
Misrepresentation is the act or state of being represented incorrectly, improperly, falsely, or unsatisfactorily.

In most cases, it is an intentional misstatement of or the avoidance of facts to support or strengthen an agenda or plan.

Do you understand collateral damage? We’ve all heard the phrase in the movies and thrown about flippantly in conversation, but do you know what it is? Are you aware that it defines incidental damage for an activity? And do you ever think that adhering to the principle of the Seven Ps would eliminate this problem?

Oh, the seven Ps

1. Prior
2. Planning
3. Prevents
4. Potentially
5. Piss
6. Poor
7. Performance.

Yes, Maisy, this is leading somewhere!

It vexes me greatly that factions in our society, especially our government, so willingly and cavalierly eschew facts to further their agendas. It’s as though their plans are eminently more important than everything else, including honor, integrity, and, regrettably, collateral damage these misrepresentations cause.

Benjamin Franklin said: “Trickery and treachery are the practices of fools that have not wits enough, to be honest.”

Concepts like truth and integrity are sacrosanct and must transcend our tendencies to circumvent the inconvenient and ignore these essential concepts, but they don’t. We treat these fundamental concepts as arbitrary.

Only integrity and honor are within personal control.

All other human values and virtues are subjective.

The latter part of June 2022 was a watershed moment for America. The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) published decisions on two highly controversial cases.

· Case 1: June 23rd – New York State Rifle & Pistol Assn. v. Bruen (20-843) – Right to concealed carry

· Case 2: June 24th – Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization (19-1392) – Late-Term Abortion

I support SCOTUS – and applaud them for making some challenging decisions and doing their assigned jobs despite crushing political and social pressure. However, this article is NOT about these decisions. Instead, it’s about what’s been done with honesty, a basic tenet of our existence to further support the nefarious activities of a few power-mad oligarchs and their minions.

I refer to the truth.

It’s challenging to separate myself from the noise and vitriol of the incredibly divisive interpretations regarding these decisions. I much prefer the sanity of facts to the raving of the politically partisan press and over-paid left-leaning academics’ pontifications. I find the bobble-headed meat-sack media star presenters profoundly ill-informed and seriously biased to the extreme left of any discourse.

Ah, but it’s called entertainment for a reason. Tragically, these miscreants still use “NEWS” to advertise their misleading productions.

I follow the science since I have no Cock in this fight. So you see, for me – honest, unadulterated science is truth.

The wonderful thing about the scientific process is that it is self-correcting. That is – it was self-correcting until the radical left discovered that money and notoriety are powerful corrupting inducements to an untenured left-leaning academic with questionable ethics or limited prospects.

When the system works as intended, new evidence is presented that refutes or advances the accepted norm, and the norm changes slowly but surely. This process encourages improvement – the Socialist ideology we’re being coerced to embrace discourages progress, instead favoring social reengineering obscured by blithe ideas like murder, homogeneity, equality, and inclusion.

Everywhere I turn, there is a self-professed constitutional legal pundit passionately barking misdirecting rhetoric and opinions about these decisions. Admittedly, I took the time to read the decisions as a neophyte and nonlawyer. Nevertheless, I understand SCOTUS’s direction and intent. Their arguments and rationale make sense – even to me.

The radical left views these decisions as catastrophic setbacks and attacks on our implied fundamental rights. It’s important to note that only rights explicitly written into the US Constitution qualify. Everything else is just part of the noise and irrelevant to any legal or constitutional argument.

Misinformation and distraction are the only tools remaining for the radical left as they continue to lose their battle for absolute power on the center stage.

Absolute power is what’s at stake in the final analysis. It is the crux of this situation and all the concerns we’ve faced since the start of 2016’s election cycle. That contest was never about how America would benefit but about which partisan tribe would assume power. It was all-out war from the very beginning. Winning at all costs was the only acceptable outcome, even if it destroyed the country.

Look at what’s come to light in the past few years and examine the extreme steps and tactics the left is willing to use to prolong this fight, including contravention of the Constitution of the United States.

Didn’t they all swear the following:

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”

Their treacherous behavior for the past several decades is reprehensible and worthy of retribution, but that is for the courts to decide; if they ever indict anyone.

This action would require an investigation, but how many of these traitors do you suppose will welcome probes into their activities over the past twenty-five years?

And how will the Executive Branch investigate and adjudicate these “un-American Activities” ethically, honestly, and fairly, being directly involved in the treason and its obfuscation?

Doesn’t the Executive Branch currently OWN (control) the Legislative and Judicial branches?

Doesn’t Bungles the Clown hold the ‘cue-card’ directions for these processes?

The insurrection and deceit continue to this day and will for the foreseeable future. Oh, you’re waiting for the midterm elections? Realize that even a Republican majority can be held up in committee and wrapped around the axle by the DemoSocs delay tactics. It will take years to adjudicate any questionable activities, much less enact meaningful legislation.

If we’ve learned anything from this farce – and I seriously doubt that we have – it is that partisan politicians have no ethics. Winning is all that matters, regardless of the collateral damage. Winning at all costs and keeping their seats. The end justifies the means.

It will end when China invades Taiwan.

It will end when Russia claims the rest of Central Europe.

It will end when America is bankrupt from the onslaught of illegal aliens, the preposterous fiscal malfeasance, and destructive policy decisions driving us to an unsustainable future using specious technologies that are not ready for prime time.

Still, think that the mid-term elections are our salvation?

The 2016 Presidential election was a warm-up, a proof of concept, if you will, for the ‘backdoor penetration’ we’re in for come November 2022.

I hope and pray I’m wrong.

I received this from Brother-in-law David this morning.

“If you leave the gate open, the cow will wander off. So if you intentionally leave the gate open, you want the cow to wander off. You can’t blame stupidity or laziness. It was intentional.

If you cut police budgets, you will get more crime on the streets. So if you intentionally cut police budgets, you wanted more crime on the streets.

If you cut back the oil supply, gas prices will go up. So if you intentionally cut back the oil supply, you wanted gas prices to go up.

If you print trillions of dollars without increasing the supply of goods, inflation will hit hard. So if you intentionally print trillions of dollars without more goods, you want inflation to hit hard.

If you leave the southern border wide open, you get more drug trafficking and human trafficking. So if you intentionally leave the border wide open, you want more drug trafficking and human trafficking.

If you shut down 40% of the supply of baby formula in February, you’ll get a huge shortage. When you KNOW a massive baby formula shortage is coming because of the FDA’s actions, and you purposefully do nothing to prevent it, month after month, until the crisis finally hits hard, you INTENDED this crisis.

It is time to recognize the evil people behind that old man. They want a crisis. They want chaos. They want riots. They want conflicts in your town. Their stated purpose years ago with Obama was to “take the US down a few notches on the world stage.” You can feel the quality of your life going down the drain with the country.

These are not foolish or misguided people.

They are headed somewhere you don’t want to go…


It’s all part of the design to move us into the New World Order.

You can see the collateral damage already.

Do you still need more proof?

Look at the collateral damage caused in the past nineteen months. The mandates of Bungles the Clown have reduced a vibrant economy to a shambles with problems too numerous to list and that we all live every day. It is Bungles the Clown’s legacy. Will America ever recover from his duplicitous dealings and pandering’s to the radical left – the DemoSocs?

Everywhere I turn is evidence of Bungles the Clown’s ill-conceived disastrous decisions. Each decision is more insidious than the next and equally damaging. The cumulative effect is the eradication of the country we loved reformed into the image of the New World Order – One World Government.

What will be the payment for these deals with the devil? (LINK)

July 21 2022

~ The Author ~
Charles R. Dickens was born in 1951, is a veteran of the Vietnam war, for which he volunteered, and the great-great grandson of the noted author, whose name he shares.

He is a fiercely proud American, who still believes this is the greatest country on the planet, with which we’ve lost control and certainly our direction. He grew up in moderate financial surrounding; were not rich by any stretch, but didn’t go hungry – his incredibly hard working father saw to that. As most from that era, he learned about life from his father, whose story would take too long to tell, other than to say that, he is also a fiercely proud American; a WWII and Korean war, veteran Marine.

Charlie was educated in the parochial system which, demanded that you actually learn something, and have capability to retain it before you advance. He attended several universities in pursuit of a bachelor’s degree, and chased the goose further to a master’s, and has retained some very definite ideas about education in this country.

In addition, Charlie is a retired blues guitar and vocalist – a musician. This was his therapy career. Nothing brings him as much joy as playing music, and he wishes that he could make a living at it… but alas… life goes on!

That’s Charlie… a proud, opinionated, and passionate American.

One thought on “Misrepresentation…

  1. Heidi Hickson

    Boy, you have so accurately and very articulated is so very well again.
    Simply put. Right On! Right!

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