“You can’t go back and change the beginning but you can start where you are and change the ending.” ~ C.S. Lewis
Of late, and I’m certain You’ve noted, I can’t shake the feeling that a civil war will be the only way we save the country right now. Many will disagree for a litany of great reasons, but without it, they can be certain that they will live to see real tyranny place its cold grip over the heart of America and lead it into its final death spiral.
That could be the result anyway, if those who love traditional America fight and lose. And it is hard not to question the commitment of those who profess to love America with so little action showing the proof of it.
America in Her entirety and reality itself is under an all-out fierce attack from the radicals and communists of the country forcing America into an accelerated state of disintegration. The insanity of “wokeism” flies in the face of absolute truth and our inalienable God-given rights, while enemies of the country holding high federal office attack our character, virtues and founding principles and lie to the people about everything from their targeting of conservatives for prosecution to vaccines, climate change and energy, viruses and on to election integrity. And taken in its entirety, these know facts demand that freedom-loving Americans rekindle the American fire of spirit and independence lost to fight like hell to recover and restore equal justice under the law, our heritage and liberty lost.
Our battles to date have been daunting and those to come will be even more so, when we are dealing with so-called “leaders” who have no qualms about lying to the American people to achieve their goals and advance their anti-American Marxist-Maoist agenda for the purpose of holding onto power forever and a day, regardless of the harm it brings the country or our people on the whole.
American conservatives, Christians and independents know the Democratic Party Communists and China Joe are lying. The Marxist-Maoist Biden regime knows it is lying; they know that we know they are lying. Everybody knows that they know that America knows they are lying, with even some in the mainstream media now mentioning this fact. And still Biden and the Democrats continue to lie with impunity and without shame.
The lies told by Biden and his staffers and the Democratic Party have perverted every aspect of American life. Truth has been twisted, bastardized and manipulated in service to the Democratic Party Communists, and evil principalities and powers have swept in behind those lies with heavy consequences to American society on the whole.
America’s slide to ruin was given a hard push by past communists, such as Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt. Lyndon Johnson kicked it along too. But it really was fast-tracked under Obama and placed on warp-speed by the sanctimonious Biden, who has elevated the worse vices and immoral acts and the ugly, stupid, slothful hedonist Americans happy to abandon their liberty to him and his thugs, as he continues to facilitate the destruction of the family and the division of the country through fear and fomenting distrust among all the ranks of America.
Decades of communist and globalist lies have done their damage well. We are now witnessing the culmination of decades of subversive, treasonous tactics employed across our government by traitorous bureaucrats who have done the communists’ bidding and work by way of illegitimate, unconstitutional regulatory edict, or “law” such as the 1965 Immigration Act that has wreaked havoc in the nation by bringing the worst of the worse immigrants into the country. The radicals even demanded new immigrants be allowed to refuse assimilation to our culture, the traditional American way of life and even our laws, if U.S. law violates their religious precepts, as we find in Islam.
Yes, the Democratic Party Communists have used multicultural ethnicity and diversity to effect a drastic change away from traditional American values and our republic form of government.
Is it even possible for us to regain and restore America’s once glorified position as that Shining City on the Hill? The short answer is “no”, not in the short term and not for many more long decades, given the current trajectory the nation finds itself, the nation an incredibly large number of ignorant Americans have either chosen or allowed to take-off with incredible speed and momentum. To peacefully achieve any future semblance of what America once was will take the rest of this century, and so, for those who seek anything different, they better know it won’t be done through the voting booths.
Up until the 1960s, most Americans were Christians and loved God, family and country, but today, under a hard-driven policy by Crazy Joe, the dictator wannabe, Christians are viewed with suspicion by Homeland Security as enemies of the state and potential domestic terrorists. Our families are being torn apart by Biden’s immoral policies and stance on abortion and the myth of “transgender rights” and a twisted, diseased, deviant, perverted and debauched notion of sex. And if one is afraid of labels and being tagged as an extremist, don’t dare admit that you love traditional America and all that signifies.
No, Biden and his criminal, treasonous gang of jack-booted anti-American fascists hold no love for America. As Biden screams for liberty in Ukraine, he regularly tramples on the principles of liberty here in this America I love so well. Don’t you dare fly an American flag in any Democratic Party Communist stronghold, unless you’re prepared to be attacked by raging commie fascists whose ultimate goal and main agenda is the destruction of America’s republic.
For me, I love America for what She was in my youth, when racism was truly evaporating and vanishing across the country, men and women respected each other and their respective rights as biological men and biological women and the country on the whole really was upholding the gold standard of “equality under the law” for all. But I daresay it’s hard for any conservative, Christian or independent critical-thinking American to be proud of where the nation now finds itself, with racism resurging like never before, thanks to Antifa and Black Lives Matter communists, and a horrific brand of sexism that has emerged through the Transgender Movement that has placed heterosexual women in disgusting, even dangerous, situations, forcing them to undress with pre-operation men who identify as women, and in some instances, leading to the assault and rapes of women by men using transgenderism as a ploy.
And yet we are forced to deal with the Marxist insanity that moves to geld young boys and spay young girls, cutting their breasts from their young bodies too, as these monsters try to tell us we as parents must not be informed of their attempts to indoctrinate our children to change their sex or “gender”, as if it’s possible, as if the children belong to the state. We’re not supposed to become irate with teachers who expose our children to deviancy and perversions, to hear the Democratic Party Communists tell it.
There isn’t one decent and moral mother and father who want what Biden is pushing for their children and the future of America.
But just how many decent parents are left in America, a country where nearly four out of ten children grow to adulthood without a father in the home?
No longer do the majority of Americans believe in Thomas Jefferson’s profound and beautiful words:
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
In the minds of our country’s Marxist-Maoist petty tyrants, some are more equal than others, especially if they are black or brown and queer as a three dollar bill, and the rest of us are here to atone for the sins of our fathers by serving them and an authoritarian government in order that we might overcome our “white privilege”, Liberty be damned. Your happiness will be found in your chains and service to government and the oligarchs and the poverty they intend to force upon us all, as they take every last bit of America’s wealth for themselves and their cronies.
Taking liberties with George Orwell’s words from 1945, Biden seems to believe that all people are equal, but some people are more equal than others.
No longer do we have a populace who have faith in the motto “E Pluribus Unum” or hold fast to the underlying principles it suggests. Millions of Democrats and weak, squishy Republicans have embraced identity politics, as people scream their preferred pronouns and ethnicities at the top of their lungs:
“Trans-women are beautiful” — “Hurray for Nicholas Maduro and Venezuelan socialists” – “I’m Korean-American, Chinese-American, African-American, Mexican-American” – “I’m Queer and Proud, say it loud”, “I’m Pro-Choice and love murdering babies”, and on and on it goes.
And setting aside the social and cultural destruction of Biden’s regime, we find an incredibly large amount of financial destruction emanating from policies that refuse to address America’s lack of manufacturing and a supply chain that depends far too much on China and other foreign nations. Tie this to massive inflation due to Biden’s exorbitant spending spree and his insistence on forcing inefficient and ineffective “scientific” methodology and the fallacy-based climate change suicide pact on America that creates an exponential rise in the cost of energy and everything else, and we see America on a road that will eventually force it to submit to its enemies, a road that has abandoned all American exceptionalism and political independence.
Leftist [Marxist] “education” has done its job well, too, as it has created a couple of the dumbest, most ignorant generations in the history of America. Children have graduated from high school and universities without the barest rudimentary understanding of the ideas that made America great or the techniques and knowledge required to excel in their chosen professions, with training in the crafts, arts and trades at an all time low and young men not being able to tell the working end of a hammer from the south end of a cow, or even the difference between a cow and a bull if the bull identifies as a cow.
America holds immense iron-ore and other mineral resources, including vast untapped oil fields, and there isn’t any reason for us not to lead the world in manufacturing, or to at least be fully self-sufficient and self-sustaining as a nation. Nothing less than corporate greed and the Machiavellian machination to push America into a globalist new world order that destroys U.S. sovereignty has brought this sorry state of affairs into being, as globalists and communists have betrayed Americans and sold their children’s futures for a pocket full of worthless fiat dollars, in their disdain for our country and the independence most Americans used to be so proud to exhibit.
The magnificent masters of art and literature are just at one’s fingertips and a google-search away, but our schools advocate “transgender studies” and pornographic filth for elementary school age children, and it leaves no doubt that our tax-dollars are a miserable waste on public education. It also makes one wonder what America’s churches have been doing all this time.
We build prisons that are more beautiful than the schools and churches we build today. It’s as though anything good must be relegated to being unworthy of the finest we have to offer, as our schools and churches are erected with inferior materials by the hands of workers unworthy of being called “craftsmen”. Just who are teaching our young boys these days, and just what in the hell are they teaching them these days.
And if we look at farming in America, once again we find the Biden administration doing all it can to harm America’s productivity, by paying farmers not to farm and taking millions of acres and a massive potential boost to U.S. food production off the market. Along with this, the hard push towards corporate farming by the Biden regime is making it exponentially more difficult for family-owned farms to remain in business, when they are the ones with great stakes in the land and America’s communities, not the corporate farms.
It’s hard to escape the fact that most of our current problems are the result of unforced errors or knowing and purposeful policy that are tearing America asunder, culturally, politically and economically, as our enemy from within wastes precious time and resources on sheer destructive idiocy, when everybody else, America’s patriots, has already seen and knows what actually works to create a vibrant, thriving, prosperous and free society. America wastes vast wealth each day now, millions of dollars, in the courts dealing with sex issues or what a person can and cannot say as the movement for “hate speech” legislation agitates regularly, and businesses have entire staffs on hand whose only job is to make sure they don’t violate some new government regulation pertaining to words, feelings, expressions and attitudes or political philosophies and ideologies, along with whatever nonsense the Left throws against the wall in one huge wasteful, delusional, destructive self-deception.
Intelligent men and women of America’s past took a hard stand for their faith, families and country. It was a stand for Christianity and religious freedom, for real law and order and the ideas of Western civilization they knew to be true, a stand for those traditions they loved best and for true liberty. Ultimately it became a stand for the expansion of man’s capabilities by way of real scientific methods, technology and agricultural advancements and a strong desire for classical and modern learning, the triumph of the arts too, in a way that deepened and purified religious faith in the souls of the American people.
If that same strength of heart, will and soul still remains somewhere at the core of America’s people, now is the time to release it and put it to work restoring and saving America.
We may be stuck in a terrible spot right now, but we still have the freedom to make the change that we need for ourselves, our families and America.
Be dauntless and immovable in the face of any danger in pursuit of sweet liberty and this war we must wage against those who hate America so proudly. Keep one’s eyes on the North Star of liberty as a guide for the soul, no matter how far and wide the war rages about us all, as we fight to restore and preserve a true peace across the country for the American people in freedom’s righteous law. And whatever the cost and sacrifice to the brave, we cannot fail, we must not fail, to dig down deep to find the faith and courage to fight the new unjust, illegitimate power and emerging evil tyranny that stalks our people and walks our land, to fight it to our victory so that America and our virtues, honor, freedom and individual liberty may live.
Since Biden took office, every single action he’s taken has been focused on harming some segment of our society, and America couldn’t be in any more of a dire situation than if it were invaded by China and Russia. Death-worship, antagonism of the intact family and faithful relationships and massive, irresponsible, unsustainable and destructive spending policies seem to have arrived without any restraint since 2020.
I can only hope and pray and act in my own way and good time, but if all America’s patriots don’t soon unite in a meaningful manner and intent on stopping this bullshit, however they can, I’m just afraid America as I knew Her – won’t ever be coming back, at least not for the rest of this century.
At the close of day, rage, rage against the dying of the light. Rage at the assault on our individual liberty and our inalienable God-given rights.
March 27, 2023

Justin O. Smith ~ Author
~ The Author ~
Justin O. Smith has lived in Tennessee off and on most of his adult life, and graduated from Middle Tennessee State University in 1980, with a B.S. and a double major in International Relations and Cultural Geography – minors in Military Science and English, for what its worth. His real education started from that point on. Smith is a frequent contributor to the family of Kettle Moraine Publications.
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