair to say that no people has devoted so much of its time, energy and wealth to the attempted betterment of other peoples and nations. It’s all but impossible to imagine another people so relinquishing their own power, fighting entire wars that tore their nations to pieces over issues like slavery – instituting policy after policy that makes life measurably worse and more difficult for their own sons and daughters – to hopefully make things slightly better for the children of other peoples.
For example, despite White Americans comprising 60% of America’s national population and Jewish Americans comprising just 2% of the population, the number of Jewish individuals being accepted into Ivy League universities is roughly the same as non-Jewish Whites.
Much of this shouldn’t be cheered, as it’s a result of shrewd, subversive, strategic indoctrination and brazen dishonesty, and the aggressive and unfair dishonoring of one’s ancestors should always be viewed as both disgusting and unfortunate. But, if nothing else, much of it also arises from a good place and a unique desire to be or do good according to our prevailing definition of that term.
To those of a European background reading these words, especially young folks, let me tell you a little something about who you are and who your ancestors are, because if I don’t, at this point in time it’s all but certain nobody else will.
You come from the Indo-European Language Family, a language spread by those who came before you to everywhere from India and ancient Persia and Greece to Italy and North Africa to Rome and Britain and Scandanavia and virtually everywhere in between.
You almost certainly spring from one of three Haplogroup lineages: one of which covered vast distances to the east; one of which created a vast seagoing empire and settled along coastal territory to the West; and the other largely hailing from the North, creating three offshoots of a group that would proceed to spread its branches across the entirety of the world.
You come from a lineage of pioneering, adventurous, masterfully creative and incredibly capable peoples, always striving and seeking new horizons, from the great sailors who first circumnavigated the globe and painstakingly charted the land to Lewis and Clark and the great and hardy men who led the first expeditions to the poles – a people willing to take that greatest of all leaps to pick up everything and move across vast oceans, to settle in areas where survival was absolutely not certain in attempts to make the land flourish and create something great and new.
The same strength of those early sailors and pioneers would later be found in the men who took the idea of sailing on top of the oceans and create vessels that would travel into the depths of their waters. Their imagination knew no bounds and gave fruit to flying machines and massive military naval carriers, a technology that would have been viewed as magic just a few generations prior to their arrival, which is now ubiquitous and allows any man, woman or child to go virtually anywhere on earth in a handful of hours.
You come from a lineage of those willing to endure immense hardship, who generation after generation did all they could to ensure this burden would be lesser and lesser for those that might come after they passed from this world, a lineage of great, seemingly unstoppable warriors: from the Spartans last stand at Thermopylae to the Goths and Romans joining forces to beat back the Huns in the massive battle of the Catalaunian Plains, in which one of the greatest leaders in history very willingly paid the ultimate price for his brave leadership on the field in the front-lines, felled by a hunting javelin; to Charles Martel, The Hammer, in the Battle of Tours, and, approximately 700 years later, the Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa in which a small force of European knights took on an Islamic force far larger than their own in brutal, bloody hand-to-hand fighting, in each of these two battles somehow managing to kill tenfold the number they lost, ultimately and permanently wresting back control of Spain and the Iberian Peninsula from Islamic incursion.
You hail from an ancestral line that would proceed to create what was arguably the highest standard of living and the most highly cultured, educated and intelligent and truly civil civilization in human history, who after creating this solid foundation proceeded to then cultivate some of the greatest works of art and artists this world has ever known. Some of these people were composers with talent that seemed absolutely divinely inspired, architects and builders capable of building amazing structures that are still without equal to this day, philosophers who made the greatest strides in making sense of this mad world that surrounds us, and great writers who did so much to add beauty and potency to the lives we lead within it.
The automobile, the train, the plane, the television, computer and internet, our modern roads and highway systems – we rarely stop to recognize the extent of this small people group, the White Folks of the world, because we’re all so naturally and completely immersed in it, holistically speaking, we take it all for granted, but it was an incredible and extraordinary genius that accomplished these things. We do it all a tremendous disservice by so taking it for granted.
It’s the highest honor and testament to our ancestry that it would take hundreds of hours or many full length volumes of fact, many novels, to outline their profound and impactful achievements. The best of these were truly gifted men, and through our veins flow these same gifts, this same powerful potential not just to achieve great things but to be a force for genuine justice for all people rather than a select few, with civility and common decency along the way in the spirit of the Golden Rule.
Those folks doing everything within their power to convince you otherwise, doing their damnedest to convince you of your evil heritage, such as we find in the Biden regime and its agencies, Black Lives Matter, LaRaza, the Democratic Party Communists and many of America’s enemies in the UN and the World Economic Forum and the Middle East and Far East too, want you to believe that the outstanding, exceptional success of your forebearers was just a stroke of luck. They want us to believe than injustice and brutality or oppression were the foremost tools and characteristics of our forefathers.
These are deeply troubled, sick and delusional people, and it’s important to understand the extent to which you listen to them, the extent to which you flippantly toss aside your unique heritage and join them in their hateful crusade – which increasingly seems aimed not just at the total destruction not just of the spiritual and cultural foundations but of White People themselves – represents the extent to which doors will open to you, or shut, in many spheres of the new racialized system, the New World Order, that the Marxist-Maoist globalists of the world demand today. You will be presented with every incentive imaginable to turn your back on your people and the basic, righteous principles of both Christianity and Western civilization, to become a quisling and traitor to the best that humanity has to offer on the false promise that you will be richly rewarded for doing so with career advancement, riches, power and influence. And they will do this because the world of money, the fascist corporations, which in so many ways directly and indirectly controls and orients society’s and government officials’ way of thinking at the moment, is dominated by some of the worst and most ignoble and dishonorable sorts of men and women.
I hope you will all pause and come to the sound and righteous judgement that these evil race-baiters within America and across the globe must be defied and rejected outright, after you have reflected on all those who came before you and their incredible sacrifices and all they endured to accomplish all they did and leave you and billions around the world with so much to be thankful to have. Take a few moments to consider their incredible sacrifices and all they endured and pushed through, the seemingly insurmountable obstacles they defeated and left conquered in their wake, in very large part to ensure that they improved things and their people’s lot in life, that their descendants’ lives would be better than the one they were able to enjoy; that while they were leading the world, they managed to move forward, despite everything, and created something beautiful and worthwhile for their posterity.
All of this is now under threat of being lost forever.
It’s so important to understand that those within the ranks of the white population advocating this asinine, suicidal self-hatred very often don’t share your background, even if they may appear to at a glance, but come from a very different background with a completely different worldview, completely antithetical to yours, much in the same manner that many of the early Bolsheviks who helped overthrow the Czar weren’t even Russian. In a sense, they aren’t so much preaching self-hatred as they are teaching hatred of the other. And, as they preach suicide to you and yours, often with a barely restrained enthusiasm and excitement, they are greatly empowered as a result.
It’s sick, insidious, disgusting and revolting, and yet, at present, it’s winning the day.
You represent the hope of turning this tide. Understand who you are. Understand where you come from and who your ancestors are, and be courageous, refuse to be dishonest or mindlessly mouth the words – the anti-White propaganda – you are being so pressured to accept and regurgitate back in order to stay in the good graces and favor of the petty tyrants among us. If you care in the least to prevent all of this from disappearing forever, strive at the very least to be equal to those who came before you.
If the false narrative of these preachers of hate should emerge victorious, it’s not just Western civilization and culture that will be destroyed and disappear forever, it will be an extremely dystopian future for all.

Black Lives Matter stirring unrest in Oakland, California
Those leading America and other nations down this path of race-based destruction, as they shout about oppression, injustice and brutality, they are representative themselves of the very same evils they claim to hate, descending from a lineage that puts ours to shame in this respect. They are from a lineage that seemed to pioneer and master the slave trade, the drug trade, nation and culture destroying usury as banking and human trafficking, while they even relishing in these things with political and religious doctrines that encourage such things, i.e. Das Kapital [The Communist Manifesto], the Koran, Hadith, Kabbalist Torah. Should they someday inherit the earth, all of that grace, magnanimity and nobility of prior ages will inevitably evaporate, and what we will be left with will be truly a hell on earth. It will become ever more so at a pace most of us can’t imagine.
You are not evil, nor were the men and women who came before you, but you are locked in a battle against evil. Whether we like it or not, this is the hand we’ve been dealt, and we must all recognize it for what it is. take up the fight in whatever form or fashion you are able. It’s no exaggeration to state that our future entirely depends on it, depends on the good people of America and the world defeating those who are striking new chains for us all, those purveyors of death.
July 7, 2023

Justin O. Smith ~ Author
~ The Author ~
Justin O. Smith has lived in Tennessee off and on most of his adult life, and graduated from Middle Tennessee State University in 1980, with a B.S. and a double major in International Relations and Cultural Geography – minors in Military Science and English, for what its worth. His real education started from that point on. Smith is a frequent contributor to the family of Kettle Moraine Publications.