The Fool on the Hill

I’ve been on this rock circling the sun more than 25,880 times.
I’ve been to war.
I’ve been wounded emotionally, physically, and spiritually.
I’ve loved and lost.
I’ve seen death, and I’ve witnessed the miracle of birth.
I’ve made mistakes, but I’d like to think I’ve learned from them.
I have very few regrets.
My view is from ground level.
~ Cogito, ergo sum. What?

Are you so high up on your mountain that you can’t see through the clouds?

So high up that details are indistinguishable, and the landscape looks like a multi-colored cut-pile carpet?

Are we pieces on the chessboard of your soaring aspirations?

Are you so confident of your decisions that mistakes are inconceivable, unconscionable, maybe simply inconsequential?

Is your trust in those that surround you so steadfast that their advice is infallible, omniscient?

Are you so self-absorbed and self-centered that you can’t see the suffering you’ve caused?

Are you an empty shell?

Are you even aware?

Do you even care?

Hasn’t your life of failures: your career, and your family given you a clue?

Are you some kind of a damned fool?

Yes, I sit in judgment because that’s my job as a citizen of this country. It’s the citizen’s job to ensure that you do your job, and that job is to represent us and our needs. You took an oath; basically the same one I took when I enlisted in the military. Sadly, I seem to be one of the few honorable citizens who revere and cherish that commitment.

I take this commitment a step further and suggest solutions and remedies for the issues I cite. I’ve lived by the adage that every problem has a solution and that if you identify a problem, you must be prepared to solve it. I have a few pertinent recommendations, but I’ll save them for the end – which may be coming sooner than later!

Oh, by the way, I am not at all satisfied with your work so far. You’re fired!

I recall a passage in the Bible that warns: “Judge not lest you be judged…” So, by judging you, I’ve convicted and condemned myself to the same scrutiny by my Master – no, not you. I accept that audit.

I have the luxury of perspective, but I strain to see through the illusions of rhetoric and misdirection you create. I read between the lines to appreciate the nonsense and vacuous and dangerous intent you purport. I don’t accept anything at face value – especially from your kind. It’s what I’ve learned from my government as I circle the sun; distrust.

I don’t claim to know everything, because you see, I admit I am mortal.

I keep questioning your motives. I wonder why.

Hypocrisy is easy for anyone so morally bankrupt.

Insatiable hunger gives you the necessary level of resolve; it dissolves your soul.

You have been called names all your life.

You’ve been loved, admired, and even revered.

You’ve attained the highest position in our nation.

What have you accomplished?

What have you done for us that was not initially self-serving?

Adulation for your kind proves that America is morally bankrupt.

What does it profit a man who gains the whole world but loses his soul?

In a short fifteen months, you have destroyed a country and incited what will most likely escalate into World War III. Our only and probably last nuclear war.

Is Armageddon your goal?

Is your aim to end this existence?

Are you that oblivious?

Are you that evil?

Are you the Anti-Christ?

This surplus of questions are rhetorically directed to the one I call ‘Bungles the Clown,’ a sobriquet I use referring to Joe Biden, who I thought to be a fool.

I was wrong.

He’s not a fool.

He sold-out.

He’s a marionette, a puppet.

You were smart enough to sell yourself to the highest bidder. You sold your soul to the devil for this fleeting moment in the spotlight. You became president of the most powerful country on the planet to finish the job started over a century ago.

Bungles the Clown has reduced America to a hollow shell of its former glory in a short fifteen months. And he’s not done yet.

I heard a quote recently that sums up this abiding approach to the destruction of America. The Mullah Omar remarked about the Taliban take-over of Iraquistan… “You have the watch; we have the time.

Explained briefly, the Taliban are very patient, and so is the radical left…

Maybe I don’t want to know the real purpose of the charade, this bacchanal, this perverse comedy we’re living. Ignorance is bliss, or so they say.

Knowing that our system is so vulnerable and easily corruptible is genuinely disconcerting, very troubling.

I was the fool thinking America was above such antics and insusceptible to corruption.

I’m the fool thinking that We the People run this country, that we have a voice.

But things always rot from inside. Our failing nation stands as evidence, proof of this natural phenomenon: Quod Erat Demonstrandum (QED).

Bungles the Clown is president because he sold his soul to the devil. No, not Mephistopheles, but the corporate cabal that owns this country – that runs this country through him. Your willingness to destroy the lives of 330 million citizens to satisfy his lust will be your legacy.

You will end what George Washington called The Great Experiment.

Was it your intent to upstage President Washington?

Our founders warned us about your kind. They provided tools to thwart your attempts, but you outsmarted us all. You used those tools to achieve your nefarious ends.

I suppose the final story depends on who interprets this four-year nightmare, ‘The Escapades of Bungles the Clown.’ Future historians and archeologists will face the excruciating task of sorting and sifting through the mountains of data needed to arrive at the truth of your administration. That’s if there’s anything left after you’re reduced the earth to a burned-out cinder.

Your last act – Inciting WWIII may render this entire point moot. Where is your legacy then? Is this the Swansong of Bungles the Clown – your finale, the final chapter in a tribute that no one will ever read or care to read if we survive?

You will earn your reward – you will be infamous, that is, if there’s anyone left that cares.

You will go out with a smoldering whimper…

Bungles the Clown incited WWIII and ended humanity.

I wrote the preceding to be very dark, bleakly apocalyptic. But, unfortunately, this is the only way to get your attention. This farce began many years ago when brother fought brother in the most significant power grab in this hemisphere. The illiterati call it ‘The Civil War.’ But there was nothing civil about it. The Inteligencia know it as the ‘War of Northern Aggression.’ Bungles the Clown punctuated this travesty with the World Wide Wuhan Pandemic Power Play.

Politicians’ appetite for more broke this country. Their kind has driven wedges into every fracture and fissure. They’ve seized every opportunity to secure their tenuous grip on the reigns. They will not stop until nothing remains because they’d rather have none than to see anyone have some. That defines their level of greed and insatiable appetite for power.

Is there hope? I see little evidence. There is always the chance, as slim as it is, for things to turn. But why hope for salvation or another option while politicians wait, poised to pounce at the next opportunity. The choice is to eradicate their kind, expect the world to grow up, find its moral compass, and ardently prevent this from reoccurring.

I glibly and regrettably reply – FAT CHANCE, it ain’t gonna happen.

America is too complacent and cozy to risk anything unless forced to the brink of collapse. So far, the owners – have done a marvelous job of keeping us distracted. That’s why patriots bang on pot lids and shout into the wind.

We want to see things change.

We want our country back.

In light of our heightened state of apathy, I’m nearly ready to grab a lawn chair, a nice glass of single-malt scotch, sit back, and watch the end of the show from my front-row seat to the cavalcade of freaks.

I’ll be the old guy holding the sign that says…


I mentioned above that I have some suggestions.

If we want to change, we must first stop playing corporations’ exploitation games if we want this country back. Don’t look at the candidate’s popularity; look at their record, where they stand on issues, and DON’T believe everything you hear. Do your research.

Insist on changes to the voting laws. Simple things like:

* Only US Citizens may vote

* Require Photo ID with citizenship status

* Eliminate ballot harvesting

* No partisan participation in or at the polling places

* Mandatory annual voter-roll validations to remove deceased and ineligible persons – before any election, at any level

* Open the doors of full disclosure – we have the right to know everything

Most importantly:

* Punish violators.

* Character is more important than color.

* Start acting like adults that love this country.

* Become participants, not passive observers.

* Become self-sufficient and stop looking for the government to wipe your shotty noses.

* America doesn’t owe you shit!


If you’re happy with the current deteriorating state of this country, sit back on the sofa, watch the gladiatorial games, watch the politically partisan press to continue your programming at the ‘Altar of Information.”


Stand Up and take this country back!

March 23, 2022

~ The Author ~
Charles R. Dickens was born in 1951, is a veteran of the Vietnam war, for which he volunteered, and the great-great grandson of the noted author, whose name he shares.

He is a fiercely proud American, who still believes this is the greatest country on the planet, with which we’ve lost control and certainly our direction. He grew up in moderate financial surrounding; were not rich by any stretch, but didn’t go hungry – his incredibly hard working father saw to that. As most from that era, he learned about life from his father, whose story would take too long to tell, other than to say that, he is also a fiercely proud American; a WWII and Korean war, veteran Marine.

Charlie was educated in the parochial system which, demanded that you actually learn something, and have capability to retain it before you advance. He attended several universities in pursuit of a bachelor’s degree, and chased the goose further to a master’s, and has retained some very definite ideas about education in this country.

In addition, Charlie is a retired blues guitar and vocalist – a musician. This was his therapy career. Nothing brings him as much joy as playing music, and he wishes that he could make a living at it… but alas… life goes on!

That’s Charlie… a proud, opinionated, and passionate American.

2 thoughts on “The Fool on the Hill

  1. Wolf

    Mr. Dickens….

    Thank you so much for this article…. I identified with with your sentiments with every word.
    You managed to express in words so many experiences and the related emotions I already know about, because I’ve lived them….. I wish the general public were on board.

    (Long story short) I was working for “the war machine” for most of my machinist career. And even after I figured out that the next body would replace me, I still quit being part of that machine.

    Call me a traitor, call me whatever…… I am not participating in the machine any more.

    Most people in the US don’t even know what war is….. let alone how to grow a potato.

    It’s a mad world.

  2. Wolf

    Excellent article… every word I read invoked the same frustration and anger in me that I think the author was feeling while writing this.

    As someone else wrote long ago, all that is wrong in the US is such because that’s exactly how 535 people want it to be! A dysfunctional and/or criminal Executive and Judicial branch certainly makes matters worse, but it is the Legislative branch that has the lions share of real power, and can cure many problems quickly. Somehow however, these useless “representatives” keep getting re-elected.

    Many people have adopted the George Carlin attitude of “don’t blame this on me because I don’t vote.” In my opinion however, low voter turn-out is a big part of the problem.

    When you look up voting charts around the world, the US has consistently been near the bottom of the lists, and you can’t even trust those charts. The data is not based on physical bodies that showed up at a voting booth, but instead on ballots counted. And it’s becoming clear to more people every day that election fraud has persisted for a very long time.

    According to analysts, there was massive election fraud in 2016, but too many Trump supporters voted and overwhelmed the fraud denying Hillary the oval office. And in that election, voter turn-out was only about 50%. (if you can believe the charts). It may be true since voters are typically more passionate about Presidential elections, which is opposite of where their interests should be focused!

    Every 2 years the entire House, and about 1/3 of the Senate seats are up for grabs. That’s about 470 parasites that can be handed their hats…. If the voters do their job and stop re-electing these people. Get out there and vote, and never vote for the incumbent.

    If you cannot get rid of these people at the polls, then what’s your next plan?

    Many will disagree with me and maintain that voting does not matter any more… But there’s only one way to prove me wrong.

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