Les and Bea – where is Anne?
I hope this really sticks in the LGBTQ Movement’s ass – Good and Hard – and makes them spew their Fruit Loops or Chai Tea when they read it. I’m an eternity past givin’ a good damned about these godless creeps.
Isn’t the Queer phenomena of our country some kind of vile spectacle that makes a normal man want to puke. There’s something to be said for the days when these freaks were forced to stay in the closet, but now the sick, rotten bastards are right out here in broad daylight, prancing about and shoving their perversion in the face of every good and decent American, making the Christians of the nation rail to God to come soon or take these godless Satan worshippers on to Hell … Oh … all Christians except for the new improved Queer friendly churches like the Southern Baptist Convention that now delivers heretical sermons soothing to queer ears, even allowing drag queens to desecrate the church by performing from behind the altar.
Yes. God accepts all sinners for redemption, who come before Him in honest and sincere contrition and asking for forgiveness of their sins. But if one simply mouths the words and then returns to one’s same sinful ways, God doesn’t accept such false pleas. That’s Biblical and not just my opinion.
But whether one is a Christian or not, if one looks at the LGBTQ Movement, specifically the Trans Movement, holistically, no one in their right mind can truthfully deny the very real harm and damage these deviants and perverts are doing to an untold number of America’s youth and America’s society at large. For my money, they can’t be sent on their way to Hell soon enough … just sayin’. ~ J.O.S.
~ America’s Reality Eclipsed by a Storm of Subjective Make Believe ~
June is upon us, and with it, once again we see a disturbed, sick mass of people in America engaged in celebrating the immoral, delusional, unhinged, sick, deviant and perverted queers of America, crying out “Gay Pride” and “Transwomen are real women”, as if anyone really can find anything that gives one a true sense of pride within their lifestyle, the Alphabet soup of gender dysphoria, that any normal person sees as disgusting, reprehensible and shameful. Their diseased minds mistake their comfort, glee and whatever endorphin or adrenaline high they achieve, by promulgating evil and malicious acts against the traditional mores of society as pride. It’s a false pride that rejects the truth of God and attacks the intact, nuclear traditional family, and the notion, as described in Genesis that we’ve been empowered as male and female to bring forth new images of God and of ourselves.
Pride? Just how does one take pride in screaming to the world that every single one of their body’s orifices are nothing more than a receptacle for anything they can dream up to stick in them? Men sticking penises in other men, so afraid of the womanly form and natural differences they choose to be an abomination to God and all mankind, and women laying with other women poking their vaginas with electronic devices and any other unnatural thing that they can make fit, as they reject the natural order of things, biology and God’s plan for us all and any normal sense of love, conflating lust with love.
We were created to procreate and love one another and our children, a fact accepted by Christians for over two millennia and by all the other major religions too, something necessary to the survival of the human race.
And as one ponders this, one surely must wonder how much longer will America’s society survive with the radical, often violent Alphabet deviants holding a heavy-handed influence in the federal government’s institutions making a hard push for “Transgender rights”, transhumanism, eugenics, abortion and depopulating the world. It brings to mind the 1969 hit, In the Year 2525, that was prescient and far ahead of its time.
Three verses in particular stand out in the aforementioned song:
“In the year 6565
You won’t need no husband, won’t need no wife
You’ll pick your son, pick your daughter too
From the bottom of a long glass tube
In the year 7510
If God’s a coming, He oughta make it by then
Maybe He’ll look around Himself and say
Guess it’s time for the judgement day
In the year 8510
God is gonna shake His mighty head
He’ll either say I’m pleased where man has been
Or tear it down, and start again”
It’s kind of ironic. Here we are centuries after God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, and mankind has learned nothing, which is made obvious by the gross, profane, and sacrilegious manner in which advocates for the Transgender Movement have mocked Christianity by dressing as nuns as they spew their LGBTQ propaganda, calling themselves The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence.
I didn’t intend to turn this into some long religious treatise on why the LGBTQ Movement is terrible for America and any other nation it has infiltrated. Whether one is a Christian or not, there are many excellent reasons to oppose letting this minority gain any more support, and we certainly must break its current iron-clad grasp over the reins of our government institutions.
Just how angry many of my fellow countrymen must be, I know, especially if they served or had family members who served in any of the U.S. Armed Services. We give a mere single day to remember and honor those who served and gave their lives in service to America, and today, an all too significant portion of America’s population has set aside an entire month to celebrate some of our country’s worse people, worth less than spit if anyone should ask me.
In my earliest years of opposition to the LBGTQ Movement, I stood alongside many Christians, their churches and groups, as we counter-protested, petitioned local school boards, local governments and various state assemblies to stop encouraging and facilitating these unwell people by way of official decrees and/ or “laws”, such as we were witnessing in the run up to Obergefell vs Hodges and the “legalization” of homosexual marriage” on June 26th 2015. We were called everything from bigots and alarmists to Christian fascists. Afterall, to hear their supporters and the mainsteam media tell it, the homosexual and transgender contagion wasn’t spreading, drag was just an artform and school employees were not facilitating children’s social gender transitions and hiding it from their parents, who are still being kept in the dark in many school districts.
None of what the American people have been told by the Transgender Movement is true, and the media and the Democratic Party Communists, who are advancing transgenderism purposefully with the intent of destroying the traditional intact nuclear family and Christianity, have advanced their lies and used their movement to advance a Marxist-Maoist agenda in the process, too. Turns out, the Queer Movement, Trans Movement, LGBTQ Movement – whatever in the hell name one assigns to it – wasn’t pushing America down a slippery slope but straight off the edge of the cliff to whatever fate awaits us.
Channeling Rod Serling, imagine, if you can, literally being upset about any state law that prevents anyone from physically removing the genitals from any minor child. It’s near impossible for normal, sane people to consider, since the notion of butchering the body of a child not yet old enough to make any adult decision is foreign and repugnant to them. Even Caitlyn Jenner aka Bruce Jenner, a man who transgendered to a woman, has publicly stated HIS opposition to such “surgeries” for minor children, and yet, there remain many within these Queer Movements who are wildly upset over bills passed in several states that stop the mutilation of children in this fashion.
Incredulously, some of the same activists who were adamantly protesting the Islamic practice of Female Genital Mutilation – a practice and tactic that Muslim men use to force their wives into a subordinate and submissive position – are now some of the most vocal and violent who are demanding that all children must be allowed to choose their gender without any “interference” or guidance from their parents.
There isn’t anything “progressive” about promoting a social disease and mental illness, but under the name of progressivism transgenderism is becoming a growing problem. It’s move into mainstream society and basically being tolerated if not accepted, has now moved the needle on the notion of sex with minors, as we are regularly inundated with Drag Queen video exhibitions of grown-ass men pretending to be women gyrating and hovering over elementary school children, or some teenage boy barely into puberty performing a “Drag Show” in a bar full of homosexual men. And worse yet, the queers of the nation have managed to infect our public school libraries with books like Gender Queer, often with the help of teachers’ associations and unions, with its full-color illustrations of minors engaging in fellatio, which has made many parents across the country explode in a fit of rage, rightly so.
So now we see the connection between medical interventions and pedophilia advocacy become stronger and more greatly intertwined, but most have us knew many years ago of this nexus between the queers and pedophiles, after they created their North American Man/Boy Love Association forty-four years ago. Those interested proponents of the Transgender Movement, medical professionals too, currently flat out lie to people as they continue their relentless push for gender-affirming “healthcare” for minors, as they assert the “settled science” surrounding castrating healthy boys or performing double masectomies on healthy girls, when what they call “science” is more like voodoo nonsense and far from settled. Much of this takes on a more sinister light when we see medical professionals, who know it’s wrong, performing such surgeries under the guise of “life-saving care”, simply because these procedures are such a lucrative endeavor for them. But even worse, the continued insistence that minors possess the maturity to consent to irreversible medical procedures supports an argument that they likewise possess the capacity to consent to other life-altering decisions, like having sex with adults.
In February of this year, Leigh Finke, a transgendered legislator (biological male) in Minnesota, introduced a bill declaring Minnesota a “refuge state” for the medical transitioning of minors, and he went further by proposing an amendment that would classify “sexual attachment to children” as a protected sexual orientation.
And in April of 2023, the Democratic Party Communists in the majority passed a bill in Washington state, that allows state officials and any “concerned citizen” to legally hide runaway children from their parents if parents don’t consent to their child’s “gender transition” or abortion.
Last year, a teacher in Texas was fired after someone caught her in a video where she seemed to advocate for pedophiles before a classroom of minor children, saying:
“We’re gonna call them MAPs, minor-attracted persons. So don’t judge people just because they wanna have sex with a five-year-old.”
Where’s my damned .12 gauge shotgun. By damn! These people have lost their rabid-ass minds!
No longer are the normal Americans supposed to refer to someone as a transvestite, or a crossdresser, although the term “drag queen” is even more fashionable than ever in the circles of the liberal elites and the Marxist-Maoist Komintern of America, somewhere in Homo-loving Joe’s garage or basement. Anything with the most remote semblance of negative connotation used in describing the Transgender Movement has virtually been cast aside in favor of “trans man” and “trans woman”, which sound like some Frankenstein construct in some dystopian future, in which I want no part. The advocates for the movement have essentially eliminated the notion that these are grown men pretending to be women and vice versa, and it’s all been by design, associated with the Democratic Party Communists’ power grab, and far removed from the limits of reality.
Never before in the history of all America has any movement, civil rights or otherwise, been predicated on the idea that some other group had to be subsumed or cancelled for success to be achieved, whether it concerned blacks, women or the queers and lesbians of yesteryear, but that’s exactly just exactly what the Transgender Movement is doing – cancelling real women in all the sports arenas, with the blessing of big corporations [see Adidas, Bud Lite, Target and many more], many courts and Joe Biden [can we start calling him “Homo Joe” now?]. And this demeans and harms all real women, who are women precisely because of the fact of their birth as such and the life experiences that can only be shared from childhood into actual womanhood. Real women aren’t manufactured on the cutting table of some unscrupulous, immoral surgeon.
Referencing Target’s “tuck-friendly” swimsuit for transgendered men, Riley Gaines, former NCAA swim star and women’s rights activist, wrote:
“I don’t understand why companies are voluntarily doing this to themselves. They could have at least said the suit is ‘unisex’, but they didn’t because it’s about erasing women. Ever wonder why we hardly see this go the other way?“
Erasing women indeed. Case in point, a seemingly bright, inquisitive student recently received a failing grade, not due to any factual errors or academic shortcomings, but because she dared to mention the term “biological women” in a proposal about “transgender women” in sports. An issue that deserves rational discourse, grounded in objective scientific truth and guided by moral clarity, has instead become a breeding ground for intellectual intimidation and harassment.
No one should ever forget the case of a fifteen year old boy from Virginia wearing a skirt who was described as “gender fluid”. In 2022 he was found guilty in juvenile court of sexually assaulting a girl in the girl’s restroom – where he was allowed because he supposedly identified as “female” – at a school in Loudon County, Virginia. The boy was initially transferred to another school after the assault, where he was later found guilty of inappropriately touching another girl. I guess he was a lesbian.
And don’t give a pass to the 6′ 2″ two-hundred and sixty pound freak posing as a woman who was allowed to join Kappa Kappa Gamma Sorority at the University of Wyoming, where he sat in the house staring at them and getting sexually aroused in front of them, according to several sorority sisters who filed a lawsuit against the University of Wyoming this past March. Yep, another lesbian.
No one can deny the speed with which the Transgender Movement climbed to such heights and into ascendance in the eyes of the tools and fools of our country, and no one truly thinks that this is really what the majority of Americans have been demanding from their elected officials. Those in the know understand this has been one of the most intense, well-coordinated, coercive indoctrination projects ever, driven by our country’s deviants and perverts determined to radically alter our society, largely out of pure spite for everything the good and decent people of America represent and hold most dear. The goal is to punish traditional conservative and independent Americans and make us feel the same misery they feel, trapped inside their own feverish, dysphoric hallucinations, while we refuse to comply with their demands and remain solid in our rejection of their immoral lifestyle and their godless worldview that presumes they can make a man or a woman better than Almighty God can.
Over the past decade, an extremely small minority of radical, violent sexual aberrations has gaslit our country and grabbed the reins of power by helping to place one of their most fervent supporters in the Oval office and many Congressional seats. They’ve turned reality on its head and forced all Americans to deal with their surreal anti-Christian immoral worldview, and by way of their hatred for reality, they’ve created an unnatural state of being where men use tampons and have babies and women have penises and five o’clock shadows – enter Lou Reed:
“Hitch-hiked her way across the U.S.A.
Plucked her eyebrows on the way
Shaved her legs and then he was a she
… She says, ‘Hey, babe
Take a walk on the wild side’
Said, ‘Hey, honey
Take a walk on the wild side'”
Most Americans may have a similar take on this problem, as I do. Many don’t really care what grown adults do in the privacy of their homes, as long as their “partners” are of the legal age for consent and willing. They have to answer to God, not me. But we aren’t dealing with people who want to keep their deviancies and perversions to themselves; we’re dealing with dangerous, deluded, morons and narcissists who demand everyone participate in their delusions and fantasies, even thank them for being allowed to view them in all their sick, twisted, vile and inglorious splendor, something we normals say “absolutely no” to.
In so many words, the U.S. Supreme Court has pretty much regularly stated that your rights end when your vagina smacks me in the face. We’d certainly do much better as a nation and a society, if everyone just went back into the age old agreement that there are only two sexes, men and women, and that “sex” and “gender” are basically synonyms.
Refuse to use their asinine pronouns and made up words for scores of so-called “genders”. The only pronouns anyone in America should be using are “he” or” she”, and properly aligned in accordance with the actual biological sex of whoever we are addressing.
Just as Alice tumbled down the Rabbit Hole and found herself traversing the dizzying surreal absurdity of Wonderland, Americans too seem to be hurtling down a similar abyss, into a world unmoored from objective reality. Unfortunately, our current situation isn’t a child’s story but rather the sobering reality of our modern American society, where principles of truth and reality, once held inviolable, are now eclipsed by a storm of subjective make believe.
The unhinged Queer and Transgender Movements and Joe Biden’s regime do not want men and women to share equality under the law, in any normal sense of that legal term and as understood by the Founders, and they definitely do not seek “equality” for their members if it means being made to acknowledge their original biological sex at birth. They are bound and determined to force every American to validate their sick, deviant, deluded and immoral lifestyle, forcing Americans to also accept a privileged status for the LGBTQ folk above all other Americans, even if it violates someone’s conscience and inalienable God-given rights. And this is a situation we must bring to an end, sooner rather than later, by refusing to tolerate any of this mess in our personal and professional lives and refusing to comply when government illegally advances Queer privilege over our inalienable God-given rights, fighting back tooth and nail with every means available to say “Hell NO” to the Queering of America.
All who have accepted this Transgender Movement and the Queering of America have lost their damned minds. The time to find an antidote for their sickness is now, immediately.
In the meantime, me and Ol’ Sweet Mutt are going to amble on down to the creek and watch the groundhogs, rabbits and foxes mate … rabbits with rabbits, foxes with foxes … no groundhog-rabbit offspring or jackalopes.
June 5, 2023

Justin O. Smith ~ Author
~ The Author ~
Justin O. Smith has lived in Tennessee off and on most of his adult life, and graduated from Middle Tennessee State University in 1980, with a B.S. and a double major in International Relations and Cultural Geography – minors in Military Science and English, for what its worth. His real education started from that point on. Smith is a frequent contributor to the family of Kettle Moraine Publications.