One thought on “Could this be among the Reasons Why?

  1. veteran

    it’s a well known fact that globalists, deep state and cia have been operating in that country for decades. most of the dark money has been laundered there also.
    ukraine is a cess pool of corruption just like d.c. the deep state also wants to control russian oil.
    by the way, black rock owns most of saudi oil and bidens cabinet is full of black rock execs. and that is why the northern pipeline was stopped. blackrock would loose big if we were to remain energy independent.
    so far, i see this as global control and the great reset more than anything else.
    oh, what ever happened to the durham investigation, the fauci emails and all the other scandals that were starting to get hot for the deep state? did they just go away or do we need something else to focus on like ukraine.

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