My God, I’m proud of them! Justin Trudeau?… Fidel Castro would be proud of his boy, but his days as dictator are numbered
Americans will always do the right thing — after exhausting all the alternatives. ~ Attributed to Winston Churchill
Is it possible that the struggle for freedom has begun in earnest and in of all places…Canada? Where is the Cradle of Liberty, the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave in this battle? Yes, Americans are waking up, but they had better finish their coffee. Our country is in peril.
The Left did an admirable job, aided by Hollywood and the media, in calling anti-communists, like Joe McCarthy and Ronald Reagan, nut jobs, conspiracy theorists. All while, in the 50s, well known celebrities who were called to testify before the House Un-American Activities Committee, acted indignant at even the question of whether they were communists. And now decades later any talk of a communist infiltration in our schools, government, media, and the arts is still met with an incensed reaction as if…How could that be?
Liberals are uncompromising about their ideology because it is their religion. God holds no place
Well, it be!
Joe McCarthy was an imperfect clarion. His methods were crude, but Dwight Eisenhower was right. McCarthy should have used a rifle rather than a shotgun.
It is well-known that the Soviet Union under Stalin and leaders after him financially supported the communist movement in America. They saw the Civil Rights and Peace movements of the 60s as an opportunity for a PSYOP. In a massive operation, the Soviet Union created and funded various Peace and Anti-War movements both here and abroad. The aim was to create dissatisfaction, a sense that the American experiment in self government was a failure. The PSYOP turned violent when the Weather Underground (WU) bombed the Capitol in 1971. A prominent member of the WU was Bill Ayers, ally and confidant of Barack Obama. He said of the bombing, “I don’t regret setting bombs.” Ayers never served a day in prison, but he did become a college professor, molding young minds.
The infiltration has been well camouflaged…liberalism, progressivism, democratic socialism. In recent years they have come out of the closet. Go to a Democrat Convention, the socialists are everywhere. God even came dangerously close to being censored by them in 2012. In 2019, the Washington Times reported that the Democrat Party is ready to replace the worship of God with worship of the state. That same year the DNC passed a resolution criticizing religious liberty and praising the religiously unaffiliated. Nixon said of American communists…“If Americans knew what they really believed, the public would boil them in oil.”
Liberals are uncompromising about their ideology because it is their religion. God holds no place.
Get the kids and you own the future. And the liberals have millions of our kids. They come home from school silent, even brooding. No more Pledge of Allegiance, American flags, songs like America, the Beautiful, My Country Tis of Thee, or Bible reading…American pride gone.
It is important to note that because our country was founded on Judeo-Christian principles, everyone is welcome. It was established at our founding that our rights come from God, not government. They cannot be taken away. It didn’t make it perfect, but in a fallen world for a flawed mankind it was as close as it will ever be.
And now here we are living in the final battle, the result of decades of purposeful degradation of our cities, culture, morals, belief in God
After the fall of the Soviet Union, many Americans thought the struggle between Communism and our Democratic Republic was over. We won, that’s the end of it. Not even close. Communism had already been rooted and entrenched into every university, grade school, media network, Hollywood, and our government.
The Communist Party USA officially announced its alignment with the Democrat Party two years ago. The DNC did not take up socialism for the benefit of anyone. They did it for power and control. They bristle with jealousy at watching how China controls its people.
Democrats don’t care about immigrants legal or otherwise. They do not care about Black folk or Brown folk. They don’t care about the poor or the blue-collar worker. They do not care about the homeless or drug addicts, except that they want more of them. They want to show the world our system does not work and is in need of major upheaval.
And now here we are living in the final battle, the result of decades of purposeful degradation of our cities, culture, morals, belief in God. It is as much a spiritual battle as a political one. It is no accident that it is only Democrat cities that are falling apart, hanging on to vaccine and mask mandates, using tyranny to force health decisions, garnering power for themselves, ignoring violent crimes, continuing the handouts to keep the helpless disenfranchised, giving out crack pipes, drug syringes. It is all to continue the decline of our society. They create the problems and then propose the solutions that only benefit them and their hold on power. They are the Communist Democrat Party.
It took Canada, with all its polite adherence to authority, to get fed up with it all… fed up with the deterioration of their liberty, having Leftist politicians dictate everything Canadians can and cannot do. We have said many times, it will be the people that will fix this, not politicians. The people of Canada are now leading the way. My God, I’m proud of them! Justin Trudeau?… Fidel Castro would be proud of his boy, but his days as dictator are numbered.
When the USA finally gets into the fight in earnest, watch out. We will win! God Bless Canada! God Bless the USA!
Written by Ray DiLorenzo for Canada Free Press ~ February 13, 2022