As we look at all before us in D.C. and all the State Governments, it becomes apparent that the only thing of any real substance we have left are the Founding Documents – so little of which is now adhered to – that rightfully inform us all of our Inalienable God-given Rights. Our core institutions maintain the structure of our government, but traitors and our enemies from within have hamstrung them and turned them to ends they were never meant to pursue, killing their guardianship of all America and turning them into warrooms for those who hate America – turning them into propaganda centers where freedom and liberty are paid lip-service and the speeches are nothing more than performance art.
What can be done, we hear many ask. What can we do to stop this madness of the Marxist-Maoist amerikkans? That question, if we answer truthfully, has a violent answer.
The red, radicals have already shown us who they are and just how far they are willing to go, stripping Americans of every aspect of privacy during the Covid hoax, subjecting our earnings to digital confiscation at any moment and forcing us to take a toxic, unproven substance as grandparents, brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles were killed in nursing homes and the younger generations have either been killed or irreparably chemically harmed and altered to prevent reproduction. We see that the future they offer us is even more oppressive, violent and hostile and preventing such a future is being made nearly impossible, as the rules and the goalposts are constantly changed outside normal legal channels and make a peaceful, political shift towards some real semblance of freedom virtually impossible.
The only thing left is to recognize them for the enemy they are and engage them ’til they surrender or we kill them where they stand.
We all like to believe that we’re really going to stand and take back our country, come hell or high water, no matter what may come, but its become harder to believe with each egregious act that destroys one more part of our liberty and goes largely unanswered or receives some milk toast response that barely registers with the American public from the GOP. Too many of our countrymen still think a political solution is possible and they refuse to act in any definitive or forceful manner no matter how vile and vengeful this illegitimate regime is, and they are still seeing America as She was in the 1950s, as they are seemingly oblivious to the 1984 dystopian reality we’re in. And they haven’t the will or ability to engage the Biden regime by way of a 1946 Athens, Tennessee response. ~ J.O.S.
The Communist Movement in America Must Be Smashed
“The 1960s revolution was both anarchic and nihilist. But it was waged against — not from — the establishment.” ~ Victor Davis Hanson
The New Amerikkan Communists have been raised in an environment of freedom, in an America that was once known as “the land of the free and the home of the brave”, and they have been taught over the course of one hundred and twenty years to hate America and to destroy our traditions and republic, even as they took positions in federal agencies and infiltrated our government deeply. This has cracked the republic in a manner that cannot be repaired by trying to spend years talking, protesting and voting to do so, because the ranks of these godless anti-Americans has grown exponentially, and they continue daily to use lawless means and methods to subvert and eradicate the republic, to govern illegitimately and to move the nation into authoritarian socialism, as our Inalienable God-given Rights are suppressed more than they ever have been in U.S. history, at this moment, and dismissed into a void where the people scream to be heard to no avail, reduced to being serfs of the government.
Truthfully, the American people would be better off without any federal government at all, or simply one that was actually reduced to only its original enumerated powers in the Constitution.
Presidential executive orders are simply decrees – not actual law – and yet we see Joe Biden using executive orders to facilitate “racial equity” and “climate change” within the daily operations of the federal government and essentially using taxpayer dollars from the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan to make everyone pay for the advancement of Marxist communism throughout the country.
This tyrannical regime has authorized the building of a new Federal Bureau of Investigation building twice its current size and falling just eight acres shy of matching the massive sixty-six acre span of the Kremlin in Moscow, and they have incorporated Executive Orders 13985 and 14057 into its redesigned mission, that now includes the illegal targeting of conservatives and handing out privileges to Black, Latino and indigenous Native Americans, Asian Americans and other minorities, along with the people of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer communities. And all of this is to be carried out by a “climate and sustainibilty-focused federal workforce” working to “advance environmental justice” – essentially gibberish and double-speak for promoting and forcing the Marxist-Maoist Cancel Culture bullshit on all Americans, whether we like it or not, as they expand this anti-American agency and tighten their control over the country by adding thousands of new agents who support their agenda.
The Biden regime is moving full steam ahead. In spite of the 1964 Civil Rights Act that prohibits all discrimination based on race, color and national origin in federally funded programs and the private sector too, at least 149 agencies are moving ahead with action plans to prioritize race in their operations.
In 2015, one in three Americans were on some form of government assistance. A little over a year ago, in December 2022, over 60 million Americans received food stamps; twenty-four million recipients were children, while some 13 million were living in poverty and receiving no help whatsoever. America currently spends more on welfare than on defense spending, and still there are millions of more people clamoring for their “piece of the pie” as if it is preferable to be on the government dole.
There isn’t any unity in America. There can’t be any real unity, not when the masses of weak and incompetent are growing each day, while demanding to be taken care of by the successful and capable workers of the country. And this regime is adding to the ranks of the Takers by way of illegal immigration, as it calls for “immigration reform” — another term and words that really mean “amnesty” in Democrat commie jargon.
Why would any independent, mentally strong and capable American citizen want to unify for the purpose of their own destruction? We saw how much these Illegal Aliens loved and respected America when they recently trashed the upscale Watson Hotel in Hell’s Kitchen where the Biden regime had put them in rooms that typically go for $500 a night. It was a wild, drunken, drugged rampage that revealed they sure as hell won’t be good Americans, after they refused to leave to be taken to a regular shelter. These are who Biden seeks to bring into the New Amerikkan Communist Party aka the Democratic Party, as he accelerates his agenda of destruction.
Millions of Takers and Illegal Aliens hoping to join the party are fully on board with the destruction of America’s republic, and they are all too willing to wrap themselves in the chains of tyranny, voting for such, in order to be permanently under the care of the Authoritarian Socialist Welfare State, and freedom and liberty be damned.
Biden opened the doors to let America’s enemies in. Hell – he kicked the doors wide-open and off their hinges. He took a wrecking ball to our borders and encouraged and complimented our enemies, slapping the tried-and-true American patriots in the face, and he revealed an incredibly disgusting level of disrespect to those Americans, past and present, who built everything and helped raise America up to be the most exceptional country in the world. He did this against the will of those who truly love America, as he called any voice rising in condemnation and opposition “racist”.
How can there be any conservative, Christian or Independent American unity with Democrats under a regime that provides cover for violent domestic terrorists like Antifa, who regularly attack them and destroy their property, as we witnessed once again on January 21st 2023 in Atlanta, as they chanted, “If you build it, we will burn it”. And the real hell of it was that these radical Antifa operatives of the ‘Atlanta Forest Defenders’ shot a Georgia State Trooper in the stomach, burned cars and smashed store windows, and they are still receiving a tax-deductible status from the IRS as they continue to raise funds through Open Collective, a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit, the Ford Foundation and George Soros’ Open Society for their anti-American agenda, even as they remain on Homeland Security’s list of domestic terrorists.
These Antifa terrorists were also funded in part by the Network for Strong Communities which is deeply associated with the communist-backed Atlanta Solidarity Fund that has bailed out protestors, rioters and domestic terrorists for several years now.
Many will say that most Democrats don’t support this new radical agenda. Really? You can’t prove it by me, not by who they keep electing as representatives, senators and governors. Where are the moderate Democrats in Congress? Oh – you can name two? Sinema and Manchin? Not hardly. They’ve gone along with the radicals 99 percent of the time in legislative votes. Kamala? Hell … she donates bail money for the release of these domestic terrorists. And then Marxist-Maoist prosecutors refuse to prosecute them.
At every turn in the road, we see the radicals simply make up and decree something and call it “law”, regardless of what the Constitution or state codes actually holds to be law on any matter; and, each time the Republicans actually do manage to counter their evil machinations, they send out their fascist foot soldiers of Black Lives Matter and Antifa to riot until their new demands are met. These people in these groups and sitting in Congress may use strongly worded rhetoric and outright lies to attempt to force compromises that benefit their Marxist-Maoist movement more than the Inalienable God-given Rights of every American, but they are cut from the same cloth as Che Guevara, Antonio Gramsci and Mao and they are more than willing to resort to the same genocidal tactics seen in every communist regime to ever hold power over a people and a nation, so that they may hold power forever.
One should also note, a minimum of eighty known senior officials in eleven federal agencies, including the FBI, DHS, CDC and the White House, have engaged in a concerted, covert effort to suppress Biden’s opposition through collusion and the coercion of several social media companies to get them to block, demonetize and essentially suppress dissenting views that ruffle the wrinkles in Biden’s old commie ass. They’ve also acted to censor any true statement that Biden wants labeled “false” and any information that poses an inconvenient problem for Biden, such as the Hunter Biden laptop and all the treason it reveals. It made no difference to them that their actions were blatantly unconstitutional, since they were the so-called institutional “representatives of the law”, and who would hold them accountable.
How can one be loyal to the government of the United States of America, when the very core principles it was founded upon have been abrogated by the enemy from within and that government no longer represents you — when it has been transformed into the very beast our Founders reviled and hated? The U.S. government I served is no longer; it’s gone, overthrown for all practical intents and purposes, and what has replaced it is contemptible and undeserving of anyone’s loyalty, unless you too are rushing to be enslaved.
This Biden regime doesn’t follow or support the U.S. Constitution, or any law that stands in the way of their Marxist-Maoist policies, and that alone makes it an illegitimate entity.
This is a movement that must be smashed to bits, eradicated and never allowed to rise in America again.
People shout, “But freedom”. Sure. Hold your tyrannical views and believe Marx and Mao are gods on earth ’til your dying day, but anything, any idea, that seeks the eradication of any Americans freedom so the State may reign supreme cannot be allowed to see the fruition of its desire. Even if every American in the country voted for more tyranny, except for me and maybe ten others, even one other, that majority would be wrong and their regime would be illegitimate, because anything that tramples on our Bill of Rights and our Inalienable God-given Rights — as so many of Biden’s policies are want to do – are evil and repugnant to the Constitution, American patriots and in the eyes of God.
No majority on earth can say you must ask for your rights from this government. Your rights exist no matter how much a tyrant may suppress them or punish you for saying so.
Our Founders were advocates of capitalism, freedom and liberty, not the Marxist-Maoist Cancel Culture communism and the tyranny Biden seeks to force on all.
Why are the American patriots allowing these evil criminals and traitors to continue on in the pursuit of their insane goals and agendas?
Every last bit of freedom and liberty must be demanded from this regime and ripped from the hands of our country’s traitors and usurpers who have sold America out to Her enemies. Whatever damage we have witnessed done to America at the hands of the New Amerikkan Communists and the Biden regime, it can and must be reversed by those active and intelligent patriotic Americans still holding out, who demand freedom and individual liberty over security and openly castigate the Biden regime’s insane policies on energy, spending, border security and disease. The good and decent Americans have nothing to lose, since these communists are already taking it all from us, no matter how civil we might be; and so, we may as well take our pound of flesh out of their tyrannical Marxist-Maoist asses.
Past and present traitors from the Obama administration and the Biden regime must be made to account for their subversion and treason against America, and they must be brought to a day of reckoning.
America is in the middle of an all out assault against traditional America by radicals and card-carrying members of the Communist Party, whether anyone acknowledges this fact or not, and that it has not blown up into a totally hot civil war on both sides doesn’t make it any less true. The hot part is coming sooner than anyone realizes. If this is still the land of the free and the home of the brave, we will do everything we must to rebel against this ongoing illegal, illegitimate fundamental transformation of America into a hard authoritarian socialist state and stop it dead in its tracks, by force of arms, since there isn’t any political solution forthcoming, not with the level of corruption and disregard for our laws and Inalienable God-given Rights already demonstrated by these red, radical Democratic Part rat bastards.
My loyalty lies with my family, God and America, and all who fight to defend and protect freedom and liberty across the land.
February 4, 2023

Justin O. Smith ~ Author
~ The Author ~
Justin O. Smith has lived in Tennessee off and on most of his adult life, and graduated from Middle Tennessee State University in 1980, with a B.S. and a double major in International Relations and Cultural Geography – minors in Military Science and English, for what its worth. His real education started from that point on. Smith is a frequent contributor to the family of Kettle Moraine Publications.
i agree that there is no political solution. all forms of our government are compromised. the doj is corrupted as is the fbi and cia. there is no one we can count on to arrest and prosecute the criminals in government or in big corporate.
if this country is to be saved from tyranny. it will have to be done by the people.
good article justin
Great article!!
Do you do any public speaking?
We’d be interested in hearing from you at one of our monthly meetings.