Beaman: A Problem With Law Making

When a law is crafted, there is no discussion as to its constitutionality. A law is simply debated in it house of origin and then sent to the other house for its consideration and then the two houses reconcile their versions with each other. Finally, if it passes both houses, it is sent to the president for his approval or veto. At no point is there a discussion of its constitutionality and for anyone to challenge it, he must show injury as a result of it, a formidable task, and after its passage.

Cases of constitutionality have been the province of the various circuit courts and the Supreme Court. Neither of them has shown much enthusiasm for tackling the laws of the federal government of which they are a part, preferring to kick around state and local governments. Just this should raise some serious questions in the minds of all readers.

Many of these legal initiatives have been at the behest of the ACLU, an organization which was founded as a legal arm of The Communist Party of The United States of America (CPUSA) to use The Constitution to protect its members, of which few today are aware. Even ACLU founder and long time director, Roger Baldwin, never renounced his goal of a communist America, to my knowledge, despite his engineering a purge of all communists from its board in the late forties and early fifties. The purge was initiated because by that time, ACLU was so equated with CPUSA, in the minds of the public and law enforcement, especially the FBI, that he wanted the end the resultant legal attention. Astonishingly, Baldwin went so far as to endorse the work of Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy!

Increasing the power of the central government is a hallmark of communist governments and ACLU has served its masters very well. If you ever get into a discussion with an ACLU member about its leftist goals, ask him how many conservatives are on it board.

Now back to the constitutionality question. Why is there not such a mechanism?

Some years back, a House or Senate member proposed that every bill had to cite the section of The Constitution that justified it. Howls of derision greeted it. Sen. John Glenn said that if they had to do that, they’d never get any bills passed. My reaction was, “Duhhhh, John.”

In my entire lifetime of 77 years, I do not remember a single case where a federal bill failed passage or was overturned on constitutional grounds. I stand ready to be corrected.

I suggest that such a requirement is long overdue.

December 6, 2021

~ About the Author ~
beamanDr. Roderick T. Beaman is a board certified family osteopathic physician who practices in Jacksonville, Florida. A native born New Yorker, he is happy to be out of that pit of liberalism. A libertarian with little use for government, he is the author of an on-line piece that won a Ron Paul Liberty in Media Award. He also is a composer.

2 thoughts on “Beaman: A Problem With Law Making

  1. veteran

    our elected officials are controlled by global corporate organizations. whoever controls the money, controls the government and the economy. president eisenhower and kennedy both warned us about this in their last speach. it was the globalist powers that assinated kennedy because he was about to reveal their agenda to the country, they used oswald as a scape goat. the reason i say that is because oswald’s rifle–a 6.5 italian carcano is not capable of decent accuracy at all. jack ruby killed oswald to shut him up.
    anyway, our elected leaders are selling us out big time.
    i believe it will take a revalution and mass arrest of the criminal bastards to take our country back.

  2. Larry Cooper

    I have to agree with you wholeheartedly. The fact that some of the clowns currently occupying seats in our government tend to think of themselves as “lawmakers” is utterly ridiculous. Habitual “lawbreakers” would be a much more appropriate description, to say the least.

    Looking at this realistically. What profession can you think of that succeeds by proposing policies and then throwing them against the wall just to see what sticks ? Seems to me that if you legitimately represent the people that elect you to office. You swear an oath to uphold the constitution when you accept the position. Then you promptly go about the business of proposing legislation contrary to the wants and needs of your constituents, and to top it off it may well violate the oath you took to uphold the primary rules of law defined in the constitution. WHAT ??? Oh and let us not forget, you also get to rule yourself exempt from up to 75% of these “laws” you impose upon the rest of us. Now why would anyone have a problem with this mode of operation. We hear almost daily about the “double standard” with regard to law enforcement, yet we have allowed ourselves to be placed in this position by the very system that sets the rules. Good god, there is so much wrong with this that it would take weeks to even begin to address it all. Now, lets add some insult to the injuries. Lets allow lobbies of big money interest groups to actually compose the proposed unconstitutional crap, consisting of thousands of pages of shit that no one even bothers to read and understand. We as the “lawmakers” will sponsor this, vote on it in the peoples house, and propose that it become the “law”.
    AM I THE ONLY ONE THAT SEES THE FOLLY OF A SYSTEM SUCH AS THIS ??? Am I the only one to see how this can encourage and reward corruption ??? No wonder we have the stooges, liars, con artists, and all around anti-American dirt bags that we have in our government. We have sat by in ignorance and apathy while they have corruptly re-engineered our government to suit their purposes.

    The solution, sadly is as clear as the nose on ones face. This has to be totally destroyed as the self serving entity it has been corrupted to become. We must shut it down and restore the government of the republic as it was written to be. What we have is an ABOMINATION. What we have is BULLSHIT !!!
    What we have in no way, shape or form any longer represents the intentions of the authors. What we have should prompt any sane American to cower in shame. What we have is the duty and the god given right to purge this garbage from our midst and restore this great nation to “original intent”.


    We are most sincerely and most truly, absolutely and unquestionably, IN A WORLD OF PURE SHIT.
    Standing in it up to our chin, with no option to duck when they throw the next bucket in our direction.
    This is the anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor. The day that brought our nation together like never before. It gave us unity, anger, strength and resolve to join the world in the effort to crush tyrants in Europe and Asia. We need that same attitude, the same unity, anger, strength and resolve once again.
    This time we need it to crush the tyrants within our own government. We need it to save our way of life and our country.

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